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Posts posted by Jack9000

  1. 23 hours ago, ironstone said:

    I thought the Alberta NDP experiment was a disaster to put it mildly. Anything is possible but hopefully Albertans will never make the same mistake twice and put in the socialists again.

    mistake lmao? Ndp was the best thing alberta did in 40 years...  40 years of  right wing cons  have done nothing for alberta lmao.  danielle smith will also be easier to beat in a election then the other choices because she can't help herself with that mouth of hers.. shes about as bright as a  brick wall.

    • Haha 1
  2. 13 hours ago, herbie said:

    I get it ArmyGuy, you don't think adding dental to the main healthcare is a good idea, but I and the vast majority of voters do. Most employers do too as it would reduce the 'extended benefits' cost from their pocket. We're not likely to change each other's minds.

    But I will put to you that it's a (not fully) done deal and eliminating it would not look too good on anyone's election platform. So the actual problem is how to deal with its cost going forward.

    he doesn't think the government should spend a dime on any average person around or just below middle class  or poor person  so not surprised he doesn't think they should be spending on dental care either lol..

  3. 18 hours ago, taxme said:

    I am still waiting for you to reply to my question as to why you seem to fee that it is alright for the globalist Marxist in Ottawa to freeze peoples bank accounts and credit cards?

    And now the Marxist in Ottawa wants to start up a digital currency where the Marxist would now be able to track as to what and where one spends his/her own money on which is none of the governments gawd dam business. So, are you all in for that one too? Well, come on, man, speak up and stop running away from hard conservative questions. Well, lefty boy? ?

    I didn't answer because your question was pointless and stupid lmao.. you think our government is marxist/communist so i don't bother wasting my time on you..  i hated harper but didn't call him nazi or hitler  lol.. no canadian government either  left or right wing has gone as far as you claim the current one is. so basically everything you post is bs  is what I am saying.

  4. all leader of major partys get a bump once elected... however it's probably more of people being tired of trudeau cause  7 years  then PP  being viewed as the savior lol.. the guy can't handle pressure if he becomes pm   him crying the media is fake  when he screws up or someone in his  government screws up will atleast be entertaining i suppose

    • Like 1
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  5. for the first time I think he will be the next prime minister giving another 3 years before election the hatred for trudeau seems to be growing for the day. and i can understand not liking trudeau cause at times in the 7 years i have disliked him also.. but Pierre poilierve is not the solution.. its a shame none of the 3 partys have a good leader atm.

    • Like 2
  6. 18 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

    This is an Americanism. Yes, in the US the putative conservatives party is definitely beholden to the rich. But that's not the situation in Canada. The Liberals are the party of the rich and corporate Canada and always have been. The rich don't want to waste their money on parties which are usually in opposition and powerless. The Liberals are in power about 80% of the time so that's where the money goes.

    You are a fool if u don't think the cons are the corporation party also lol

  7. the hate really is growing lol even  here in atlantic canada seeing people i went to hs with on fb  over 10 years ago posting to vote for pierre /vote blue lol..  especially after the hurricane  because trudeau gave a 27% increase to  some foreign spending but only said he will match red cross donations for us... i do agree that trudeau spends 2 much money on other countrys instead of taking care of his own... but they are fools if they think pierre  would give them more money lol.. a con government never gives more to the average person or middle class.

  8. 4 hours ago, I am Groot said:

    There is so much cliché in the above it's hard to know where to start.

    Just to start, in Canada, big business has been on the Liberal bandwagon for decades. For a variety of reasons the Liberals are usually in power and the corporations and rich like to be in with the powerful. Harper didn't have any corporate buddies.

    And according to the parliamentary budget officer Harper's tax policy helped push down inequality.

    As for the rest, raising the retirement rate to 67 for CPP was what world economists recommended in light of an aging population. The CD Howe said it would be extremely helpful in keeping the economy moving in an era of an aging population. 

    Trudeau 'taking care of everyone' I translate to "borrowed lots and lots of money". Yes, and now with interest rates rising the debt is going to start eating away at the government's revenues and we'll all suffer for it. But Trudeau will be happily sunning himself down south with the Aga Khan so won't care.

    Dentistry? No one has problems finding a family dentist. No one has to wait months to see an oral surgeon. Almost everyone has dental benefits from their employer, even those who work at Walmart. Those on welfare and the working poor get basic dental benefits from their municipality or their province. We don't need the federal government coming in and mucking it up.

    one of the most  useless posts  i seen on here lol.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

    And Japan, with negative population growth, has housing increasing above the normal inflation rate..

    Liberals tried to blame Harper for the world recession in 2008 also

    Harper  an a-Hole and hate his guts personally but wasn't his fault lol.  but i do remember him and i think  jim flarrety  keep denieing we were in a recession to the public until they had no choice to admit it which everyone already new...

    • Like 1
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  10. On 9/23/2022 at 5:47 PM, Nefarious Banana said:

    Jack9000 . . . . These threads are full of 'what's wrong' with the present Federal Liberal government, and especially its leader and present PM Justin Trudeau. You and a handful of other posters on these threads have defended the present Federal Liberals and PM Justin Trudeau at every opportunity  . . . . 

    Questions for you Jack9000:  What specifically do you find so attractive about the policies, government direction, and over-all governance of Justin Trudeau that you like and approve of?

    What has Justin Trudeau done for you?


    He lowered old age to 65 again after your cons tried to make people work to 67 before retirement pension while they get one at 55 . His boosts ton child benefit has helped multiple families even though not me personally . Took care of everyone when forced to not go to work during pandemic early on by there employers .dental care he's doing next is also good.  I mean Harper did nothing but try to make average life of Canadian worse while enriching his corporation buddies .. so Trudeau doesn't have to do much to get my support over a guy who was Harper's attack dog and right hand man at times.

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  11. On 9/23/2022 at 10:56 PM, Nexii said:

    Poilievre is ok with LGBT, and that puts the CPC much closer to center than Liberals or NDP

    CPC will win the next election, only question is whether it'll be a minority or majority government. Liberals show no sign of cutting overspending which has led to runaway inflation. By the time the next election is called the pandemic will be a distant memory, and Russia is too distant to work as a scapegoat for high living costs

    Not to mention the complete collapse of our healthcare system

    Global inflation dude everycountry has it 

    • Thanks 1
  12. On 9/23/2022 at 4:34 PM, taxme said:

    Left equals big government Marxism. Live with it, comrade. We are not a real democracy anymore. We lost that democracy when that Marxist dicktator in Ottawa froze people's bank accounts and credit cards. But what do you care if that happened to someone else's bank account? If it happened to you one day, you would be the first one to cry like a little baby. I hope that one day we conservatives do the same and freeze bank accounts and credit cards for anyone voting liberal. Give you a little taste of your own Marxist medicine. Works for me!!

    There was no evidence that those patriotic Truckers and their supporters were protesting and trying to overthrow the government. Dod they storm the Parliament "ILL" building and try to burn it down? Are you really that dumb?

    The patriotic truckers and their supporters had bouncy castles for kids. That does not look or sound to me like the truckers were a bunch of terrorist radicals and bringing children along and trying to overthrow the government. That is what Antifa and the BLM communist goons do. What are you using for brains anyway? Mush of some sort? 

    You should feel sorry for those protesters who were fighting for all of our rights and freedoms. I guess that you would only feel sorry for them if they were a bunch of leftist liberal trucker protesters doing the same thing, right? 

    Go away with your leftist liberal bull chit. ?

    Complaining what Trudeau did wrong but wanting to do same thing to liberals you just lost your whole argument lol... 

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