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Posts posted by Jack9000

  1. 2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    Well i think we've already seen your political acumen and knowledge is slightly less than that of a squirrel, so it's little surprise to find you wrong again :)

    Right now the ndp is bleeding to the CPC for that very reason.  And that's multiple polls and multiple pollsters.

    Jaggers has done nothing since he sold his party for pennies on the dollar to the libs, and the libs have hurt the working class horribly.   So the CPC has stepped in and scooped that position now and is entrenching.  The average person wants to be able to afford a home,  eat well on their paycheque, afford the odd luxury and have some hope for the future and the only party offering that at the moment is the CPC.

    It's also worth noting that the cpc won the popular vote in the last two elections.  it was the elitist areas in ontario that put the libs in power. And now they're done with them as well.

    Tell you what - we'll talk after the next election and we'll see whether the ndp or the CPC comes away with the most seats :)

    i already said the cpc will win th e next election is more due to  trudeau being in for 9 years then people liking pierre lmao.

  2. 2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    The conservatives often have been the people's party and have taken that spot again recently. The left has screwed the middle class so badly it isn't funny, and only the dumbest of the dumb fail to realize that in this day and age. Times are tough and when times are tough people turn to the tories.  By the time the next election rolls around we could be looking at  a tory super majority. 

    the people party lol yea okay sure you keep thinking that lmao. atleast under otoole they had a stable man at the held.. people like scheer and poilerve are nutcases and turn off  the average person more and more they speak.

  3. 2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    Sure - Paper routes are absolutely a real job and they help build character too so you keep going little guy!! :) 

    Oil? ummm ...  i'm not an albertan. ROFLMAO -  wow swing and a  miss kiddo :)    But - prior to oil alberta did in fact pull it's own weight in confederation and was hardly a burden.  Wow - you were wrong twice at the same time! Very efficient of you ;) 

    How did you screw THAT up so badly? Ohh.... right... forgot where you were from for a minute there. Sorry. :) 

    Not remotely close. You'd have to be 7 different kinds of stupid to think it was. If i have to explain the difference between a person who isn't even the prime minister saying that a province has an attitude problem it needs to over come to be successful and the actual gov't saying they'll collect people's taxes but they'll only spend the money on people who vote for them...  well if i have to go over why that's different then i'm afraid you're just not educated enough for this conversation.

    Oh i think everyone realizes what a dumb thing it was to vote liberal or ndp. Even people as slow witted as the atlantics seem to have figured it out at this point :) I mean, your people are SLOW - but they're not THAT slow... 

    paper route lmao yea okay bud this is why  atlantic canadians don't like you guys out west who defend the cons no matter what you are arrogant and demean  people who live here

    • Haha 1
  4. 8 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    Two things can be true. :)

    Anyone who doesn't needs to ask themselves who the premier is. She had a perfect storm that should have taken her out of power and she dodged it.  Don't think she's stupid just because she panders to the nuts a bit.


    It's not even remotely close to the same thing in the slightest. One is an opinon about the state of a region - the other is a threat that if you don't vote our way we will punish you and in a democracy that is utterly unacceptable to the extreme.  A prime minister and the gov't are supposed to act in the best interests of ALL canadians, not just the ridings that voted for them


    The CPC likes you - mckay was number 2 for ages.   it's the REST of us who don't like you  ;)  LOLOL  (Kidding!)


    Says the people who only live because the rest of us hard working people give you equalization hand outs and now tax breaks :P   You're the political equivalent of living in your mommy's basement :) Call me when you've got a real job :) 


    But amusing regional jabs aside, this issue will tend to resonate.  The people who like the carbon tax will be very pissed at this, the people who don't will feel ripped off. The CPC will beat them over the head with it being unfair and the left will beat them over the head with it selling out carbon taxes and the environment. We'll see how bad it gets but i swear that guy can't go a month without finding a new hornet's nest to stick his head in,.

    I have a real job but thanks for you concern and please before you found oil you were nothing but a burdon  on rest of canada lmao funny how you guys now forget that .hope you perpairing for the post oil days. 

    also it is t he same thing lmao the cons like harper can attack us but to you it doesn't count only when the liberal attack you.. cry me a river and take it like a man.. I hate to see if trudeau somehow pulled off the election in 2025 you guys would go into meltdown screaming for wexit again lmao.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Caswell Thomas said:

    I would be ok with Chris Christie or Mitt Romney for a Conservative substitute if the Colorado case disqualifies Trump. For the Dems I think Elizabeth Warren would make a fine President, she'd keep the banks in line for sure. Otherwise for the Dems I think Amy Klobuchar would also be good. 

    was thinking more like cory booker or the mich govenor lol

  6. 2 minutes ago, PIK said:

    NDP is done. Nothing but a bunch of activists. They are no longer the party of the worker,  they've lost that to the Cons. I watched some of their convention, it was sad. Seemed so unorganized. To much hate in that party.

    cons being the party of the worker will never happen lol.. there the party of big corporation and oil executives . no party is for workers at the moment to be honest.

  7. 24 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    Pretty smart i'd say.  Ask the recently re-elected smith about that :)

     Fact is he'll probably win this one. The ndp federally is running scared for whatever reason and totally in the pocket of the libs so they won't stand up without permission from their master and justin is a bit of a coward.  And this isn't stopping there - they really screwed up when they said that if the west wants perks it needs more liberals. That will come back to bite them.  Westerners hate that kind of crap.




    smith smart? lmao shes a crazy wacko.. anyone who thinks that woman is smart needs to shake there head and please them saying that about the west is the same as harper saying atlantic canada is a culture of defeatism both sides play that Liberals don't like western canada.. and cons dont like us out in east/atlantic canada lol. atleast when we lose the election we take it like men and don't cry or try to make wexit cause our party didn't win federally lol.. westerners are babys.

  8. Biden should in no way be serving a 2nd term.. unfortunatly the guy on the other side is a want to be dictator out for revenge.. so biden winning is the better option   but a sad day when you have to hope nikkie haley can pull off a upset because shes the only one of the 4 thats some what normal and smart enough to run a country even if i dont  Like her stance on most issues..

    • Thanks 1
  9. interview has nothing to do with him winning.. it just proved he is the same pompous jerk  he has been since the early harper days but we already new that the right wingers get a kick out of it because there personality matches him . he will win because trudeau will of been in power for like 9 years or more by election time.. more then anything else..  he has 0 ideas   amazing how he can trick people into thinking they will be able to own a house under him but not under trudeau..

    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, CdnFox said:


    8 - 10 years is the usual cycle. Every now and then you see someone break that and he may have a shot at that. We'll see.

    The libs get in, trash the economy and divide the country - the conservatives get in, honk everyone off doing what's necessary to fix the problems, the libs get in - rinse and repeat .

    But - times are slowly changing and most  importantly every 6 years or so the west gets more seats which changes the dynamic.  And this time i don't think things are going to be fixed quite so easily.

    total lies lol..Harper did just as much damage as trudeau did by the time he left.. so its not just the liberals who  divide the country lmao.. i remember harper calling atlantic canadians a culture of defeatism.. yea thats gonna get our vote insult us.. so spare me I will never vote conservative even if pissed off with the liberals like i am now. would easily vote Ndp if they booted singh and put in charlie angus  but that doesn't look like happening  so yea.

  11. 18 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    It's a pendulum, like a wrecking ball.

    yep may not even vote in next federal election  voted for trudeau 3 times since the ndp had 0 chance in my riding. the cons do absolute 0 for atlantic canada when in so got  0 interest in them and trudeau hasnt done much lately either the heat pumps and tax removel is only because polls sinking and even in my riding which the liberals have held since the 1990s is favoured to go conservative atm.

  12. On 12/14/2022 at 2:33 PM, Army Guy said:

    To be honest this has been a liberal riding for the last 3 elections, and the running Candidate was not Pierre, but a conservative hopeful. not going to lie it would have been nice to win this seat, but as we have seen before in federal national elections anything can happen.

    Right now, the man the left said would never win an federal election is polling above 36 % of the vote...whats Justins numbers again you don't have to be scared, but concerned would be a better term. 

    Most polls he's 33 or 34 lol 36 in one I seen yes 

  13. well to get my vote they would have to ditch skippy and appoint a center-right leader like  chong  or someone similiar to him but that aint gonna happen..it's a real shame also i may just not vote in the next election trudeau ministers freeland with her comments lately and then the newfoundland minister with his sick and tired of hearing about the cold winter plus  putting a carbon tax on us in atlantic canada starting next july  the libs have lost my vote  at the moment.. 

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