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Everything posted by ScottSA

  1. Good grief. If the job the Tories is doing can be judged by the farcical nonsense the opposition parties have to resort to in criticism, they are doing pretty well. If there are scary people in Parliament, it ain't the Tories; its these neo-Stalinist leftists who want everyone to march in lockstep with their dogmatic ideologies.
  2. No one said the highway didn't exist, us "folks" just don't think it means Santa Anna is going to show up on the outskirts of Toronalamo as a direct result of it. Immigration is a serious issue; building highwaus is not. It's funny how the left hoots and hollers and calls people bigots when they don't want the place dunked under by third world culture, but let the Americans build a highway, and the world as we know it is finished. What in God's name does a highway have to do with some airhead 911 conspiracy theory? What next, after determining people's opinions by appeal to horoscope? Divining goat entrails?
  3. I'm sure there must be a name for that kind of thing. Maybe we should call it "Islamic Forum terrorism?"
  4. Wooooo scary! Soldiers in the streets! RuNAwAY!!!!!
  5. Yup to the last conclusion. They ought not come here. Since when did Canadians get so suckered in by multicult that they want immigration for immigration's sake? Sure, it's fine to have all these allegedly hard working "new" canadians while the job market is hot and the economy booming, but unfortunately through the immigration process, they...well...don't go home. If asking that question, and pointing out to you that you specific stories are irrelevant to the general theme, is "close-minded, then I can only suggest that being open minded is akin to having a leaky bucket perched atop one's neck.
  6. This is quite simply wrong, defeatist, and naive. There is nothing 'inevitable' about it at all.
  7. I take it you'd like to defend Stalin then? Fairly large cow pie you just stepped in there...
  8. ...without which half (or more) of the foodbanks in Canada would be empty. Any idea how many tons of food comes into foodbanks across this country from churches? Unfortunately the atheists just never seem to get off their self-satisfied arses to do stuff like Christian charity. Too busy trying to catalogue the evils of religion, I suppose.
  9. It is indeed ridiculous. Neither 911 nor WMD was ever the legal justification for war; lack of UNSC compliance was. Nor was 911 the 'excuse' used for the invasion; if I'm not mistaken, Bush mentioned Iraq in connection with 911 very late in the day, when he correctly observed that Iraq was used as a haven for terrorists. If he ever made a connection in any other context, it was evoking the general extant danger to the US by mention of 911 in connection with Iraq, and other rogue nations. Those dangers still exist, and i have no doubt that soon enough they will be driven home forcfully to all the self-satisfied lefties smugly scorning the "war on terra." The left simply makes stuff up in retrospect and presents it as if it is fact. If substantial amounts of WMD had been found, thereby removing the current chosen scoff of the left, we'd be hearing about 5 trillion dead Iraqi babies instead, or oil, or some other useful bumper sticker slogan. Just as we heard about Vietnam, civil war, and a host of other alarmist yowls, until the apparent success of the surge reduced it into a general low grade grumble from freaks and fat old housewives with vericose viens and bad teeth, dressed in pink .
  10. I have to laugh at the "racism" part. People don't want to be swamped with foreign cultures, and that's called "racism?" What trash.
  11. The absolute ignorance, of even well discussed events, shown in the last three posts is astounding.
  12. Sorry to break the news to you coot, but if you take off your clothes and crawl into bed with two young relatives, the police will put you in jail. Explaining to them that you're developing your self-control won't fare very well I suspect, and at the very least you'd be castigated for ignoring the emotional harm you're doing to them. I suppose it works in a culture which considers women chattel and in which it's a custom to disfigure your wife if you're unhappy with her, but hey, we're not there yet, despite our best effors to import it.
  13. This pretty much says it all: "This year Islam and Judaism's holiest holidays overlapped for 10 days. Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies in 94 terror attacks across 10 countries during this time... while Jews worked on their 159th Nobel Prize."
  14. You're quite good at playing the victim. Do you actually belive it or are you just taking a page from the Cair handbook?
  15. Really? Just how evil were the British in India? They united a series of squabbling decaying empires, commanded the loyalty of millions with a few hundred troops (so it was hardly enforced to any real degree), and aside from two occurences (Indian mutiny, Calcutta), both of Indian making, they did it more or less peacefully, after the original conquests. You really ought to learn what you're talking about instead of slurping up post-colonial revisionism uncritically.
  16. That was me calling your "prophet" a pedophile [Hadith Muslim (8:3309), Muslim (8:3311) etc] and a rapist [sura (33:37) (33:50) (33:51) (66:1-5) http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/h...tml#007.062.137 etc]. But I actually took it from the Koran, so it's not really calling him anything he didn't boast about himself. I forgot to mention genocidal maniac [sirat Rasulallah, p 515 http://www.americanthinker.com/2006/02/muh...e_of_the_q.html etc] and highway robber [sura (3:151) (2:216) (4:95) etc], but if you've read the Koran I guess you know that too, right? Sorry if the truth hurts. I'd hate to find out my sort of messiah was all kinds of nasty things, but you can call him thiose things if you want. You see, here in the west we allow that kind of debate. We tend to write strongly worded letters to the editor when someone says rude things about Christ. We don't burn cars as a rule, or demand censorship in repayment for not burning cars. Maybe you'd feel more comfortable back in Pakistan, where they protect your ears from things like that?
  17. I'm Islamophobic and proud of it. You're anti-Semitic and pretending not to be.
  18. I guess this is another lame bottom of the barrel scraping to smear Harper. I can just see it...the Liberals steal millions and are caught eating minority babies, but dobbin is off sluething the origins of holiday card lists and spending their own money. How much are the Liberals paying you anyway?
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