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Robert Greene

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Everything posted by Robert Greene

  1. Of course, they need support by association to amplify their agenda. Make no mistake, that would never accept someone coming in with "Straight Pride" or "Heterosexual Pride" Shirt If it was about equality, there wouldn't allow half naked transvestites prancing around in front of Children. They would ban flamboyancy, and just stick to education against discrimination, instead of putting on a sexualized spectator show. If I went around the streets grouping my crotch for attention, I would be arrested for public indecency. It seems perfectly ok, if they do it in front of the children watching. This is why many people take the LGBT thing as a joke.
  2. He's French Canadian. They are extremely irritating. Sometimes I just wish they would separate and leave us alone.
  3. My guess he offered Kim Jong Un two choices. Do nothing and get himself assassinated, or commit to full denuclearize, in exchange for amnesty, and trade deals, that will significantly increase the prosperity of North Korea. Kim can go home and Brag about how North Korea is about to become rich. Trump basically said, you can continue to live the billionaire lifestyle, if you cooperate. You could Tell that Kim Jong Un felt very nervous, and compromised. He's been bought off. At the point, i'm more worried about Rogue elements in the North Korean military standing up to Kim Jong Un. Hopefully he has a tight lid on things. The biggest threat to Kim Jong Un is internal.The real crazies are in the Army.
  4. He seems totally zoned out at the end. I wouldn't be surprised if hes medicated or on drugs.
  5. Obama couldn't get it done. Liberals bashed Trump non-stop, but a conservative got it done. The outspoken conservative, just took us one step closer to world peace.
  6. Trudeau should be offering diplomatic support to the NK negotiations. At least symbolically stand with the US. I'm sick of Elite Canadians thinking they are better than the US. The Americans are our biggest friends, and we should be grateful for all they have done for us. I think with the divisive rhetoric, very few people will vote for Justin in the next election.
  7. This is how things should be handled. We need to stand our ground. If the LGBT are going to have their mega parade in Toronto, Than I encourage all real conservatives to show up, and wear a shirt that says "Heterosexual Pride Day", and walk right beside all those wearing the rainbow flag. If the our demanding equality from us, than we need to demand equality from them. They should take no issue with us walking right beside them celebrating our Heterosexual Culture. If the expect exclusive privileged, than they are demanding inequality, and we shouldn't put up with that. I'm serious folks. Pass that around some conservative think tanks and see if it catches on. We have enough angry conservatives in Canada, fed up with the political correctness, I think a well organized resistance march could gain enough momentum to make a difference. If we can get just 1% of the conservatives in Toronto showing their support for Heterosexuality, their agenda becomes seriously compromised. You can partake in a peaceful resistance demonstration, by neutralizing their agenda. The best way to counteract LGBT extremism is to water it down. There is no law preventing you from leaving the sidewalk and marching right infront of their transvestites floats.
  8. I don't know. Should I lean closer? Should I lead back? Should I lean closer again. This is too difficult! When you act like a Child, even your closest allies ignore you.
  9. I think I've done enough convincing, but none of it gets through your thick head.
  10. I need your help on the Toronto Pride Debate in the Moral Section. Very hard to get through to some Liberals.
  11. I wasn't worried about your stance, but other people can have different ideas. I may be hardline conservative, but I'm trying to warn the Alt-Right, not to fall into scapegoat style divisiveness. I see a lot of it on the Rebel Media. I think we need to remind some of our conservative friends not to be so hostile towards multiculturalism, but to find productive ways to co-exist. With that said I think the Burka should be banned in Public. I think we have to be tough on some elements of extreme Islam, if the liberals don't like it, too bad.
  12. Well first we need to Revoke Obama's Peace prize, and than give it to Trump. No politician deserves a peace prize just for talking. What did Obama do, but destroy Libya, and see the destruction of Syria under his watch. Contribute to hundreds of innocent drone Strikes in Pakistan and Yemen. While Obama partied with Jay Z, Trump just helped stop World War 3.
  13. Now that the US and North Korea are on a path to Peace, has Justin Trudeau become Trump's biggest enemy? How we get Justin Trudeau on board with constructive US relations? Lately I hear Trudeau talk about how "Retaliation" is appropriate. If the worlds biggest dictator is able to negotiate with Trump, why can't Canada?
  14. If I had a kid, I would have him hang around some millionaires. Get them to teach some insider information. Maybe have my kid hang around a day trader. I would probably want my kid to become an author, so he can go anywhere in the world, and not have to work 9 to 5, and make money. I would have my kid hang around the business elite, and read more books than his teacher.
  15. Because you kept telling me how hard it is to raise kids. What was I missing?
  16. Not asking for private details. Just an example of why it can be difficult at times to raise them. I'm sure you could share something vague.
  17. What is one of the challenges you had raising them? Did they have any friends you were worried about?
  18. Because they think their is an unlimited money supply. The forget to realize that Canada only has a few billionaires in a Trillion dollar economy. Money doesn't grow on trees.
  19. I was thinking the exact same thing. I was just getting sick and tired of being called one sided. I slipped up. I guess they don't play fair, so why should we.
  20. I think society has to be structured the way we have wingmans. No one gets left behind. We all help one another, but we aren't entitled to someone else's property. I would force society to take better care of the vulnerable, but not redistribute the wealth to those who don't work. So ya I am a real liberal.
  21. See i'm a real liberal still. Have you not heard me talk about the environment on here? and bring up pragmatic progressive ideas. Wanna know one of my ideas, I would mainly cut taxes to corporations and business that provide jobs to the young, or people who have been unemployed for a while. I would have the private sector steep up with education and training, so we don't have to really on institutions to do all the heavy lifting. I would make the private sector take on more responsibility for communities, so taxpayers can spend less money on welfare. I would also eliminate the minimum wage for the first 45 days, so companies are willing to hire someone off the streets, instead of getting too picky over resumes. I would redesign the social safety net, so the people who fall through the cracks can get their feet back in the door once again. You don't throw money at problems, you redesign the system.
  22. I would just wake the kid up about the New World Order, and explain to them why most teens are a bunch of brainwashed liberal zombies. I would make sure my kid is mentored by the right people. I would tell him that 80% of the people out there aren't worth your time.
  23. Don't forget he said he had more respect for Bernie Sanders than Hillary. At one point he actually said he liked him. Maybe because Bernie was talking about the overcrowding of prisons and some real issues.
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