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Everything posted by noelandmero

  1. I live in the US and it is not more violrnt at all there just happens to be 10 times the population. In fact most edmontonians that come to vist comment on how much safer they feel walking around in the bay area than they do at home. This due to the visible police presence that are not busting speeders but ensuring crime does not happen. And yes most crime here is drug or gang related and it gets press because in canada were a city has a few streets no sane person would walk after dark her we have neighborhoods like that. Again strictly a population issue. And better yet for the most part here they stick to killing each other and never leave. I can not believe youre son was so dumb not to take then money and run based on a silly prejudice based on bullshit Canadian media stories. Try living you will find it is no different to living at home except you have more money, the people are not quite as friendly and it is hard to find a bar playing hockey night in Canada. Oh and the beer here sucks but as 24 Canadians imported from BC still only cost me 14$ at costco it can be overlooked
  2. Well that is not good at all. are there any other polls out today.
  3. That is because to tax money that has already been taxed is unfair. Taxing death is also to far for even the Canadian govertment to go next thing you know they will tax you when you go to the head. Fortunatly my basset hound has a better chance of being PM than Jack Layton does. The NDP is a great party they remind every one that there are the poor and the environment to consider and as long as they have five seats they can do that. Any more than that and in the in the words of a great Canadian created cartoon character "screw you Hippy". If any one voting for the NDP can give me any instance were the Canadian government has stepped into help with tax dollars on a long term basis to anything and not turned what ever they were doing into a festering pile of shit I would be interested to know what it is.
  4. Calgary is Still the world's healthiest city so how can it's healthcare be that bad. Oh yeah it can't. Sure it could use some tweaking but nothing is ever perfect so quit complaining. By the way plafull that is one of the best ideas for the Canadian health care system. It will just never get put in because Canadians think health care is free. And I think the best way to end that would be to mandate that on all paycchecks people are informed of how much was taken out for health care.
  5. I'll just bet they have I am originally from Alberta and after watching the debates if I could vote for Ducepp I would to.
  6. Stoker I understand that completly as as they talk down to me as well and then call me greedy.
  7. Also in march Calgary was ranked the world's environmental cleanliness city. http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/03/11.../cities.survey/ So I hope Harper phones Mr. Klien up every day and asks him how while being such an enviromental, health care hating bigot he manages to do so well for Albertan cities.
  8. Funny I do love Klien he has made Alberta Canada's crown Jewel. Calgary worlds healthiest City. according to the UN report released yesterday so I think perhaps Mr. klien knows how to run a health care system.
  9. Hey now hey now. I have several university degrees and I certainly don't look down on anybody and would never vote left wing. I certainly do not advocate this as I do not want a dime of my money going to taking care of you not to be mean but it's mine and I want it. You are a responsible adult look after yourself. I think you might actually find alot of left wing support in groups of university educated who earn under 70 000 as they have to feel supperior in some way as when it came to the real world of buissnes they sadly failed.
  10. You should really do some looking before you start running off at the mouth. The Italian Carrier is not a helicopter carrier it is a jump jet carrier designed for the harrier II aircraft and would cost alot. Harper wants ships like the HMS Ocean a helicopter carrier at the cost of 312 million a piece. The Hornet is a completly outdated piece of shit as we never spent a dime on them since the day we bought them. There is no such thing as an enlarged updated F-18a/b. There is an all new larger F-18G/F superhornet at 60 million a copy. The F-35 is a deal. Don't you dare think of putting our pilots in a fight with those Hornets unless you want to lead the pack. Please try reading something like this weeks economist or whashington post the US economy i growing at it's fastest rate in twenty years bush's tax cuts are exactly what the doctor ordered. In fact with bush's tax cuts he collected more in taxes last year than clinton ever did. Please if you are going to make statements make factual statements spouting bullshit numbers about defence programs and economic policys that you obviously no zero about makes you look like and idiot and destroys any credibility youre arguments have. A monkey with internet access can see that most of what you argued in the above is made up in 5 minutes
  11. I can respect a vote for the NDP I do not personally agree with anything they stand for but at least they stand for something other than grand larceny wich is what the liberals stand for. I believe Macarther had it right with out knowing when he said" better dead than red".
  12. NEW LIBERAL PARTY OF CANADA AD Removing the GST: 0$ Promising Day Care Twice: 0$ The look on youre face when we break all our campaigne promises and steal from you again: Pricless
  13. Let me see: Paul Martin and crew stole my money and it's hard to govern from jail. You can try and convice everyone that Harper is a homophobic pet killing savage dictator all you want. None of this will ever change the fact that if I did to my company what PM did to this country I would be sharing a cell with bubba. Fraud is Fraud he shoud not be elected he should be prosecuted.
  14. Does any body do a ridding by ridding poll so that we can actually see what the results may look like? After all the conservatives in 93 had 35% national support and 2 seats.
  15. Well no matter what you say about Harper at least he does not have to a line Item in his budget for a theft and mismangement fund. And no matter how you slice it Martin was either a) in on the scandals and theft or an incompetent boob
  16. How exactly does daycare help this child unless he stays there permanently his parents will screw him up in the hours that he is at home. And no I would not want to be this child but is government funded day care the answer. This makes perfect sense to me bravo willy and slavik. August1991 do you not worry that stated sponsored child care might encourage, the nutbar whackos, to have children. As at 7$ a day you can have children with none of the responsibilities for 49$ a week.
  17. I am not aplying this blindly to three year olds I am applying it to there parents. As to the part about health care the previouse poster stated that the US healthcare system was a failure which I do not feel is accurate. I also now why most Canadians feel that it is and it is because of the canadian media. Either way you got my point that personal responsibility might be a good idea. I am also sure that three year olds learn however that is not primarily why they are sent to daycare. On this issue though I honestly was asking if people wanted it or not and why or why not.
  18. I am not aplying this blindly to three year olds I am applying it to there parents. As to the part about health care the previouse poster stated that the US healthcare system was a failure which I do not feel is accurate. I also now why most Canadians feel that it is and it is because of the canadian media. Either way you got my point that personal responsibility might be a good idea. I am also sure that three year olds learn however that is not primarily why they are sent to daycare. On this issue though I honestly was asking if people wanted it or not and why or why not.
  19. as to elementary school and kindergarten yes the US does. Why it is education not baby sitting. As to health care in the US until you have lived here and used it I don't think you can have an opinion on wether or not it has failed or not the CBC is not exactly and unbiased source on it. The US health care system works great it just costs more money than a canadian system as the free market dictates the price. And contrary to popular canadian belief it is not the poor that get screwed as they do get government health care. It is generally the foolish guy making ok money that the US system hurts as he makes to much to get gov't medicine and made enough to pay for insurance and chose instead to squander the extra 250 a month. As this was his choice to piss away his money I am not inclined to feel overly sorry for him. In fact at one point while living down here I was him I PREFERED TO TO HAVE A FAST FLASHY CONVERTIBLE I COULD NOT AFFORD WHILE PAYING FOR INSURANCE. Obviously at 25 I bought the car who needs insurance. Well I did and five grand later after an accident I went and bought some and hawked the car. However why is it any other taxpayers fault that I was a moron. That said with some tweaking I prefer the Canadian system but all things considered the US system works well also.
  20. As a Canadian not living in Canada I was wondering do Canadians really want a government run day care system and why?
  21. While this Canadian loves the US and thanks God that they love hardworking Canadians because it made it easy for to move instead of enduring the Canadian government during the chretin years. Besides people don't hate the US they are just incredibly jealous of it. And like it or not canada need the US alot more than the US needs canada as other than raw materials Canada is not going to be exporting cheap goods to china, India, south america or just about anywere else for that matter.
  22. What is your justification that the NDP has not caught on RB? Are our minds just not as good as yours (too small)? According to Jack last night we should put our blind support in him and his mind. Now I don't only find that arrogant but scary. When he thinks the provinces are wrong, well the Feds should fix it, when he thinks the cities are wrong the Feds will fix it, when he thinks you don't run your business right the Feds will fix it, if you are not green enough don't worry the Feds will fix you. This type of Jack knows best mind set is what is really scary. I agree entirely this kind of thinking is why I voted with my feet 8 years ago and moved to the US. As the current liberal, NDP, former conservative party and probably the new conservative party could not run a whore house and make money. Why would any one want them to try and get more involved in there lives? Harper may not be perfect but his stand on all the issues was pretty clear last night, including same sex marriage which if you missed it was let canadians decide. He has also not screwed canadians yet either provincially or federally which all the other parties have. Maybe just maybe if given the chance he will be different than the rest of them. He certainly showed this could be the case.
  23. I don't think Canada has to chose between being the US or Sweden but if all the left advocates is creating more programs and spending more money on them Canada will soon become Sweden. I loved living in alberta aside from the fact that the weather sucks and I don't think the we need to become the US either. I do think we need to make the programs we have work better with out costing more money so that we can lower taxes for everyone. After all most the canadians that live here have jobs not business and they pay alot more than they do in canada thats why they moved. As for me I think Canada would have been better served if the small buisness environment was a little more friendly so I was employing Canadians and not americans. If you see youre wage being eroded why rely on the goverment to do anything for you move south do somethiung for youreself. Trust me American companies love to hire Canadians as they are the harder working and better educated than just about anybody.
  24. Well I have never posted to this site before and have only been reading the post since the election was called. First I would like to congradulate a number of people on this site for truly debating issues rather than just name calling although that does seem to be on the increase. Anyway I would like to point out to some of the people who seem to think the NDP is the answer and that Harper is the devil. If Canada continues to swing to the left you will have more and more people like me who vote not with there pen but with there feet. I got my education virtually free of charge thanks to the U of A and the Canadian tax payer and then moved to USA to setup a private practice. 25 % of my clientel are Canadian expats who could do better for themselves and there families here. They are all educated professionals. The decision to leave youre home is not one taken lightly; Especially as Canadian politicians would have you believe that the poor here are dying in the streets and that everyone owns an ak-47 which they shoot in the street. That is not actually the case and it is getting easier to leave as the difference in possible standard of living is growing making the vote with youre feet decision simpler. I think maybe you should evaluate the reality of Canada's situation which is that the US is next door like it or not. If Canada becomes north america's Sweden the educated tax paying middle class will leave and then were are the tax dollars for the programs going to come from. Comunism on paper looks great but in the real world you get cuba and russia.
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