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Hudson Jones

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Posts posted by Hudson Jones

  1. On 6/9/2017 at 0:38 PM, -TSS- said:

    I cant see the Tories sticking with May for the next five years. By calling this unnecessarily early election she was bound to end up either a shrewd tactician or a greedy fool.

    The outcome was the latter.

    I don't think she was the driving force behind the call for an election. That decision was made by the top brass based on the polls. Unfortunately for her, she could not deliver as a leader. The fact that she skipped out on a debate took away her credibility as a leader.


  2. 12 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

    There's a price to pay for being the world police, which USA has done up till now. 

    Some see the USA as "the world police". Some see the USA as a war mongering nation whose foreign policy is heavily influenced by special interest groups such as the military industrial complex, fossil fuel industry and foreign nations, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia. These special interest groups rely on these repetitive wars to create friction which keeps the industries replenished. 

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  3. On 5/26/2017 at 10:53 PM, Omni said:

    Here's what is happening, and I hope expands: black guy meets white girl and fall in love, yellow man meets black girl and fall in love, white man meets black girl and fall in love, get the picture? And eventually we end up with these babies with a color of, oh lets call it neutral, and then we can get beyond all this xenophobic bullshit and actually do something intelligent.

    I wish you were right. However, I look an example now: many Israelis look the same as Palestinians, as most are Semites. Look how that has turned out.

    Look at Africa and the fighting between different tribes.

    Look at the Shiites and Sunnis.

    Look at the Catholics and Protestants.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, overthere said:

    Corbyn is a waste of skin who was just barely popular enough  within his party to squeal through a leadership vote post Brexit.  

    He might surprise some people.

    The Blairites, who are like the Hillary Democrats, tried to push Corbyn out for someone who is more of a yes-man to the establishment. That, obviously, created a negative atmosphere and hurt the party.

    If the right in Labour shuts up and gets behind its elected leader, then Labour has a chance.

    People in the West are drawn towards the anti-establishment candidates on various sides. Trump and Sanders are a perfect example.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Hal 9000 said:

    Well, if 35 out of 36 numbers on a roulette table were black, wouldn't you bet on black?

    I wouldn't blame Muslims. We have over 1 million Muslims in Canada and over 3 million in the UK. If Muslims were crazy terrorists, we would all be dead by now.

    I blame mentally ill, unstable people with psychopath tendencies for being okay with killing innocent people. Same with the guy today, who drove into people and started stabbing them, and the Mosque killer in Quebec, the Orlando shooter, the Charleston, North Carolina shooter.

    I don't blame Muslims. Because that's just stupid.

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  6. 1 minute ago, DogOnPorch said:


    You're free to let your racism cloud my bigotry towards your preferred cult. No matter to moi.

    However, those that did follow this...errr...story...know what the first descriptions of the event were (two masked men yelling Allahu Akbar)...and how they evolved to become a a single White Nationalist Trump Supporter...even though there is zero evidence of THAT. He also 'liked' Tommy Douglas and Jack Layton...but that doesn't fit your narrative...Mr CJPME.

    It's important to note that you are not convinced that the guy that has confessed to the killings at the Mosque in Quebec is the killer and you believe that it was done by Muslims.

    I suppose there was a reason why I had you on ignore. Because you waste time with your outrageous conspiracy theories.

    Back to ignore you go.

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  7. On 3/4/2017 at 5:18 PM, betsy said:

    A friend had to go to Paris for an unavoidable business meeting - and he stayed mostly in his hotel.  His wife who stayed behind in Canada, was quite worried the whole time he was in Paris. 

    Living in unreasonable fear does that. Since there is a higher chance of dying from a car crash or getting hit by lightening, why bother leaving home at all?

    Your risk of being killed in a car crash (one in 19,000), drowning in your bathtub (one in 800,000), or being struck by lightning (one in 5.5 million) far exceed your risk of dying from terrorism (one in 20 million).


    By the way, speaking of decline in tourism:

    Donald Trump's 'Muslim ban' costs US travel industry an estimated $185m as tourism interest 'falls off a cliff'


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  8. On 7/8/2016 at 3:16 AM, betsy said:

    It must be true that there's an influx of rape going on in some hot spots in Europe.

    Otherwise, why would this feminist Swedish MP make such a statement that actually tries to give excuses to rapes committed by MUSLIM migrants?


    I love a comment that, what seems to be a Swede made on the far right web site, under the article:

    Jonathan X Lindqvist · 
    There's an amazing view on this site.

    But let me at least inform some information, the Swedish rape laws are the most covering and open in the world: Plus we have a enlightened society where we do not shame or blame the raped; As such we have the most rapes filed to the police.

    If you'd say that the amount of rapes reported equals to how much actual rape is made, then Saudi Arabia, India, Dubai and other sexist-shitholes should be paradise because there's no rapes reported in said countries.

    That doesn't mean there isn't a problem with the immigration and the sexism of a lot of immigrants, but quoting 1 communist-leftist politcian and then going rabid over it is border-line nazi proganda.
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  9. 25 minutes ago, betsy said:

    An asylum seeker can also fall under the classification of migrant - the difference being he's compelled to leave his home.  

    I suppose this thread is about rape and other crimes committed by refugees and migrants.  I don't think I'm allowed to create another thread about crimes by migrants/refugees - it will likely get merged with this.

    It's a good attention seeking thread topic though. Something you would see on Breitbart or a comment made by Trump. Who cares if it vilifies a whole group of people. Just make sure to use that against migrants or Muslims only. Be sure to not use your stereotyping and brush strokes against other groups, cultures and religions, because then, you know, it would be wrong.

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  10. 2 hours ago, Hal 9000 said:

    The chinese were mentioned earlier, so I'll give the example of Vancouver; there was a time in Vancouver when the chinese and the caucasians got along great and associated with each other regularly, now the chinese are outright rude to whites, telling them to get out of "their city", that we "don't belong here", many refuse to even bother with english, they buy up complete buildings and neighbourhoods, signs are only chinese in some areas.  Vancouver is a microcosm of what is gonna happen to Canada.

    I live in Vancouver and as a Caucasian who sees the Chinese (and other Eastern Asian nationalities) often, I find your statement to be completely inaccurate. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, Hal 9000 said:

    I know a few muslims personally, and I do like them on an individual basis.  However, that changes with numbers.  You can look at any group and see individuals and get along with certain ones, but when you get the numbers all that changes.

    Your understanding of Muslims looks to be very superficial. If you actually really knew Muslims, you would know that religion is not a deciding factor as to who they are. Muslims come from many different cultures. For example, a Saudi Muslim is much different than an Indonesian Muslim or a Turkish Muslim or an Iranian Muslim. Even within the countries, value of the people are different based on where they live, how they were raised and who they are as individuals.

    Your attempt to explain 1.5 billion people based on a religious affiliation is an immature way of thinking. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, GostHacked said:

    After 8 years of Obama people are still hoping for change. However Trump is doing what he said he would do. I may not agree with what he is doing, but I can't fault a guy for following through on his promises. All that within the first couple weeks too!

    In some ways, he is following up on what he said he would do. However, the whole "draining the swamp" thing isn't really happening. The appointments he has made are contrary to what he had said he would do.

  13. On 12/30/2016 at 8:41 AM, Argus said:

    There is no point in which Jews and Muslims have lived together except as conqueror and conquered. There is not now nor has there ever been a Muslim nation which treats other religious groups as equals within its borders. Jews, Christians and others who were permitted to reside in the lands of Dar al Islam were forced to pay special taxes and had all manner of prohibitions applied to their rights and conduct.

    Today, just to name two Muslim countries, you have Iran and Turkey who have Jews and Christians living there. They have churches and synagogues. Iran's capital, Tehran, has over 30 synagogues. Both Jews and Christians are able to serve in politics and they do. They have the same rights as others in the country. It would help if you looked these things up, instead of sharing what you think it's like.

    In the past, before the political rift between Iran and Israel, Iran was close friends with Israel despite Iran being majority Muslim. Iran and Israel had regular trade and travels. 

    Before the mass Zionist migration from Europe into Palestine, Jews, Christians and Muslims lived together. Look it up. 


    That makes no sense whatsoever. The various borders drawn in the region by western powers have been accepted other than this one, because the people within are Jews. Calling them colonizers is likewise silly since many have been there for literally eons. Nor was land taken away from anyone else at that time. Only when surrounding Muslims attacked Israel and lost (badly) did they lose territory.

    When six countries decided to draw the borders and take land from one group of people in order to make room for a group of people coming mostly from Europe, what kind of a reaction are you expecting? Open arms?  They ended up penalizing the people in the region for what the Europeans did to the Jews. Majority of the Jews had no connection to the land. These were European Jews who have a closer connection to Turks and Anglo-Saxons than Semites. The Arab Muslims and Christians and the Jews who lived in Palestine got along well. They lived together. It was only after the mass Zionist immigration and the colonization of the land by foreigners that issues started. 


    Any time you start moving foreigners onto a land and lock out the inhabitants from their own homes, then treat them like shit, it's only natural to create friction and a rebellion.

    That didn't happen. And the Muslims who stayed within Israel have more human rights and more political representation than any Arab anywhere else in the region.


    It did happen. Look up the Nakba and read about the 500+ villages that were burnt down and replaced by what is now Israel. Read about the hundreds of thousands of inhabitants that were driven out and now live in refugee camps.

    You sure have a lot of opinion for someone who has very little knowledge of the topic you are discussing.

  14. 15 hours ago, TimG said:

    So? The intent of the blockade it is to limit goods which can be used to be turned into weapons.

    I can't quite tell if you have limited knowledge on this issue or you are purposely echoing the false narrative. Some of the goods that were not allowed into Gaza I have listed below - Tell me again if limitation of goods were due to stopping Hamas from making weapons OR so that Israel could punish and break a group of people:

    1.  sage    2.  cardamom   3. cumin   4. coriander   5. ginger   6. jam   7. halva   8. vinegar   9. nutmeg   10. chocolate   11. fruit preserves   12. seeds and nuts   13. biscuits and sweets 14.   potato chips   15. gas for soft drinks   16. dried fruit   17. fresh meat   18. plaster   19. tar   20. wood for construction 21. cement   22. iron   23. glucose   24. industrial salt   25. plastic/glass/metal containers   26. industrial margarine   27. tarpaulin sheets for huts   28. fabric (for clothing)   29. flavor and smell enhancers   30. fishing rods   31. various fishing nets   32. buoys   33. ropes for fishing   34. nylon nets for greenhouses   35. hatcheries and spare parts for hatcheries   36. spare parts for tractors   37. dairies for cowsheds   38. irrigation pipe systems   39. ropes to tie greenhouses   40. planters for saplings   41. heaters for chicken farms   42. musical instruments   43. size A4 paper   44. writing implements   45. notebooks   46. newspapers   47. toys   48. razors   49. sewing machines and spare parts   50. heaters   51. horses   52. donkeys   53. goats   54. cattle   55. chicks



    More importantly, Egypt also enforces these restrictions at its border. Perhaps because it too realizes that Hamas is group that foments violence and weapons need to be kept out of its hands. If Egypt lifted its blockade the efforts by Israel would be irrelevant. So why do the anti-Israel chattering classes focus only on Israel? Perhaps it is because their dislike of Israel has nothing to do with the actions Israel takes to protect itself from those that would do it harm.

    Egypt enforced the restrictions because of the massive amount of money it receives from the U.S. If they don't cooperate with U.S.' demands, those millions would be gone.

    We just saw this happen last week, when Trump contacted Al-Sisi (Egypt's president) and on behalf of Israel, told him not to bring forward the anti-settlement resolution. Al-Sisi bowed to his sugar daddy.

    So in conclusion, repeating the narrative, that Israel removed a few thousand people from Gaza and then the response was rockets is false and it's missing some important information. It cannot be used as justification for Israel not to follow international law and continue to steal more Palestinian land.


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