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Everything posted by THELIBERAL

  1. Either the tape recorder man is lying or the Conservative party is lying on this one! http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/20...ewal050711.html David Orchard is still owed money from this bunch!
  2. RE::Are you so naive as to think the government has so much control over the economy that they can manufacture the employment rate? And you think the opposition has the control? WOW!
  3. RE::Adrienne Clarkson, our head of state, managed to get a new pacemaker installed within days of the diagnosis of her heart condition. Does anyone know how long it normally takes for this sort of operation to be performed? Does this seem unusual to anyone else? Here are some posts from another forum about the same topic! Do you think these people got special treatment also? margrace Member posted 09-07-2005 20:56 A good friend of ours went to the hospital with heart pains, he was operated on in another city the next morning, triple heart bypass. henry j. Member posted 09-07-2005 19:15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wifes brother wasn't feeling good went to the hospital was told he had to have a double by-pass. He was taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital that did open heart surgery. Spent a week in the hospital on a heart monitor and the next week he was operated on. He's doing fine now! nussy Member posted 09-07-2005 05:58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am not a high ranking official. I had chest pains and went to the emergency department in the North York Genreal Hospital in Toronto. Had test done including a cat scan the same day. The next day I had an angiograme done. And then after the weekend I had angioplasty done. She is not getting any special treatment. One of my friends got both a pacemaker and a defribulater intalled very fast after his diagnosis. Lets give credit where credit is due. I am talking for my local situation. HELLO!!!
  4. I find it very distastful to say the least when people will stoop to using a persons medical situation for nothing but political gain! I guess some people think we should have let her die! God this type of thinking upsets me!
  5. RE::We've spent a huge amount of money on the gun registry, where the benefits could (even in the most optimistic situation) be quantified at a few hundred lives a year maximum. Well it's a start folks!!!!!!!!!!!! The right wingers have gone from ranting about gun control has not saved one life to admitting it has saved hundreds of lives! It's like pulling teeth sometimes but sometimes it pays off IF at least one of them finally get it! Gun control works and it is a bargain because it only costs each working Canadian 1.4 cents a day and it saves (according to the right winger who started this thread) hundreds of lives! It's a start folks!!!!
  6. The biggest B.S. myth in this country is the B.S. myth the media is bias toward the Liberals. There are several radio stations across the country that have obvious bias Conservative talk show hosts. These talk show hosts go on air on a daily basis and nit pick and trash the Liberals! Here are some of the more obvious! Lowell Green C.F.R.A. Ottawa 9 til noon every weekday! Tommy Shnurmacker C.J.A.D. Montreal same time slot! Although I've never heard his show I hear Dave Rutherford in Calgary is another Liberal basher! Here is a challange for you! Name me one radio station with a talk show that trashes the Conservatives on a daily basis like the above Liberal bashing shows I've mentioned! I'll be waiting but not holding my breath! Oh by the way C.F.R.A. has other Liberal bashers besides Lowell Green. Early morning Steve Madely, afternoon Mike Harris! You can listen via the internet IF YOU DOUBT my accusations!!! You'll see I speak the truth on this one!
  7. RE::In addition, Iraq is only one of Blair's numerous policies, and most of them have been very good for Britain, which is why he's into his third majority, duh! And Blair is a Conservative?
  8. Before Mulroney AND after Mulroney EH? Does anyone here remember the double digit unemployment rates during the Mulroney Conservative years? Even if they do they wouldn't admit it. Before Mulroney we had single digit rates and after Mulroney we have single digit rates. One of the reasons why I vote Liberal. http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2005/04/08/987922-cp.html June unemployment rate slips By SANDRA CORDON OTTAWA (CP) - Canada's jobless rate dipped to a rare low of 6.7 per cent in June, suggesting the economy is growing at a quick enough clip to warrant higher interest rates by fall. So low an unemployment rate has been seen only "twice" since "1976" when Statistics Canada first began using current data-crunching methods: June 2000 and March 1976. HELLO!
  9. RE::Harper appeals to the Silent Majority!!!! One of the SILLYEST quotes I've ever heard! How do you know if they are (GET THIS NOW) ""silent""? WOW! Beam me up Scottie this might be catching!
  10. I guess your father has a good memory! He remembers the Conservative Mulroney years AS DO a lot of Canadians! End result of 9 years of Mulroney? Conservatives 2 seats in the 1993 election! HELLO! Your dad has it right!
  11. The Nobel Peace Prize committee is a joke. The recent awards have more to do with political posturing and some bizarre 'affirmative action like' agenda than with the accomplishments of the recipients <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Send more money but who gets it? Not the poor who need it the dictators end up with most of it! :angry:
  12. You were actually able to read an entire Ezra Levant article? You must be on painkillers. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Anybody that reads Ezra Levant and believes anything he says IS TO FAR GONE FOR ANYONE TO HELP!
  13. RE::I can't think of any issue where he's taken the initiative. Well we all know why! Answer: you're a Conservative! All the mayors like what he's done. Nova Scotia and NFLD like what he's done! Of course you think he's done nothing!
  14. RE::This guy is a complete SNAKE with NO integrity at all. Guess what? He's our Prime Minister. And the worst of it is, the morons in Ontario are going to re-elect him. This is why I'll never vote Conservative. The attitude is just unreal. Call people in Ontario morons because they vote Liberal!! Great way do get someone to come on your side by calling them morons. Why doesn't this guy get banned? Is it because he's a Conservative?
  15. Wow some are just starting to get it! Can you say slow learners?
  16. The Liberals made me do it!!! WOW!!! Harper did it to himself!
  17. RE::Can someone tell me again why they think Mr.Harper is so smart? Gee I guess they are still thinking about it! I realize it is a very hard question to answer! Is Harper still pushing the Belgium plan? Has he told his party members about it yet? Is the Belgium plan part of the Conservative agenda now?
  18. RE::Its very easy for the rest of Canada to say the ONLY reason Alberta is debt-free and have surpluses year after year is because of oil. This isn't entirely correct. Yes it is because it's true!!! You don't deal with the truth I see.
  19. Run for the hills Harper's a dud!!! http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2005/06...1110578-cp.html Harper spin doctors call it quits By SUE BAILEY OTTAWA (CP) - An exodus from Stephen Harper's office has decimated the Conservative leader's PR team as he strives to appear more friendly and election-ready.
  20. So can anybody come up with a Canadian radio talk show host who bashes the Conservative's like Lowell Green on CFRA Ottawa bashes the Liberals? Like I said just name me one!!! The biggest B.S. myth in this country is the B.S. myth the media is bias toward the Liberals!
  21. Yeah right!!! Go kiss your oil rig!!!! Got nothing to do with a Conservative government and everything to do with oil and high oil prices!
  22. HINT MR.Harper: NO BLOC PARTY EQUALS LIBERAL MAJORITY!!!! Can someone tell me again why they think Mr.Harper is so smart? The only time the Bloc is legal in his view is when they vote WITH HIM!!!! WOW!!! Hearsay,unproven accusations and a bias CON servative media are the weapons of mass deception of the CON servatives
  23. RE::Harper isn't a bigot. Everyone in a free country is intitled to his own opinion!
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