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Everything posted by rad79

  1. Also, i would like to hear more from an First Nation perspective, on their culture has been affected. I have focused my paper on Innu of resistence and self-determination in regards to churchill falls.
  2. Why dont you go on? I am curious to what else you have to say? What about the Aboriginals that did not sign the treaties, have they been worse off or benifited because they did not sign and treaties! So, they have the arguement that they never gave their land and title away to european settlers? I know in some cases, many Aboriginal communties were ignored by the govt or forced out!
  3. There is no doubt that you cant prove that God does not exist or vice versa, but which interpretation from the many religions is right? Now, Myself I think i see God more from Albert Einstein point of view - "About God, I cannot accept any concept based on the authority of the Church. As long as I can remember, I have resented mass indocrination. I do not believe in the fear of life, in the fear of death, in blind faith. I cannot prove to you that there is no personal God, but if I were to speak of him, I would be a liar. I do not believe in the God of theology who rewards good and punishes evil. My God created laws that take care of that. His universe is not ruled by wishful thinking, but by immutable laws."
  4. I agree faith is powerful and we as human beings should never forget about the human condition in healing ourselves. But, it should not matter if its faith from religion, science, spiritual or the the self for that matter? All of them can effect the well being of a person in many ways.
  5. I gathered that, but that is okay. The thing is, a lot of ppl may feel they have an insight on these issues? And, maybe their right, and reading everyones views has made me think about deeper issues! i was just stating that i am not going to assume my opinion on the matter is right, and i think its kind of bold for anyone of us to claim that we totally "understand the real problems at hand". How can we? There is over a 100 years of history, and different points of view?
  6. I have to agree with you on that. They wanted their title claims to land to be recognized, because certain land areas has cultural significance to them such as buriel sites, that were destoryed due to the construction of underground powerhouses.
  7. They want their own government because it is believed, that it will create better opportunities for them to be more self-sustaining?
  8. Everyone has good points, whether you all would agree with each other or not. Again, this is just a research paper, that is asking me to state some of the major info about aboriginal resistance and self-determination in the last 40 years in Canada. Unfortunetly, this is not an integrity type of paper. I agree that to a degree Aboriginals do not have the tools to succeed, but is that b/c how they have been assimilated over the last 100 years. Is it because their cultural and spiritual traditions were altered so much when European settlers came over here? And, that forcing their culture and values on Aboriginal societies, the taking and altering of aboriginal lands, and the administration of an alien system of governance does not work for them? That somewhere in there is so much learned helplessness from having thier rights and values ignored - this has effected them so much till this day they still are having problems functioning? I am unsure of this, and to be honest i am far from knowing enough to make a concise judgement. .
  9. I don't think this is my own opinion type paper, so I think throwing my 2 cents is irrelevant to this essay? The main thing is the aboriginal culture existed here in north america. And, then Euro-white settlers came and as time went on aboriginal communities were segragated by the establishment of the Indian Act and other policies introduced. Where it isolated Natives from other Canadian citizens by placing them on reserves. Also, a lot of Aboriginal culture identity was tide to the lands and resources they lived on, and then they were removed from them. Also, others that didnt sigh the act were ignored or removed just the same.
  10. Well, there is so many reasons for ppls action in life. The problem is, that it is so easy to make judgements on what is the right thing to do? Or what is right in regards to a persons religious, moral, or political views on what life should be! The answer is - no one is right and no one is wrong! The parents choose to bring a child with Treacher Collins syndrome into the world. And, their religious background played a roll. But, their the ones that in the end will have to bear the responiblities that will have to go with it. The poor child will never get a fair crack at life as most of us are able too? But, maybe her existence in this world will offer the opportunity to learn and grow. Weather it has good or bad implications?
  11. Maybe she is politically irrelevant? I always saw her being used as a "image" ploy. And, watch the Obama adminstration is not going to pick up steam! At least, not until his 2nd term and that is will he get one?
  12. Yeah, it seems quite ambitious, and creating a thread on such a wide topical is probably non-productive! And, I will be selecting a more specific topic. I was curious to hear ppls opinions on this, and hoped that maybe some would offer suggestions? Which you guys did, and thank you. But, if this thread is a waste for any of you, please just ignore it and go to the next thread!
  13. Well, I am looking for some help for a paper! So, if you know of any good sites or articles that would be cool. Also, some of your views on the question would be nice too, which could also help stir my neurons on the matter. This area is not my expertise so, would appreciate suggestions?
  14. Question? What are some of the social, political, and legal challenges faced by Aboriginal communities in the past 30 or 40yrs? And, what kind of obstacles Aboriginal people, both individually and collectively, have faced as they have attempted to assert aspects of their aboriginal sovereignty and maintain their social and political autonomy? Additionally, what are the legal social and political strategies Native ppls have employed as they attempted to resist impostions on their treaty-based aboriginal rights and assert their inherent rights associated with self-determination?
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