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Metal Jam

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  1. He promised a flat rate fair tax? Perhaps he promised what he believes to be fair: raising corporate taxes, raising taxes on the wealthy (or at least what he perceives to be wealthy), and alowing the first-term Bush tax cuts to expire. Has he promised to limit spending to sustainable levels? Thats a promise he's already broken considering the trillions of dollars he is spending. Maybe analysts throw around millions, billions, and trillions of dollars around like they're nothing, but in actuality, we're in debt to nations around the world, and will not be able to pay it back for decades. Not to mention our own federal deficit is massive.... Did he not promise honesty, accountability, and transparency also? The Obama presidency is an utter disaster.
  2. It is better to leave silly things unfunded, then it is to raise taxes. Some good ideas are to eliminate failed programs, simplify the tax code, adopt a flat rate sales tax to replace the federal income tax. Oh right - and limit spending to something sustainable.
  3. Theodore was a progressive similar to Obama ....one of the most notable differences though, is that Teddy ran as a progressive, and Obama ran as a moderate, but is leading as a progressive.
  4. In response to the original post: 1. Obama's campaigning about hope and change was brilliantly persuasive, especially to the less educated 2.) Millions of Americans are convinced that government intervention will translate into an improved quality of life 3.) Some people still watch NBC ....and think they're ingesting truth.
  5. Texas won't seceed. The governor is blowing smoke because he has not been terribly popular and needs something exciting to exploit.
  6. I can't imagine why anyone would champion high taxation and deep spending. Considering the deficit from the previous administration was already steep, with what wisdom did Congress draw upon to spend trillions more? I shake my head
  7. I have mixed feeling on the war in Iraq and the possiblity of a furture war with Iran. There is nothing I would like more than to have basic harmony among nations. Although it would be blind of me to think it possible with all the hate in this world. It feels to me that with new advances in technology that the world continues to get smaller. We can assume the reasons for this war and we can predict the effects but we really do not know what will be the ultimate effect of staying in the Middle-East or leaving.
  8. Canada seems to further itself from her allies and sleep with her enemies. Although there is something to be proud of and that is our extremely quiet and peaceful border.
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