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Robert Greene

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Everything posted by Robert Greene

  1. First of all, everyone has the right to be a parent. We don't need to go beyond 2 child per family. A brother and a brother, a brother and a sister, or a sister and a sister is fine. When someone has more than 2 children, it takes away from the opportunity for someone to have 2 children without increasing the global population. That is a "Spillover Cost" The benefits from "Economies of scale" doesn't matter after a certain point to keep price down. A city could be just as efficient with 1 000 teachers vs 10 000 in a larger city. At some point an increase in the number of people, doesn't provide a significant increase in benefits. It's like a business having 5 suppliers to choose from vs 100, The increase is significant, but going from 100 to 1000 doesn't make much difference. As maturity is approached, you enter the realm of diminishing returns. There are too few people in many small towns. If you live in a town with less than 100, you don't have that many options for dating. You get bored of hanging around the same people. If you move to a city with 100 000 people, you won't run out of opportunities to make new friends. You don't need to move to a city with a million people, just to find a brand new girl to date. We could live in a world with more people, but there will be severe consequences for the environment. We might be able to feed 50 billion people. Some say we could have everyone eating bugs, but do we want to live in a world where we half to eat bugs as a cheap source of protein, because we ran out of fish? Why push it to the absolute limit. It's better to be underpopulated, and have a safe margin of error. When economic collapse takes place, people will be like "screw the environment" and start logging protected areas. It's not worth the risk. Also the carrying capacity of the planet right now is higher than it's going to be in the future. The soils are eroding, aquifers are drying up. When the oceans rise, will run out of land. It's better to prepare for the future, by lowering our numbers now. I'm a conservative. I'm happy with people earning lots of money, driving large boats, and owning big houses. If we keep adding to our population, we can't guarantee those opportunities for everyone. I believe in the American Dream, but I believe in the opportunity of the individual comes first. We can focus on increasing personal economic growth per capita, while gradually decreasing the population. We might not get to build cities with 100 foot high skyscrapers, but we can make sure more people have the change to enjoy a decent size backyard, without having to go in debt for 30 years to pay it off. We might get less Sports Stadiums, but will get to keep the Amazon, and a secure food supply. We haven't even factored in the link between overpopulation and Cancer. Pretty soon 1 in 2 people will die from cancer in their lifetime. Exposure to chemicals is one of the biggest causes. We only have one atmosphere, and when we add more people to the planet, more people are going to die from Cancer. We can ignore population growth, and try and deal with all environmental issues separately, or we can work on them all together, by finding ethical ways to gradually reduce our population. It's easier to deal with the cause, than try and deal with all the symptoms separately. It would take a change in perspective, and awaking to the facts.
  2. It takes all these farms to feed the people? What happens when the human population goes beyond 10 billion? The Amazon is just a sitting duck just waiting to be invaded by agriculture, logging, and mining. If future generations could yell back at us, they would scream "WHAT WERE WE THINKING!". We need an international convention on overpopulation, and we need it fast. When the resources start to run out, the prices will start to go up. Don't think more people bring the price of things down. That only happens in mass production. It doesn't happen with nature resources such as food or timber. You're paying $30 for a piece of salmon, because the oceans are running out of fish. If conservatives want to keep prices down, then we need to keep the human population down. Ignore population growth, and look forward to going broke trying to pay for everything. There's no reason to erase millions of years of evolution, just to make room for new farms.
  3. Well they can't do a lot of manufacturing because of the long distances. They should be given jobs through communication. We should force Bell Canada to open a call center in Iqaluit. That's just my opinion. These remote reserves, don't have a large population, so even one office opening could provide a positive effect on the entire community. I would force large companies to hire natives. I'm not being racist. I'm being practical. Tax payers can't afford to be giving hangouts and subsidies. They can't afford to feel neglected. If companies complain, and say they won't hire, well then i'd hit them with a penalty tax. Even if they were forced to hire 1% native, it make a huge difference.
  4. Here's a preacher telling Muslims to outbreed the Europeans, in order to expand the caliphate. I don't like advocating racism, but is there a way to get rid of Islam? It's a threat to the world. How do we stop it?
  5. A lot of you are too old to know what's going on with the youth. They are being told to become narcissist. Listen to the Lyrics.
  6. And we turn a blind eye and let it happen. We let the youth get messed up, because we're too busy working 9 to 5 to care. Here's my definition of real music.
  7. You might like me. You might hate me. Watch a minute of the video. Then tell me what you think. I would love to get Taxme's opinion on this.
  8. The liberals trying to stop Chinese poaching in Africa are doing a good job. Let those progressives do there thing. We need some liberals. Just get rid of the snowflakes, and will be fine.
  9. Fighting multiculturalism is a lost cause. You can go after Islamic extremist. You can pass an English signs law. You can force immigrants to take a course on Canadian history. We're stuck with non-white people. It's better to become friends with them, and enjoy eating at their restaurants, then complain about every little detail we don't like. There helping us do global business, and bringing cost down for imports. We can even enjoy cheap flights to anywhere in the world, because of them. Learn to enjoy some of the benefits. Maybe even date a non-white girl. Some of them are gorgeous. A lot of them are gracious people who like white folks. You want to reduce the immigration rate to protect the environment, that's fine. Don't use racism as your excuse, or you wont get enough support, to see your policies get implemented.
  10. Let me explain to you how an airplane gets off the ground. It needs a LEFT wing and it Needs a RIGHT wing. When the airplane is perfectly balanced, it fly's well. You need the left wing being the watch dog for social issues such as homelessness, and you need the right-wing to be the watchdog for government overspending.
  11. No one seems to be flipping out about the current mayor of Toronto, John Tory. He isn't a divisive politician.
  12. Stop trying to make other races the scape goat. Talk about big government stealing money. Talk about good conservative values.
  13. We have to get rid of this victim mentally. Yes white and natives are on the decline. There's nothing we can do about it. We should focus on the survival of the human species, and not cherry pick about what race should get what privileges. When Taxme talks about "white people", it's like LGBT playing the victim card, and wanting compensation. It only leads to escalation. We should learn to work with multiculturalism, and not try and work against it.
  14. Don't even talk about race. Don't even make it an issue. We seemed to be doing fine in the early 2000's.
  15. Then the blacks feel under attack. Then then Chinese feel under attack, and the stuff escalates into an all out race war. Don't let that stuff trigger you. That's what the elite want, divide and conqueror. The people need to stand united. If everyone starts feeling like a victim, because of demographical changes, than we got a serious problem. We got to be smart about this.
  16. It would never work in Canada. We don't have the demographics to get a Trump person in. Conservatives here must be diplomatic. John Tory is a conservative that liberals don't complain about. The gentleman card works. It works when you're trying to date a hot girl.
  17. Trump made many enemies he didn't need to. He tried to pick a fight with everybody. How does insulting the apprentice Ted Cruz's wife, help the conservative movement. This is an example of pick your battles. Trump wasn't able to let anything go. Now he has an army trying trying to undermine all the good stuff he's doing. This stupid stuff is ruining the conservative movement. We have to be diplomatic and civil, to get policies supported from all sides.
  18. I'm just saying tone down the racism a little bit. It's for your own good. Almost everything else you say is brilliant.
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