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Everything posted by taxme

  1. Just the loser democrats trying to make a mountain of a mole hill. There is a coup in the making here. Trump is probably aware of this.
  2. A liberal dream. Quit with the Russian nonsense will you. There is no proof of any Russian involvement in anything that has to do with Trump. A liberal dream only. I know that he has many enemies in the Republican party but it is beyond me as to why this is so. Trump got them into power. What a slap in the face to Trump. Maybe when Trump is finished with draining the swamp of democrats, he will then take on draining the swamp that has built up in the republican party. Gawd knows that swamp needs cleaning out. IE: McCain for one.
  3. Me, for one. And I will always remember what that misfit Pierre did to Canada. And now I have to live with his sons bs. What a deal.
  4. Why should I pack my bags? I have spent too much time and money for decades in trying to support individuals and conservative alternative media groups who want to drain the swamp in Canadian politics to back out now. I am not like those criminal illegal refugees who keep coming to Canada, and running away from their problems, instead of staying home and doing something about their problems. Canada is my home, and I will continue to speak out and against the politically correct politicians who are destroying this once great British and European nation. I am waiting an hoping that a Trump like politically incorrect politician will become the PM one day. I want to make Canada great again.
  5. Now why would 84% of Canadians disapprove of Trump? Trump has only been president for three weeks. Give the guy a break. Maybe the reason for the supposed negativity about Trump is because of our fake and phony liberal media who cannot seem to get away from constantly trying to run down Trump. I would not trust any Canadian poll. No doubt that poll was just another bs liberal poll. They all are. It seems that every poll taking in Canada is a poll created to make conservatives and people like Trump look bad or unwanted. There is no doubt that the probable reason for Trump and why he may have angered Canada and Mexico is because he has shown leadership, and told the truth about the rigged political system where the leaders of Canada and Mexico have no clue about leadership, and refuse to want to drain the swamp in Canada. They appear to just want to keep corruption going and the stealing of tax dollars to promote their own wasteful liberal spending programs and agendas for the glory of making themselves look great. Canada has a lot of corruption going on in politics but for some reason our phony liberal media seems to want to ignore any of it, and just carry on with Trump bashing.
  6. There were some NDP politicians who wanted to change the rules for voting in Canada. One NDP fool wanted to change the required residency for new immigrant citizen's to become Canadian from what it is today to three years. Probably trudeau may possibly want to try to make this happen also. Never trust a liberal or a socialist. They lie. Why would any decent and moral and intelligent Canadian would want to vote another trudeau for PM after what the last disaster trudeau did to Canada is beyond me. With most Canadians, and their knowledge of elections and politics, for them it is just in one ear and out the other, and they will behave politically ignorant and stunned until the next election where they may just decide to vote in the NDP next time around. Scary. Most Canadians are just an exercise in futility.
  7. Trump is not "f"ing up, it is the democrats who are f'ing up. Their coup attempt to try and over throw a legitimate elected government is getting pretty much close to treason. Trump is not doing anything wrong here. It is the democrat losers and whiners who are the problem. They won't quit with their communist bull chit nonsense. All this bs about Russia and Putin is just that bull chit. Nothing has been proven yet about any Russian connection to anything. It is the phony and fake liberal democrats, and their partners in crime, the phony liberal media, who are always trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. It's not going to work so stop getting your knickers all in a sweat. Trump is to smart for people like those loser liberal democrat types. Trump will be president for the next eight years after he drains the swamp of the democrats and their liberal ilk. Go, Trump, go.
  8. Slot machines are fixed so that they do not pay out on every single spin. Otherwise casinos would not stay in business for very long. Those capitalists took their money and invested and opened up a casino business to make money, not to give away too other people. If I opened a business it would be to make money, and keep it for myself, not give some of it away to others who did not deserve or worked for it. Emotional left wing liberal marxists believe that my money is their money, and I should have some of my money stolen from me to help others. The NDP are great believers in stealing from the rich and the middle class and give some of that money to the poor. Then we all end up poor as we see happening today. Thanks to programs and agendas like foreign aid, and helping illegal refugee immigrants and the lazy who do not want to work, I am forced to fork over some of my stolen tax dollars to people who have no right to my money. The days of freebie money to people who do not deserve it must come to an end. Works for me.
  9. Well, it would have been interesting to see what would have happened to the world if we did join sides with Hitler, and tried to defeat communism together. Communism and all it's associated evils would have probably been destroyed and countless hundreds of millions of communist victims may have not been murdered by the likes of Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, and North Korea leaders to name but a few. I think that Hitler was a wuzz compared to those communist dictators. The only reason Hitler appears to most people to have been the enemy is that fact that in the end the spoils went to the victor and then the constant anti Hitler stories kicked in and we all had to listen to the victors side of the story. Every week we are all bombarded with anti Hitler programs on TV. It starts to get a little too much. But, if brainwashing the people works well let's just keep doing it. I guess the difference between you and me is that I have read both sides of the story. To know one side of the story is to know nothing at all.
  10. So, what is wrong with questioning the holocaust. Many have pretty much proved that the holocaust did not happen as we all have been told. The holocaust is the only historical event in history that must never be questioned or challenged. Why is that? Why is it that anytime someone dares to question the holocaust they are immediately labelled a holocaust denier, and a jew hater. Interesting indeed.
  11. The democrats seem to be the ones on a mission to try and overthrow Trumps legitimate election. The democrats are trying to get a coup going here. I am enjoying watching Trump drain the swamp which is full of democrat losers and bs'rs. It's hard to believe that there are still plenty of fools out there who still want to fight a man who says that he wants to drain the swamp of corruption and lies. Those people should be cheering Trump on. I guess those fools have been really dumb downed by the loser democrats all these decades where common sense and logic just does not seem to click with them. A bunch of hopeless wonders.
  12. C'mon now? You must mean liberals need a vaccine, right? A few injections of common sense and logic should do the trick to help them start to think for a change. I vaccinate myself all the time with conservatism. It seems to be working quite well for me.
  13. If I can recall, wasn't Nixon impeached?
  14. Germany wanted peace with Britain. Britain gave Hitler the finger. Why would Britain or America or Canada want to have a war with Hitler when Hitlers main goal was to destroy communism. We should have joined up with Hitler and tried together to defeat Stalin and communism. But for some strange reason Hitler had to be the enemy to fight, not the communists. And we all know that communism has been responsible for hundreds of millions of people lives all over the world. German aggression my butt. Look up for "The greatest Story never told." if it still can be found on the internet. You just may learn something.
  15. Illegals are criminals. They entered Canada illegally there by making themselves criminals. If I entered Mexico illegally I would be arrested and thrown in jail. That is the law in Mexico. Try it if you do not believe me. Either politicians enforce the laws of Canada or resign, and let someone else who will do the job do it for them. Paul Fromm will do the job properly. You appear to be quite happy with these criminal illegals breaking the laws of Canada. Sad indeed. If I were the PM of Canada these illegals would be out on the next plane to wherever they came from. These criminals will now get to stay in Canada at taxpayer's expense. What a deal, eh?
  16. The lefty sore loser democrats are trying to create a coup. Plain and simple. The democrats are on a par with terrorists and anarchists. The democrats need to be dealt with quickly by Trump before they can continue to try and create havoc and choas, and start up a civil war in America. Trump needs to kick azz now.
  17. Russia is not the enemy or the problem here. It is the loser democrats who have a lot of money to lose and maybe even jail time. What is going on by the leftist liberal democrats and their partners in the main scream fake media is an effort in trying to create a coup. They are trying to find every which way but loose to try and overthrow the Trump presidency. These losers democrats are beyond playing fair ball. They are a bunch of anarchists and terrorists, and are willing to create civil disobedience and unrest in doing so. It is beyone belief and never has happened before in American politics where the losing political party has tried to overthrow a legitimate government that was elected fair and square. The democrats should be the ones impeached.
  18. All wars are a great way for corporations who build war military equipment to make lots of money. Wars have never solved anything except to make the corporations and the banksters richer, and the people worse off. Billions are to be reaped from wars.
  19. With all the money that people spend on lotteries all that money should be going to the people who play the lottery. Why does charities or other groups get to grab some of this lottery money? Lotteries is just like foreign aid. The taxpayer's pay taxes to help run their country but yet there are some countries that get to take a few bucks out of those taxes that we pay. Theft of taxpayer's tax dollars runs rampant in this country. All we get from our politicians is more taxes, more government, more rules and regulations, and less freedom. There is something wrong with this picture of Canada.
  20. Maybe Haiti should get out of the UN then. Canada is a part of the UN. How is it that Canadians have a a higher and better standard of living than Haitians do after all these decades? If the Haitians cannot get their act together than so be it. Stay in poverty. It seems like all the western countries of the world always have to keep forking out their tax dollars to people who do not deserve it anymore. Let them get off their lazy welfare butts and stop stealing my tax dollars. Tough love is what is needed here, not this constant left wing liberal marxist emotionalism. I am fed up with it. Canada continually goes deeper in debt a debt that we must pay off to the private banksters who are the ones reaping all the rewards.
  21. Leftists are the problem. They seem to lack any kind of common sense and logic, and prefer to live in an emotional world. The death penalty is required for those who could care less about someone's life and who will go out and kill someone for fun or money or vengence. Now that makes common sense.
  22. Anything that politicians do with my tax dollars is wasteful. Canadian politicians don't think like business people, they think like spend crazy fools. Taxpayer's tax dollars are being blown and you appear to want to attack me for saying so. It's no wonder politicians can continue to get away with contempt towards the Canadian taxpayer's, and their tax dollars because they know they can. They know that Canadians don't care. So, you are telling me that you are in agreement with this blowing of taxpayer's tax dollars to Haiti as a good investment for Canada and other Canadians, eh?
  23. Personally, I think that most Canadians should stay away from politics altogether because most of them appear to know nothing at all about politics. Canada would not last five minutes in a war against Russia. After three weeks of the Trump presidency, the Canadian fake media cannot get away from constantly talking and attacking every day against Trump. Thank gawd for Trump otherwise our Canadian would have nothing to talk about. We have many juicy stories that need to be brought up about Canadian political corruption going on but the Canadian media still prefers to talk about Trump. Keep the sheeple busy listening to non eventful stories, and keep them from learning what is really going on. It's the Canadian way.
  24. Everybody has obligations to someone. I have obligations to my bank. I owe them money. We all owe money or obligations to someone. So, what is your point?
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