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Everything posted by silver72

  1. Old Baird came down On Sri Lankan for their Human Rights and the government came right back at him and Harper over same issue with the First nations. Of course, this gave other countries to put their two cents in towards Canada. Nice to know that nothing has change with the Tories representing Canada to the world. BTW, read the comments at the bottom, they are funny. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/canada-politics/sri-lankan-newspaper-publishes-scathing-editorial-baird-harper-065232652.html
  2. I listened to the Tories side and they say the money has been spent BUT they don't say exactly where. So if they know its spent then where was it spent? Maybe in advertising, robocalls, helping out on their overspending, things like that.
  3. Still to be fair, part time people know they can never draw from it, unlike house insurance one KNOWS its there at all times but that's not true for certain workers , so I think the right thing to do is have a rule that one doesn't pay into EI until they have enough hours WORKED so they could collect.
  4. Yeah, but since become public what a setup for a terroris, then again, maybe that how the governments are going to get rid of the AB when the new is built.
  5. ALL workers in Canada HAVE pay into EI but not ALL workers get its benfits from it and that is wrong. The rule should be IF you are paying into it, then you should get it back when needed and IF the gov't doesn't like that idea then, make the EI by choice. People who can only get part time work and those foreign workers coming ,they all pay and can't collect, so where is the fairness? There isn't any under this government.
  6. Apparently, 3.1 BILLION is that was set aside for the war on terrorism, can't be found, but today, Clements said, oh its there but it probably got mixed up with other departments and we can't really track it. He went on to say it started under the liberals from 2001 up to 2009. Seems kinda strange and I remember under the Bush gang they also lost 3.1 Billion in the miltary fund and they said they couldn't find that either. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2013/04/30/pol-auditor-general-spring-report-federal-spending.html
  7. Someone said on the radio program , that IF the FBI did create this, we never find out because they would put out so much conflicting information, that no one would know what's the truth and what isn't. I would think IF any terrorist group really wanted to do harm in the US, they would join up with China or N.Korea and do it by air. Why was the Canadian officials were able to stop the train bombers, but the good old FBI couldn't stop the Boston bombing, they are slipping.
  8. I wonder how many on here knew that the US exports hazardous material into Ontario by ferry and now they want to transport it on the Ambassador Bridge. First of all, I didn't realize we except that stuff and wasn't it the people from Michigan that was raise hell for Toronto garage coming over to Michigan?? I think when it comes to hazardous material each country should look after their own. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/hazmat-canadas-busiest-border-crossing-opposed-144716127.html
  9. What I found here is a video of the FBI arresting the older brother, putting him in a police car , where he was completely nude. There 's is also a video of the doctor who saw him after the arrest and there's a still picture of him laying dead , and a big cut on his body. So the question is, he was alive when the FBI pick him up but died later, why happen to him?? http://www.globalresearch.ca/boston-suspect-tamerlan-tsarnaev-alive-and-uninjured-when-taken-into-custody-now-he-is-dead/5333118
  10. No, its not because there was no reason to go into Iraq. All the reasons bush gave were proven false which he knew and it was also said on US TV that by Bush going into Iraq he created more terrorism against the US and therefore you have the root cause of terrorism against the US and Canada.
  11. Susan Griffiths, who had to travel to Switerland to die when she wanted and not when her disease decided, reopens talks , especially on talk radio, should Canada make the right to die legal or should I say choice. Apparently, the feds want no part of this but Quebec is working on a plan to allow it.. They say that health care is a provincial matter and so is dying. Personally, I say, we should have a choice to choose when diseases make one exist rather than live life to the fullest. Thoughts? http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/canadian-woman-dies-with-aid-of-doctor-in-switzerland-1.1253308
  12. So would you also agree, that when innocent people in Iraq or Afghanstan were killed by NATO or the US it was also an act of terrorism? You probably say no, but to those people it was. It all depend which side of the fence one is on.
  13. I guess we'll have to wait and see when and if we get one and I do and its attack ad, I putting on it, "Return to sender".
  14. The thing that bug me about the Tories latest attack ad is we, the taxpayer, are paying for it because they are saying that its information on Justin. They have done this before and its no wonder their advertising budget it well over 500 million. The Liberals are calling them on this and saying if they want to do attack ads, go for it, but not with taxpayers money. Thoughts?
  15. Michael, do really think that the FBI would never ever do anything like this? In North America, citizens may not believe that within their government there are bad people and do bad things, and if one never believes that the POSSIBLITY it could happen, then those people have freed that government to do just that. We have to look with an open mind when something like this happens. look at how many times someone in the US has tried or did kill their President. When it comes to the US, anything is possible. I'm not 100% sure if these guys acted alone or weren't programed by someone.
  16. The US asking Canada to join the US under the anti-ballistic missile shield because of North Korea and Iran. It wouldn't be surprising if most Canadians said no but I have a feeling Harper has already agreed to this under the Northern American Security, or the NAU. I like some of the comments at the end of the following article. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/canada-could-considering-request-u-join-missile-shield-221842628.html
  17. I felt the same way and so I went searching and you won't believe what I found in an article and its backed up by former FBI agents. Thje article states that all the attacks on US soil, the FBI is connected to them. These two guys, could have been programed to do the dirty deeds by the FBI, for their own reasons, which could be security on the streets or whatever the reasoning. I really don't think people can trust anyone , even their government or at least think of both sides of the issue. http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-boston-bombings-in-context-how-the-fbi-fosters-funds-and-equips-american-terrorists/5331872
  18. There are disadvantages of being rich and one is having all that money and hiding it from the government and now, apparently, the feds are trying to get some of that back and I wonder if any of those people would do jail time. To me, being rich is having more money than one can spent and I think more people would be happy to have enough money to pay their bills, and live comfortable and stress-free. People with money are always stressed , trying ways to keep their money. Another item against the rich, if the middle-class earner keep disappearing, then it will be those very rich people paying higher taxes, because the low don't pay taxes.
  19. I wonder if the media are going to start asking the questions, could these two, 19 and 26, do ALONE what they appeared to have done? Where would they get military explosives?? Did they have any military training to pull this off?? IF these two guys can do this, then the West is in big trouble, when ready trained military-group decides to do something bigger. OR, is there something else in play??
  20. Do any of you see Oprah's show, after 9/11, what do they hate us?? They went around the world, asking what they thought of the USA and it wasn't pretty and it will probably take a couple generations in the Middle-East for some of those countries to have the hatred die. A country can't have a foreign policy like the US has and not make enemies.
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