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G Huxley

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Posts posted by G Huxley

  1. "Canada could accommodate millions more people in the north without overwhelming our metropolitan areas in the south, but only if we have policies that encourage northern settlement.  "

    Why would we even do that?

    "I don’t know why such a push to the North isn’t integrated into some form of immigration policy, such as a minimum period of residence outside certain regions prior to the granting of full citizenship. "

    Waste of time. The vast majority will move south at the first opportunity.

    "There’s much that we could do to improve Canada cheaply and affordably, but our leaders often take the easy way out for political expediency, borrowing money and saddling future generations with debt to buy off voters and pay for dubious pet projects.   "


    • Thanks 1
  2. Indeed and at its worst.

    The Royal BC Museum is rated 4.7 out of 5 stars on Google, yet the cancel culture fanatics are having the museum gutted and being enabled to do so by the BC NDP government and by the Liberal Federal government (behind the scenes in the way they hand out politicized grants and push the agenda of 'decolonization' doublespeak through universities and other institutions) and by the museum administration.

    By the time they are finished, there may be no museum left.

    If you haven't already, please sign the petition and forward it on.  If we don't take a stand now, then the cancel culture crowd will eliminate far more history.  One person was even quoted in the first news paper article cited as saying that this is just the beginning and much more needs to happen.

  3. Please sign the petition to save the Third Floor of the Royal BC Museum, which is under attack by the NDP government and related political forces more interested in hiding and eliminating history than in preserving it. The Third Floor, which for many constitutes the core of the museum, is scheduled to close on January 2nd and whole sections are planned to be removed and eliminated.

    The petition is located here:

    The planned closure has been announced in the Times Colonist:

    The following is an excellent riposte written by an indigenous writer:


    Please sign the petition and then forward this message and/or petition to as many people as you can think of.

    P.S. Did you know that the museum was founded in 1886 as the result of a petition with only 30 signatures?


  4. "So China should have no freedom of speech because you have heard a lie and insist keep repeat that lie?"

    Non sequitur/red herring.

    "Your above post seems shows you don't believe freedom speech yourself."
    Further non sequitur/red herring.
    "So, do you mean Freedom of Speech should not be a right for the people that has different opinion with you, or from first nation, or live in China?
    If so, how hypocritical your are."
    Non sequitur/red herring. Its all you have.
  5. Most women are just to emotional in their ways of thinking to think rationally. Sad to say but many lack any common sense and logic. A sob story gets to them every time, and dam the consequences of what they will go along with until later which may be too late by then. The feminist movement is a real joke which is sadly being dumped on many women who just never bother to ask questions about who or what feminism is supporting or why. They support feminism because it mainly sounds like a good thing for a women to belong too and become. They have been led to believe that most men are nothing more than a bunch of anti-women a-holes who only look at them as sexual objects, and they eat up that nonsense.

    Of course many women are for open borders and are pro-immigration because they see and read all this stuff about poor refugees and others who are in need of help. Being of a caring and loving nature, they are conned into believing that they must help these poor people. And they don't care as to what the benefits are for the country or how much tax dollars this will all cost. They just want to help which in the end could end up being a disaster for their country.


    I agree that neither of the parties you mentioned nor those which you did not mention (like green party) would do the right thing and adopt the SMART immigration policy which is cutting the number in half and SELECTIVITY of those who admit in based on financial situation and cultural compatibility. However I am not going to vote for an extreme right wing party who may be willing to select based on race and religion and skin color or stop immigration altogether as I enjoy cultural diversity in Canada and I see it as one reason why this country is the best in the world.

    Even if you completely stopped immigration tomorrow there wouldn't be a lack of cultural diversity in Canada.

  6. It's just like those feminists who never say anything about how women in some of those Islamic countries are stoned to death by their own religious fanatical leaders just because they were raped by a stranger. These feminists should be fuming. But for some strange reason they remain silent.

    Now if this were being done in a Caucasian country they would be screaming like hell about it along with the lame duck liberal media, along with our oh so politically correct politicians who would be all demanding that this cease right now or else. My suspicions are that they are too afraid that they would appear to be somehow racist, and thus remain silent. Hypocrites they are indeed. Just my opinion of course.

    A lot of feminists are for open borders or pro immigration, so they are actually helping the spread of Islam.

  7. This defeatism/todestrieb is too whimpy. We should be lions not cowards. We know what the problem is. Let's deal with it instead of surrendering to it and living like defeated dogs.

    As a country let's lead the way and show the world that Canada can deal with its population problem and not become a casualty of it like everyone else. Let Canada's population reduction policy be an ideal worth emulating by others across the globe.

  8. "We certainly don't need the hundreds of thousands of new immigrants that come here every year. I am surprised that the environmentalists don't cry about all this massive immigration going on into Canada, and all the extra environmental damage that is being done as a result of all these new immigrant people. Hello, where are you enviros? "

    I've been posting about this thread after thread. I'm in full agreement with you, but note also that very few alleged/claimed environmentalists speak out about this at all, which is grossly hypocritical.

  9. "If we were actually serious about that we wouldn't have allowed our corporations to take advantage of the substandard quality of China's governance in this regard. Instead we cheered it."

    Of course. And its the exact same with immigration:



    Its essentially outsourcing within Canada.

    Its all part of the Neoliberal globalist agenda which is ruining the planet and destroying ecology, people and cultures worldwide in the interests of unfettered profit.

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