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Everything posted by frogs

  1. COPS ARE THIEVES, thass what they do... stealing from their kids and you! Tickets, fines, permission fees, for your good. Yeah, right! Pulease! Protecting statehood's right to steal from everyone, with greedy zeal is job description's actual deal. And they don't mind, cuz life's unreal. The soldiers job is quite the same though some are buried without name. Their brains were purchased years before, in secret, at the "honor" store. Teachers paid with monies stolen taint the learnin' with this goal an' pre-pare one to be a slave, investments and a job to save. And so the song's been sung for cent'ries Never de-tuned by the bent trees. Look! One apple there appears, not with worms, but beauty's tears.
  2. The "System" is theft In any "system" in the world, this is easily illustrated. Every major city that years ago had very, very, little crime is now full of it. There are no exceptions!
  3. Actually, it doesn't matter if 911 was inside, outside, or riverside. The enemies to people, are the political thieves and the people that run them. End taxation, and wars are over. End monopolies, and people can enjoy life richly all around the world. Keep monopolies, people starve. Doesn't matter who did what. Just eliminate taxation and monopolies, and everything falls into place quite simply and naturally. Keep monoplies, the world has no chance no matter who does what.
  4. Truer words was never spoke. Freedom is either free or dom. Freedom does not cost, it is free of cost. Taxation is dom.
  5. Sure. Cannabalism. Actually if we gave all the starving people food, then Israel could get them jobs, tax them, and create even more world hunger. No health care, though.
  6. If every Palestinian man married an Israeli woman, and Israeli men married Palestinian women, the children could be called Palraelians, and they'd all be free to kill whomever thay wish without being nationalist, religieists, or some other hateful handle. They no longer know who there enemy is and self-destruct.
  7. Violence is the only thing that works on diseases. Either use violence and eliminate the disease, or live with the disease. Talking and voting never worked, never will. Ask George Washington.
  8. I disagree totally! If you give the state money on your income every week, and on everything you purchase, and every year on your home, a home they can take away from you at anytime for the sake of the freeway, etc, you are totally FREE to do anything you like on your own land if you can afford some, as long as the neighbors don't complain, and you make no changes. Of course, they may need to inspect it at anytime for weapons, and can take your weapons away at anytime if they like, and the courts will take the cops word for anything they say without any proof, so they can harrass you whenever they like, but you have the right to vote for anyone that has a chance of winning who has no chance of getting you equal rights in court, and you have no right to sleep in a public place, unless they feel it's OK, and you are free to work for any wage fixing company you like, but are sometimes not allowed to unionize. How can you possibly say freedom is a farce? In the US, even the slaves had free healthcare, prior to 1850, but of course now, they are free (if they can afford it) to buy their own health insurance, which is free to deny any claim unless you can afford to go to court and pay off the judge. Freedom is everywhere! : ~ {
  9. The good news is, if they all get killed, the war is over.
  10. Never. The everpresent jewish controlled american media promotes "patriotism" and global economic control. The public schools do the same. Protection of the "monopolistic" system is number one in media and schools. "To get a good job, get a good education"= (create a monopoly, and then steal fom everyone.) Not just jews of course, lots of religious representation here. But the jewish religion is a big scam, and they know it. It's just a biz org. Perhaps, anyone has a right to believe what they want, but not to lie and scam other people. That's known as abuse, like when they bought little boys from strangers and sliced their weenies.
  11. How about you stay on topic, frog. The wacky Iranian prez has spoken publically on Israel a good half dozen times. Put all the quotes together and you get an accurate representation of what he wants you to think of him. I no longer think he's so stupid as to utter racist hate speech just because he thinks so. The topic is Israel wiped off the map. Your inaccuracy proves your illogic. They are not a race, i don't hate them, and i have no interest in what he "wants" me to think, because it doesn't matter. If you had any self respect at all, you'd go shoot yourself for being a hateful greedy green grabber.
  12. Do you buy insurance? Have you ever worked for a company with a mandatory benefit plan? These are examples where people who take responsibility for themselves recognize that pooling their resources is more efficient than trying to do it all on their own. You rant and rave about the cost of gov't while you depend on services provided by the gov't every day. If you actually had to pay for these services out of your own pocket you would be much poorer than you are today - you are deluding yourself if you think basic services such as police and fire protection could be delivered more cheaply by the private sector. Your personal attacks flaunt your ignorance. I never ranted, never raved. Shows your high degree of defending your ignorance. (No insult intended). You want to be right, but have no interested in learning what is right. There are thousands of examples of private pooling, cops are the laughing stock of the people who run them, you can find thousands of examples of the negative influence of cops on society, if you are interested, which you aren't, so I won't waste my time explaining to you why yellow is yellow, paying firemen/women to sit around all day and not fight fires is not cost effective. Duhhhh. Etc, etc, etc, .. But like I said, you have no interest in using your brain, you just want to defend your ideas, instead of using logic, so all you are doing is making a fool of yourself. I have no interest in watching you do that. And chances are you have been on the public payroll which bought your brain from you at a very cheap price, because you had no use for it. None the less, I wish you well, my friend
  13. Nope! The people that supposedly (or otherwise) support government's stealing tax money from people, are the same that are perfectly willing to grab as much as they can for themselves if the situation presents itself. Same people that don't want to accept responsibility for themselves. They want the gov to do it. It's a scam as old as the hills, well, slightly newer, and all economics proves it, but folks on the gov payrol, (like yourself probably, unless you are unusually non perceptive, no insult intended), will defend their stealing on the grounds that it is economical. Duh, ... yeah now, that makes sense. Yeah, and I'm going to steal your money for your own good. Uh...., right....
  14. how’s that possible? i'd get like $100 dollars a week working at a fast food restaurant! :angry: WHERE DOES THIS HAPPEN?!! (and i'll be sure to move there right away...) This is something you are not supposed to know. The cost of taxation is the big tiny part. Private accountants have to be hired, the waste of law suit extortion and company protection from suits, monopolies, all petty security is not necessary (put repeat criminals on an island and let them support themselves and accept donations) within a week 99.9% of crime is gone, and politicians suddenly become more honest! The cost of government intervention in economy is astronomical. The land ownership scam is a costly monopoly as well. But, like i said these are things you are not supposed to know. But don't ask any economist on the government payroll. Technologies have increased wages times 10 since the 1940, but gov controls have eaten all this up and much, much more. Not making this up.
  15. All health care should come from politicians salaries and personal accounts, because they are stealing everyone's money in the first place.
  16. The terrorists themselves have stated their position clearly: "We are not," one of them has insisted, "trying to exact concessions from you. We are trying to eliminate you." The terrotists, in this scenario, are more honest and more respectable than the US politicians that prefer to enslave everybody.
  17. The only thing political dolts will respond to in a positive way is the very real threat of violence to themselves. All the talking, voting, whining and doting simply adds to their protective (thin) armor. Everyone talks about the weather but nobody ever does anything about it! It's the price we pay for losing our testicles.
  18. Why do jews want israel when they have new york? Actually, though, they could change their religion and live there peacefully? Would god go for that? Could the muslims pay the jews to change religions, like christians have done in some countries? Why don't the jews and christians just go live happily in heaven with god right now? End of problem. Singing songs and stuff, what's wrong with that? That's why it's called "heaven". Unless, of course one doesn't believe in that, in which case one isn't really jewish or christian. So, one must go live in heaven now, and all is well. Unless of course one don't believe in logic, ... which is why religions exist in the first place. So, I guess what I am saying is, ... one that doesn't really believe in, what one doesn't really believe in, can't logically be expected to do what one really, or doesn't, really believe in. Or something like that. So, in this particular case, nothing matters. Thank you very much!
  19. All thieves should be wiped from the map... whether they are christian, atheist, jew, buddhist, or whatever. A thief is someone who takes money, property, or time, from someone with the threat of violence, or kidnapping (jail). Jews (and christians) would never support something like that, would they?
  20. Beatings are far worse than rape. Beatings occur far more often. Rape is bad. Littering is bad. Women that hate all men need be eliminated. Men that hate all women need be eliminated. False accusers need be eliminated. But all government systems are about hatred and stealing, so they support rape. Women that support the system support rape. Men, too. It's not a gender issue. It's a hate issue. Feminists are very good at hate issues. Hmmmm.
  21. All governments use one god or another for manipulative purposes, and in the end, to steal money with any excuse, and get their mitts on it. My god, Harry, created the Earth in only one day because he didn't believe in wasting time. He lives third cloud on the right. Harry can change water into Bourbon Manhattens. With a cherry! Aside from Harry (I hope he doesn't mind), there were two popes that have written how foolish people are to believe the Jesus stories, Pope Leo the 10th was one, .. don't recall the other. They laughed about the lavish lifestyle these stories created for them. And so it goes ....
  22. Rush Limbaugh was behind it, so that he would have something to argue when people think someone else did it! He knew no one would suspect him!
  23. Kind of agree with you ... but still, one is responsible for one's own actions, and the soldiers, too, murdered, because they got money and benefits. Without those, too few would have fought the war to make it a war. So it's the stupidity of Bush and the greed of soldiers.
  24. Wow, I can't believe you said that. Many non Jews use circumcision for health reasons, less so today. This is their fact, not mine. There is no such thing as getting the disease when the schwantz is CLEAN! That's impossible! But it is true, if one doesn't care to wash, that complications can occur. Anyhow, their religion is based on that, it's not my fault. But, I certainly wouldn't trust anyone who belongs to a religion based on that! This fact is one of the stupidest and obviously, anti human behaviours, especially for babies, because the doctors is stealing something that doesn't belong to him or the parents. If the child becomes an adult and decides this makes sense, well, it's his body! But for doctors to do this to babies is so retarded ... and they are aware that the disease is impossible with cleanliness... they don't like to advertise the fact though! All doctors should be raving against this for babies and children.
  25. As an American Supreme Court judge has said, "The illogical is patent" (after a contrary decision).
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