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Everything posted by Figleaf

  1. Yes, cross-posting is against the rules of this forum. According to the rules: We frown on cross-posting because we feel if you're going to participate in these forums, you should invest some time into what you're going to say. Reading from a script in a live debate would be ineffective and distracting, the same goes for online discussions. It also cuts down on the amount of political activists who spam multiple forums with identical messages. Thanks for your answer. Just for certainty, this applies to other online discussion forums, not other outlets like letter to the editor of newpapers, right?
  2. Cross-posting? People are not allowed to post stuff somewhere else?
  3. Hello, I was wondering if there is any support for the idea of having something like an 'Economic Issues' forum? Cheers.
  4. Holding fast to erroneous impulses and calling them 'principles' does not prevent someone from being a wimp. (And p.s., Borden was a complete ass.)
  5. Bush is a total disaster as a president and has proven himself repeatedly to be unintelligent. It is therefore not out of line for a news outlet to make that observation.
  6. That's about the only straight sentence in the whole article. The rest is hackneyed, implausible spin.
  7. 1- For Israelis, going into Lebanon and blowing up buildings where Hezbollah hides of course makes sense -they know Hezbollah's stated goal is to wipe them all out ... Destruction of Lebanon's infrastructure on the theory that Hezbollah might use it (1) is against the laws of war for failure to limit civilian damage, and (2) proved unsuccessful. The stated objective of Hezbollah is irrelevant to the reality of either 1, or 2. It is also not realistic. Israel is under no short-term existential threat, no matter how over-heated the rhetoric. Your imputations could be amusing, if you made them less sputtery-mad. Do nothing? No. Do something that makes sense, something that bears a connection to the reality of things, something with a chance of succeeding eventually. I claim no special expertise. I say Israel lost because despite superior firepower it didn't stop the missiles, and it didn't dislodge Hezbollah. Your comments are not made any more persuasive by your use of a disrespectful tone. Not that I've heard. Your impulse to disagree with me has led you to misread my comment. I did not say Hezbollah won the diplomatic war, I said Israel's opponents did ... particularly Iran, but also generally anyone wishing to increase skepticism of Israel's claims and interests. (Perhaps I should have said PR instead of diplomacy.) To anyone not completely besotted with Bush-Likud propaganda, it should be obvious that (1) Israel looks even more like a bully now, and (2) Israel's military prowess is not unassailable. Neither realization is helpful for Israel's interests, obviously. Based on the conduct of successive Israeli governments and the rhetoric one hears in the Israeli media, there frequently is a substantial dose of illogic, unreality, and stiff-neckedness at work in Israel's regional geo-politics. This is most famously displayed by the persistent illegal settlement of the Occupied Territories. Inconsistent? Untenable? You bet. But other examples exist too ... like insisting the PA enforce laws while killing its policemen, or how about demanding democratic elections but rejecting the outcome. Yes, Israel faces some implacable, unreasonable enemies. But Israel's hands are not clean either. You speak for the state of Israel? Presumptuous.
  8. http://www.voanews.com/english/2006-08-29-voa50.cfm People in Israel are baying for an inquiry into the government's handling of the war. I'm curious exactly what they are concerned about, since there are so many angles. Do they want to investigate: -senseless destruction of a neighboring state? -how they lost to Hezbollah on the ground? -how their opponents won the diplomatic side? -why after almost 40 years of military supremacy they have been unable to get peace? -what they think they are going to do next? Lots of important things for Israel to think about.
  9. If you want there to be no terrorists, wouldn't it make sense to remove the reasons for terrorism, to the extent that is possible at least?
  10. Facts, gentlemen, please. Canada has won all the relevant tribunal rulings.
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