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Everything posted by Cartman

  1. Hmmm...I was talking to a political science prof. who told me that there was some evidence that Hussein contacted the US BEFORE entering Kuwait and was given the go ahead to invade only to be sanctioned afterwards. Obviously, the idea here is that the US wanted a reason to invade Iraq. Sounds like conspiracy theory, but it came from a pretty reliable source. Anyone have any kind of info. from this perspective (apart from the well-known Fifth Estate report)?
  2. Lookie totally has it right. If teens were actually allowed to think about and discuss politics in a substantial way in high school, then maybe...just maybe, the next generation would be interested and motivated to participate in politics and actually vote! Really, how can youth be blamed for being disinterested in politics when they are treated like children when it comes to politics? As a prof. in my mid 30's, I think that youth are treated like CRAP :angry: in this country and that it is hypocritical when the gov't and fed. bureaucracy whine about how youth do not vote. Do you really think they care whether youth vote or not?
  3. Happy Canada Day! I'm feelin so patriotic today that I am even drinking a couple of Molson Canadian rather than the clearly superior western beverage, Kokanee.
  4. Are you actually in favour of the WWE, Jerry Springer style debate takeanumber?
  5. As already said my Maples, Cons need a policy convention so people have something to look at. Harper did a pretty good job considering he lacked such policy. Of course, then he will have to defend such policies. Reverend, I disagree with free votes in principle. It seems to me like politicians would be running the country by polls and "dogs know what to do with polls". A party should release its platform and remain failthful to it. Otherwise, I doubt that we would have very much innovative legislation. Trudeau - no fault divorce, gay rights Mulroney - FTA, NAFTA Chretien - Kyoto
  6. Duceppe looked quite relaxed in the english debate and surprisingly, many thought that he was actually the best candidate. Hmmm....maybe the BQ should run in the rest of Canada.
  7. The CBC should be ashamed of their election coverage. They forced the leaders to yell and fight like Jerry Springer guests. If any of them did not do so and acted "Prime Ministerial", then they ran the risk of being perceived as weak. How sad is that!? Rather than making our leaders fly all over the country, the CBC should have run several two hour discussion forums on specific issues as outlined by the political parties and the media, and not even allow the leaders to interact with one another (cut off their mics). The daily 10 second sound bites on the CBC were also shameful. Imagine if the election actually revolved around issues rather than posturing?
  8. I am not entirely sure whether this form of representation is the best way to go. Why not have a combination of proportional and regional representation? They are not mutually exclusive and it would not be the way it is done now. Give the neglected regions more MP's but have them proportionately represented.
  9. Previously, I stated that Western alienation is a serious issue and that stereotyping is a part of this problem. Several responses demonstrate that I am correct because not all Conservatives ran on the issue of alienation and not all those alienated voted CPC. You would never know that from the responses on this board though. The Bloc intentionally TRIES to make federalism unworkable and they are rewarded for this effort. Cons are viewed by many as the best way to send Ottawa a cry for help as our economy is being devastated (energy taxes, Wheat Board, BSE, softwood etc.). If nothing else, they will reduce taxes, gov't revenues thereby reducing the relevance and influence of unfair government. This is why we all have a min. gov't with no mandate.
  10. Seems to me that all the CPC has to do to snag more votes and seats is discipline those making dumb comments and relax on the notion of private medicine. What, if anything, can the NDP do to become more relevant?
  11. Harper is not gonna resign. But really, isn't the real issue the relevance of the NDP? They have never formed government and are not even represented enough to be the social conscience of Canada. They even had to bring back Broadbent in order to try and generate some momentum. Maybe they should just try and become the social wing of the Libs?
  12. I also heard this report but I highly doubt he will resign. Either the media is trying to manufacture a story here or he is just seeking another mandate within the party... on the other hand, what happened to Stockwell?
  13. Wow...thanx August - an interesting site. BUT, do you think that most average Canadians actually take time to investigate their political choices or do they base it on what their folks have done in the past? I wonder if most people really know what they are voting for in totality.
  14. Western alienation is so commonplace that it is often difficult to define but easy to identify. I would define it as persistent social, political and economic inequality based upon region. For example, Ontario Liberals recently implemented health care premiums and people are hopping mad (don't blame them). But we in Alberta have been paying such fees for years because of a lack of federal government funding (and perhaps provincial political will). This is not new for us. There have been few tears for us on this issue but it is a big deal when people in Ontario have to pay up. It also has to do with a preconceived notion that we are just dumb rednecks. Be honest, would anyone disagree that this sentiment is not uncommon in Central Canada?
  15. Amazing to me how Quebec gets so much attention to its concerns while the West is virtually ignored (despite its substantial CPC block vote). The only attention given to Alberta is when Klein announces changes to health care services. Martin does not announce more funding possibilities, he just exploits the issue for votes. At the same time, we are expected to remain silent on the BQ issue. Well, I resent the very existence of the BQ as its only purpose is to make federalism unworkable for the rest of us. Western alienation should be given more attention as even us "Ontario transplants" feel it strongly.
  16. I don't think people in the rest of Canada realize just how angry people are in Alberta. Alienation is VERY high right now; as high as in Quebec. When we block vote here and they vote the same way in Quebec, the result is that the Liberals win, despite blatant corruption. Let's face it, the Liberals are the only truly national party around and that is a really sad reality. Many are saying that cooperation will be the theme for this government, but I am not so optimistic. I think that each party will try even harder to make themselves APPEAR to be benevolent and in the meantime, no real agenda will be served. Canada needs to be more competitive internationally.
  17. All the NDP can do is push Martin to live up to a few promises and perhaps take some credit heading into the next election. I cannot believe that Anderson argued that they will run as though they still held a majority. He just doesn't understand that it is because of this kind of attitude that they were spanked.
  18. Though the media could do a better job creating a forum where politicians could actually spell out their ideas (rather than just yell at each other), they are not responsible for the inability of the Cons to form government. Canadians were simply unwilling to offer any party a mandate, in part, because none of the leaders really spelled out a new, attractive vision of Canada. Every time Mulroney went to the polls, he revealed clear agendas and received strong mandates. If "Conservaphobia" exists, surely we can refer to "NDPhobia" (fear of grotesque taxing and spending), even though they have balanced budgets in several Provinces, never formed a fed. government while both Cons and Libs have run deficits in the past. Low voter turnout, no clear mandate given = little will happen.
  19. I think Harper would have won this election but the child-porn comments might have ruined this possibility. That makes it the biggest blunder.
  20. Do people know much about the Green Party? I have read some on-line info. about them but I am not sure where exactly to locate them on the political spectrum. They appear to be fiscally conservative but not really as socially progressive as one might think. I suspect that a lot of "progressives" will/have vote(d) for them.
  21. I think Commonsense is gonna vote Liberal this time...he he...hehehehe...he he
  22. People are fearful of the Conservatives because of the Tory legacy in the 1980's and the constant scary things said by several of their candidates. I mean some really shocking things were said. One has the right to say that homosexuality is a sin or is immoral and they have the right to compare abortion to the beheading of Westerners in Iraq, but I sure would not want to give them a chance to become influential Minister(s) in the government. We need professional representation not rhetoric. Every time Harper has to shut up a candidate, it makes you wonder what else would be said if he was not censoring them. They should stop blaming the media for reporting their stupid statements. I hate when they play the role of victim.
  23. Hmmm...I am not sure that a CHP candidate would be any more honest than politicians from other parties. Believe it or not, even religious folks can tell tales or behave improperly. Religion and politics are a bad mix. I cannot think of many examples where the combination has worked well.
  24. I think that Rob has it about right but an Independent or two and the Green might snag a few seats. I think the NDP will not get that many seats. The Liberals and the Conservatives should just merge as did the Alliance and the PC's. I do not think that they are very different.
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