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Everything posted by thoughtpolice

  1. Careful now, NDP MP Pat Martin is about to lose most of his personal assets for loose talk like that.
  2. No, I meant an attack from bad guys posing as security, which is an excellent and timeworn way to kill VIPs. Hello, Indira Gandhi. It does not help to surround a VIP with security if you cannot trust the secuirty people themselves to be who they say they are. So in the example cited, the Ottawa cops stay outside, there is no need for any secuirty inside to wonder if the guys wandering inside with automatic weapons and Ottawa cop uniforms are actually Ottawa cops. If the RCMP are the inside secuirty squad, they will be more or less known to each other. And the final, personal security level will all be known to each other. Rings on an onion, and they do not overlap.
  3. The Ontario Teachers Union is not established or run for the benefit of Quebec students, the Canadian public or railway workers. It is a profit making entity for the benefit of Ontario teachers, retired and to be retired. They make hard nosed decisions in their interest, not the public welfare in general. Much the same is true of the CPP Board.
  4. Ummm, that is very common at high levels. Security circles are carefully drawn like rings on an onion and nobody from another security service is allowed inside that circle. For example the Ottawa cops would have responisbility externally at the hotel, a private force would have care inside for plenary sessions and many of the participants would have strong personal secuirty circles, staffed solely by their own people. The reason is obvious: security people are armed and trained, and a provide a way to mount an attack from within.
  5. of course they have restraints on their economy, their currency is the Euro and many other countries have an influence on the value of the Euro. Perversely, what Germany =seeks to do and has done is to keep the relatve value fo the Euro low(not high) since as an exporting nation a low Euro enance the value of their exports- they get more Euros for the same product than if the Euro is high. To keep it low, they oir their banks have to lend money and guarantee loans to places like Greece, Spain, Italy Portugal..... it is a tightwire act. If the Euro fails, the Germans will revert to the mark and their currency will soar- plunging them into recession.Another threat to German domination, since they are now effectively now the financial rulers of Europe, is the two sides of fiscal union. The EU and Eurozone are floundering on policies that have cannot create monetary union, whne the real money resides in a common fiscal policy. But a common fiscal policy means much stronger political ties and a real loss of national soveriegnty for all members. That won't sell in Germany or many other places, and until it does their problems may be unsolveable. [quoteAlso, they have an industrial strategy where the companies, government and the unions work cooperatively. We could emulate some of that. ]Could we really? I don't see much evidence that Canadian unions or industry have much interest in beiong told what to do by Harper, or any other PM. Because- in the end- fiscal policy MUST be a govt directed function, though I agree that union/corporate sensibilities must be recognized.
  6. It is a marketing thing weith Facebook, they reputedly have close to a billion members and must be approaching saturation. Share prices drop when you have no new markets.....
  7. Unfortunately for the NDP, they need to soar North of 49.
  8. In most countries there is no difference, corps based in that country work with govt to promote both profit and national interests. Japan Inc is a good example. China too.
  9. written by Lionel Shriver and IMO the book is not as good as the movie, which is rarely the case.I have been trying to plow through another of her books, a more recent one called So Much For That, and will likely give up. She speaks from a mans perspoective for much of the book and it just does not ring true.
  10. it is one of the best movies of 2011, despite being unrelentingly grim. Many people will not like it for this alone, but by not going they will miss a great performance. Swinton cements her position as one of the best actors of her generation. another arthouse movie that starred Swinton in a fine role and passed largely unnoticed is called 'Julia'.
  11. I don't go anywhere near infowars.com. Besides needing a shower after, it makes me significantly more dumb for the experience.
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