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Everything posted by canuckcat

  1. The original link to this speech no longer works. Did they take this down?
  2. He was un-electable before that speech was brought to our attention. I don't think any Canadian has forgotten that he wanted us to join the Coalition of the Willing and went to the US media to say so just a few short years ago. Or that he wanted us to exclude gay bashing from hate crimes legislation. Or that he wants to jail people for simple possession of marijuana. Or that he made a homophobic comment in the House of Commons for which he later apologized. The media have been bending over for Harper in this campaign, letting him choose his agenda. It's time the lazy media started reminding Canadians about Harper's beliefs...and not just Harper's stated beliefs during the current campaign. Given the media's dazed inattention, you'd think every hateful position he had ever expressed had suddenly evaporated into thin air. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> normand, I think you are exactly right. But most of us didn't realize the depth of his hatred toward Canada and Canadians. :angry: He glibly sells us out to the Americans... if he says things like this in public, would he commit treason in private?... This election may well spell the death of the Conservative Party... again...
  3. This speech was to Americans?!?... it's not good thing that he would ever do that.... even eight years ago... maybe if he was eight years old... He's putting Canada down... to Americans... Republicans, no less!!! Even before this revelation, it was generally accepted that he hated Canada... or didn't love it... whatever...
  4. Well that sinks him... he is un-electable. ... I like these two quotes:
  5. We Canadians should cry a collective 'well, excuuuse me'... we've been growing... and it's cold up here... we have a very strong economy... while most others have been flagging... our country is taking off... fasten your seat belts...
  6. I seem to remember a video clip of Stephen Harper rushing by reporters and saying something to the effect that he would be in Iraq. By that I assume he meant that Canada would be in Iraq. He seemed very angry - like he hates Canada. That was a couple of years ago. I am looking forward to more from him on this. He seems very quiet on the subject lately. The election campaign has just started, the hard questions haven't been asked yet. And we still have to hear the opinions of invididual Conservative candidates. I think he still hates Canada, tho
  7. I wish Canadians could see that clip on our nightly news, just to wake us up as to how screwed up our southern neighbour really is..... The Bush administration would like a change in our government because it would make it easier for them to rob and rape us... they do not understand anything else. Many Canadians don't realize the type of pure CRAP that gets on American television and radio. This clip was from FOX and was pure drivel. Fox has no journalistic standards whatsoever. It is an embarrassing mouthpiece for the neocons. This Richard Miniter called his book "Disinformation" and that title is probably the only accurate thing about this book. His reasoning as to why Canada is such a danger is completely wrong. He contends that Canada is a far greater problem than Mexico when it comes to terror. The real danger comes from the US. The US has over 8,000,00 undocumented illegals in their country, many but certainly not all from Mexico. The US department of Homeland Security has no idea who is in their counrty. The whole department is awash with Bush cronies who do not know how to do their jobs. We saw that after the flooding of New Orleans and the FEMA disaster. During the audience participation segment of this interview, FOX had a plant in the audience who reminded us that a large number of the terrorists involved in 9/11 came across the border from Canada. Fox does this to get more ratings. The fact is that none of the 9/11 terrorists were from Canada and all were in the US legally, as we all know. Do Americans still not understand this? The so called "War on Terror" will never end until Americans understand that it was decades their own bungled foreign policy and acts of terrorism that they perpetrated on other countries, particularly in the Middle East, that is the cause of any terrorist intent toward the West that may exist today. The weak link in the chain is the US - not Canada or Mexico.
  8. watching the Conservatives run an election campaign is painful... i feel for them... every time they shoot themselves in the foot... that collective neo-con foot... must be an ugly thing to behold by now... maybe like Ralph Klein's nose... sorry...
  9. He's a parachutist for sure. I've heard lots about him in regard to his potential as a future leader of the country. It all depends on how he survives his first few months in the meatgrinder we like to call the Liberal Party of Canada. The fact that he initially supported the war in Irak will weigh heavily upon him and most likely make him unsuitable for anything more than a pawn in Canadian politics - also he is almost an American, having spent most of his working life there. But one never knows, he hasn't even stepped upon the stage yet and already has stirred up quite a flurry. I think many Canadians imagine that we, of all people, deserve a wonderful new dynamic leader... one who can take us onward and upward through the 21st century... well it may not happen... we may enter a bland limbo... minority government status quo for another few years... or until the Quebec situation becomes a melt-down... but I think all-in-all, the current Paul Martin gov't is doing a great job of adminsitration... taxes are a tad heavy tho...
  10. moderateamerican, Thank you. I think you just made my point and even strenghtened it - it would seem that nobody is responsible for this war and all the silly crap that has been happening down in the USA and overseas in the name of security. Who feels more secure now? The Islamic terrorists sure are better off... and there are hundreds of times more of them now than before. You say you don't condone yada yada... that's just the same as saying you aren't responsible or "were just following orders"... somebody voted for this president... and somebody re-elected him... isn't it time that Americans take some individual responsibility for the actions of their government? If you say that you have no control, then I say you have no democracy. But I know you have democracy, so you do have control... and ergo you have responsibility! With respect to your little slight towards Canada "punishing you"... I think that was an unwarranted insult against Canada... (especially that roll-eyes smilie, that hurt really bad). Nobody wants to change your diapers... we have enough of our own shite up here... Also please remember that individual Canadians are first to rise to your defense... also your worst critics... I've seen this many times where such harsh critique comes from a canuck towards an american... but put the canuck in with an international crowd and canucks will always be on the american side... or at least this is what i've experienced... individual results may vary... sous réserve de légères differences Anyways... enough of this... happy American Thanksgiving... all the best to you and yours... they are playing Christmas music in the malls up here... yikes!!! i know that you as an amerikin know nothing of this kind of commercialism, haha
  11. I wasn't replying to moderateamerican. i don't see how one could think that... am i now owed an apology?... how silly... c'est comme on n'a aucune de balls... However, I do believe that individual americans cannot hide behind the actions of their government. It is time that individual americans take responsibility for the terror they have spread... and bear punishment for it. Remember, this monsterous president and his den of daemons were elected, not once, but twice, by these americans. Reparations need to be paid - pay now or pay more later, as they say. Do 'moderate' americans support only moderate torture? Do they burn the flesh of Iraqi civilians with only a moderate amount of white phosphorous - or 'willie pete' as they fondly call this horrible chemical weapon? Are there only a moderate amount of secret prisons in 'the new europe' where hapless souls are interred forever without trial or charge? Heavy stuff, eh? But hope springs eternal... this too shall pass... We can look forward to the day when Americans become part of the solution, not the problem. It will be a long road for them... and as Canadians we will suffer with them for their folly... Mais maintenant le monde, il dois dire, ""j'accuse""... that president and the vice-president are mass murderers... death for money (Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea) ... burn baby, burn... keep killing the evil and good will grow in its place...
  12. BRAVO!! the US is also meddling in our affairs... they have a special interest in seeing the end of our medicare system... have big designs on our fresh water... and there's some talk about US money being funneled to Quebec separatists in a divide-and-conquer scheme... there are psychotic people within the power structure of the US that will do anything to have their way... you can find their lap-dogs within the ranks of the Conservative Party (no longer Progressive Conservatives, but regressive neo-cons)...
  13. The best way for Canada to help promote democracy is to take a hard line against the current US administration that does not promote democracy anywhere - even at home. This whole 'promote democracy' mantra is little more than a lie to cover the arses of the US and Great Britain in their latest military fiasco. These are exceptionally large arses and thus this is an exceptionally large lie.
  14. It surprises me that this thread continues. I think we have an answer on the nightly news - tens of thousands of refugees and likely thousands dead. Was it the hurricane Katrina that did this? The flooding? No - these are the poor who were left behind. It's not only that they were left behind in the evacuation. They were left behind in education and employment because of their race. The result of wide-spread racism is large-scale poverty and ignorance.
  15. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...al/?query=nafta So what now? This like taking someone to court and after a judgement has been found in your favour, thugs and gangsters kill the judge, all the jury, and all court employees... and then your assailants ask for a retrial and pretend nothing untoward has happened - as they smile at you... ... why do we make treaties with a country that acts as a rogue state? We should be making plans with other countries who have responsible govenments. The US has no credibility anymore on the world stage. We as Canadians are the last to admit this because we are are just next door - and we want them to be virtuous - but they are not, they threat us like shite (ad.,Scottish). But the truth is, it's time to look at managing the US in other ways...
  16. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor...?hub=TopStories http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/20...raid050729.html http://cannabisculture.com/articles/4466.html So now the American government's psychosis on terror spreads to drugs. MLAT means that American law applies in Canada. Our government has let us down. It means that if you say something here that contravenes American law (like a passionate statement that may be considered by them as an incitement of terror, illegal in the US), you can be picked up in Canada, delivered to the US and be ingested by their legal and prison system. Be careful!
  17. Their taxes are lower but their services are low as well. It's OK if you are better off in the States, but if you are poor you will suffer the same as in any third world country: unnecessary disease because of lack of treatment; poor nutrition; lack of educational opportunities; fear of violence and violent death and unjust incarceration and prison torture. There is no upward mobility in the US anymore. Regarding the military, the only country that poses a real threat to Canada is the United States. I'm happy to hear that we are boosting our military - mainly because we will be safer from any hostile actions from the US (in the north, for example). A stronger Canadian military will be a deterent - although even though they spend so much on their forces, they seem exceptionally incompetent in getting anything done - Iraq for example... although they did have a big victory in Grenada a few years back ... There seems to be some special sexual attraction that some the US fighting men have toward Iraqi men - the S&M element probably derives from American culture... and because Iraqi's tend to be darker in skin colour... it fits in well with US history. <br> As far as them having a culture of national pride, it's little more than brainwashing... from kindergarten on up... they'd salute a red-white-blue table cloth... just like a dog... or a trained pig... Canadians have their moments of national pride, but we seem to have the ability to filtre out fake nationalism... we are good and we know it.
  18. Oh geesh... you played the "Anti-American" card... nowadays it trumps the race card in chat... or comparing someone to Hitler ... LOL... I think Canadians can solve their problems on their own... There are very few areas where Americans have anything at all to teach us... I know that despite the weak Supreme Court ruling re Quebec, we will no doubt continue on the current course improving as we go. Deep structural change within our healthcare system is beginning to happen (extended roles for nurses, public education on disease prevention, etc). Canadians can lead the world in universal healthcare - but only if we stop listening to people without vision. On a more pragmatic note, bear in mind that single-tier universal healthcare is a cental plank of the Liberal Party's dogma... without it, people may vote otherwise... I suspect that Canada will continue to offer a similar but much improved system as time goes on...
  19. All this is silly... why would Canada give up a public system for the horrors of the American system where 35% of people have no coverage at all... Americans spend more than us per capita just to help the uninsured... and 30% of all healthcare dollars there are spent on insurance administration. It would be American companies who would rush in to give us all the comforts of an HMO... (i know an American woman who could be cured with a simple operation, but has to remain on drugs for the rest of her life because her HMO says so)... (they calculate a shorter life in their HMO number crunch, so it's cheaper to have her die early)... Americans have NOTHING to teach us about healthcare... we need to fix our system, reduce the waiting lists that exist now (blame penny-pinching Paul Martin)... but in the long term, we need better public education about personal responsibility for health such as diet & exercise... should fat people who smoke and drink to excess get transplants for organs they have abused?... or would it be better to spend that million dollars on health education in local communities that would benefit thousands of people... look at Ralph Klein... he's a fat drunkard who will probably cost the system several millions of dollars before he expires... in his own province, that money could be better spent in general community.
  20. I'm surprised to hear that a US case had slipped through... there should have been dozens by now based on commonness of the Can/Am herd. American ranchers have always used the 3-S rule: shoot, shovel, & shutup...
  21. Basically don't be surprised if you are overly critical of America here, and on most other web forums, that your name will appear on the no-fly list and you will be taking a train or bus....
  22. Historically, Canada certainly has been a racist country. It was the order of the day back when. History has recorded it. These days, I seldom hear a racist joke or remark... i never hear the word "racist", even. We live in a border town and have quite a bit of American tourism. The last truly racist remark i heard was from a lady from Atlanta who was telling me about how Atlanta had grown... she told a joke as to how Atlanta had become such a transportation hub that if you die and go to hell, you have to pass through Atlanta first... it was funny... but then she moved closer and wispered... but we still have our "darkies"...
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