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Everything posted by square

  1. The SCoC stuck down the MMP for drug offense as cruel and usual punishment.
  2. Assisted suicide legislation will be released tomorrow.
  3. Do you guys believe Jack Layton would be Prime Minister if he was still alive?
  4. What do you think about the Supreme Court of Canada? It certainly has effected some elements of Canadian society, some individuals applaud the work of the Court while other feel the Court has overreached it's mandate. Governance of this country is to be taken by the Government, but recent decisions by the Court have dictated some aspects of Canadian society and probably continue to do so with future Constitutional Ligation with the Liberals reinstating the Supreme Court Challenge Program.
  5. When will Trudeau Legalize it's 2016.
  6. Why are some people against GMI? Isn't it a good thing to reduce inequity within our society.
  7. Liberals reinstated the Supreme Court of Canada's Program Liberals are fixing the damage done by the Conservatives.
  8. Liberials brought back the Court's Challenge Program.
  9. I think we should start by getting rid of the Indian Act and starting a new Nation to Nation relationship.
  10. Off topic but, people are acting like the law is dead. Yesterday while I was driving I saw a young boy smoking pot crossing the intersection. This happened while the flow of traffic stopped in my lane because of a red light. There was a police vehicle in the adjacent lane I don't know if the cop noticed the boy smoking pot, but he probably did and decided to use his discretion and did nothing.
  11. You said "More than half the population have expressed a desire to have limits and laws on abortion". When I read that phase I thought you were talking about criminalizing(full ban) abortion. Yes most support a some circumstances(last trimester) ban, a full ban is non existent.
  12. Social conservatives head will explode as assisted suicide will be legal, marijuana will be legal, prostitution will be decriminalized and the Canadian Health Act will be updated to allow for easy access to abortion services in Canada.
  13. This is the one promise Liberals better deliver on.
  14. You're wrong again. The Supreme Court of Canada has the mandate to strike down laws if legislation violates peoples charter right. If parliament goes beyond the limits and increases the rights the Supreme Court doesn't have the mandate to strike down laws because peoples charter right haven't been violated.
  15. Your wrong. Parliament can go beyond those limits, parliament can increase the rights for Canadians if the will of parliament is to increase the rights for Canadians.
  16. Is this your personal belief? Are there any polls that can support your claim?
  17. I have a question. When someone introduces legislation in the House of Commons first it has to go through the house of commons and pass the house of commons. After that it goes to the Senate and it has to pass a vote in the Senate before it becomes Law. Now if the government wants to repeal a Bill how does that work? I assume it must pass the House of Commons does it have to pass the Senate also?
  18. What Government should have the right to impose law that restricts a human from planting a seed (any seed) and thereby allowing seed to flourish into a plant (any plant), for use by said human to enjoy in any way one chose notwithstanding for profit? This is a right in a so called free society, and any Government that restricts this right is not a Democratic one!
  19. FYI the Supreme Court of Canada can't write laws, only take down bad laws.
  20. I don't know why JT would need to whip the vote on something 80+% of Canadian favor; legalizing doctor assisted dying.
  21. On pipelines they already did that. They need more support than just the base and abortion and gay marriage policies will hurt them getting votes.
  22. How do you know that 80% of sex trade workers are drug addicts?
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