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Everything posted by Muddyw67

  1. She feeds off the infamy - the entire press ban ploy was intended to ensure that she got lots of press on her release. The greatest punishment we could give her now is to ignore her. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree -her narcissism will demand that she will remain the focus of our attention and because of the purile nature of the corporate press, especially loathsome journalists like Christine Blachford she will get her wish.
  2. I have posted my response concerning Live8 from my own site "Bilaternal Notions" Live 8 has met with some considerable criticism in Canada and I have already added my voice to that sentiment. As far as I know, not one African child has stopped working in a field for pennies a day probably orphaned because of HIV infection rates because Paul McCartney and Elton John sang Sargent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. However I can guarantee that corrupt decadent leaders like Mugabe and his followers are continuing to live like princes. I would have got behind a concert called "Democracy 4 Africa"or "Rock Musicians 4 social justice in Africa-not as catchy or commercial but more likely to capture the real issues which is Western acquiescence of tyrants as along as they can extract resources and exploit the continent. Canada ties its aid to purchasing of Canadian products and services- this is hardly "aid" but forced trade by other means I personally would like to see a Canadian concert that promotes awareness of the often brutal living conditions of our First Nations people which replicates Third World conditions in many areas. Our lack of appropriate "aid" to the founding peoples here is as big of scandal as Africa-Our first nations people live in squalor have the highest rate of HIV infections substance abuse lowest post secondary attendance highest suicide rates especially among the young. Like many African countries the First Nations peoples are often exploited by their own leaders. I would love to see Canada's disgraceful record in terms of its own people paraded to the world and our disinterested politicians humiliated in front of the entire planet.
  3. I think we need to remind ourselves that we are an economic-political colony of the US Empire and as such tribunes like McKenna from the northern outpost carry zero influence with the masters in Washington. As long as we fetch oil and hew soft wood lumber for the enrichment of the Empires corporate elites then we will be tolerated. Never expected to sit at the banquet table and also be content to pick up the crumbs from the masters floor and above all never break the strict boundaries between supplicant and over lord by challenging the status quo- that will merely get the Quislings and the Vichy politicians in Alberta frightened and trembling- not a pretty sight.
  4. The media has been dining on a feast of Karla Homolka since her release over the week-end. This cunning psycho path held an interview with Radio Canada, the French speaking part of the CBC and conducted her interview entirely en francias because English speaking media types are just so mean to the murderess. Somehow she has a fleet of high priced lawyers attempting to protect her from the gaze of the fourth estate so she can establish a normal life, something she unequivocally denied her victims including her own sister. She still maintains contrary to all evidence that she was a follower and a victim of the sexual machinations of her then husband Paul Bernardo although she has a few conveniant tears now and then. Her first cravings once she was released?...A Tim Horton's Cappacino. Tim Hortons must be gasping at that association. Our fascination with her is compelling and disgusting. We do not know how to relate to those who manifest the shadow so boldly. She is a beautiful, gifted woman whose sexuality is as dark and unsavory as it gets. She is also without a scintilla of normal reactions of compassion or regret which makes her dangerous to the species. I suspect that such abominations are either banished or done away with in traditional tribal societies. Are we acting in the best interests of our society by allowing her to attempt living a functional life among us?
  5. I think the main problem with the Conservative Party as it's currently constituted is that it refuses to accept the fact that Canadians by in large are not reactionaries, neo cons and Christian zealots based on the US Republican Party model. Certainty there is a large moderate conservative constituency in Canada but it is closer to the old Red Tory model then the Reform-Alliance cadre of bigots and believers in a 6000 year old Planet Earth. Stephen Harper is the quintessential representative of this model perhaps without the zealotry of Preston Manning. The Conservatives also appear to be a regional party-although the same might be said about the Liberals- whose base is clearly fixed in Alberta and the Fraser Valley in BC. These folks tend to dine on imagined grievances and a visceral distrust of Central Canada that Westerners have had nourished in the collective psyches so long that it seems to have become part of the DNA. They need to lose Harper ditch the social conservatism and their reflex supine worshiping of George Bush's America.Then They might have a chance at convincing the majority of Canadians to give them the keys to the office. They will never win my trust though- as my dad use to say an old CCFer"Tory times are hard times" And that is an axiom that never changes
  6. Hello everyone- I'm also a fellow canuck who has set up a very similar forum which is based on the premise of increasing social awareness between Canada and the US by discussing issues of mutual concern and by sharing poetry art stories or just observations/opinion pieces. I am very pleased that this site is seeking similar goals. Our membership is very small at the moment so if anyone wishs to visit or contribute that would be welcome. I shall also try to make some contributions here Bilateral Notions www.shag-a-delic.net/board Muddyw
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