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Everything posted by Dowell

  1. Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. This is not about hiding. It is living how Jesus showed us how to live, and how His word told us is the path to salvation. Following His way Lets us walk in the light. John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Those who don't follow His way hide in the darkness. John 3:20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.
  2. II am not telling you what to believe. I am telling you what I believe. It doesn't need to be the same thing.
  3. This is true, but sadly some people use religion to justify beating up on certain refugees.
  4. Jesus came to bring life, not death. Many who call themselves Christians want to tell Jesus who to love. They are like the Pharisees. Luke 5:30-31 But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Is salvation open to all? If you follow the teachings of Jesus, rather than the teachings about Jesus, the answer appears to be yes. If you study what Jesus taught and did, you see that he was, in the words of Bible scholar Marcus Borg, “radically inclusive.” He said to love one another, and he exemplified this by honouring and caring about people of all backgrounds. Spiritual leaders through the ages have asserted that Jesus was not just the example and advocate for Christians, but for everyone. Mahatma Gandhi, a Hindu, once said: “Jesus gave humanity the magnificent purpose and the single objective toward which we all ought to aspire. I believe that he belongs not solely to Christianity, but to the entire world, to all lands and races.” (Gandhi also said, “If Jesus came to earth again, he would disown many things that are being done in the name of Christianity.”) God loves in His children what we love in ours, love compassion, respect and gratitude. God cares who you are, not what you are.
  5. You are clearly mistaken, once again. Love respect compassion, basically being good citizens, or good children of God if you prefer are what Jesus is looking for. Keeping the good, rejecting the bad.
  6. The 99.991% of the people who didn't have a serious reaction is a big number. The 0.009% that did have a serious reaction is a small number. If it helps to get things back to normal, it is a good tradeoff.
  7. Your problem is that you try to cut Jesus' word into little pieces and say this piece is for those people, and this one for those. That is fundamentally untrue. You can't limit God. His word is for all His children who ever existed. Your mind has clearly gone to some strange place.
  8. Jeffrey Long, MD, is a radiation oncologist in Houma, Louisiana and a recognized world expert on near-death experiences. Dr. Long established the nonprofit Near Death Experience Research Foundation and a website forum (www.nderf.org) for people to share their NDEs Near-death experiences often occur in association with cardiac arrest. Prior studies found that 10–20 seconds following cardiac arrest, C generally find no significant measureable brain cortical electrical activity. A prolonged, detailed, lucid experience following cardiac arrest should not be possible, yet this is reported in many NDEs. This is especially notable given the prolonged period of amnesia that typically precedes and follows recovery from cardiac arrest. Dr. long thinks that it should not be possible for a brain with no no significant measureable brain cortical electrical activity to produce a prolonged, detailed, lucid experience, you think it is. We will have to leave it at that.
  9. NDEs are not a message from God. Messages from God come from Jesus, and the prophets. NDEs are personal experiences, and when studied, they seem to be more consistent with what Jesus and the prophets said than any scientific explanation.
  10. I assume that you are familiar with the parable of the wheat and tares. If you care for, respect and share with others, you are wheat. If you have no compassion for others, and berate them, you are a tare. Jesus paid a ransom for all he calls His own. Matthew 25:31-46 shows how He decides which you are.
  11. We know that NDEs are not a function of the brain, because they happen when the brain stops functioning. The spirit living after the body dies and returning to the God who created it fits like a glove. It explains seeing events events after the brain ceased functioning. It explains seeing from an out of body perspective. It explains going through a tunnel towards a light. Being given a choice of returning to the body, or not explains resuscitation with vivid accurate memories, and a brain that is healthy despite being oxygen deprived for an extended period of time. You may not believe what the bible says about the spirit living after the body dies, and returning to God, but show me where NDEs differ from that.
  12. It seems that you are desperately trying to explain away what you don't want to believe. The study was not a religious one, it was a medical one. Why not read it before you try to poke holes in it? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6172100/
  13. About 45% of near-death experiencers report OBEs which involves them seeing and often hearing ongoing earthly events from a perspective that is apart, and usually above, their physical bodies. Following cardiac arrest, NDErs may see, and later accurately describe, their own resuscitation. If they see and accurately describe their resuscitation t was after the brain stopped functioning.
  14. Some of the people who were born here proved to be criminals and terrorists, which proves there is no difference.
  15. They occurred when there was no brain activity. They were not a function of the brain. These events occurred when the body was clinically dead, and the spirit was returning to God
  16. These people are fleeing those places full of crime and terrorism, the perpetrators staying put. You think everyone should be more like you. I disagree
  17. https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccine-safety/ Of the 19,014 individual reports (0.034% of all doses administered), 4,927 were considered serious (0.009% of all doses administered). Serious reactions in less than 1 in 10,000 makes it seem safer than crossing the street.
  18. Of course Jesus wasn't speaking to the church, he was speaking to the people, not an institution. He lived his life to show us how we should live ours, and left us his word to tell us how to live a life pleasing to God. You think that you can lump people into groups, and then persecute them all. God sees each one of us as his child. Be careful who you judge, you might be condemning a child that God has called his own. Why don't you try to be a good neighbour to all.
  19. You seem to think being verbose is a virtue. It is not. I read your post, and see that you are going to great lengths to explain how Jesus words are not meant for us living in this present age. They are. Jesus came to us born of woman to show us how we should live in this current age, not the future kingdom age, where he will be with us and won't need the written word to talk to us. His words are to all of us here and now. What I find most disturbing is that you wrap yourself in a cloak of Christianity thinking it can excuse your xenophobic hate mongering and and spare you from judgement. It will not. You call immigrants uninvited intruders, they are not. They are, or will be our fellow Canadians. and have been welcomed by those we chose to represent us. If you are unhappy with that, why not run for office, and see how much support you get.
  20. The context seems pretty clear to me, it is the word of God given to all of us. "for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." That is foundational. It is also the standard used to separate the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25.
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