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Posts posted by West

  1. 4 hours ago, Rebound said:

    Seemed pretty religious to the Jews, didn’t it?

    They were a secular regime. Just like Stalin

    1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

    Sure he is kid.  Just like he did two muslim bans before right? You know - the ones that didn't have the word 'muslim' in them anywhere.


    Trump was spot on. A pew research poll at the time showed 25% of American Muslims supporting violence against Americans. 

    Is it really "Islamophobia" when they want to cut your head off?

  2. 2 hours ago, Caswell Thomas said:

    And after Trump said the same last night in his most recent campaign whistle stop , and now he's adding anyone he decides are Communists, Marxists, or disabled people, or non-Christians will also be put out of this Country when he's in the White House again.  Pathetic. 



    Alot of common sense in this clip

  3. 14 hours ago, Caswell Thomas said:

    Both banned any Muslim trying to enter the united States from Somalia, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya and Iran.

    And it was the right decision 

    13 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

    So you’re FINALLY admitting he called for Muslim ban?



    PS many Palestinians are Christian 

    I support the Muslim ban after watching them behead babies

  4. 40 minutes ago, Caswell Thomas said:

    "...the Muslim travel ban..."   Blaming a religion for the practices of a bunch of terrorists who practice that religion is so narrow minded it reflects a certain psychological deficiency often aggravated from a smoldering hatred if anyone not exactly like yourself. Blaming a billion people who are world wide and going about normal lives mirrored by every race and religion on earth for the acts of a few of similar religion is like blaming all white people for those who joined the original Ku Klux Klan. 

    This whole thing is about religion. Ignorant liberals are putting us all at risk

  5. 10 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

    This is probably the only intelligent thing that you've ever said. 

    The part about "Netanyahu's legal issues" and "the supreme court" is just leftard BS. You're just being someone's stooge right now. 


    I don't think that there's even a 1% chance that Hamas pulled of an attack of that magnitude without the Israelis being aware that it was happening. 

    If I had to bet I'd say that they wanted this excuse for war against Hamas, even the part about "women and children being dragged into underground tunnels to be used as meat-shields for their own soldiers and weapons". 

    It's great PR, right? One of the most critical elements of any successful military campaign is evidence of the enemy's big, evil fangs. 

    Was it warranted?

    Yup: their enemy actually does have those fangs. 1,600 years of history tells us that exact thing. 

    If Israel doesn't let Hamas show the world exactly how evil they are, it's just a matter of time before the Israelis face an extinction-level event. And TBH, I think they probably still will anyways. 

    I bet that at least 100M islamists would take part in a genocide against Israel if they thought they had a chance of winning, 400M islamists would cheer for it, another 700M people would silently get great satisfaction from it, and in the end, 99% of them would be quite comfortable having peaceful relations with the islamic state that emerges from the ashes - on day 1. They will consider the new guys "way better than the Israelis". 

    Even in Canada Imams feel like they can openly talk about genocide against Israelis. That's weird. No one else in Canada talks about genocide like it's a great thing, unless maybe it's the LPOC talking about the unvaxed. 

    Trudeau and Biden have emboldened terrorists

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Legato said:

    Just realise that money is frangible. Iran will just look at the $6 Billion and say it now belongs to us, then use another $6 Billion in another bank. They already supply resources to many terrorists groups, Hamas and Hezbollah being two of them.

    Those thousands of rockets did not come from Stark Enterprises.






    And now Hamas confirms Iran is behind the attacks. 




    Thanks lefties!

  7. 20 hours ago, robosmith said:

    The fact that (according to you) it became a shit show after Trump lost just shows what a POOR JOB Trump did.

    Maybe he put a bunch of bandaids on deep wounds, but they clearly didn't heal them. 

    Giving Putin whatever he wanted JUST MADE Putin STRONGER and EMBOLDENED HIM, hoping that Trump would get elected again and continue our surrender.

    Donnie had four years while fighting coup attempts by leftists to try and fix the country. 

  8. 1 hour ago, robosmith said:

    Actually there has been a marked shift to the extreme right wing in Israeli government. Those ministers are the ones pushing the leveling of Gaza plan (not that Bibi is not sympathetic).  And Bibi is busy dismantling Israel's supreme court so the legal charges against him will be dismissed.

    Reminds me a lot of a scenario which may occur in the US IF Trump wins in 2024.

    So you support the rapists of Hamas.. predictable

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