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Everything posted by xul

  1. I think the more accurate title of this thread should be: The Slow Painful Death of the American Empire under Trump Administration The famous dialogue in movie Star Wars II: Obi-Wan: I must admit that without the clones, it would not have been victory. Yoda: Victory? Victory, you say? Master Obi-Wan, not victory. The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun, the Clone War has! Those American voters of Trump were just like Jedi who used the clone army to save the old republic, not knowing when the shroud of the dark side of the system was pull down and all devils hided beneath it had got out, it would be hard to find a way to contain them again.
  2. I have just watched a YouTube video made by Japanese war loving fan boys who dream about the war between US and China. I can't resist to crack a joke at them: Japanese war loving fan boys finally got what they wished--米中空母機動部隊対決. China fired a missile at US and US fired a missile at China. 2 missiles hit each other at the mid of their ways and exploded. Next day during UN Security Council emergency meeting, Japanese ambassador jumped on the table and yelled to Chinese and American ambassadors: "Fuck both of you. Japan was nuked again yesterday..."
  3. If you think so, you will find there are a lot of idiots out there...because: 1. Human DNA was programmed (by God, Allah, Buddha...., or evolution, etc.) to use wars as their last and ultimate resort to settle their difference. If there wasn't any war-loving DNA in human gene, there would be no war at all. 2. People are enthusiastic about war because they anticipate they will gain from war. No nation will go into a war for lose it. No man joins army for die for his country. Men join wars and take risk of dying for win. It's not too much different from what everyone does everyday----We drive to work for receiving paychecks meanwhile risk to be killed by car accidents or something on the way. Though sometimes people do miscalculate their chance of winning in wars. 3. Modern technology makes war easier for stronger side. Ancient warriors fought enemy by swords so they had equal chance to be killed by enemy's swords. Modern soldiers kill enemy by missiles and drones. They are beyond weaker enemy's reach and safe. This is why US, the country with strongest military in the world, always has greatest number of war lovers.
  4. 1.The WW2 version multiculturalism: liberation and depression The real world is more complicated than Marvel's good guys vs bad guys universe. 2. I have watched many youtuber's parodies based on the famous "Hitler's rant" scene of 2004 film Downfall, from Hitler heard that Trump was elected as President to Hitler watched Star Wars:The Last Jeda. I don't know how, but I suddenly got the idea to go further and more politically-incorrect------let Hitler play Winston Churchill to see what kind of effect it would make.
  5. A nation which telling truth is not allowed. A nation which lies are willingly accepted by public as truth... Another story of truth and lie...what a joke! The Sounds That Haunted U.S. Diplomats in Cuba? Lovelorn Crickets, Scientists Say
  6. An interesting story of 2 real WW2 soldiers. Some youtubers call Mr. Hensleigh a looter. Maybe he shouldn't deserve the title. But what he did then, should not be considered noble. And according to him, such things were common in US army. I hate to disappoint political-correctness believers who believe all American or Canadian soldiers joined the war for some noble causes, but the fact is: Whether a soldier is good or bad doesn't depend on which side uniform he or she wears. In most cases, which side a soldier joined merely depended on which side the soldier lived.
  7. On New Year's Eve in America, a Terminator arrives from future via time travel and has to apologize for telling Americans it is a Terminator... US Strategic Command apologizes for 'poor taste' tweet This 2nd Tweet is damn right---how can the first tweet which tells truth reflect the value of always lying? I think U.S. Strategic Command should apologize again for telling the truth in its 2nd Tweet....
  8. There are many reasons.....I'm sure the No.1 reason is no reason since there are too many idiots out there who rant, whine, hate, swear...for no reason even no cause---though I'm also sure some psychiatrists will classify the cause as paranoia. These could happen on any politician who is in power. The other reasons may be caused by Trudeau himself. It seems like Trudeau didn't realize that his victory in the last election was because of economic situation then, not because suddenly there were so many voters whom emerged from some graveyards like zombies to embrace Liberals ideology. So his correct strategy should be to show Canadians that their new PM is busying 24 hrs a day on economic issue. I know Canadian PM has less power to affect economy but at least he can pretend doing something like Trump on Twitter----"dear Canadian, your PM is negotiating trade deal today"; "dear Canadian, you PM is planing to build a wall to secure our border", "Dear Canadian, your PM is considering to buy 1000 F-35 to guard our sky"....LOL Instead of doing or pretending to do something which could make important to him, he has done too many political-correct trifle which steal the spotlight from more important issues. Such activities give most Canadian the impression that he would certainly be victorious on the next election of Canadian No.1 Playboy....
  9. Honestly, considering the numbers of Trump's cabinet members and advisers whom have been chosen by President Trump in person and then have been fired or force resigned by President Trump in person within less than 2 years, I don't think any Canadian PM could do better on "foreign relations" if you meant relation with US.
  10. As PM of Canada, maybe Mr. Trudeau has some kind of hot line with the White House for receiving American master's bidding, so no need to climb American border wall regularly.
  11. Conservatives just need to name Benjamin Harper Harper The 2nd and Harper The 2nd will lead conservatives to defeat Trudeau The 2nd... Just look Hollywood movies. Terminator 1, Terminator 2....sequels always guarantee the success of box office...LOL
  12. You don't need market power to get everyone a permanent job. You just need to elect Chairman Mao as your president and President Mao will give every American a job because all companies will be state owned and President Mao will have the power to ask them to do so.The jobs during Mao's time in China were so permanent that even the "counter-revolutionists", which was a political crime in China then, would still be assigned a job by government after they were released from jails. The side effect is, that China economy was fell behind by many countries. From video below you can see, even in 1982, 6 years after Chairman Mao's death, the GDP of China was merely on par with Switzerland. And you also can see how China takes over other countries one by one by shedding off Mao's socialism fantasy via Deng Xiaoping's reform. I don't know who made this video. But the US GDP will be over taken by Indian in 2060? It would really be a bitter end to US if this happened. But it isn't impossible. Indian population is on par with China and the labor cost is even lower than China. India is also able to develop 4th generation fighter jet, build aircraft carrier and lunch satellites even a lunar probe on moon which are unknown by the public of western countries because western media used to turn a blind eye on any Indian industrial and technological achievements. Any viewer who not only focuses on the red bar of China but also pays attention to the green bar of India(“印度” by the bar) after 1997 will find it isn't impossible at all.
  13. After reading the US Federal Debt chart above, I suddenly have an off-topic thinking: Nixon tried to solve the US financial problem by ending the Vietnamese War, he was investigated by FBI and resigned before impeachment; Clinton tried to solve the problem by reducing US military spending, he was investigated by FBI and almost impeached; Now Trump is trying to solve the problem, though it seems like he has no clue how to do it, and FBI is investigating him which may lead to impeachment... And after each of the president who wanted to solve the problem and got an investigation or impeachment, you can see a big increase of debt on the chart. It seems like that the deep state's investigation is only in favor of the presidents who try to do real thing to save America Has the deep state of US also been hacked by Russian hackers?
  14. I'm not sure if Canadian political leaders have already fully understood the true meaning of this Trump phenomenon. My understanding is: The phenomenon means that the US can no longer afford to share its economic profit with its allies, which include Canada. If anybody who thinks after 2 or 6 years when Trump is gone, everything will back to "normal", he is too naive. Just having a look at the chart of US federal debt, you need not to be an economist to understand the situation. If the trend isn't turned around, our dear Uncle Sam will meet the same bitter end as Soviet Union within a couple of decades...at best. The phenomenon also shows once again how far men can go, or exactly how low humanity can sink when they are under desperate situation. Americans haven't got Hitler as their President like what German did in 1930s, just because they haven't been desperate enough, not because they are better than those Nazi supporters back in 1930s. Canadian also need to understand that economically, Canada isn't an US ally but a competitor, which means if GM Oshawa factory lived, one more US GM factory would die.
  15. Thank God China hadn't any extradition treaty with Germany then. Otherwise Rue would turn himself in a Chinese court and request his extradition back to Nazi's concentration camp, because according Nazi's law Jews were supposed to be sent there and China had extradition treaty with Germany, and Rue was a believer of Rule of Law....LOL Another example: Somehow a war breaks out between US and China. After US asks NATO members' help, Canada government sends Canadian soldier Army Guy to the battle field and he meets Chinese soldier Xul there. Army Guy: Xul, just let me shoot you, don't shoot me back. Xul: Why shouldn't I shoot back if you fire upon me first? Army Guy: Because this isn't a war between Canada and China but a war between US and China. I'm here just because Canada has a treaty with US. So if I shoot you, you just shoot the Americans. When they all die, the war is over and we Canadian soldiers will no longer need to shoot you....
  16. I think my dear Comrade Rue was a typist before retiring back to his farmhouse. A typist means a person who used to types documents with many letters in very short time even without knowing what and who the documents are meant for...
  17. Option 1 isn't the solution in the long term though it does buy Canada some time to make necessary change. USMCA is a dying mammoth . The mammoth is dying because its heart--the US economy is dying. The US economy is dying because Americans refuse to face their real problem but blaming others for their economic failure. They elected presidents who used CHANGE as their campaign slogan, but none of them made any real change at all on the failing system. Option 2 is also not easy. 1st. Canada is a democratic country which means Canada is politically correct and deems to be successful on everything...LOL...I'm joking....which means Canada has 3 major political parties and unlikely all of them would reach a agreement for the long term. 2nd. "Unilateral global free trade" means you need to negotiate with many countries in the world which means it will far more difficult to reach an agreement than USMCA. 3rd. The hearts of people are so fickle nowadays that even a referendum won't guarantee the long time span of a policy. 4th. Canada has been US economic colony so long that there are not many significant pure Canadian blood companies left in Canada except those government/taxpayers funded/payed blood sucker companies. Canada is like Project Alice, the female protagonist in the Film/Video Game Resident Evil, who looks gorgeous and magnificent but the Umbrella Corporation has a stop button. When Dr. Isaacs pushes the button, she will stop still like a statue.
  18. In elementary school, feminist student BC2004 is helping teacher to grab the ears of a couple of male rabbits and pin the poor things on the dissect tables. BC2004: Look! This is the proof that females always overpower males in the world. Teacher: My dear, you win because you are human which size 30-50 times bigger than any rabbit, not because they have balls and you haven't....
  19. BC2004 is talking political-correctness like a leftist....LOL, just joking When you compare two system, sometimes the size matters. For example: You can not simply say: "My Windows desktop computer is faster than my iPhone, so Windows performs better than iOS"----If you take a windows phone to compare with iPhone, you will find the result quite contrary. If Japan was as large as China and Germany was as large as Soviet, the history might have gone down to a very different way. Advantage and disadvantage differs under different circumstances. For example: Even in a democracy system, the military is authoritarian. People can elect their president, but soldiers can not elect their command officer. Why? Because sometimes you have to have someone to make the decision, sometimes you can not afford to waste time on endless discussion. Everyone who joins the army just wants to be a hero not a died man, but sometimes someone needs the authority to ask some of them to take the risk to die. But sometimes, even in military, democracy has its advantage. Officers and generals may spend many months discussing and arguing their war plans. Even Hitler had to put up with Zetizler and Guderian's blah blah blah.....in the last years of his life.
  20. I'm not sure Ross Perot would get success if he was elected. America has a democracy system, which has advantage and disadvantage. The disadvantage is: To do any kind of reform, a president needs to persuade American people, not like Deng Xiao Ping, to use tanks to persuade people. But in most cases, people are too shortsighted to see their long term benefits. Everyone wants a cheap solution. Everybody wants to take the easy way. This is the real problem every president has to face.
  21. I'm not sure if it would happen. It seems like President Trump doesn't have enough money to buy the Great Wall, even a far cheaper iron sheets one with such size. Maybe both US and China will fall during the struggle of a cold war or a hot war, like Britain and Germany did in WW2 and leave Russia or India to take the trophy.....who knows? I always wonder, if Churchill and Hitler had a time tunnel to see the world after WW2, would they be able to reach some kind of peace agreement by some means? Sometimes I think Trump is doing something good unintentionally to both China and US. A tariff war is better than a cold war or a hot war. It give the people of both sides to test their countries's strength without risking any dangerous escalation like the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  22. In 1930s newspapers, you can see more pictures like this one. I think the fall of US power didn't begin from the globalization in 1990s, but far before it, it was from the start of the Cold War in 1950s. Though Soviet was defeated in the Cold War, US was also exhausted during the struggle with USSR(It seems like Hitler's plan partially worked). Just think,at the beginning of the Cold War, US had the economic power to rebuild the whole west Europe, but at the end of the Cold War, US was deeply in debt. No need to mentioning the rise of China is the direct consequence of the Cold War. But don't blame Kissinger. Mao was nearly 80 years old then. If US didn't act swift, I'm sure Brezhnev would step in after Mao's death, and the consequence would be far more catastrophic. The globalization was a strategy which meant to save the economy of US and the West. For winning the Cold War, the western capitalists had to give in to the demand of working class, to show working class in communist countries how good the western system was to encourage them to overthrow their communist rullers. When the USSR collapsed, the western capitalists suddenly found they had given in too much to lower class in their countries so the cost of their home-country-made good was too high to any consumers to bear. So there were 2 solutions: Solution 1 was taking back what they had given to lower class during the Cold War, which was suppose to as hard as taking a fish back from the mouth of a cat Solution 2 was out-sourcing low paying jobs to foreign countries, so the capitalist would take most gravy from the pot meanwhile the lower class in the West would still maintain their living standard since the jobs were gone and their income went down but the price of good also went down. It seemed like the solution 2 was the smart one, so the rulers of the West went down this way. They just forgot their masterpiece of their political-correctness----the people who lived in third world countries were also human, which means they were not as witless as cows and horses which only did what their master told them to do, never had the ambition to do what their masters was doing...
  23. I can't see what your want to explain. In 1800s, there were more British in China than Chinese in Britain, which didn't indicate that China was rising and Britain was falling.....the indication was quite contrary. In 1700s, all lower classes in Europe wanted to sell their goods and service to nobility with credit. Which didn't mean the nobility would not fall later.
  24. I apologize if I have offended you by my "name-calling" style. Trust me I have no intention to offend you. I'm also not an US hater. I often mention your name because, I think you don't know, I randomly login this forum mostly just for reading your reaction to some event which I'm interested. It's nothing personal. It's just a method like which economists use to study stock market. They needn't to study every company in stock market because they will be overwhelmed by the data flooding in. They just need to take a few companies performance as index to study, then they will know the overall performance of a certain sector of the market. I don't think this forum has any influence on American politics since it is mainly a Canadian political forum and there are only a few members in this forum, comparing to some popular social media like tweeter -----you know, there are a lot of witless brains waiting for being washed and programmed by con-politicians As for "America will not end up like this", honestly, I'm not sure. I admire your confidence in your country. but if you go to a library to read some history books, you will find that a lot of people had said these words before. Stalin had said them. Churchill also said them. I guess Napoleon and Caesar said them as well. No empire can live forever. The only question is, when and how? I believe the only way which can truly turn the tide is to do the same thing which Deng Xiao Ping did in China 40 years ago. I don't mean using Tian An Men tanks---though President Trump may really need some since the reform is very painful. As for long term consequence of Trump's tariff stunt show, I take auto industary for example: If I was Canadian PM, I would directly fly to Washington right now, begging President trump to reach a bilateral zero-tariff agreement. Just imagine, the price of made-in-American cars rises ?% because the manufacturers need to pay tariff for importing made-in-China parts and materials. Meanwhile made-in-Canada cars rise zero because the manufacturers needn't to pay extra tariff. And the tariff between US and Canada is also zero. So, what will consumers do? What will manufacturers do.....if they are not witless? So the long term consequence is: China still exports the same quantity of goods, but the destination will no longer be US but Canada Manufacturers will move their factories into Canada to avoid Trump's tariff and make Canada great again American will still have the same quantity of trade deficit, but no longer with China but with Canada And... I guess your Americans's solution is: Elect another President, tear off all agreements which made by President Trump, and begin to bargain a new generation of deals...
  25. You would be right if you said these in 1950s.... A noble usually isn't considered as a poor person. But regarding to the nobles who I mentioned in the first post, since they owed too much to others and couldn't repay their debts, they were really poor people even if they still lived in their old extravagant lifestyle. When a boy or a girl has graduated from high school and has fully control of his or her life at age of 18, he or she may feel that there are great many things awaiting him or her to do. He or she may want to enroll an university or a college, or buy a farm becoming a farmer like his or her father, or enroll army to win the unwinnable wars, or get married and buy a house, or buy a shiny brand new car or a boat, or just a video game console or a guitar... But if he isn't the son or daughter of a billionaire and his or her money is limited, he or she should plan carefully to decide which things should do first and which should do later. If he or she put the priority on the wrong things and wastes his or her limited money and time, a few decades later his or her life may end up like this way...
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