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The Greatest threat to prosperity, peace and rising living standards is not terrorism, fanatical Islamism, or fractured Christianity - it is the new religion of the self serving Liberal elite - Eco-Imperialism.

There is a great book out by Driessen called,

Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death." Read it. He is a former socialist, that saw the blinding light of reality and has renounced his previously erroneous ways.

Driessen, is now a senior fellow at the Atlas Economic Research Foundationand a FORMER member of the Sierra Club [that craven organisation of doom and gloom] and Zero Population Growth [another liberal anti-reality group] reveals how the ideological environmental movement -- essentially comprised of wealthy, left-leaning Americans and Europeans -- wants to impose its views on billions of poor, desperate Africans, Asians and Latin Americans.

Driessen states in his book, correctly, that eco-imperialism violates these people’s most basic human rights,and denies them economic opportunities, the chance for better lives, and the right to rid their countries of diseases that were vanquished long ago in the U.S. and Europe.

Kyoto, Global Cooling, Global Warming, Environmental accords that contravene the WTO, non-tariff barriers in the form of Environmental protectionism, Environmental regulations that discriminate against the third world, and of course the dream of World Gov't, headed by Maurice Strong and King Kofi is so obnoxiously abhorrent that only a sadist could ever support the Eco-Facsist/Imperialist movement.

The New Religion of today is Eco-Fascism and it is something that we must destroy. It is too obvious but the EU and their liberal friends view this religion as a permanent method to chain down Gulliver.


I agree, that the whole movement is really just a way to exploit people and keep them in the dark ages. However, Craig, I'm having some trouble finding that book. Do you have another source where I could find information on the topic while I'm looking for it. I would love to comment on this, however, I'd like to know what I'm talking about too.


Granted, the profit based corporations are not innocent in the matter; business is rarely about innocence. However, eco-imperialists are only capitalizing on that. It's easy to further your own aims when you've got a target to set the crowd on. I'm sure most of those volunteers are worried about the planet. But is it those ecology minded volunteers who care about the planet who are pulling the strings on the movement. It's not the volunteers I'm against. It's the ones behind the scenes I'm more suspicious of. That's why I'd like more info on who's in charge of these movements. Volunteers can easily be mislead. No offense towards them, it's just easy to play on strong feelings. I'm all in favor of taking care of the planet. I'm not in favor of forcing other people to do it if they don't want to.


And the mindless midgets at the UNO are doing it again - using their scaremongering techniques to enforce compliance. Since Kyoto is largely dead without the EU buying off Russia and paying Putin to sign [regardless of what the Economist and others state, no nation will follow any of Kyoto if Russia does not ratify it], the UN is preparing its usual media doom and gloom blitzkrieg - today announcing that 150.000 people died in 2003 due to Global Warming. Good god, don't these idiots ever stop ??:

THE WORLD HEALTH Organization warning on warming-related deaths stood in stark contrast to statements by the most senior U.S. lawmaker on environmental policy, who was attending the negotiations over the Kyoto climate change pact.

       “Kyoto and its policies are inconsistent with freedom, prosperity and environmental policy progress,” said Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., the chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

       “I’m becoming more and more convinced, as time goes by and we look at the research, that global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people and the world.”....

Not all scientists were convinced by the study, especially by the link it draws between warming and malaria.

       “It is naive to predict the effects of ’global warming’ on malaria on the mere basis of temperature,” Paul Reiter, a professor at Paris’s Pasteur Institute, said in a statement. “Why don’t we devote our resources to tackling these diseases directly, instead of spending billions in vain attempts to change the weather?”

       But Kerstin Leitner, a WHO assistant director, said in a statement accompanying the report that “there is growing evidence that changes in the global climate will have profound effects on the health and well-being of citizens in countries throughout the world.

Sure in 1975 the liberal media were publishing hysterical accounts of Global Cooling. The UNO maintained that we had until 1980 to solve it. How about we announce Global Warring and declare a war against any and all useless international groups ?

I'm not in favor of forcing other people to do it if they don't want to.

Does that include laws against littering? Or city by-laws restricting the amount of trash you throw into the municipal landfill? Or regulations on exhaust emissions from cars? 'Cause we must have a big disconnect here if thats what you mean. How can anyone think that enviromental conservation isn't a good thing?


No, I don't think Elder was refering to pet pooping problems at the city park. More like Watermelon Eco Socialists (Green on the outside, red on the inside) using the "useful idiots" of the ecological groups to gain a following. It seems that wherever there are a lot of people with time to wear sandwhich boards there is a lot of socialists. Peace groups such as the Stop the War Coalition have this small problem. Note the eco group "Green Socialist Network and Socialist Alliance" on this mug shot of losers. Quilt by association?


Mohammed Aslam Aijaz (London Council of Mosques), Sait Akgul (Federation of Kurdish Community Organisations in the UK), Tariq Ali (Broadcaster and Writer), Lois Austin (Socialist Party), Roger Bannister (UNISON NEC * and Socialist Party), Jim Brann (London Region CND Exec *), Andrew Burgin (Housmans Peace Bookshop), Graham Cee (Labour Left Briefing), Louise Christian (Lawyer), Jeremy Corbyn MP, Tekin Kartal Daymer (The Turkish / Kurdish community Centre), Laura Dubinsky (Fundraiser), George Galloway MP, Lindsey German (Editor, Socialist Review), Suresh Grover (National Civil Rights Movement), Stephanie Harrison (Campaign Against Criminalizing Communities), John Haylett (Editor, Morning Star), Mark Hoskisson (Workers Power), Soraya Lawrence (Lawyers Against the War), Fred Leplat (Branch Officer Islington Unison), Mike Marqusee (Media Workers Against the War), Andrew Murray (Communications Officer: ASLEF *), Chris Nineham (Globalise Resistance), John Rees (Socialist Workers Party), Bernard Regan (NUT Executive *), Asad Rehman (Newham Monitoring Group), Ratin Roy (SOAS: School of Oriental and African Studies), Carlos Rule (Socialist Labour Party), Tanja Salem Al-Awda (Campaign for Palestinian Rights), Helen Salmon (National Executive NUS *), Jane Shallice, Christine Shawcroft (Labour Against the War), Dr. Ghayasuddin Siddiqui (Muslim Parliament), Rae Street (Peace activist), Shahedah Vawda (Just Peace), Hilary Wainwright (Editor, Red Pepper), Wolf Wayne (Green Socialist Network and Socialist Alliance).

BTW, the ones that look normal, put them on Google, theres a socialist listed on their site somewhere. It' would actually be funny if they wern't turning good people into robots.

We're Paratroopers Lieutenant. We're supposed to be surrounded - CPT Richard Winters


Eco-Fascism - is enforced socialisation, gov't control and regulatory hell - all to conform to the UNO/Canada - France vision of society as an equal sharing of misery.

Kyoto and Eco-Fascist nonsense tyrannises populations, raises taxes, regulates and achieves nothing. Even if Kyoto were enacted by 2100 it would only decrease by 2-5 % GHG emissions. This will cost Canada 2 % of its GDP and in the GTA about 300.000 jobs between 2008-2012.

Politicians love Kyoto - not because it is valid - but because it allows them to tax and regulate everything under the guise of 'saving the world.' It would also lead to trade protectionism - 'sorry your Chinese textiles contravene section 2.1 of Kyoto'.

It is pure garbage.

  • 4 weeks later...

I've never read such a load of hogwash.

You just have to hike through the interior of BC to see how the life is being sucked out of us, and it ain't no socialists wielding the chainsaw. If all you're interested in is not paying your taxes, leave. Go join the yanks. :angry:


Ah a true tree hugger, crying as he hugs his little fir tree - unaware that technology, progress, intelligence and effort have created the modern world order. I guess you listen to John Lennon, raptly admire David Suziki and can prattle word for word anti-modern CBC broadcasts.

Here is a hint - grow up and read about eco issues before you post. Either post some information that is useful or don't waste our time - better spend it hugging your trees. BC is a HAVE NOT province. Do i hear your tin cup rattling ?

You can start your reading with Lomberg 'The Skeptical Environmentalist' - use a dictionary he does engage in some words that are multi-syllabic. [that means big], and Driessen's book quoted above is excellent.

You can try [and fail of course] to refute what I stated:

Even if Kyoto were enacted by 2100 it would only decrease by 2-5 % GHG emissions. This will cost Canada 2 % of its GDP and in the GTA about 300.000 jobs between 2008-2012.

Politicians love Kyoto - not because it is valid - but because it allows them to tax and regulate everything under the guise of 'saving the world.' It would also lead to trade protectionism - 'sorry your Chinese textiles contravene section 2.1 of Kyoto'.

Do you know what what GHG means ?

Ah a true tree hugger, crying as he hugs his little fir tree - unaware that technology, progress, intelligence and effort have created the modern world order. I guess you listen to John Lennon, raptly admire David Suziki and can prattle word for word anti-modern CBC broadcasts.

BC is a HAVE NOT province. Do i hear your tin cup rattling ?

You can start your reading with Lomberg 'The Skeptical Environmentalist' - use a dictionary he does engage in some words that are multi-syllabic. [that means big], and Driessen's book quoted above is excellent.

You can try [and fail of course] to refute what I stated:

Politicians love Kyoto - not because it is valid - but because it allows them to tax and regulate everything under the guise of 'saving the world.' It would also lead to trade protectionism - 'sorry your Chinese textiles contravene section 2.1 of Kyoto'.

Do you know what what GHG means ?

All I said was damn near every valley in the province has been logged and it's going to wreck the hunting.

Yes, I like trees. I'm kinda proud of that.

What does my musical taste have to do with anything and for your info, I drive a GMC, not a Suzuki.

Yes, BC is a have not province and one of the things it won't have is trees, if the money grubbing buddies of the BC socialist governing Liberals have their way.

If you want to reduce green house gases, start building nuclear power plants.

You put a lot of faith in one Danish environmentalist. Don't you like a good old Canadian or American Environmentalist?

Aren't North Americans good enough for you?

I don't really know that much about Kyoto, but I do know that when someone tells me to choose a pristine valley or a fat bank account, I figure the fat bank account is going to be in the other guy's name and he's going to fill it with my money. That being the case, I'd rather pay my money in taxes than see it going to a fat cat lumber baron or oil man who tells me I can't afford fresh air.

You are probably an honest man but so far you haven't inspired a whole lot of trust.



If the Kyoto Accord moves forward, you'll end up paying your taxes to a fat Third World dictator who could give 2 hoots about the environment.

Kyoto Accord has more to do with re-distribution of wealth than saving the environment. First World countries would pay Third World countries for environment "credits" and everyone is happy.

Here's a clue for you as to the credibility of Kyoto. For example China, India, Mexico are exempt from the Kyoto Accord requirements for reducing greenhouse emissions to 1990 standards even though India is one of the chief pollutors in the world, China is poised to take over the lead in a few short years, and in Mexzico City the pollution is so bad people wear masks when they walk on the sidewalks...that should tip you off that Kyoto is political not environmental.

Kyoto will not bring about pristine valleys but it sure will do wonders for Third World dictators' Swiss bank accounts.


Kyoto is such pure crap, it boggles the mind.

Some good links are on Levant's site -

fight kyoto

He wrote a great book on the idiocy of Kyoto and its economic impact on Canada.

King Paul, will have to formally revoke this assinine treaty, passed with no parliamentary debate, partisan fierce support from the CBC, and media manipulation and distortion - all to buy votes and appear sympathetic.

What a bunch of losers.

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