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Luz P.

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Posts posted by Luz P.

  1. 7 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

    you'd gather incorrectly

    dominance of the seas is the key

    and America is dominant in the Pacific and Indian oceans not China

    the BRI is dependent upon America to keep freedom of navigation open for them

    because overland trade isn't taking over the world anymore than China is

    overseas trade is king

    Are you aware of what's going on in the South China Sea? 

    It's kinda sweet hear you say China is dependent on the USA to keep freedom of navigation open for them - as if they played by the rules!

  2. 1 hour ago, Yzermandius19 said:

    it is

    when America had economic trouble the world experiences far more

    when other countries have economic trouble America barely feels it

    American dominance is obvious

    I gather you’re not familiar with Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

    A World Bank study found that BRI transportation projects were boosting trade among 70 nations by up to 9.7% and lifting 32 million people out of poverty. By 2027, Beijing is expected to commit $1.3 trillion to this project, which would make it the largest investment in history — more than 10 times the foreign aid Washington allocated to its famed Marshall Plan that rebuilt a ravaged Europe after World War II.

     Meanwhile, by attacking Ukraine, alienating Europe and having sanctions leveled against Russia, Putin has suffered a serious but not necessarily fatal geopolitical blow. He is now accelerating Russia’s pivot to the East and rapidly integrating its economy with China’s, all this while the United States, reels in domestic chaos.

    But hey! Let’s keep discussing abortion and the second amendment while the east eats USA’s lunch!



  3. 1 hour ago, Yzermandius19 said:

    now America is realizing that it's better to concentrate their reach in certain locations and ignore the unimportant locations

    US multinationals can make more money without relying on unreliable nations like Russia and China

    Just ROLF!  China and Russia are being cut out of the WESTERN version of globalization.

    FYI - plans for a trade settlement currency are already advancing under the support of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), a project planning to do away with dollars for trade settlements. The ambition is for it to become the mechanism for freeing over half the world from dollar hegemony, including all nations whose export markets now depend more on Asia than the current developed world.

    If you have no clue how the current financial system works, here’s an example:

    “If I want to transfer money from Russia to Kazakhstan, the payment is made using the dollar. First, the bank or payment system transfers my roubles to dollars, and then transfers them from dollars to tenge. There is a double conversion, with a high percentage taken as commission by American banks.”

    Why should this unfair advantage continue if the only benefitting is the USA which has squandered the privilege by printing money out of thin air to launch asymmetrical wars of aggression?

    BTW, US multinationals will do business with anyone as long as they can increase profits. Or how do you explain Hollywood’s accommodating stance to China’s demands – perhaps the “unreliable” market of 1.4B+ Chinese is what US multinationals are interested in reaching.




    I’m so sick and tired of people not understanding what Globalization or Geopolitics are.  Here you go, you can thank me later:

    1)    Globalization means the speedup of movements and exchanges (of human beings, goods, and services, capital, technologies or cultural practices) all over the planet.

    2)    Geopolitics is the study of the effects of geography (human and physical) on politics and international relations.  Geopolitics is a method of studying foreign policy to understand, explain, and predict international political behavior through geographical variables.


    Globalization is well and alive and shows no signs of dying.  Mainly, it’s American Conservatives that hold the view that somehow they can bring Nationalism back. Ironic, they demand this now, after reaping the benefits of globalization for decades and being “exceptional” by the ruthless theft of other countries’ wealth and resources.

    And if one dares point out the fallacy, they tend to support their arguments citing Bible prophecy and calling anyone that disagrees with them “Globalists and Satanists”.  That’s one accomplishment of their hero Trump. He managed to successfully polarize the country and boast about it. 

    If the premise “Divide and Conquer” is evil, then Trump is the epitome of evil.



  5. 6 minutes ago, Scott Mayers said:

     I 'liked' but question the apparent link. It doesn't appear to be a legit youTube link but a redirect. Can you post the original link so that me or others can verify securely? (It will open a window here if it is legit).

    Here's the link to the YouTube channel.  The testimonials are heart breaking, all these people had very difficult childhoods.


  6. 2 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

    how many of those kids would prefer foster care to not being alive?

    I'm guessing a lot

    abortion is worse

    attempting to justify abortion by pointing out the pitfalls of the foster care system is asinine

    Abortion for many women is the only viable option – and I’m not talking rape or incest only.  Accidents happen, there are many circumstances that make it difficult for women to carry their babies to term.  Adoption isn’t the panacea some make it to be, the stories one hears from the foster care system are oftentimes horror stories. Incest, pedophilia, human trafficking, are baked into the system. But hey, eyes wide shut!

    Pro-life people focus on and vehemently defend the fetus, but they shun the homeless, drug addict and sex worker.  Want to guess the common trait these people share? They were unwanted.

    If you’ve got the time and interest, please check Mark Laita’s Youtube Channel “Soft White Underbelly” He interviews individuals within our society that America has turned their backs on, ridiculed and seen as untouchable.

    https://conversations.indy100.com/soft-white-underbelly-youtube-docuseries#:~:text=Boasting over 2.3 million subscribers,ridiculed and seen as untouchable.

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  7. 23 hours ago, RedDog said:


    Why do angry pro Roe women always react as though every abortion involves a raped and molested minor? It’s as though EVERY abortion in the history of the world involved minors.

    In reality, most by far are after-the-fact lazy birth control. You KNEW how to avoid pregnancy before hand.

    Why out of touch men always try to invalidate women's outrage with the ruling? Why not focus on the fact that too many men are irresponsible fathers, leaving the burden of raising a child solely to the mother.  They care about the fetus, not the child!

  8. 1 hour ago, eyeball said:

    Given at least half the states appear to be ready to ban or severely restrict abortions maybe now Americans will have definable regions of the US they can move to where they can be amongst their own kind.

    Perhaps America's 2nd Civil War won't need to be a violent affair now that they'll have the choice to relocate or stay in their red or blue regions or even countries one day. There may be a silver lining here. 

    Perhaps the time is ripe for the balkanization of the USA, something they don't mind and even promote in other parts of the world.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

    The US government...and a lot of governments including our own...have gotten power-drunk. I don't know where this will all end. But today...I think its a wise idea for Americans to maintain the 2nd amendment as best as possible.

    I find folks that think a gun or rifle will help them fight against the sophisticated weaponry at the hands of the government extremely naive.  If those in power decide to wage war on their population, chances are they’ll win.


  10. A couple of friends and I recently created the Geopolitics 2.0 group on MeWe. The group isn’t USA-centric, we touch on what’s happening the world over and would like more international members to join.

    (The MeWe site/app has great features/functionality; unfortunately, there's not much membership diversity)

    We’d love to see you there!


  11. Please explain how exactly did you connect these dots: implementing a school hardening strategy to border security and the notion that a tank could be smuggled!?  You're aware the USA is one of the biggest arms manufacturer, right?

    So if you were a parent you’d like to see one school entrance for entering and exiting along with the hiring of armed ex-police?  Yeah, because having kids in a prison-like environment will work wonders for their physique…

     Mental illness is the elephant in the room, one that seems no one wants to talk about.

  12. Hardening encompasses a wide range of physical defenses, such as surveillance cameras, metal detectors, door-locking systems, arming teachers and even armed guards. In the weeks following the Uvalde shooting, support for arming teachers and employing police officers in schools has been renewed by leaders from both political parties.

    School security has become a major industry in the United States. Each year, more than $2.7 billion are spent on hardening schools. But there is currently no conclusive evidence that any of these measures prevent school shootings.

    https://theconversation.com/does-hardening-schools-make-students-safer-184036?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Daily Newsletter for June 21 2022&utm_content=Daily Newsletter for June 21 2022+CID_988fb1b132a4d5ce7015e0a39f34609f&utm_source=campaign_monitor_us&utm_term=Does hardening schools make students safer


    I’m all for science and its advances and I’m definitely pro-abortion; however, what gives me qualms is that the Transhumanism agenda will only widen the have and have-nots gap.  Want to have access to scientific advancements an become and enhanced human?  How much money do you have?  I see us moving into an Elysium world (the Matt Damon/Jodie Foster movie) and since I’m not rich, I worry.



  14. Global fertility rates are declining. In 1952, the average global family had five children—now, they have less than three. There are a number of theories to explain this phenomenon, but most of the literature boils down to three main factors: Women’s empowerment, particularly in education and the workforce, lower child mortality, and increased cost of raising children. Higher education in women is correlated with lower fertility.


    Lower fertility rates, coupled with increased life expectancies around the world, are creating an aging population. Since 1950, the global median age has grown from 25 years to 33 years. An older population comes with a number of economic risks, including rising healthcare costs and a smaller global workforce.


    If we put this data in context, we can understand why The Great Replacement Theory is gaining so much traction; especially in developed countries, where most of the population is white, with low fertility rates and an aging population.


    My theory is that there are some major stereotypes at play here. Seems to me that many people believe that a world led by dark-skinned people would go to hell in a handbasket.
    I’m not interested in moralistic statements, but I’d appreciate it if you could share your POV on the WHY this movement is becoming mainstream.


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