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OftenWrong last won the day on February 4

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    Playin Leftist Whack-a-mole

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  1. Justin Trudeau the Bold, effectively silenced-

    Trudeau Suggests It’s Not His Place To Condemn Trump’s Migrant Child Policy

    When asked in the HOC what he was going to do about it, he said

    "From the very beginning I have been very clear on the role that Canadians expect of me — to stand up firmly and unequivocally for our values, for our interests, to protect Canadians and to make sure that we're doing well, as well as having a constructive relationship with the United States," Trudeau said. "That's what we're going to remain focused on. What we will not do, is play politics with this."

    In other words "I was told to shut my mouth, and that's what I'ma gonna do."

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    2. capricorn


      Delayed action on the part of Trudeau. The reason being he wants to avoid criticism for not chiming in with other dissenters.

      By the way, nice to see Bubber post a link to support his words. I mean, a member here since 2005 and still doesn't know how to properly start a new thread. Oh well, maybe one day.

    3. BubberMiley


      I prefer status updates because you can talk about what you want without getting warnings for going off topic. But I always include links to support what I say. I'm still waiting for you and scriblet to do the same.

    4. scribblet


      Find your own links on status updates, and where where you when Trudeau did it

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