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Everything posted by Griz

  1. Totally agree! The cops just go out of their way to deliberately "bust indians." In smaller towns, cops are often buddies with the jerks. The jerks drive home drunk while the cops bust the indians. The next day the cops and jerks laugh about it. Anywhere in Canda, you'll find people like those doorknobs from Courtenay and Lictor. What's maybe surprizing to some but not me, is that there's probably some older, cranky fart, redneck, patting thses guys on the back and cheering and encouraging them on. You see these old farts sitting in coffee shops in towns like Courtenay during the day clucking like a bunch of &&$$##
  2. This so funny but I agree the education system needs a major revamping. I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around or things go in a complete circle. About a century ago what they were saying about indians is echoing about Lictor and those 3 hooligans and all the other people who think like them. What were they saying was something like we "need to educate those backward thinking &%#$$! As far as Im concerned they way some people think around aboriginal issues is pretty twisted, backwards, mangled etc etc
  3. That's not my point though. I have been saying all along, and will continue to do so, that whites are immigrants too. Remember way back when I said that the root of the problem are whites think they built this country exclusively on their own and they've done everybody one great big favor? What were those 3 doorknobs and Vancouver Island saying to the black guy in their attack? This is a white town or something like? The reason why most whites think they've done the Indians a favor is beyond me but relates to the brainwashing they get in school
  4. Ship Lictor and those three guys from Courtenay back to Europe--Deport the immigrant buggers
  5. It's doorknobs like Lictor and those 3 lads that are the real problem with our society
  6. I still don't trust it--for sure there will be glitches and there is no way to know that the one person vote thing is secure. How will you stop mulitple votes? What about those who don't have computers? My vision of this is Lictor types--right-wingers with their tongues hanging out one side their mouths hitting the button multiple times
  7. Where did I say this? Holy smokers what bit your coffee this morning? What about my other points like the Highway of Tears? Apparently those guys attacked the blackman in a Macdonald's Parking lot over a cheese burger? How could it have been staged?
  8. To me it'll turn out like American Idol voting and of course the wrong joker will make it far. I remember one year on that show, some redheaded guy even forgot the lyrics to King Of the Road and he still advanced past some of the others who seemed better than him. This electronic voting will just open it to scammers and then the wrong joker will get in
  9. Yeah the real problem is our society is full of idiot's like Lictor and those three losers in Courtenay
  10. Most of those missing or murdered are aboriginal. Many of these towns are very "redneck!" But as I pointed out, they're are nice people in these towns as well. And yes, I agree with a previous poster, that these jerks were young and aggressive. I notice Kimmy is posting from Alberta. I heard horror stories of towns and cities along the stretch between Edmonton and FT St John which is a city near the BC/ALberta border. You have to live in these towns and see it with your own eyes the treatment toward aboriginal people. What is more interesting, is I have had former, non-aboriginal people point this out as well. For example, when they point out a certain town they's use such terms as "bad," "very redneck,""rough" etc etc. As I said, that clip is just the tip of what people actually see and what actually goes on.
  11. I don't think it's a silly argument at all. It happens to aboriginal people alot. Look at Highway 16 and the Highway of Tears? Could it be young guys like these three? Where did they learn their values? I've heard horror stories of whites ganging up on indians all the time. Let me take that one step further, I've lived in small towns and have seen it happen. I've also heard stories that some guys go out specifically looking for someone to pounce on. I am so glad this was caught on tape. As much as I hate to say it, it's just the surface of what really happens in all these so-called "small-innocent-towns" like Courtenay. The sad thing is that there are some really nice people in these town. Those 3 goofballs painted an unfair picture for all the nice people in towns like that.
  12. The three guys are just like Lictor--cowards. Can't fight one-on-one. Big tough men with a small p_n!$. This sort of thing happens to aboriginal people all the time in all these "redneck poop-pile" towns. Racism stems from idiots with the attitude "that this is their country, go home immigrants although the likes of Lictor and those three cowards are also immigrants! Kind of fits nicely into my argument from the other racism thread that Lictor can't answer too. That truly is the real problem!
  13. So did anybody see the recent news about 3 whiteguys attacking a black guy on Vancouver Island? It was caught on camera. This type of thing happens to minorities and aboriginal people all the time and the cops just turn a blind-eye. But one thing you'll notice about these guys who carry-out these hateful actions: They never do it on their own! They make sure they have lots of back-up before they act big and tough! If the black guy had someone with him, the guys in the truck would've been screaming obsenities as they drove away! The list goes on, sound familiar Lictor?
  14. Lictor! Do yourself a favor and don't believe everything you think!! You're only making yourself look foolish as well as the right-wing element. Once again, the original question was about the roots of racism, and I stated that I believe one cause is the fact the Europeans excuse the fact they too were immigrants and they act as though they built this country all on their own. All of Lictors responses help solidify my point.
  15. The question pertained to the roots of racism. I fired back with my belief that it originates from whites who believe they built this country and done everyone a great big favour by showing up in boats. If you're an immigrant yourself, why should you complain about immigaration 100, 200, 300 years later? Fess up gentel white reader--you too are an immigrant and I mean no offence about poop and pee but you have to admit, the boats back then didn't have showers and Europe is a long ways a way
  16. The answer is simple--because you can't argue the truth
  17. Wow you're really brainwashed! Conquest? Holy smokes When you're European ancestors came here in that boat they smelled like and poop and pee. Europeans were here before whiteman? Where did you hear that? Some retarded right-wing theory that wastes billions of dollars trying to prove that natives weren't here first? Duh--What a bunch of idiots
  18. Obviously you are one of the brainwashed who believed all the crap written in history. The aboriginal people played a key role in the development of this country. Then the likes of you came over in a boat that had no showers. To get the land for your squatting arse you molested kids, raped women, commited acts of arson and murder, and squatted your smelly-resource exploiting bum all over the country and a few hundered years later have the nerve to whine like a little girl. A theory is a theory and still won't change the fact that aboriginal people were here well before the boat-people of Europe and the Uk got here
  19. I think it partially stems from whites who believe they built this country all by themselves. Yet if one goes back far enough they will see that they all immigrated to this land. As for the Bering Strait theory and the aboriginals, it is just that--a theory and still won't change the fact that they were here when Columbus got here, and thereafter all the boat-people from Europe and the UK? Solution--mass media blitz that tells all the jerks that they too immigrated to this land
  20. Compromise!! That goes to show how brain-washed you are! Many of you whine about Indians and all the so-called benefits yet you don't even realize that whites wrote the laws that pertained to indians. If the indians have it so good, then why don't you clowns make everything like a reserve? Try to wrap your twisted brainwashed brains around that question and answer it?
  21. You may have been born here but you are still of immigrant origin
  22. The solution is simple--ship any immigrant of European/UK origin back overseas
  23. The voting will turn-out like American Idol voting and the person that really should win, won't
  24. Didn't Tim Horton's restructure in a manner that they can be tax-exempt or something? What about the recent billion dollar bail-out to the forest industry? All those people in forest communities whine about indians--just like Borg--and when they themselves get the so-called hand-out, or, some outift gets tax-breaks--not a peep from your big yap
  25. Or how about the Federal Department of Smelly Boat People from Europe and the UK?
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