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  1. There should be one citizenship for all. No special privileges for people just because their ancestors have been in Canada longer than mine. Scrap the Indian act, get rid of reserves and do not bestow nor deny anyone based on their ethnicity.
  2. I will hold my nose and vote Tory in the next federal election. There really isn't an option for fiscal conservatives like myself. The Chretien Liberals of the 90's are more conservative than the Tories of today. Still, our federal government is better than almost all of our Western competitors. That is really tells what a sad state Western democracies have become. The Grits should have chosen Marc Garneau and the NDP is not even an option. Harper will spend less of my money than the other two clowns, so once again I will hold my nose and vote for the best of the worst.
  3. Topp hates Alberta's oil and wants no new pipelines built. That would be like Wynn in Ontario choosing a chief of staff who wants all car plants closed down and sent to Mexico.
  4. I know there are groups that have a vested interest in Canada having only one customer for our oil. Some are in the Middle East and some are South of the border. The truth is that our oilsands have next to know impact on climate change. Despite Obama's blatant lie that our oil is extraordinarily dirty, California blends are the most carbon intensive in North American. Nigerian is the most carbon intensive in the world. The International Energy Agency has said that all new oilsands production amounts to about 23 hours of C02 emissions from China. The oilsands are superior to OPEC oil by 4 measures of liberal values: Environmental responsibility, peace, treatment of workers and human rights. The oilsands are becoming greener all the time with solar panels incorporated in in-situ methods, talingless ponds, a water recycling rate well over 90%. Pulp and paper mills in BC have a greater impact on local environments that oilsands do.
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