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Posts posted by DogOnPorch

  1. 39 minutes ago, Boges said:

    OK but Putin, in his own words, called for an additional mobilization and these desperate annexations. 

    Also, a professional army defending its homeland > a bunch of conscripts thrown into the meat grinder. 


    Attrition is its own result. Even if the Russians think that it's 1942 suddenly...and start doing the human wave attacks of yore, their opponent is going to take casualties. For how long? Well it's a bit like besieging a castle at that point. How many attacks can one's veteran elite troops take? How long does the ammo last?

    Reality is that the Russian Army is well equipped. As well equipped as the other guys and more-so. But if it cheers you up to to think it's still 1942, yourself...have at it...it's a privilege of war.


  2. 1 minute ago, Aristides said:

    Well this has one thing in common with Stalingrad, the Russians shoving poorly trained and equipped troops into a meat grinder. Next they will sending in unarmed troops telling then to take the weapons of those already killed. A fundamental difference here is that it is the Ukrainians fighting on their own soil for their own survival, not Russians. The Ukrainians are better trained, better equipped and more motivated.


    The Red Army by late 1942 was still ultimately led by Political Commissars of the NKVD. Many didn't even have a military background but did manage to survive the Great Purge*. The Army itself came in two flavors. Guards and all others. Basically veterans and green units. Some units only existed on paper, but played-up the division level chatter to confuse the Germans. Quite an alien way of doing things next to other Allied armies. But it worked for them up to a point.

    It was only after victory at Stalingrad that regular rank and insignias began to be used once more. The NKVD lost their command positions. From there it became quite a professional force for its massive size with numerous great commanders coming to the forefront. But they needed those big American trucks...couldn't move without them eventually as the Soviets loved their BIG artillery. The Bomber Campaign certainly helped their efforts the most, though. Drawing the majority of the Luftwaffe away from helping the troops on the ground and into defending German cities.

    *Khrushchev was one of those NKVD types.

  3. 18 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


    In summary:

    1) The Lancet's estimates are not a stat

    2) The percentage of deaths among Canadians who are vaxed, compared to the percentage of vaxed Canadians is a stat. In fact, it's the only stat that really matters.

    3) When the percentage of vaxed deaths is equal to the percentage of vaxed persons, that means that the vax isn't saving lives, and that's not a base rate fallacy. Stop trying to use your shiny new term.


    If a plague needs a 24/7 ad campaign to try to remind you that it exists...is it a plague?

    If a vaccine needs a 24/7 ad campaign to try to convince you that it's actually doing something beneficial...is it a vaccine?

    They both fail the sniff test.

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  4. 3 hours ago, sharkman said:

    Yeah, do you see the potential problem with that?  And I said:  by and large...not all media.


    Definitely controlled media. Back in World War II, the Nazi press broadcasted glowing reports daily out of Stalingrad about how the winning just wouldn't stop and that the Red Army was on the brink of total collapse. Even Hitler got in on it boasting on radio that he could afford to take his time and savor the inevitable victory that was just around the corner.

    This feels a LOT like that. Is it? We're not sure...none of us. The Ukrainian Army is nowhere near as big as the Russian Army...just saying.



  5. Just now, BeaverFever said:

    It’s hard to report from behind Russian lines. As soon as reporters go behind Russian lines and want to film Russian troops that damn Ukrainian army shows up, pushes the line 10 miles back and all the Russians are dead or captured.

    But you do get to see a lot of abandoned Russian bodies left where they fell by their terrified retreating comrades and the captured Russian weapons are shown to be in pristine shape, you know, having never been fired and only dropped once. 


    Moscow by Christmas, eh?

  6. 6 minutes ago, sharkman said:

    Point number 2.  The Western media is, by and large, reporting nothing but propaganda on Ukraine. They have very little presence in Ukraine and are just taking and reporting what the state controlled Ukrainian media is giving them without verifying.

    Which is pretty much the same thing the MSM did with COVID reporting and the WHO.




    We hear very little about what the Russians are actually doing on the battlefield. Only a few Western independent media are reporting from behind Russian lines. Conversely, during the Viet-Nam War, Western reporters managed to embed themselves in with the Viet-Cong to see how they operated.


  7. 10 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

    TBH, I'm not sure why anyone who claims to be equitable and fair would even regurgitate all of the slavery myths that we're presented with on a daily basis. 

    I was reading up on the Haidas as slavers the other day and came across this beauty: https://www.inkshares.com/books/the-haida-gwaii-lesson-2/backer_updates/30c84a1f

    LMFAO. Just one example, the Moors had millions of slaves, and many of them were white. Did the Egyptians only enslave people darker than a brown paper bag? I think not. The list goes on. 

    The word slave actually comes from the Greek word "slav", and the definition of Slavs hasn't changed in all these years. Sure, Greeks are European, but I can't emphasize strongly enough that slavery is the most lied about topic in the history of the world, and as usual. leftists are the culprits.

    This isn't a little lie, it's a massive lie, and it will eventually lead to actual violence if the lies, rhetoric and stupidity aren't toned down. 



    Bruce McKelvie's book 'Tales of Conflict' (1949) documents numerous encounters between Europeans and Natives in the 1700-1800s Pacific North West. I think you'd enjoy the read...you can d/l it in PDF form for free.


    His 1955 book 'Pageant of B.C.' also covers some of that sort of action plus much more.


    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Moonbox said:

    That's exactly what you've done, blaming Ukraine and NATO for getting invaded by Russia.  Stupendous bass ackward logic.  

    It's not the rapists invader's fault, it's the rapee's invadee.  Ukraine should not have been flirting with NATO or dressed so provocatively.  



    I can see you've reached the demented stage of your war lust. There will be no reasoning with the likes of you until a few nuclear weapons are used...perhaps. No guarantee.

  9. 38 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

    Me too, and everybody else. So how come we ended up this way despite such apparent lack of support, from Candians.


    I told you about that time I was stuck at a remote...I do mean remote...rail crossing while thousands upon thousands of 'China Shipping' containers rolled on by...then stopped to my chagrin. Took a...while.

    Our real owners...


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  10. 1 minute ago, BeaverFever said:

    1) First of all the claim that Putin was provoked is total bullshit

    2) Second of all even when someone is provoked into committing an unspeakable crime, the person who commits the crime is ALWAYS more  responsible that the person who allegedly “provoked” them 

    3) Thirdly, See #1 because it bears repeating. 


    Whatever you need to tell yourself in order to rationalize your support for Nazis.

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