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Everything posted by noelandmero

  1. Other than Quebec being anti-triple e what other good reason is there for not having a good check on the PMO's office. I am all for smaller government but I am also a realist and this is never going to happen so why not try and make our government work better and not just for one or two provinces. In the US you do hear cali or nyc complain that alska has equal power in the senate so why should quebec or ontario. If we do not get a triple e senate I fail to see why smaller population wise provinces would want to stay in confederation to be ruled by a majority population wise who has no idea about her unique regional problems.
  2. Why are so many people against this proposal? It puts a check on the dictatorial powers on any majority government, it is representative by province and in a country the size of canada with all the provinces having different problems this is very important and it also no province can ever claim they have not had there say. I only see the upside to this equation.
  3. Since when is this the governments responsibility, other than in the wonderful workers paradises of Cuba and China.
  4. In April my parents had some speed freaks attemp to break into there home while they were sleeping. The front door to the house happens to be steel so the criminals were not having alot of success using a pry bar to get through the door but did wake my parents. My father proceeded to yell at the two from his bedroom window above the front door and let them know he was armed and that he was calling the police. The criminals took no notice and continued to try to get through the front door for another 25 minutes. The police put my mother on hold for 15 minutes and took an hour and half to respond. The criminals were never found or charged the only person who got a ticket was my father for having an unregistered colt .22 woodsman. Now that is good liberal justice.
  5. I hate the liberals but this is a damn good point I will never understand why they did not run on this platform. There is no logical or good conservative attack on these numbers mismangement can not be used with these numbers. It can be argued the liberals are not all that responsible for the great economy the same way most economists agree clinton had nothing to to with the boom of the nineties. These arguments take a 400 page book and assume you understand economic systems good luck proving to the average person the liberals were not personally responsible it does not fit in a 30 second sound byte.
  6. How about trying this, an equal and proportionally represented senate with each province getting lets say 10 senators which are chosen based on a PR system. Then give the senate some real power and the the west will certaintly not feel like they never get a say and smaller parties will also get some seats.
  7. Great post caesar but this is a scary proposition.
  8. I would rather have 99 seats and 30% of the vote any day of the week thankyou. The NDP will eventually get marginalized anyway so who cares who there leader is. The conservative party is becoming center right, the libs will become center left, leaving the hard left for the ndp and just like the super right parties the hard left parties will never form government because canadians are not socialists.
  9. Why should Harper resign? He got 99 seats, with a newly united party, no policy convention and a good economy. Harper's biggest problem this election was having what he felt was a fair and democratic social policy in his party. I personaly liked the let the candidates decide there own social policy in there ridings policy. This unfortunately does not work in canada. As sevral people pointed out there were pro-life an anti-gaymarriage candidates from every party. They got no airtime in lib and NDP parties because the party had a different stated policy and no one could confuse there opinion with the parties. It is time for the conservative party to accept alot of responsibility for why they did not win and never will win fore until socially they have a progrssive platform the libs will beat them. Now is it the libs fault for using our biggest weakness against us I don't think so, as we certainly tried to use theres against them. The next time around harper needs to say he will let quiremo's get married and never inhibit a womans right to chose take the amunition away from the liberals it is easy to do. For them to take our ammunition against them away is very difficult as they are more corrupt than a south american junta. We in the end can only gain votes by being socially progressive we are not going to lose any. So lets give the fiberals a big round of applause we gave them a club and they beat us with it.
  10. http://www.canada.com/calgary/calgaryheral...76-b6980dd66869 link here
  11. And is that not the truth. Paul Martin could give two squirts of warm rat piss about anything other than being PM and he and his party will do anything to stay there. How any Canadian can vote for this group is beyond me. If you are a left winger vote NDP just do not give these crooks another shot at our money. Adscam alone if my two best friends and I gave all our income to the goverment would take 500 000 years to pay for this is total BS they should put on trial and hung from the nearest yard arm.
  12. This is a great idea and then we can have a whole new class of people that liberals can make excuses for. As lord nows if you are in jail it's not because you commited crime it is because youre parents abused you, youre teachers hated you and whatever BS excuse you can up with to not except responsibility for youre own actions.
  13. You know what caesar you can take youre anti-amercica rhetoric and shove it up youre ass. Have you ever lived here? Have you ever paid taxes here? Do you have a clue how good the economy here is? The answer to all I would guess is no. Bush is a great president and will be re-elected and this country will prosper. Last time I checked Americans vote for there president to do what is best for them not you, not france and not for any other idiot who jumps up and down and says what he is doing needs more global support. Since when did the only thing that made Canadians Canadian was hating the US. I am proud to be Canadian my clients are forced to listen to Oilers and eskie games brodcasts through out my office, I fly a canadian flag over the door and have pistures of the mens olympic gold medal hockey team along with oilers pictures scattered through out my office. Instead of being proud to canadian you make me want to tell everyone I am british. Get a clue if Bush was anywhere near as bad as you make him out to be he would invade Canada take our oil and shoot people like you. As you so obviously no nothing about the US other than what the Comunist Brocasting Corp AKA the CBC tells You shut youre pie hole you make everyone else look bad.
  14. Digby the liberals are corrupt pieces of garbadge and I think alot of people agree with you that they need to be eighty sixed. I would trust my dog with an open pint of guiness before I trusted the liberals with a wooden nickle. Vote NDP I will not agree with you on anything but I can respect youre opinion. If Vote Conservative you can put the country on the right track. But if you vote liberal I hope you are safely in there pocket ripping off the canadian taxpayer because other wise you are just stuck on stupid.
  15. Everyone on this board seems to love to debate health care and health care models. Well Our system is not the cheapest and not the best it is only the most public of any health care system in the western world. Left and right on this board most people do seem honestly concerned about what is happening to our system. I have a copy of the british governments 2001-2002 healthcare systems study that compares 9 countries systems and lays out some of the pros and cons of each, it also has real figures on cost. It is a 55 page PDF file that I have no idea how to post or how to share with you all. If anybody knows how I could post it or would like a copy emailed to them I would be happy to do so. I think it has alot to offer people on both sides of the spectrum as I think everyone can agree more money with out a plan is not the answer.
  16. Are they going to allow stupid ass exit polling like here in the US or are they at least smart enough to try and avoid an election ala Gore/Bush? Thanks everyone. PS Who do think will Have the best coverage?
  17. So voters in BC will not be able to see how the rest of the country has voted and vote strategically then? Stoker are you on P.S.T. for that time?
  18. I was told by a fellow Canadian in the US this morining that we will be getting poll results as they are reported and not after all the polls Canada wide are closed. Is this true?
  19. Thank you caesar for youre wonderful constructive criticism. I am glad you you are such a wonderful debater and that the only thing you can argue about is the grammar in a post. I feel quality of life type services that are medically necessary but not medically urgent are the best services to have delivered both publicly and privately. A good example would be knee replacement surgery, this is definetly a medical necesity but not medically urgent. So if you would like it done now and you would like to pick youre doctor you pay. On the other hand you can certainly wait 6 months to a year to have it done and have a doctor assigned to you it will then be free. As long as the doctors in the public and private system are the same it can not be argued that the wealthy are getting the best doctors. This type of solution lowers the cost of public healthcare, decreases waiting times in the public system and allows doctors to have some control over there own finacial destiny.
  20. which happens to be standard NDP operating procedure.
  21. add california's weather and it would be a sweet place to live.
  22. I love how the left gets angry when they know they are wrong. This debate is now a waste of time as you are arguing in circles and the fact that u are proves my point.
  23. Canadas system is better for society because of three reasons one doctors making health care decisions not insurance companies, two healthcar costs can be controled as you stated and three the free market can not be totally applied to the medical field. Eg if you are having a an MI how much is it worth to you at that time for me to save youre life well if I told you I had to have youre house, youre wife and youre first born you would probably agree. not exactly fair. I am not selling Canada short just being realistic people who I graduated with and live in Canada and run similar buisness make no where near the money I do in the US. But I agree go long on Canada hopefully some one like Harper gets in eventually and steers the country slightly to the right and makes it the best country in the world to live in.
  24. Youre man jack says it is not up to society to decide it is a human rights issue so the slippery slope argument is 100% valid would and will be used in a court of law and win. Know if want to say society can limit activity fine then society is free to tell homosexuals they can not get married and you can quit calling harper a homophobe racist oppresor for having an opinion on homosexual marriage counter to youres. If this is an issue society is going to set limits on and it is not about rights and freedoms lets have a referendum. Guess what people who support this cause do not want one and it is because right or wrong the average Canadian does not support gay marriage and it will be voted down. BD you can not have it both ways this is either a right/freedom issue with a slippery slope or an issue for society. As I have said in every post I could careless let gays get married let john have 6 wives if he wants. but do not argue bullshit to make the average Canadian feel like he is commiting a hate crime if he votes against these kind of relationships and that if he does he would violating some inalienable right of homosexuals.
  25. The you are a bigot and a racist because you won't defend my right to halve 6 wives. Not so nice to have that thrown back at you is it.
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