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Everything posted by PrimeNumber

  1. Not an even close comparison, Venezuela has a heavily currupted nationalized oil industry, that is why no one is investing. Without FIPA china would still be investing in the oil sands, they have beem for years before it and without it will continue to do so. Sure certain projects will be halted or even scraped but trust me the wheels will always be in motion to the pacific ocean.
  2. And in this case the goods are mostly petroleum products which are just going to be shipped back to China to be refined, where they stand to make even more money off if it. This whole deal is a big win-win for a China. We make a little bit of money, no more jobs are created as the jobs and investment would be there regardless of FIPA. Let's think about this for a minute, its raw bitumen, we don't need FIPA deals for raw bitumen people and countries will invest in it without any help from the government..
  3. Didn't Germany just call out Harpers trade proposel to the EU last month as it goes against their Constitution and the rights of corporations in the EU?
  4. One has direct benefits to Canadians and Camadian companies, the other benefits China. What people fail to see is that Canada's economy will see investment regardless of FIPA. FIPA just gives China an upperhand over all other countries looking to invest, especially because all other FIPA's our government has signed has been with developing economy's, not superpowers. This deal is a slippery slope that could see taxpayer's getting gouged the most.
  5. This is exactly the type of thing the FIPA with China supports. PetroChina, China's second biggest oil company and owned exclusively by their government, has huge investments in the billions of dollars in the Northern Gateway. With FIPA they can essentialy sue, in private, any level of government that was involved in the process of the Northern Gateway not going through from federal governments, and provincial governments to municipal government on potential loses. Instead of this hogwash with China we should be focusing on a FTA with Japan which has a lot more benefits for Canadian companies and Canadian buyers by lowering the prices on superior Japanese products like vehicles.
  6. FIPA would let China’s companies sue Canada for unlimited damages if our governments make decisions that put Canada’s interests first. A FIPA with China, a nation that is soon to be the biggest economy in the world, with massive state owned companies that have countless billions to buy out Canadian resource companies for their own national interest, including their current aquisitions by PetroChina of massive shares of oil sands companies. which will lead to their total disregard of our environment here in Canada. Why make ourselves vulnerable to that kind of risk? Our experience with NAFTA has shown us that bigger countries have the advantage in these systems. Canada has lost every case brought against us by a US company, costing us millions of taxpayer dolars. So what if this FIPA turns out to be a disaster? We can just get out of it, right? No, we can’t. Unlike NAFTA, which we can leave with six months notice, FIPA will lock us into an international deal for 31 years. We’re talking about an investor protection deal with the soon to be super power of the 21st century!
  7. I bet you won't find a single Canadian citizen that will support FIPA. You also won't see a single conservative supporter who will openly talk about how terrible a bill like this is for our country or how Harper literally just threw Canada under the bus with this, which I'm sure has personal gain for himself and the conservative party. Germany's government vetoed our FTA with the European Union and publicly criticized us because it gave Canada a lot of these same rights in the European Union. Harper hates the environment, you wouldn't expect him to do anything for it would you?
  8. The doctors will never budge now, it's the timing of the whole thing. Emery gets released, comes back, does a tour promoting the Libs and their Mary Jane policy. Alll the sudden the Tories want an ad they can throw back at Trudy to get the illinformed back on board. "Oh no, we must vote conservative to save the children!!" If they would of done it sooner the doctors might have signed on board. As dumb as it sounds and like it or not but Marijuana laws will be the biggest minor policy of this coming election. You'll be surprised at how many normaly no shows will be out next year tallying one more up for the liberals if their policy on legalization stays the same.
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