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Moonlight Graham

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Posts posted by Moonlight Graham

  1. Another Day, another anonymous shooting by an individual who's snapped, and git themselves a high-powered rifle.


    I say enough is enough... and it shows why Canada must not slack off on more gun control legislation.

    Why does this government want to repeal the Gun licensing registry? Because it is "tough on crime?" How is that helpful? It sounds like more American-style ideas coming from our current government, who show in so many ways now their intentions to make Canada's laws the same as in the United States?

    I say F the NRA...

    I agree that tough gun laws are important. Thank God we don't have "the right to bear arms" written into our constitution like the U.S., mainly because we are not a country stemming from revolution or supressed by tyranny.

    But the gun registry is a good idea in principle, but it just doesn't work. Its very expensive, and it really wouldn't do a ton of good compared to the cost. I'd use that money to keep fighting illegal gun control.

  2. A dismal failure that has changed the world as we knew it. The very first thing that went wrong was the fact that he was appointed by the Supreme Court. It went downhill from there.

    Ditto. This is what happens when a neo-con with average intelligence & poor decision-making skills becomes leader of the world's only super-power.

  3. An obstructionist for hire. I watch the political game a lot and I have yet to see him say anything intelligible about climate change.

    I'd like to see him interviewed on the technicalities by David Suzuki.

    Thats because most Ministers in the Canadian executive don't often have a high amount of expertise in their area of specialty. What does Peter McKay know about National Defense?? Dumb, but thats the way it usually works in our polity. Many Minsters or cabinet members are typically former lawyers or businessmen. Baird has, i'd imagine, a good amount of support staff to educate and inform him on issues of the envirnoment.

  4. I don't really think it makes you a more moral person, though i tip my hat to those that do believe in it because it proves they are trying to be moral.

    But pacifism is a flawed theory. It only works when the people you are standing up to will have compassion for you. Its not going to work in Darfur, or Nazi Germany. Not fighting the Nazi's and having them slaughter & enslave the planet isn't my idea of logical thinking. But Pacifism works if your opressors won't kill/harm you because of compassion or public/private pressures, such as in Ghandi's case.

  5. Considering how often and strongly the U.S. has stuck it's nose in other nations' affairs, I find it laughable that anyone would mock Canadians for having interest in what goes on in America -- especially since what goes on in America does have an effect on Canada.

    agreed. How can anyone be so ignorant to think that the U.S. Presidential election has little to do with every other country in the world. So goes the U.S., so goes the world in many ways.

  6. I don't support the death penalty in any form. I don't believe anybody, especially the state, has the right to end somebody's life (war may be the exception).

    Anyways, its a stupid punishment. You can't repay your crime when you die. Trust me, i'd rather me executed than spend my days working my fingers to the bone doing hard manual labour and sleeping in a jail cell alone.

    For those people who claim they are jewish/christian, they are hypocrites for supporting the death penalty. Jesus would not kill someone for making a mistake or crime, no matter how horrific. And last time i checked Moses held up some tablets on Mt. Sinai that had something to do with not killing people.....don't think there was an asteriks on there.

    The U.S. Republican candidates who support the death penalty and also claim to be religious make me sick.

  7. There's too many bad immigrants coming into this country. We need quality, not quantity.

    The gov't wants immigrants to keep the population up. Well, how about they give major tax breaks or other incentives for citizens ALREADY LIVING IN CANADA to have children. They should put as much money into incentives for new Canadian-born children as they do to bring in more immigrants, educate them, and provide them health care they've never paid a dime into.

    Stop punishing mothers who want to stay home with their children. Yes gov't we know you want both parents working because it brings in more taxes, but 2 working parents usually means less children for that family.

  8. No, your response is ad hominem. Demonstrate that Yanks kill more Iraqis in combat than Iraqis do. You can't.

    Of course i can't, because i was wrong. Instead of getting all defensive at the suggestion i could be wrong, i rather asked you to provide a link so i could read it. I'd much rather be wrong & know the truth, than to be right (or convince myself that i'm right) & be ignorant of the truth.

    Isn't that the goal of debating? To learn the truth, rather than to just be able to claim you were right?

    It's interesting that you didn't have time/energy to post the link yourself, but you did find time to insult me. And how exactly is the nature of Iraqi civilian deaths "obvious"? I don't live in Iraq, haven't trolled these boards long, and they dont widely report such statistics in the popular news media (let alone civilian death tolls in general). By your definition, any of your loved-ones who are also unaware that Iraqis are responsible for more casualties than the U.S. are also "challenged". But thanks for welcoming me to the forums nonetheless :rolleyes:

  9. A rare event indeed, with next to impossible conditions to be met relating to the passage of MMP, set by Mc.Guinty.

    The U.S. has Canada democratically beat hands down, to protect their majority interest.

    On the other hand, we have a multi-party system compared their 2 choices. We also brought down the Liberal gov't over a money scandal, while Mr. Bush & most of his cronies remain in office after lying their way into a war that has caused the deaths of likely 100,000+ innocent people (among other things).

    But yeah, we agree on the referendum thing.

  10. The West has accomplished just about all they can in Afghanistan. Most of the terrorists have left the country, and we aren't going to defeat the Taliban, so let's just leave.

    This poppy spraying is just more of the West f'ing with another country. Who cares about opium? People who inject heroin into their arms do so on their own accord, its sad but i don't really feel sorry for them. I've never heard of people being held down by force & having heroin injected into their arms without their consent.

  11. There are I believe 35 U.S. states that have their own constitution and use referendum on a regular basis including SSM.

    But no state uses direct democracy on every issue. Most issues at every level of govt are decided my representives the people vote for. Ontario just had a referendum on election reform, but the majority of decisions are still made by representitives as i'm sure u know.

    I agree that i'd like to see more referendums in Canada like they have in the U.S. In terms of liberal democracy, looking around the rest of the world & throughout history i'm very happy living in Canada as we speak. While not perfect, the best countries to live in throughout the world use liberal democracy. I'd like to see something better, but as we've seen with Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, Fascism etc. its not usually best be the first country to employ a new political ideology. Until we see another country find something better than liberal democracy, i'm happy tinkering with what we have.

  12. I am getting irritated at the number of posts that single the US out for responsibility for death in the world. Islam rather than the US is the force in most of the world's wars.

    What the heck are you talking about? I didn't blame the world's casualties on the U.S. This thread is about Iraq. The U.S. led the invasion of Iraq, therefore they are responsible for the majority of civilian casualties in Iraq.

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