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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2018 in Posts

  1. Classic good guy/bad guy negotiation. Trump's the bad guy - his team led by Lighthizer are the good guys. The team is negotiating in good faith but can always play the Trump card if necessary. I doubt they have actually done that yet - but Trump's belligerence creates a background drone that speaks to "I can't take that back to the President". It's really mostly about Dairy because that's just about the only thing that Trump has been going on about. Is that really too much to ask? Substantially increase the quotas and reduce the incremental tariff and the rest of the dominos will fall in place.
    1 point
  2. I’m not anti American, never have been but at times arrogant boors such as yourself make it a real chore not to be. You seem to work very hard at it. As an American who has no attachment to or real knowledge of a country called Canada, that is something you are not capable of understanding. Not wanting to be an American is not being anti American.
    1 point
  3. What Bernier tweeted wasn't racist at all, it was an accurate statement that's just untenable in the political arena. Conservatives have to either disavow or defend that statement, and Trudeau's only chance to win the election is to turn it into a virtue signalling competition. It's imperative for this country that Trudeau is defeated in the next election and if that means throwing Bernier under the bus then so be it. He's the one that did this to his own party.
    1 point
  4. As a Canadian we spend Jack shit on defense. Seriously, we under fund the Forces at an almost criminal level. Pretty hard to spend less than almost nothing. As for the rest of your comment, well it's so juvenile it isn't even worth answering.
    1 point
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