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Judge Slams Indian Actions

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Hundreds of people were so hysterical that they commited suicide. That was only a radio show. Imagine what would happen in a live event.....


What are you saying you can call alien robots from other planets, to help you in your fight?

OK, the prozac is for once a day, and the aspirin is once every 6 hours. Not the other way around.

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Hundreds of people were so hysterical that they commited suicide. That was only a radio show. Imagine what would happen in a live event.....

Not one person died from that broadcast.


Can't believe that....trust the oral history.....

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You trust the Wikipedia for knowledge . . . hell . . . hope you never site it as a resource!!

Terrific mate. You trust something that is edited by anybody every ten minutes!

They did commit suicide and there was much hysteria. Its accepted as common knowledge. Embarrassing or


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You trust the Wikipedia for knowledge . . . hell . . . hope you never site it as a resource!!
This is rich coming from someone who considers oral tradition valid.
Terrific mate. You trust something that is edited by anybody every ten minutes!
And you trust unsubstantiated stories about the past that can be made up or manipulated to suit the teller's needs?
They did commit suicide and there was much hysteria. Its accepted as common knowledge. Embarrassing or otherwise.
Right and your sources would be.... I thought so. nuff said.
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To have to edit and re-edit history in a wikipedia is proof enough that :

1) your written history is highly dubious otherise you would not have to keep re-writing it in educational texts every 10 years and on the wikipedia every 10 minutes.

2)That due to your inherent ten minute long attention span and even worse of a memory span, how on earth are you even able to comment on oral history?

An experiment:

Wait ten minutes from now and see if you remember what oral history actually is.

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Actully the exact opposite is required. One must be totally aware and calm, free from distractions in order to pull it off.

But YOUR hysteria makes it so much easier. And being prone to fear it is not that difficult to excite you.


Why don't you turn into a bird and flock off then?

He can already turn into a bird and fly circles around you. To bad you are too angry to see that.

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Clue in Tsi. They were drug, or deprivation induced halucinations. One time Carlos got all wasted and turned into a raven, or a crow.

Sorry to burst your self-righteous pronouncement but it is not all about drugs or sensory deprivation. Maybe in your world with your concepts and the limited knowledge you have, where you choose to see things in a particular way, you feel any other way of conceiving reality can be dismissed with such an explanation, but for some of us who try to genuinely listen and learn from others and discipline ourselves to listen more then we preach, we come to different less simplistic conclusions/

Before you dismiss shape-shifting or any other aboriginal faith practice or belief, and make obnoxious comments about dogs and shaymen, rest your mouth, your self-righteousness and your arrogance and presumption you are superior and know the truth for just once.

Your anger coupled with your lack of awareness of aboriginal spiritual practices and your hatred for aboriginal customs is clear and transparent and of course it makes you blind. Yes in your world blind men can't see colours so colours can't exist. Oh how simple. Your brain can't conceive of shape shifting so it can't possibly have any validity because I mean we all know you are God possessor of universal truth and if you say it aint so, well it aint so. Excuse me if I don't worship at your feet.

What is a true shame is that what you may never understand that blind people can learn to understand colour even though they don't see it.. but you would need to sit and learn from a blind man to understand that and something tells me you are not someone who is prepared to do that. You are too busy snickering with self-righteousness and the conviction of your beliefs.

Aboriginal faith beliefs are based on intricate, complex concepts and a method of learned disciplined exercises not drugs. More to the point, even though you try write them off, modern Western medicine, the same medicine you will go running to when you get sick, is now learning to understand and incorporate such principles when treating patients.

I doubt you would understand it but Western culture is one of a very few on this planet that is fixated on the physical and seperating physical phenomena from emotional and mental or psychological (psychic) phenomena and emphasising all believes based on the aquisition and control of physical material.

In your world of course you need drugs to think in alternative forms but in the majority of societies, they do not need drugs. Then again I doubt you know anything about Taoism, Hinduism, Shintoism, he Wickans, or so many other belief systems or even the great mystic traditions of your own Judeo-Christian religious roots.

Aboriginal concepts are based on ancient methods of using the mind and emotions and not seperating them from the physical body you seem to think is distinct. It is as simple as that and yet it is precisely its simplicity that makes it far too profound for your mind at this point to grasp.

The majority of cultures on this planet subscribe to similiar beliefs. It is we Westerners who have chosen to isolate ourselves and fixate on here and now and materialism including trying to accumulate and control material as a means to define our wealth and power and that is precisely why you live in a toxic evnironment full of crime and disease and have the audacity to think it makes you superior to aboriginal belief systems.

Now as for your comment;

I once saw a dog melt into a carpet, I guess that makes me a shaman too.

Try understand this if your hatred and contempt can subside for just a second. To be a Shaman you must be willing to study and learn and commit your entire life to constantly learning and respecting that which you can not understand and learning to not be afraid of anything and give in to the temptation to need to label everything and have an answer for everything. ... clearly something you stopped doing years ago...so before you call yourself a Shaman look in the mirror. All you are is someone ridiculing something you can't understand.

Here is the point. One day as you lie on your death bed and have to go through the passage of death, you will be forced to deal with the concepts you now ridicule and are afraid of and deny through ridicule. At that time people like Tsi will not seem so foolish to you anymore.

You know its one thing to debate land rights but when you turn it into ridiculing a man's spiritual beliefs it becomes ugly and dooms you to self-destruction. Sorry but not all of us Westerners share your

hatred and I am grateful for what-ever I have been able to learn (and still struggle to learn) from

aboriginals on spiritual concepts.

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Actully the exact opposite is required. One must be totally aware and calm, free from distractions in order to pull it off.

But YOUR hysteria makes it so much easier. And being prone to fear it is not that difficult to excite you.


Why don't you turn into a bird and flock off then?

He can already turn into a bird and fly circles around you. To bad you are too angry to see that.

I know he can go in circles. That is all he ever does on these boards. Repeat the same completely wrong BS again and again and again and again and again and again........

Nice to see he has a groupy. He needs one. It is harder to be laughed at when you are alone.

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This is just getting so lame. Just what has the talk of indian legend and folklore have to do with the subject topic ? If people are going to persist going along this path, then I would suggest that before you do, then pick up a book on physics or the sciences of both the accepted siences and the mythed sciences. You will see that in every one of the stories you will find a small amount of truth and a lot of so called faith. I have yet to see that faith to generate anything of substance in the real world, but if it helps you accept things thta you are having trouble getting your mind around, then it has served its intended purpose. Nothing in todays events or happenings can make a case for or against faith. The rule of law is something we must all abide by, but if you have faith that you can break this law and get away with it, only is true until you are caught. I would never begrudge anyone their faith as long as they do not break the rules of law. That is the only time these should ever cross and the law should always rein the winner.

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Clue in Tsi. They were drug, or deprivation induced halucinations. One time Carlos got all wasted and turned into a raven, or a crow.

Sorry to burst your self-righteous pronouncement but it is not all about drugs or sensory deprivation. Maybe in your world with your concepts and the limited knowledge you have, where you choose to see things in a particular way, you feel any other way of conceiving reality can be dismissed with such an explanation, but for some of us who try to genuinely listen and learn from others and discipline ourselves to listen more then we preach, we come to different less simplistic conclusions.

Before you dismiss shape-shifting or any other aboriginal faith practice or belief, and make obnoxious comments about dogs and shaymen, rest your mouth, your self-righteousness and your arrogance and presumption you are superior and know the truth for just once.

Your anger coupled with your lack of awareness of aboriginal spiritual practices and your hatred for aboriginal customs is clear and transparent and of course it makes you blind. Yes in your world blind men can't see colours so colours can't exist. Oh how simple. Your brain can't conceive of shape shifting so it can't possibly have any validity because I mean we all know you are God possessor of universal truth and if you say it aint so, well it aint so. Excuse me if I don't worship at your feet.

What is a true shame is that what you may never understand that blind people can learn to understand colour even though they don't see it.. but you would need to sit and learn from a blind man to understand that and something tells me you are not someone who is prepared to do that. You are too busy snickering with self-righteousness and the conviction of your beliefs.

Aboriginal faith beliefs are based on intricate, complex concepts and a method of learned disciplined exercises not drugs. More to the point, even though you try write them off, modern Western medicine, the same medicine you will go running to when you get sick, is now learning to understand and incorporate such principles when treating patients.

I doubt you would understand it but Western culture is one of a very few on this planet that is fixated on the physical and seperating physical phenomena from emotional and mental or psychological (psychic) phenomena and emphasising all believes based on the aquisition and control of physical material.

In your world of course you need drugs to think in alternative forms but in the majority of societies, they do not need drugs. Then again I doubt you know anything about Taoism, Hinduism, Shintoism, he Wickans, or so many other belief systems or even the great mystic traditions of your own Judeo-Christian religious roots.

Aboriginal concepts are based on ancient methods of using the mind and emotions and not seperating them from the physical body you seem to think is distinct. It is as simple as that and yet it is precisely its simplicity that makes it far too profound for your mind at this point to grasp.

The majority of cultures on this planet subscribe to similiar beliefs. It is we Westerners who have chosen to isolate ourselves and fixate on here and now and materialism including trying to accumulate and control material as a means to define our wealth and power and that is precisely why you live in a toxic evnironment full of crime and disease and have the audacity to think it makes you superior to aboriginal belief systems.

Now as for your comment;

I once saw a dog melt into a carpet, I guess that makes me a shaman too.

Try understand this if your hatred and contempt can subside for just a second. To be a Shaman you must be willing to study and learn and commit your entire life to constantly learning and respecting that which you can not understand and learning to not be afraid of anything and give in to the temptation to need to label everything and have an answer for everything. ... clearly something you stopped doing years ago...so before you call yourself a Shaman look in the mirror. All you are is someone ridiculing something you can't understand.

Here is the point. One day as you lie on your death bed and have to go through the passage of death, you will be forced to deal with the concepts you now ridicule and are afraid of and deny through ridicule. At that time people like Tsi will not seem so foolish to you anymore.

You know its one thing to debate land rights but when you turn it into ridiculing a man's spiritual beliefs it becomes ugly and dooms you to self-destruction. Sorry but not all of us Westerners share your

hatred and I am grateful for what-ever I have been able to learn (and still struggle to learn) from

aboriginals on spiritual concepts.

Blah blah blah blah blah.

Listen Ruefully Lacking in intelligence:

I have heard the talk of the "RED PATH", as the Right path. I have listened to hate filled racist natives as they blabber on about how terrible the white man is, on numerous occassions. I have witnessed how quickly the facade of friendship falters as soon as treaties are mentioned, to a native. I have also done more spiritual experimentation than likely 90% of the people on this board. Native, bhuddist, hindu, christian, new age. Just what type of mysticism do you want to discuss oh ruefull one?

Perhaps it is you who needs to

rest your mouth, your self-righteousness and your arrogance and presumption you are superior and know the truth for just once.

You have no idea what a unique position I am in on this topic. I would have a lot more sympathy for the natives if I wasn't accutely aware of how much hatred they harbour for the "white man".

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You have no idea what a unique position I am in on this topic. I would have a lot more sympathy for the natives if I wasn't accutely aware of how much hatred they harbour for the "white man".

Have to say I've lost a lot of empathy since reading some of this stuff and elsewhere, it sure has opened my eyes.

Obviously, you never had empathy in the first place.

Empathy is not self seeking and does not cater for vanities. Empathy is like a sponge - you soak it ALL up, get to know it and dont judge it. It is only then you might . . .. and only might start understanding without any reward whatsoever. However, you would then have a clear picture of justice and injustice.



By the way you guys with the short attention span. It was told about 10 minutes of reading ago in this post that shape shifting is to do with a body manouvere and strategy that was taught to the army seals (soldiers) by some s/ns to surprise and kill members of the governments enemy. It is an army tactic.

Now all of you, do yourself a favour and go drop a couple of acid tabs. It might just wake you up. We might even find you have an imagination afterall . . . .However id bet you would never make the grade of sheer and outright common sense.


To the aspiring SS guy who could never make it, including managing an erection and growing out of dypers.

The reason for your problems is this:

You are simply a spoilt pampered little baby that has never had a fight in his life and that has a closer than normal relationship with his mother. Im sure it puts a smile on her face. How on earth are you going to get laid otherwise?

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You have no idea what a unique position I am in on this topic. I would have a lot more sympathy for the natives if I wasn't accutely aware of how much hatred they harbour for the "white man".

Have to say I've lost a lot of empathy since reading some of this stuff and elsewhere, it sure has opened my eyes.

Obviously, you never had empathy in the first place.

Empathy is not self seeking and does not cater for vanities. Empathy is like a sponge - you soak it ALL up, get to know it and dont judge it. It is only then you might . . .. and only might start understanding without any reward whatsoever. However, you would then have a clear picture of justice and injustice.



By the way you guys with the short attention span. It was told about 10 minutes of reading ago in this post that shape shifting is to do with a body manouvere and strategy that was taught to the army seals (soldiers) by some s/ns to surprise and kill members of the governments enemy. It is an army tactic.

Now all of you, do yourself a favour and go drop a couple of acid tabs. It might just wake you up. We might even find you have an imagination afterall . . . .However id bet you would never make the grade of sheer and outright common sense.


To the aspiring SS guy who could never make it, including managing an erection and growing out of dypers.

The reason for your problems is this:

You are simply a spoilt pampered little baby that has never had a fight in his life and that has a closer than normal relationship with his mother. Im sure it puts a smile on her face. How on earth are you going to get laid otherwise?

If you truly think that is what is meant by "shape shifting" you need to read Carlos Castenada.

He believed his teacher Don Juan, helped him turn into a bird.

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If you truly think that is what is meant by "shape shifting" you need to read Carlos Castenada.

He believed his teacher Don Juan, helped him turn into a bird.

Bah....I can turn into an asshole at the drop of a hat.

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LOL. ah yes. We got ourselves one good ole boy telling me he is an expert on spirituality and seen and done it all and so yes siree his being a spiritually enlightened man has led him to his current path of ultimate awareness. Yes Sir, I am talkin to a man who has seen the light and them sone.

And what do we have hear, yet another genius making remarks about feathers 'n such. Yeehaw! Just bust my britches laffin. Can't wait until we burn some crosses and maybe beat up or kill some of these savages. Yuck. Yuck.

This is what happens when debate property rights?

Look at the level of hatred directed at ALL aboriginals in these comments and tell me do you really expect anyone aboriginal to respond other then someone like Tsi?

Got news for us all. The only people who respond to such people, are warriors. Y'all really expect anyone moderate to even begin to try engage in discussions with such enlightened souls?

Yah you good ole boys got lotsto worry 'bout. Yes siree, them aboriginals want your trailers.

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