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Everything posted by Sailor

  1. I bet if we took just a portion the public funds used to dealing with marijuana "offences" and applied it to the deficit instead, we'd be deficit-free in no time flat. Why are we even concerned with this? The prohibition is what causes the problems.
  2. Oh, that's right! It's just like when Gordon Campbell told British Columbians they'd be paying less in taxes when the HST was introduced, while British Columbians were looking at their newly discovered deeper hole in their pockets. It's like when they told us we'd pay less for beer, less for everything, while we were watching the amount of sales tax we pay rise significantly. It's all in the marketing, isn't it?
  3. When the prices of energy go up, Canadians benefit? Which Canadians are these? Everywhere I look the cost of everything is higher, inflation is higher, and it's all due to the price at the pumps. Canadians are suffering. I'm not sure which small fraction of us you're referring to, but as a whole, we are seeing less and less disposable income as those prices rise. And why aren't our spineless candidates talking about it? The closest we've gotten are vague terms from Iggy and Layton.
  4. Sorry for getting off topic here, just had to respond
  5. Education can be a bad thing indeed if it's obtained through student loans. Ask any undergrad what they're going through paying them back.
  6. Whoever gets in will have direct control of more than 30% of the price at the pump with the support of parliament, and no party in their right mind would go against a tax adjustment when we're being robbed blind like this.
  7. Wouldn't that cost Harper his fan base? I'd be surprised if he hasn't rigged, manipulated or otherwise messed with EC to date anyway.
  8. rednecks will be rednecks. Still thinking their opinion on a plant is going to stop a bunch of regular people from lighting up. Prohibition worked well in the US didn't it? (I guess it did if you consider for-profit prisons)
  9. lol if all SCOC justices were from Quebec, I'd not only support their seperation, I'd insist the entire court go with them!
  10. Any guy on this forum who had his wife cheat on him and then take his kids and his property for no reason can tell you this is one of Harper's better points. Feminists don't want equality - they already have that in Canada. They want special treatment, wage raises based on their dangly bits , and other sexist measures. If Iggy and Layton were on the same page I would vote for all three at once!
  11. The deficit is the biggest excuse for a scam our government could come up with. It's a figure completely open to manipulation and abuse,and an excuse for them to not pay us back our taxes.
  12. Notearsshedhere. As long as our troops have the armor they need and gear that works, we're all good.
  13. Anything to put a ding in the in the amount we get gouged on practically everything these days..
  14. Hellfire Harper win a debate against a Harvard prof? That'll be the day
  15. I can't understand why he's using a fear tactic of "coalition" when the Republican prison philosophy is doing enough scaring as it is
  16. The "one-on-one" debate with Ignatieff was a pretty good example of what happens when Harper's unscripted. Yeah! I'll take that guy on!! (oh crap oh crap oh crap) lol http://www.facebook.com/pages/Any-time-Any-place/201771663190584
  17. Harper has been kept such a tight lid on communication I'm curious if the guy's completely paranoid. He even went as far as muzzling scientist on the taxpayers' dime while global warming was a hot-button topic.
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