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OftenWrong last won the day on February 4

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  1. By now many of you have run out of plastic garbage bags, due to the government-imposed moratorium on plastic bags in grocery stores.

    Perhaps you even went and bought some plastic garbage bags, as we did, but found they are bigger. They still fit in the can if we fold the extra plastic out of the way.

    Result- we are throwing out more plastic now, and paying a higher price for it.

    Am I the only one who sees the absurdity in what's going on here? What about you dunderheads

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    2. OftenWrong


      We used grocery bags for garbage bags, rendering them a multi-use plastic. The extra grocery bags we didn't use for garbage bags went in the recycle bin. Sometimes they were used to hold other recycling, such as newspaper.

      Now, we go out and buy plastic garbage bags- a single use plastic.

      My point- if the objective was to divert the plastic bags from the landfill, that is not being accomplished here.

      Instead what we have

      is yet another

      Classic Government Boondoggle

    3. Boges


      So you admit you don't use re-use all your grocery bags. 

      You'll always need single use plastic to contain garbage. I actually find, more times than not, the Grocery bags suck as garbage bags, we just used them because they were either free or 5 cents. 

      As Aristes points out, these compostable bags are actually quite good. A take-out place was using them instead of plastic recently. 

      The biggest shocker about this lack of bags comes at the mall. You can easily condition yourself to bring bags to the Grocery store, but it's harder behaviour to break when going to the mall to Window Shop. 

    4. betsy


      They're pushing you to buy their re-usable bags. At least, with Freshco, they provide their empty cardboard boxes (from produce and other stuffs) - free - for use in lieu of bags. 


      That's practical.  Not only does it save them time from breaking down those boxes, but it's environmentally friendly.  Other stores don't do that.


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