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Nefarious Banana

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Posts posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. 11 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

    Tree doesn’t seem to understand that it’s the government’s stoking of these fears and divisive rhetoric that are causing all sorts of new problems and distractions from the business of making Canada strong and free.  

    Guessing he/she likes being told what to do.  Hand your personal power over to an inept federal government.  Let them do the thinking for you.  

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

    Poilievre is up front about what he believes.  He doesn’t water it down in some fake milquetoast ineffectual way.  He’s smart on the level of Harper . . . . .   

    There's lots of video of Poilievre being asked the hard specific questions on energy, funding, etc. and his specific answers to those questions.  He's smart enough to do this, make it available for all to see, and it sandbags any Liberal attempt to make his policies theirs.

    Trudeau and his penguins have damaged Canada.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 minute ago, TreeBeard said:

    Maybe it’s a case of the stupid that people know versus the even stupider coming from Poilievre?

    Maybe it's a case of the stupid that you're content with verses a chance to do better for our country.

    Fact is . . . you're looking foolish once more with your un-founded statements and assumptions concerning PP. You do realize that he's (PP) un-tried, yet you make a stupid statement.

    • Like 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, herbie said:

    It's children that would rather honk horns and rant and blame anyone else for their self caused problems.

    Us adults went to work and fed our families. And got the jab to ensure we'd be there to keep feeding them.

    But we'll keep up this freedumb, sovereign person, someone's trying to 'control' me bullshit, won't we?

    The 'War Measures Act' for honking horns . . . . . really? 

    The real child in that sad situation was your boy Trudeau . . . . nowhere to be seen, hiding behind mommy's couch, sniping his racist, misogynistic bullshit.  Not 'man' enough to appear in person and converse with his fellow Canadians. What a gutless coward.  But, you like him, will defend him . . . . . stand proud little man. Justin likes your ilk.

  5. 2 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

    You think that currently only Liberal ridings receive federal government investment?

    f I show that this isn’t the case, will you change your view?

    What exactly has the Green Party of Canada done for you or your riding?

    What exactly have you done to rid our country of its least popular federal government in its history?

    By all means, exercise your right to vote. Just be aware that your vote means nothing.  A throw-away vote.

  6. 15 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

    I tend to vote based on my local candidate, not based on party affiliation or whom I might want as PM.

    In the past few elections, I have supported my local Green candidate, except last election, I couldn’t vote Green due to their internal, self-induced implosion of impressive magnitude. 

    Your vote, and your vote to waste . . . . 

    Green Party of Canada  . . .  Thirty-nine year history, two seats in the House of Commons.

  7. On 7/27/2022 at 10:31 AM, jbander1A said:

    If Jesus walked into a place of worship and gays bi's and trans were sitting on one side of the room and these right wing Godly haters of all things were on the other side of the room, who would Jesus sit with.

    You're displaying your bias . . . . 

    Maybe Jesus wouldn't sit at all . . . . maybe send out for a stack of pizza'

  8. 3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    On the other hand, historical accuracy, based on documentation, is more important than presentation. 

    disobey's third sentence . . . "First, how do I speak the truth to those that don't want to hear the truth" (?) 

    Maybe they don't want to hear the 'truth' from him . . . . and if that's the case, accuracy means nothing if no one listens.


    One guy can sell a snowball to an Eskimo, while another can't.  Presentation is the key.

    Go ahead and light your hair on fire for my use of the term Eskimo . . . . . 


    • Haha 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    I don't think Justin was even born when the War Measures Act was proclaimed. 

    You know exactly what was meant . . . . The War Measures Act . . . by another softer name: The Emergency Act.

    You can call a cow a horse, but everyone knows it's a cow.  

    Justin Trudeau is a coward and a traitor. You're afraid of change, and people like you are what hold this country back. Thanks, thanks a lot . . . 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    He reminds me of that fight outside a bar. You always get the guy who stands there yelling at the other guy " You better watch it, dude." over and over. The dude calmly steps up to clock him and the loudmouth runs like a rabbit.

    Watched the last of PP's citizen meeting . . . . 'defund the CBC, save a billion dollars'   No more "Writers & Company' with hostess Eleanor Wachtel.  Best show on CBC.

    Queenie . . . don't make assumptions about who/what I contribute to.  

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