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Posts posted by blackbird

  1. 2 hours ago, Argus said:

    The conclusion would seem to be you can be deeply devoted to religion or to education, but you can't generally be both. You choose the form your enlightenment will follow and that's that. 

    You should have said Islam instead of religion.  One can be devoted to their christian religion and attend a christian school or university and be devoted to their education as well.  The work ethic which includes education is part of the christian religion, particularly the Reformed churches and possibly other denominations. 


  2. 11 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

    I wasn't talking about the CPC, I was talking about conservatives as in the ideology.  As in, right-wingers.

    I gave you a lot of information, carefully thought out, but you responded with a one sentence comment.  So I don't know if you agree with the various details I gave you.  The ordinary conservatives (not necessarily a party member) I believe favours birth control.  Even the Catholic church people mostly ignore the prohibition against birth control I heard.  I think most of what I said would also describe ordinary conservatives, not necessarily party members.

    A woman working in the Liberal government at Global Affairs is reported to have written a book for elementary non-Muslim school children to teach them with pictures to wear Niqabs or Hijabs to school to make  Muslim students feel comfortable.  This is completely wrong and demonstrates the kind of extreme social engineering Liberals will try.

  3. On 2017-04-06 at 5:23 AM, Topaz said:

    On the news yesterday, an US Intel.military agent said that a nuke war is very close to happening and that clock is at 3 minutes before 12 and many people don't realize this. Do u believe this?

    It seems N. Korea is a very unstable place.  I heard many people in South Korea are christians.  In fact I heard they supply more missionaries than any other country in the world.  I don't know if that's a fact or not, but I can understand living under the threat of North Korea could make one nervous.  I hope and pray there will be no war with N. Korea.  I think the U.S. has to find a way to negotiate with them to find a meaningful solution.  I don't think there is a military solution.  War would be catastrophic.  The number of people killed in Seoul, South Korea could be in the millions, not to mention the number in N. Korea and other places.  It could also draw China in.

  4. I was wondering if anyone knows how it works with resource development if there is no treaty in an area.  Logging, mining, etc. seem to be continuing to operate in areas throughout the province and there are no treaties in most of these areas.  I would assume a treaty is not necessary to log and mine in an area.  It is still crown land even though native bands claim it is their traditional territory.  So what does a treaty accomplish?

  5. People "discuss" things as a form of social interaction.  Do you understand what I mean by social interaction?   A person does not have to have a lot of information.  If we don't discuss anything, then we don't really get to know other people.  Sometimes we learn something from someone else that we never thought of.  Sharing information and opinion is part of life.   I am surprised you don't think discussion is a good idea.  If you can't discuss things with people, you may have a hard time in life.  It is important to learn to discuss things with people.  These forums are a good way to learn.

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  6. 1 minute ago, Moonlight Graham said:

    I disagree.  Many conservatives are just about as big government as liberals, only for different things ie: military spending.  Conservatives say they believe in personal freedom, except when they don't like something contrary to their ideology and want to control it just like liberals ie: banning abortions, birth control, wearing hijab/niqab, legal marijuana etc.

    Conservatives have never said a word against birth control.  The Pope and RCC is against it but not the Conservative Party.  Yes there are many Conservatives opposed to abortion.  But the Conservative party has never had a leader that would do anything about abortion.  However,  I don't know if the majority of CPC members oppose abortion.  It is a bad thing and should be outlawed.   I don't think most Conservatives oppose someone wearing the hijab/niqab on the street but they probably oppose it during the immigration ceremony and if one is a public servant.  There should be no religious symbols if one is serving the public.  I think most Canadians agree. 

    Liberals are more in favour of controlling people's lives as with M103.  Conservatives no so much.  That's why Harper opposed the long form census.  Too intrusive in people's lives.  Trudeau brought it back.  I believe Liberals meddle in the Arts and culture by funding Canadian arts groups and culture.  Also I think they have used government to control what television channels Canadians get and what movies we watch.  There are movies Americans get on Netflix for example that Canadians do not get I believe.  This is all liberal social engineeering.  Big government knows what's best for you.

    Yes Conservatives are strong on support for the military.  Looks like Trudeau is going to cut back on spending for the military.  Liberals are a little more pacifist than the Conservatives.  That's why Trudeau withdrew our fighter jets from the fight against ISIS.  NDP is strongly pacifist.

  7. Just looked through the report on the present status of treaties with native bands in B.C. and found that very few have been completed.  There is a six stage process.  A good number have reached stage four but seem to be stuck in that stage.  Many bands are not in any negotiation at all, which is their right.  Wonder how this bodes for resource development in B.C.  Not sure how one could know or find out.


  8. 21 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    That's just straight up nonsense.

    Of course not, I've heard it all before a thousand times.

    Well the solution is bloody obvious, round up all the lefties and atheists and tell them to convert or kill them, you honestly think that asshole up in heaven is going to give a rats furry ass?

    Okay so put up or shut up. God helps those who help themselves or so I'm told so start doing something proactive about us God-damned lefties and cleanse the abomination once and for all.  

    So you never even read the article.  I never suggested to get rid of lefties or atheists.  That is something you threw in there.  You use unparliamentary language.  Seems like you are angry and venting yourself on here.  I'm not interested in joining in that kind of discussion.

  9. 12 hours ago, eyeball said:

    You mean like lefties?

    I'm Eve's fault?




    Every one is born with the sinful, fallen nature, you and me included.  Not sure if you read the article about the title.  The Enlightenment has become the liberal-leftist ideology.  Atheism is dragging the west down.  It is threatening civilization.  You need to examine it to see if there is any truth to the claim.  It makes sense to me.  Canada was built on the Judeo-Christian culture in the past 500 years but in the last 100 years has shifted so that those in power and media actually oppose the things that built our civilization.  Trudeau worships at the alter of "diversity".  He talks as if that is the be all and end all.  His concept of diversity is to shove Judeo-Christian culture to the background and embrace anything but traditional western religion and idea.  He is bringing in masses of people who oppose it so we end up with something that threatens our civilization as we know it.   We can see what is happening to Europe.  You might like to poke fun at the idea.  But it would be better if you would look seriously at the situation.  It is individuals and ideas that make a country or threaten it.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Rue said:

    You are failing to distinguish skilled immigrants who fill jobs no Canadians can do and then create jobs for other Canadians.  You engage in the myth immigrants take jobs away from Canadians. That is false. They actually take jobs Canadians won't do anymore i.e., service and fast food low level jobs.

    Please provide the stats where immigrants take away jobs and do not produce them. We here that all the time on this and many other forums but the only stats I have ever seen show the exact opposite. If anything illegal migrants don't take away jobs-they go on welfare and get medical benefits no regular Canadian can afford and that causes resentment towards all immigrants and refugees.

    Stereotyping all immigrants is unfaur,

    That said I am engaging in stereotyping of illegal migrants-I do on purpose- I lump them all under the category ILLEGAL because they are. If some were legitimate refugees that is another story. If some were skilled immigrants that is another story. But if they were in the latter two categories, i.e., skilled or genuine refugee, they are STILL cue jumpers when they don't come through proper entry points.

    You want to come to this country, show you can help build the economy and show you will obey the law-don't mock the laws of this country the very moment you enter it. When you do that you show you are a user. Zero excuse for a legit refugee to come to a proper entry point and declare themselves. Please don't me they can not. Of course they can.

    That said, if you are a legitimate refugee coming here that is a separate criteria based on humane consideration and that system is broken. It fails to distinguish between illegal migrants and true refugees. If we were serious about refugees we would spend our money overseas in refugee camps keeping people safe, clean and fed until they can return home not be dropped off in inner cities in Canada with zero coping skills. That is cruel. Take in refugees based on private guarantors as Harper did. The best way to bring in refugees is through churches and community organizations that can sponsor them and assure they become productive and support them through difficult transition=don't  dumpi them en masse in large cities on welfare so Mayors can suck up to them for votes.

    I am anti illegal migrant, pro legitimate refugee and pro legitimate immigrant. The latter two go on to do good things. The initial have already shown the first thing they did was break the law and what  does Trudeau do, welcome them for breaking the law.

    But again let's not blame immigrants and legitimate refugees for destroying this country-bull crap-they built it.


    I think you are mistaking me with someone else.  I never mentioned a lot of what you are talking about.  I don't think Canada should bring in a lot of low-skilled workers.  This creates problems.  Contractors will hire them if they are willing to work long hours for low pay and just lay off regular Canadians who don't want to work extra hours.

    My point was we need to go back to bringing in Europeans to try to save our Judeo-Christian civilization from being destroyed and bring in fewer from the rest of the world.  Lot of the people from the third world are not willing to assimilate and want to change our society to suit their backward culture.  Trudeau thinks that is great.  That's why I think liberal ideology is destroying our Judeo-Christian civilization.  Conservative governments are not much better either.

  11. 54 minutes ago, Argus said:

    Some do. Some want to work, though. They simply don't have much in the way of skills. They also have VERY low standards in jobs, given what they've been doing and the long hours they've spent doing it. Thus they are willing to take all those low skilled jobs in Canada for less than Canadians, and will work harder and longer and in lousier conditions for those few bucks. So if you're a low-skilled Canadian, you suddenly have a whole bunch of new competitors for every job, competitors who will work ten or twelve hour days without complaint and be happy to do it, too. This allows employers to lower the wages further. Even less Canadians are now interested, given they can just go on welfare or pogey, and employers say "We need more immigrants or temporary foreign workers because Canadians won't take these jobs!"

    The solutions to this seem, to me, twofold. First, don't bring in low skilled immigrants. Second, require Canadian employers register the jobs they need with EI, and make Canadians in the area take those jobs rather than collect EI if those are the kinds of jobs they've done or can do.

    Bring in more immigrants from areas our own studies show produce economically successful immigrants, like Europe, the Philippines and India, and less from those areas which produce economically unsuccessful immigrants, like the middle east and China.


    If they bring in a lot of low-skilled workers willing to work slave hours, a contractor will simply hire them and lay off Canadian workers.  Why would he waste time with Canadian workers if he can get slave labour willing to work 14 or 16 hours a day.  A contractor can make much more money with slave labour.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Moonlight Graham said:

    Liberals don't value fairness more than conservatives. They each just have different ideas of what "fairness" means.

    Liberals are more focused on equality, and more equal power and wealth etc between people to ensure that as many people as possible are given a chance to live good, healthy, happy lives free from oppression and suffering, while conservatives see some social hierarchy or social/economic stratification as natural and desirable because it rewards/incentivizes things like hard work, creativity and individual efforts. Many conservatives might even see some suffering as desirable and natural since it builds character, and "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger".

    I just typed a long reply and hit some key causing it to all disappear.   Very frustrating. 

    I don't think you have it correct.   Conservatives believe in obtaining the same good things for people but just believe in achieving it in a different way.  Conservatives believe prosperity and happiness is best achieved by private enterprise.  They believe private industry is the best creator of wealth and jobs not government intervention and meddling.

    Liberals believe in big brother government, and tax and spend policies.  That is what Pierre Trudeau did and that looks like what Justin is doing now, by creating a big deficit.  They somehow have the idea that this will create a strong economy.  But it won't.

    Also Conservatives believe in personal freedom and respect for individual's rights while Liberals believe more in big government meddling in the social sphere.  Example is M103.

  13. 1 hour ago, hernanday said:

    " O’Leary also promised to accelerate immigration for those in key sectors by working with employers and HR executives "

    thestar.com speech at empire club.

    What do you people who are on the far right think about that?  More TFWs?  More immigrants coming in driving up housing prices?

    We have to have immigration that will fill good-paying jobs in order to pay taxes and keep our Old Age Pension, Canadian Pension Plan, Health Care, Education, etc. going.  Without sufficient immigration our social services will collapse.  The percentage of the population in the older age bracket is increasing and we may be heading for a crisis. Canada is not having enough children or enough young educated people to replace them.  But I like Kellie Leitch's proposal to interview every immigrant to make sure they will accept Canadian values.  I would go further and try to get as many as possible who would fit in with our Judeo-Christian culture.  That's my far right position.   I don't know if O'Leary is talking about TFW or regular immigrants.

  14. 13 minutes ago, Charlie said:

    Yes. UN isn't doing what it's supposed to do. But that doesn't mean US has the right to take an initiative unilaterally. It's like if police doesn't help you what you perceive to be is right, you pick a gun and start doing your perceived "right" thing on your own.

    What is "right to take action"?   That has no meaning in a corrupt world where many hostile powers exist and will do what ever they wish or what they think they can.  The reality is the countries that have the power, use it when and where they deem.  The U.S. doesn't report to some other power.  There are times they might try to get a coalition as for example with NATO to take some action, but they are not required by any law.

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  15. 5 minutes ago, Charlie said:

    Not that US has achieved anything. Assad is still there. Probably a few of his soldiers died. It would be much more impactful if there was a global consensus to take action against Assad. US, acting as a hegemon and taking actions single handedly, just sends the wrong message to rest of the world. 

    You forgot the supposedly international body, the UN, is paralyzed because Russia and China do actually Veto anything the U.S. wants to do.  In the past eight years under Obama, the U.S. has taken a hands off approach to Syria.  The problem is Assad in Syria is backed by Russia and Iran.   So there is no "international consensus possible on what to do with Syria.   The U.S. has not decided to go into Syria to try to remove Assad.   The big problem is Russia is there as an ally of Assad (and Iran). 

    Another problem in Syria,  some of rebel groups fighting against Assad are terrorist organizations themselves.  So there is nobody is sight the U.S. could trust to take over Syria.

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  16. 2 minutes ago, Charlie said:

    It would be better to go through UN in order to have a consensus against a bad actor and a mutual agreement should be reached before taking unilateral actions. 



    The UN has been an abysmal failure in many cases in the world.  What has the UN done about the civil war in Syria?  There was no indication the UN was going to do anything at all about the chemical attack on innocent people in Syria.  The UN just talks but does little.  The UN also is unable to act because the Russia and China veto an proposed action. 

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  17. 4 minutes ago, Charlie said:

    You know that US is no more the lone super power. Right? Not that China or Russia are great alternatives,  it's probably better to have options for weaker countries to choose their poison. 


    OTOH, allied or westerners, whatever you call them, need to get over their privilege. They  don't run the world anymore. 

    No, their not going to give up their privilege.  Who will deal with the real threats in the world,   like N. Korea,  Iran, and terrorists?

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  18. 1 minute ago, Charlie said:

    You know that US is no more the lone super power. Right? Not that China or Russia are great alternatives,  it's probably better to have options for weaker countries to choose their poison. 


    OTOH, allied or westerners, whatever you call them, need to get over their privilege. They  don't run the world anymore. 

    What does OTOH mean? 

    There are many countries in the world that are bad actors who are a threat to the U.S. and it's allies.     It's not a question of who runs the world.

    Who has the strength to deal with the bad actors when they step out of line?

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  19. 41 minutes ago, Charlie said:

    US has no right to attack Iraq or Syria. Why does US even try to act as if she has an exclusivity of defining humanity or responsibility to save the world.

    What they have done in Vietnam or Hiroshima (just two examples of many), I would say our world would be a much better place if US abstains from intervening in other countries' affairs.


    In that sense, I like Trump's America First approach. Only that he is doing exactly opposite of that by attacking Syria. 




    Being powerful means you get to call the shots.  

    The world has many countries that are hostile to the interests of the U.S. and it's allies.  Many bad actors scattered around the world.

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  20. The U.S. launched 59 Tomahawk Cruise missiles against a Syrian airfield after notifying the Russians the attack would be coming, enabling everyone to get out of the airfield in time.  This was in reaction to the chemical gas attacks against men, women, and children a few days ago.  News reports say it is to send a message to Assad not to do it again.  Canada PM announced Canada supports this action.

    What happens next in Syria? 

  21. 3 hours ago, blackbird said:

    Sorry to differ with you betsy, but there are major differences between modern versions such as the NIV and the King James Authorized Version (KJV 1611).  You probably are not aware of the problem because most churches use the modern versions and promote them.  I may have to post some of the changes brought in with the modern (new age) versions such as the NIV, which is particularly bad.   There is a smaller part of christianity that believe the KJV (1611) is the only 100% accurate version for a number of reasons.  There is so much to it I can't go into it all here.  Get the book called "New Age Bible Versions" by Gail Riplinger.  There are strong advocates for the KJV 1611 and strong opponents who make their cases in books as well.  I read and studied the book I mentioned.  Also belonged to the Trinitarian Bible Society for over 30 years.  The have pamphlets on the subject.  There is also a KJV website with tons of articles.  Not trying to throw in a diversion to your discussion but just wanted to answer a point you made.  Blessings.


    15 hours ago, betsy said:

    My Bible Study is a King James.  But I also use NIV, NKJ ....as explained by the article, there's really no significant difference.

    Here is a website with some information about why the King James Version is the only version to use:


    This website has links to countless other websites on the subject of the KJV 1611:


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  22. I see a problem with people starting new topics in their status update instead of actually Creating a New Topic.   When you do it in Status Update, nobody can quote a previous comment easily in order to discuss it.  One would have to type out individually a quote which makes it more tedious and difficult.  Why not consider just starting a New Topic under the appropriate heading.  Thanks.

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