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Everything posted by Donnie

  1. Yeah global warming...blah blah blah. Another fear mongering tactic. Totally debunked. Look at that jackass Al Gore. We were supposed to be dead or ice age, which is the same thing, by 2014. He said so in his book. He was totally wrong and now has a net worth of over $350 million. Literally look it up. Hundreds of millions made selling junk science. Nuclear power is the way to go. 3 accidents in the last 40 years of industrialization of the world. Seems pretty safe to me.
  2. So instead of arguing my point you personally attack me. That is against the rules isn't it? This is a personal attack which you cannot make because you do not have access to my education degrees, diplomas or anything else in regards to my education. BTW it is the same reason as to why I cannot attack you or your education or intelligence level. @mod @admin
  3. If the left is going to run to the courts to cry constantly and have laws overturned. Why dont they just do away with government or reduce the governmental powers? I agree the leftists are quite fascist some of the time. Having government enforce laws at the end of a gun is fascism. THE LEFT IS GUILTY OF THIS OFTEN.
  4. Sorry, Im new to this board I need to get used to the functions. Look at this section. This is overly vague just like almost every leftist regulation. How does the person know that the attention is unwanted or not? That can be interpreted in too many ways. Simply talking to a girl can be interpreted as unwanted. Then this person is sexually harassing the person according to this. Trigger warnings, micro aggressions, socialism (which is theft straight up), trans which is accepting mental illness as a fact, unchecked immigration viewed as a positive thing, fascist anti hate speech laws. I can go on. No more right wing pandering for votes. Stop doing this people. Support right wing talking points. Destroy the left wing with facts. The left is very weak on facts. They hate facts. They block right wing speakers because they are afraid of facts.
  5. Ok. However do the new people we are importing en masse support our social values? It seems counter to the leftist goals to allow people in who do not agree with homosexuality, trans people etc. Does it not? Or is it the great leftist job to teach these people so they to will become enlightened?
  6. No. Far too leftist. We are moving from being a Liberal country to becoming fully socialist. Look at all the examples of failed socialism. Yet this is what is wanted by the left in Canada. They wont call it but they call it Democratic Socialism or the Third way. Sound familiar? The thing I dont understand is that our western nations were built from nothing to the most advanced nations on the planet as a direct result of the free market system or capitalism. But now that system is bad and needs to be replaced by Democratic SOCIALISM.
  7. And three mile island. That's my point. Point is nuclear power is the cleanest energy source we have. Zero emissions. Zero pollution. Seems to be the environmentalists should be in favour of this. We need more nuclear power plants. No wind farms, no solar farms. Solar should be only used on roofs of homes and businesses. That is my opinion.
  8. Wouldn't it be much easier to just appoint judges and have them rule over us instead of having a government that can rule? If everything is decided by judges why not mostly dissolve government or have government powers greatly reduced so that government cannot make new laws etc?
  9. How do you know? Are prisons full of people who do not? Also "everyone"? as in everyone in the world? or everyone in Canada? or everyone in Syria? Qualify everyone please.
  10. I wasn't making any conclusion. I was merely asking a question. You refused to answer for whatever reason. Thank you just the same sir.
  11. Do you think they are a good fit for Canada? Do they share left wing Canadian values? Do they agree with homosexuality? How about Transgender? Do these refugees accept modern feminism? Are Syrian husbands raping their wives by not asking permission for sex and just assuming permission? If they do not share these values and are more conservative in nature, I don't see how many could possibly feel these people are a good fit.
  12. Where did one blow up in Canada? I may have missed it in the news. How many have blown up in the last 40 years of industrialization?
  13. In other words you see no media bias whatsoever. Is that your position?
  14. People get sensitive when their beliefs are attacked. So I would suggest only use facts to debate. Do not use feelings or argue from a position of authority. Do that, you'll do better.
  15. I'm a Conservative. I do not care what two consenting adults do, Nor should anyone. Gays have money just like everyone else. As conservatives we care about the free market. Making sure everyone has free access to the markets. In other words opportunity. Socialists care about outcome. To a socialist the outcome must be equal regardless of education, effort or anything else.
  16. https://www.ontario.ca/page/lets-stop-sexual-harassment-and-violence
  17. And you take them at their word? With all the craziness the left pushes. Even asking a person out is rape. Asking for a kiss is rape. Almost everything these days is considered some form of assault. How do we know how many are actual assaults? Do we have police reports? Video evidence? Sorry people lie all the time in order to push their own agendas. Just look at our PM...
  18. The left has no end. They simply move from one victory to pushing the next thing. The left will never stop, ever. That's why it's so important to not even give them one victory. Ho2wever, it's too late for that. Gender dimorphism is a very sad condition. It makes me feel terrible for those that suffer from this condition. They need help and I wish they get the help they require. I do not care what trans people do. If they want to dress like the opposite biological sex or call themselves the opposite of their biological sex, no problem. That requires nothing from me. I do have an issue if they demand that I refer to them as the opposite of their biological sex as I would be lying. You cannot magically change your gender or sex. You're still the biological gender you were born to. Even if you chop your penis off or have one added.
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