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Everything posted by taxme

  1. So, the plane hit the Pentagon, and whatever was left after the plane hit the Pentagon all burned up, and the rest just went flying every which way but loose from the building? Sorry, still not convinced, and never will believe the lie that a plane was involved. Common sense and logic tells me that.
  2. I don't understand as to why new immigrants coming to Canada want to hang on to their past way of life? You are Canadian now, and one should think and become Canadian. But yet they cannot seem to want too forget or leave their past world behind. They left their homeland and they should assimilate, and stop trying to carry on here in Canada like they did back home. There have been many instances of immigrants that have immigrated to Canada, got their citizenship, and took off back to their old country to work. I see many new immigrants opening up businesses, and posting non-English signs only all over Vancouver and it's suburbs. In Canada the language spoken is English. So this tells me that when I see these non-English signs mounted that they are not that thrilled with being Canadian nor appear to want to assimilate into Canadian culture. Are they here for economic reasons only. I am offended that these people would put up a sign in their own language, and not English. This is not what one would call assimilating. But thanks to multiculturalism this is what Canada and host Canadians will be forced to get use too, and live with. How long will it be before another foreign language will one day become an official language? The possibilities are endless. My opinion.
  3. Well, if he flew planes then he surely must know that any aircraft involved in a plane crash always leaves some evidence behind of there being a plane crash. There was none. What more can be said.
  4. Being the commanding officer on the scene, surely he would have seen something of a plane somewhere around the wall? But he said that he did not see any plane parts around. No evidence of a plane found. So, I guess that we should not consider him to be a reliable eye witness at the scene of the crime then?
  5. Thanks for posting those videos. So, according to police there was no evidence of a plane hitting the Pentagon. So what more do some people want? But I guess that there will always be some people around who will never believe what on the scene real eyewitnesses said they saw. The government was making things up. They do that a lot. The government is well known for telling big fat fibs. I trust the government as far as I can throw it.
  6. The waste of our tax dollars should be a big topic here. Topics like bilingualism, multiculturalism, foreign-aid, refugees, and our present day immigration policy among many others needs to be discussed more. Those programs and agendas alone have cost the Canadian taxpayer's billions and billions of their tax dollars over the decades. They have not been good job producers but have become wasteful feel good projects. There is no common sense or logic to any of them. Maybe a thread should be started on how politicians keep wasting taxpayer's tax dollars on many silly projects that do not serve any purpose except to maybe create jobs for someone or some group that was loyal to some political party. Take bilingualism for instance. Quebec francophones have probably benefitted big time because many bilingual jobs that were created in Ottawa were bilingual which gave francos a better chance of getting those jobs because most francos can speak both languages. Anglophones were pretty much left out of the loop. From my understanding most government departments in Ottawa are majority french. That should not be.
  7. The CPC needs a leader like Donald Trump. I think that person should be Kevin O'leary. I watched him give a speech at the Manning Center conference, and he pulled no punches. He said it like it is, just like Trump does. He appeared to be an establishment man also. I like that in a leader.
  8. There have been many instances where eyewitness accounts that have been found out later to have been fabricated. They made shit up. Witnesses have been known to have been paid to lie and later found out they lied. Witnesses have been known to receive payments for their lying testimonies. Planted evidence can never be ruled out. It has happened many times in the past. And just how do you know that people who believe in conspiracies just make shit up? Is it because some people who don't like what others have to say about some event are just making shit up? Conspiracies do exist, but there are some who just cannot accept that fact. The murder of JFK was one big conspiracy shit lie.
  9. They are being forced into not being able to express their opinions and points of view about anything that is not straight, not Christian and not white. And when they try to express their opinions and points of view they are attacked and labelled as racists, bigots, anti-immigrant and gay bashers. In the new Canada of today, they have no rights to speak freely anymore. They are the ones that are on the receiving end of government programs and agendas, and special interest groups that want to shut them down. Political incorrectness will not be tolerated in Canada anymore. And yet we are told that Canada is a tolerant and equal country for all. Not anymore. For some yes, but not for all. When one group is denied their right to their opinions and points of view that is not tolerance anymore but dictatorship and censorship. Straight,white and Christian have fallen into that catagory of hate.
  10. And as usual there are those people who will latch onto anything the media or politicians tell them without question. They will not bother to do a bit of research on their own to see if what they are being told is the real story. Thank gawd I am not one of those people. I prefer to think for myself and try to get both sides of the story rather than have others tell me that this is how it really happened. But hey, that is just me, and I have no problem with it.
  11. (1)Become fluently politically correct. (2)Support political correctness agendas and programs ie:pro-refugees, gay rights, pro-global warming etc. (3)Learn never to say yes or no to anything asked of you unless it is politically correct to do so. (4)Learn how to fib. (5)Learn how to say maybe, perhaps, could be, not sure, I will look into it, and similar types of responses. (6)And most important is how to blow taxpayer's tax dollars. (7)Being truthful and honest and appearing to speak political incorrectness will more than likely get one nowhere. Just a few suggestions on my part as to how to become a good MLA or MP. Just my thoughts of course.
  12. I would say that when Canada started up it was mainly a Christian, straight, and Caucasian country. That was all changed thanks to our present day Liberal immigration policy, and of the promotion of multiculturalism and it becoming the law of the land, and having been forced on those people mentioned above. Thanks to those two programs and agendas, Canada has been turned into the world. A country cannot continue to drown itself in all the different cultures and languages and religions and expect unity. Multiculturalism will promote division. I see it happening today. A country has to be unique. When one visits Japan or China or India or Germany they are visiting a country with a heritage, a culture, traditions, it has a main religion and a main language. Canada does not have this uniqueness that it once had anymore. We now have dozens of different traditions, cultures, heritages, religions and languages, and all are starting to build up their own turf. We have China towns, we have Punjabi towns, we have Korean towns, we have so many third world towns popping up that tourists are going to ask one day, what is unique about Canada? Canada is now unique alright. It may look Christian, straight and Caucasian for now but that is changing fast. When I read stories about how the Caucasian people, in all Caucasian countries will soon be heading for minority status, I think that it is time to start giving this some thought, and start doing something about it fast otherwise we are doomed as a people. And when someone or some group tries to do something about it, the media and politicians go into attack mode. They are labelled everything under the sun to try and make them look nasty and racist, and of course the people will believe the lies being spread. Canada is just not the country that I once grew up in anymore. Just my opinion, of course.
  13. It certainly looks like the new world order Clinton/bush/Obama gang establishment are in a panic. Many of the elite establishment have lots to lose if Trump becomes President. I am truly afraid for Trump. I am pretty sure that he may end up on a hit list. I hope not. I hope that he makes President, and starts kicking some butt. Long overdue.
  14. Watching Canadian news is boring. It's always the same old, same old with them. They seem to only want to talk about politically correct things like the environment, global warming, gay rights, refugees, Trump bash, the joys of multiculturalism or are always looking for some racist or sexist story to report about. It's always the same old, same old. What I would like to see is more reporting on politically incorrect topics that are near and dear to my heart, and I have many. Personally, I think that there is a ban on by the media and politicians that avoid real issues that are going on in Canada. The Comer report for one. That was huge but it became a taboo and sacred cow topic, and has been shoved aside by our freedom loving press and politicians. But hey, this is Canada, don't you know.
  15. You and me are never going to know what really happened because, well at least with me, I am not in the loop of the elite. They set the game plan, and we are forced to play that game. In my opinion, their is an elite that runs and rules the world, and they can do pretty much whatever they want too, and get away with it, and there is nothing we the people can do about it. When the elite own just about all the news outlets, and pretty much own our politicians, the game is over for you and me. Just my opinion, of course.
  16. There is a school in Nova Scotia called the Eastern Shore District High School in Musquodoboit, NS. At this school they were having their yearly ceremonies for their graduating students. The principal and several students had to be careful to stay within the new court ruling guidelines which were that they could not mention divine guidance, and no one asked for blessings on the graduates or their families. A solitary student then walked proudly up to the microphone. He stood still and silent for a moment. Then all 92 students suddenly sneezed, which appears to have been planned. The student on stage then said to the students "God bless you". The audience exploded into applause. Apparently, the graduating class had found a unique way to invoke God's blessing on their future with or without the courts approval. This is a prime example of the silliness of politically correct multicultural nonsense that goes on in this country these days where a school has to avoid giving blessings and praise or thank God in their speeches. This is suppose to be a Christian country but yet just about all things that have to do with Christianity, and Christmas has been removed from schools and government buildings especially during the Christmas period, no doubt to not offend other religions. The mention of the word Christmas in schools has been removed from being celebrated during the Christmas season. Only seasons greetings and happy holidays are accepted now. Political correctness is censorship. This is not good. I wonder if saying the words "God bless you" when someone sneezes will become politically incorrect to use one day? Hey, you never know. LOL.
  17. I want to see where the wings left their mark. That's all. I don't see anything of that nature. If the front end of the plane can leave a hole in the wall, then the wings have to have left some kind of damage to the wall. And just how am I suppose to produce evidence anyway? I do not have the time nor the effort nor the money to do so. I was not there at the time. I am just going by what I have read and heard, just like you are going by what you read or heard. I have asked for but have not yet been shown any photos of the tail end of the plane on the lawn. There has to be something left of the tail end lying around. If you want evidence all I can say to you is go to AE911 website and inquire with them. They may be able to give you all the evidence you require, and you can go from there. What more can I tell you. PS: Parts from the planes that hit the twin towers were never shown. Two planes, no parts? Impossible.
  18. Does anyone know if there is some kind of law in place that says that if any Canadian criticizes any religion, they are subject to a fine or jail? Is this for real. The reason I am asking is that I was watching a talk show on American TV about Islam, and the guy being interviewed said that this was a law in Canada. This guy was originally from Europe and in some European countries it is against the law to say anything demeaning against any religion. If this is truly the case in Canada than I would say that this is an attack on freedom of speech, and must be abolished for freedoms sake. Anyone?
  19. Donald Trump just keeps on kicking butt. He is on his way to being the nominee for Republican Party, and for the right to fight for the job to become President. It's looking fantastic for him, but not so fantastic for the establishment party. They are trying to find whatever they can on Trump but nobody appears to be listening. Even the Democrats for Sanders are starting to show that they have had enough of the establishment party also.
  20. (X)On the CBC news today I saw on the ticker tape at the bottom of the screen tell me that the liberals are now thinking about paying for all the Syrians travel expenses. So, the sponsor who sponsored the Syrians to travel here is going to be sponsored by the government, or otherwise also known as the taxpayer. I think after all is said and done, and the 50,000 Syrians that make it to Canada will be costing the taxpayer's for the next five to ten years approx. 5 if not more billions. Way the go liberals, you sure know how to spend tax dollars unwisely. But what else is new with liberals.
  21. Do you not understand English? I told you where you can find all the information you need to know about 9/11.
  22. It is hard to believe that there are Canadians in fear and panic over the thought of a Trump Presidency. Boy, the media in this country can sure get some people all upset over nothing. I guess that may be due to the fact that they continue to listen to the establishment media. What would be nice if Canadians would do their own research on what the media tells therm, and check things out for themselves to see if what the media says is true or not instead of just allowing the media to do the thinking for them.
  23. I cannot picture America not being involved in a war somewhere. That is what keeps America go around and around. But I thought that Justin was a nice, kind, caring, loving, peace loving Canadian?
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