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Everything posted by Cartman

  1. One of the parties has to generate a NEW platform that motivates people again. The NDP did that a bit with the focus on Municipalities and the Greens with the environment. A strong leader with a few new ideas (combining complimentary ideas from each party) is really needed right now. It seemed as though this should have been one of the most exciting elections because the result was unknown and I think the leaders were actually the best in a while, but I did not feel very motivated when voting. I wonder if it will ever reach a critical mass and really drop? On the other hand, there was only 1 candidate who actually lived in my riding and was elected with 81% of the vote. I sent an email off to the Global asking the Cons to give us another candidate to choose from.
  2. Hmmm...Reverend. I gotta take issue with a statement or two you made. I am a so-called Albertan dog!%@#er who wears a tie and I also lived in Winterpeg for four years. I spent many years working in the BC coal industry getting dirtier than you can imagine with coal dust and grease from cleaning electric shovels. It was well paid, hard work but had serious risk of injury (cheap Mexican cable can blow your chest or arm off). Maybe I have things pretty good now I admit, but I paid my dues (work and education) and was always willing to go after the jobs. I believe that UI/EI and unionizing in certain industries is important, but personal ambition is also essential.
  3. PFF, gotta feel for you esp. since it was your tools stolen. When I had my car window smashed (along with everyone else on my block that night) and a stereo stolen, I was extremely angry. As the police have other things to deal with, they did not really seem very concerned which made me even angrier. The window replacement came at a bad time too $$). I wonder if stiffer penalties are the answer though. I am sick of crime too but do we need more police? Do police need to set different priorities? I cannot disagree with your penalties if seemingly tough. I do think that work (which benefits society) may help especially if others see criminals doing it. Anybody disagree?
  4. Few leaders, except Harper, really spoke about crime at all in the last election. I do not think he was very convincing, but at least he raised the issue. What should be done to improve our security without risking our freedom?
  5. Thanx muchly for the URL and other suggestions Take!
  6. Takeanumber...would you happen to still have source of some kind in terms of Klein wanting to use sec. 33 in the case of victims of eugenics? Or, recall where you might have learned about this notion? This is news to me and rather shocking.
  7. If I may belabour the matter a little more August. The strongest argument you make I believe is that of cultural integrity. But, is not Quebec best served by a multicultural Canada? It seems to me that globalization is making us all very similar no matter where we live. Neo-liberalism is the threat, not Canada.
  8. Maples, you forgot to mention that Campbell lied about the circumstances of his DUI afterwards BIG TIME. He said it was the only time, as far as he knew, that he has ever drove drunk. Incredibly bad luck that the only time he ever did such a thing he got caught. What are the odds? The amount he said he consumed also did not come close to the levels indicated by the police. How does BC continue to suffer from such corrupt politicians? It is truly incredible. The Svend issue...teribbly sad that a well respected, well spoken social crusader ended his career like that. Must be something environmental about the Lower Mainland.
  9. With both the Liberals and NDP (I think the Bloc as well?) being in favour of the gun registry, I suspect that it will remain in place if modified. If cars must be registered, should guns be as well? Should Canadians be forced to register their weapons? Is this just the first step towards making them illegal? Should the police have to deal with an armed populace?
  10. Matrin must have just goofed. I am not so sure whether the Liberal notwithstanding clause is much different than Harper's views on reforming the judicial system.
  11. http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport...cle.jsp?aid=175 Civic vs. Ethnic Nation As Paul Hockenos points out in his Free to Hate, a book about neofascism in Eastern Europe, there are two competing concepts of the nation — the civic and the ethnic. The civic, rooted in the democratic values of the French Revolution, refers to all those who live within the borders of a nation-state, with citizens afforded equal protection under a set of laws. "The ethnic nation, on the other hand, is a folkish community," Hockenos writes, "bound not by a common legal code or state borders, but by descent, language, customs and history" — a family, that is, of blood.
  12. Civil citizenship includes providing rights to all people living in an area whereas ethnic citizenship is based upon ethnicity.
  13. I am not going to defend the ways in which the English have behaved in the past, particularly in other countries. My father was French-Canadian and never taught us French because of racism in Ontario. How sad. But NOW we live in a truly multicultural nation and whether Quebec is part of Canada or not, there will always be a measure of cultural homogenization and assimilation taking place. Globalization, which includes cultural homogenization, is here to stay.
  14. Why do we jump around the issue here? The PQ wants to institute "ethnic citizenship" rather than "civil citizenship". Again, remember when Parizeau said that 60% of Quebec voted to leave? I wonder why he said 60% when they did not even get 50%. People in Quebec should remember these racist sentiments before voting for them again!!! I can see what resource-rich Alberta or BC would gain by leaving Canada, but I seriously fail to see what Quebec would gain. Alberta wants greater control over resources. What does the PQ/BQ want? I think it is partly about extortion and a perverted sense of nation-building that includes only franco-phones. I believe that Quebec is the only place in the world with such shameful restrictions on signs. The BQ/PQ does not represent all people in Quebec...thankfully.
  15. I'm not sure a name change would help. They need to appeal to voters with more appealing ideas. One of the parties (i.e. NDP) should simply run on a "good government" basis. Many of our institutions require major overhauls as they are antiquated. Education is a prime example. I suspect that Conservatives are correct when they say there is much waste in government and bureaucracy and ND's could likely make social programs more effective and responsive to peoples' needs with waste eliminated. We need more VALUE in government. Alternatively, maybe they should just change their ugly party colours! :angry:
  16. In Alberta it is almost impossible to get into FSL programs because they are in such high demand. In general, the number of young people involved in exchange programs is staggering demonstrating not only tolerance for differences, but an interest in understanding them. I think that it is fair to say that the lack of respect is towards the PQ/BQ specifically. How many times must there be a sep. vote until the question is ultimately resolved? And, lest we forget Parizeau's comments on the reasons for losing the last vote: "money and the ethnic vote". A real multiculturalist. Also, I thought that the BQ claimed they would only run in a couple of elections and be gone by now. Promises, promises.
  17. If you do not have representation from all parts of society, you will not have policies which reflect all parts of society. For example, in Alberta, those under 25 get hammered on auto insurance. As a group they may be more dangerous, but not all youth are poor drivers. Rates should be based on the individual's record, not due to membership in a statistical group. How can we expect people to become responsible workers if transportation is an impediment to employment (esp. in rural Canada)?
  18. Yeah...you may be right. On the other hand, why did he make those stupid comments about Chile?
  19. While I am gossiping, I might as well show you evidence that Dick Cheney is a robot. http://newjersey.indymedia.org/newswire/di...splay_any/12697
  20. Actually a political science prof. told me this just today. He heard it from PC workers in Edmonton.
  21. I hate to indulge in gossip and rumour (really) , but has anyone else heard about suspicions that Ralph Klein is...well...enduring some sort of serious mental disorder? It has been said that is why he has lost support within the party (even losing an MLA), made ill-timed policy announcements (health care) and why they want a quick election here in the fall before the public is wise to the issue.
  22. The Senate should go. Why are Canadians so angry about the sponsorship scandal but not the existence of the Senate? It is "legitimate corruption" as far as I can tell. Just a place for the PM to reward his friends. There are a few good senators, but many hardly ever show. Triple E might cause more trouble than it is worth.
  23. I think it was for his personal use...explains a lot about the lousy campaign too.
  24. I agree with you Argus about youth having less experience in life (that is true by definition) as well as the need to develop character etc. But, schools need to instill youth with the basic values and an understanding of politics. I bet that many voters did not really know much about the platforms put forth by the parties. We as a nation have to ensure that the most talented members of the next generation are interested in politics so that Canada will always be competitive.
  25. For me, one of the most important issues in politics is youth interest. Let's face it, when you looked at all of the political parties staging rallies during this election, the people behind the leaders were quite young while the audience was grey haired. I think that the youth are disenfranchised by curriculums, teachers and a voting system that treats them like children. Heck...even in university, profs. have to ensure that they present ideas absolutely perfectly to ensure little or no controversy. If this country has not one intelligent brain to lose, then why are we wasting the youth?
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