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Iraq And Media Hysteria

Craig Read

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I love listening and watching the left lib news.

1. During the Iraq war - 'We can't win it, they are too tough.'

2. 3 Weeks later - 'Well we won but the French and UN don't love us anymore, this is terrible.'

3. Now the past 6 months - "Vietnam ! Quagmire ! We will lose the peace ! Pull out !'

300 Coalition soldiers lost their lives so far in this war.

-In Toronto 110 are killed each year

-In Washington 298 were murdered last year

-In NYC about 900 die each year.

So let's pull out of these 3 cities which have killed in the past year 3x more than the Iraq war. Hey people are getting killed and there is not even a war going on !!

I would love to see WWII fought with the Clinton News Network covering it.

'DDay a Disaster!' '10.000 killed in past 3 days !!' 'Churchill a war criminal'. 'FDR lied about the German defences !' 'Eisenhower called stupid by armchair generals in NYC !'

Replete with marching boneheads in Washington and London with dumb placards stating 'Pull out of Europe' and 'the Germans love their children too.'

What a world we now have built. How about some intelligence and perspective - YES there is a WAR going on. Hello.

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Dear Mr. Read,

Interesting statistics. It seems that you are saying that the more 'Americanized' the world becomes, the more death we could have. Wonderful Ideal. Let's all try to be more like NYC, they have the most murders. More than war. "Become an American and you can die at an unprecedented rate!". Hardly a good PR campaign for tourism in NYC.

CNN is exactly what the US (and you) are fighting for. Not 'democracy' and 'freedom', but the right of CNN to grow more influential in swaying public opinion (of you and your children).

As to the 'war' on terror, if the US was willing to ever take advice, the world could be a different place. Better, I should say. They refuse to consider anyone else's input, however. To them the only thing that matters, is them. They have built up the world's largest military to make sure everyone respects this position. They have made a grave mistake, however, to possibly the entire world's detriment.

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If you think CNN is "on board" to have more pro-America sway on public opinion, you are naive. Pay attention. CNN is "on board" to demonize Bush and America. CNN is part of the triumvirate of hate-America media...BBC and CBC are the other 2 socialist driven propoganda machines.

If Canadians like yourself don't like Americanization, tell your MP to fight for Canada to withdraw from NAFTA. Of course that might mean taking a significant hit on your salary, [no worries], because America is a MAJOR contributor of $ to Canada's treasury, like to the tune of 40% or more.

But no doubt Canada could try to become more Cuba-ized or Palestinian-ized, leaders in world peace or so I've heard, especially if Canadians give the go-ahead to Maurice Strong...err, I mean Paul Martin and the LPOC.

As to your admonition re: America ignoring "world advice"...hee, hee...like from Camaroon and Syria and Mexico? Pity that America has ignored these international diplomatic heavyweights. Indeed, the world would be a different place if there were no America.

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NY Times screams 'Pull out of NYC - 1000 now dead in 2003 from homicides'. The Toronto Star moans '150 dead in GTA in disastrous campaign, is it time to pull out ??' The LA Times intones 'UNO says that 900 deaths in LA unsustainable and that the US must pull out.'

20 something airheads and the enviro-hate-everything but fascism crowd - protest in downtown Toronto waving placards 'Pull out of Toronto'. 'Down with Imperialism.'

More people die on our city streets than will die in Iraq.

Yes it is a pity to ignore the UN, France and Russia - all of whom support terror in one form or another. God forbid that we anger Zimbabwe, Syria, China, Laos, Mexico or other liberal democratic nations.

Canada with its closed political system, legal trained elite, and state socialist broadcasting is patently anti-American - the unfortunate aspect is that 80 % of news coverage on the major US outlets is also rather anti-American and pro-internationalism. MRC has many reports on this - on every topic from Iraq to Kyoto. 80 % or more of the time the reports will favor the internationalist position - Iraq and Fox News in particular were exceptions.

US Media left wing

CNN is a left liberal news station developed by Ted Turner who is a well known fundraiser of leftist projects. His wife is Hanoi Jane Fonda, she of the arrogant liberal position that there were no US POWS in Vietnam, as she pranced and danced in Hanoi shouting anti-American nonsense [should have been tried as a traitor].

CNN is openly hostile to Bush - remember election 2000 when CNN declared 80 minutes before polls closed [this is illegal] that Gore won Florida [and hence the white house?].

Fighting for freedom is a long tough slog. I can't imagine Churchill and FDR putting up with this media circus that now parades around Iraq.

Can you imagine CNN and the CBC covering D-Day??

'Disaster', 'Not enough progress', 'Bad Planning', 'Eiesenhower a fool' etc.

Complete with CBC showing tearful mothers in their kitchens crying over their lost sons as they broadcast the body bag count and announce that we need to pull out that the Boche are too tough.

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That a boy Flea, your true colors shine through.

You are a socialist-unilateralist - against free trade, against military power, and a hater of modernity. Let me take a wild guess - you are a disciple of that moron Michael Moore, the fat man that hates himself almost as much as he hates America. Why don't you and the fat man, go live in North Korea, or Borneo, or the Congo, or Ecuador, or Jamaica, or Cuba, or the Ukraine, or Iran or any society that supports your misshapen view of the historical record.

The left liberal media has done its work well on you and others with the same narrow minded view of reality.

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Dear Mr. Read,,

All of what you stated IS true, the Americans were fools on DDay in WWII. Not, of course, the brave soldiers who gave their lives, but the idiots who led them to near disaster, those who refused more experienced advice and let arrogance take the place of reason.

And like the US troops of today, they deserved a visit from Hillary. To tell them that yes, they are brave, but America questions why they are there.

This evening my ten year old daughter showed me a drawing she had made. I didn't bother looking at it, simply said "It's wonderful," then went back to watching Oprah and said out of the side of my mouth; "I don't know why you bothered to make it,"

Boy, that's support!

Just wondering, seriously. I'm not up to snuff on WWII but know that D Day was supposed to be a surprise and all. If the Allies had've atacked somewhere else would that not mean they would have faced stiffer enemy forces? I mean, all those Generals and such were fools? How would you land a quarter million troops with no or fewer casualties?

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  • 2 weeks later...

And now Libya is falling into line. I would prefer an invasion of Libya to a peaceful resolution - since i don't trust regime's headed by dictators - but a good result is still a good result.

Now I wonder why Libya is accepting international dismantlement of its WMD? Is it due to the Liberal girlfriends and liberal media mystics ? Or the resolute, brave, profound UNO ? Or perhaps the US kicking in Hussein's Iraq in 21 days and reforming the country ?

Hmm so difficult to comprehend......

Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has admitted trying to develop weapons of mass destruction -- but now plans to dismantle all such programs, President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Friday.

Mr. Bush said Libya's decision -- which would open the country to international weapons inspectors -- would be "of great importance" in stopping weapons of mass destruction in a global fight against terrorism.

The U.K. and the U.S. have been talking about the issue with Libya for nine months, Mr. Blair said.

"Libya came to us in March following successful negotiations on Lockerbie to see if it could resolve its weapons of mass destruction issue in a similarly cooperative manner," Mr. Blair said in England.

At the White House, Mr. Bush said the war in Iraq and efforts to stop North Korea's nuclear program had sent a clear message to countries such as Libya that they must abandon weapons programs.

"In word and in action, we have clarified the choices left to potential adversaries," Mr. Bush said. That was an apparent reference to Iran and North Korea, two other countries that the U.S. contends are trying to develop weapons of mass destruction.

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Today was another bad day for terrorists around the world, which consequently means that it was a bad day for liberals as well.

The Bush doctrine of preemption is producing results in Iran, possibly N. Korea, and now Gadhafi's Libya. I believe Syria will be next to fall in line.

Unfortunately, the namby pamby weapons inspectors at the IAEA and the UN are neither qualified nor aggresive enough to ensure transparency in the weapons programs of those nations. We need coalition inspectors.

While US inspectors haven't found WMD stockpiles in Iraq, they have found gobs of prohibited materials and weapons that Blix and his incompetent playmates overlooked.

I still believe that preemptive military actions, while it may be ultimately neccesary, should be reserved as a final option. Aggresive inspections can be successful, and it will be a simple matter to determine if cooperation is forthcomming.

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RTOR, hear hear. You are right, the shallow leftists are losing in their war on America - apparently liberals prefer that AQ and terror win, and that we all become mumbling and bumbling Isamacists or at the very least - compassinately tolerant towards the aggrieved muslim peoples.


While US inspectors haven't found WMD stockpiles in Iraq, they have found gobs of prohibited materials and weapons that Blix and his incompetent playmates overlooked.

And WMD technically has already been found - botulism vials have been uncovered:

WEAPONS of mass destruction (WMD) have been found in Iraq in the form of a vial of botulinum bacteria discovered by US arms inspectors, the US State Department said today.

"Botulinum kills people, it kills people in large quantities," spokesman Richard Boucher said. "Botulinum is a weapon of mass destruction, yes."

"Anything that destroys on a massive scale is a weapon of mass destruction," he said.

His comments came in response to questions about comments made earlier by Secretary of State Colin Powell who said a report on Saddam Hussein's weapons programs released yesterday by lead US inspector David Kay had justified the decision to go to war against Iraq.

The Kay report, an interim assessment, said no actual WMD had yet been been uncovered but outlined discoveries of illicit arms programs and evidence that Saddam intended to develop chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in defiance of the United Nations.

UNSCOM itself has listed WMD sites:

Iraqi WMD sites

Keep in mind WMD has many forms - according to the UN - most of it was/is in aerial - meaning you will never find large Walmarts full of the stuff:

[Time, March 27 2003]

However, says the U.N. inspector, “the Iraqis have problems delivering their WMD in a militarily effective manner.” He reveals that more than 70% of Baghdad's declared and suspected WMD were in “aerial” form—meaning they were designed to be delivered by aircraft. Since Operation Desert Storm, the Iraqi Air Force has almost ceased to exist. The U.N. inspector also added that any biological weapons that Iraq might still possess would “not cause much of a problem for the U.S. forces.” He explained that the Pentagon is familiar with most or all of Baghdad's suspected bio weapons and has procedures to protect its soldiers against such an attack.

He added that Iraq's exotic weapons programs also involved the use of psycho-tropic agents similar to LSD.

The UNO was the largest supporter of Iraq - don't forget Iraq was its biggest revenue source. So they were in no hurry to allow inspections to stop - they wanted to preclude a war and allow the UNO, France, Russia, Germany and China - the Axis of Arrogance - to print money, while Iraqi's starved to death, were tortured and raped. But hey that is okay - as long as the Americans can be blamed !

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Regarding Libya falling into line, I think the press has not been clear on the rippling effect of Libya's admission...ie. that Lybia was part of a three-some co-operative effort in a WMD programme and that the programme had completely fooled inspectors.

Libya's fatal blow to the axis of evil

THE end of the threat posed to world peace and secure oil supplies by the “axis of evil” is emerging this weekend as the real prize that Tony Blair and George Bush have secured for Christmas.Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi took the decision to renounce all weapons of mass destruction (WMD) on Friday night, but while at first it was thought this only had implications for Libya it is now clear that his decision has scuppered a secret partnership between Libya, Iran and North Korea formed with the intention of developing an independent nuclear weapon .

New documents revealed yesterday show that the three were working on the nuclear weapons programme at a top-secret underground site near the Kufra Oasis of the Sahara in southeastern Libya. The team was made up of North Korean scientists, engineers and technicians, as well as some Iranian and Libyan nuclear scientists. North Korea and Iran, originally dubbed by Bush as the axis of evil along with Iraq, avoided detection by the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) inspectors by each member farming out vital sections of its projects to its fellow members. 

Iran, which is now in the final stages of uranium enrichment for its program, is badly hit, having counted on fitting into place key parts of its WMD project made in Libya. North Korea may also be forced to scale back the production of nuclear devices as well as counting the loss of a lucrative source of income for its Scuds and nuclear technology.

Months of secret diplomatic activity followed which led to the clandestine three-week visit to at least 10 sites in Libya. British and US weapons experts who inspected laboratories and military factories in October and early December established that Libyan scientists were “developing a nuclear fuel cycle intended to support nuclear weapons development.” The British team also saw “significant quantities of chemical agent” and “bombs designed to be filled with chemical agent.”

Thank goodness, grown-ups are in charge of the White House. No perks to Libya [or N. Korea for that matter] until the US sees actions not just promises. This article highlights the continued "brain fog" of France...as though Lybia would listen to "diplomacy". Libya responded to the US and UK troops lining up at Iraq's borders not to the UN's meaningless resolutions. Wakey, wakey, Dominique de Villepin.

US won't lift sanctions until Libya keeps its word Dec.21/03 NYT

Bush administration officials said Saturday that despite Libya's promise to dismantle its illegal weapons programs, the United States would proceed cautiously in lifting sanctions in order to signal North Korea that it must end its nuclear program before any rewards could be given out.

In a separate statement, Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin of France said Saturday that he also hoped the action by Libya would send a signal to Iran.But the French statement also emphasized the importance of diplomacy as opposed to military pressure as the best way to achieve success ."This confirms the efficiency of the political approach to bringing a peaceful response to the major challenge of the risk of proliferation in today's world," Mr. de Villepin said. "This process sets an example, and we wish that other countries may commit themselves resolutely on this track."

Btw, Bush's popularity has soared again to 63% with the capture of Uncle Saddam and the caving in of Gaddafi.

Meanwhile, BBC continues on its self-defeating course. BBC management has told its staff to be polite when reporting news on Uncle Saddam:

Saddam not a dictator at BBC Now, I hear that descriptions of Saddam Hussein are the latest target of a corporation diktat."An email has been circulated telling us not to refer to Saddam as a dictator," I'm told. "Instead, we are supposed to describe him as the former leader of Iraq. "Apparently, because his presidency was endorsed in a referendum, he was technically elected. Hence the word dictator is banned. It's all rather ridiculous." The Beeb insists that the email merely restates existing guidelines. "We wanted to remind journalists whose work is seen and heard internationally of the need to use neutral language," says a spokesman.

Telegraph Opinion

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What's hilarious is that Mohmar is a pussy compared to Saddam. He admitted to having all sorts of WMD lying around and he never planned on attacking anybody except through terrorism. On the other hand, Saddam did everything he could to conquer the Middle east and on a scale of one to ten, his co-operation with UN inspections was at best a two. And the left figures it is a stretch for Bush to say Saddam had WMD. That's SNL material.

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I do not care the reasons behind Libyas' sudden about face.

Mohmar tried to have a US president killed and put contracts on the lives of said presidents children.

No matter how nice he makes he knows he can never set foot out side Libya without getting a Patriot missle shoved up his ass.

But, I do suspect that he is smarter than some of the other Middle East head pricks and can read the winds of change a little better.

Remember, he is not a fanatical Allah fearing all hating leader.

Just a terrorist.

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Even Hussein's capture has done nothing to realign the liberal media's belief that all US action is a 'disaster'.

For instance:

After watching jubilant Iraqis celebrating Saddam’s apprehension, ABC anchor Peter Jennings saw only sadness and morosely concluded, “There’s not a good deal for Iraqis to be happy about at the moment.” Jennings “informed” the American public that life for Iraqi citizens is “very chaotic … beset by violence … [and] not as stable for them as it was when Saddam Hussein was in power.”

The anchors and talking heads pondered Saddam’s trial and concluded that it could be “embarrassing” to the United States.

CBS’ Leslie Stahl (search) taunted Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld about torturing Saddam. “Would we deprive him of sleep? Would we make it very cold where he is, or very hot? Are there any restrictions on the way we treat him to get him to cooperate more than he has been?”

NBC’s Katie Couric (search) said Saddam’s capture was only “symbolic.” She’d be proved hopelessly wrong less than 24 hours later, as the 1st Armored Division, acting on intelligence secured from Saddam’s capture, rounded up three former Iraqi generals who are suspected of supporting the terrorist resistance in Iraq.

All of this twisted, blame-America-Bush-bashing and mind-numbing negativism....

The world is safer, better and the war on terror - a most necessary war - is going better than the liberal media can possibly stand.

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The world is safer, better and the war on terror - a most necessary war - is going better than the liberal media can possibly stand.

Let's hope so Craig. It's funny you know. They are the first ones to beg to be imbedded with the troops as they invade Iraq, but now, they are against the war.


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These leftist clowns have been wrong about so much it's difficult to even call them reporters. They wouldn't even make it as a weather man when it was about to rain. Why anybody listens to them I'll never know. I only wish that we had acess to old opinion pieces, I wish I had saved them so that I could throw them out to show how off track these idiots are.

After being bogged down, embroiled in another Viet Nam and had thousands of US soldiers killed in 'house to house' fighting they are worried about Saddam and if he is getting treated right. Anything to make the US look bad.

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Like I said, it would have been smarter to fill him full of bullets and parade his body in Baghdad. Now the EU, Canada and other ninny nations are concerned that the poor dear will have a fair trial, enough sleep and be talked to nicely.

They never showed this much concern for his victims.

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Clown is a good word for the Liberals on Iraq and Foreign policy. Maybe they add some value on domestic issues, when you can cry about love, equality and making sure grandma has enough money to buy dentures. On foreign policy these guys are so out of touch it is shocking.

Good report here on Canadian Peter Jenning's and his AntiAmerican Blowhard Corp's [ABC], pre Iraq war utterances. Utterly vapid.

Peter and Reality Distortion pre War

Peter’s Peace Platoon

An MRC study of 234 stories on ABC’s World News Tonight from January 1 to March 7 found that ABC News harshly criticized the Bush administration and its policies, but failed to extend that same tough critical standard to congressional Democrats, UN bureaucrats, skeptical allies like France and even to the dictatorship in Iraq.

(MRC Special Report, March 18)

Jennings Refuses to Cover NYC Pro-Troops Rally

No anti-war protest has been too small for Jennings and ABC to cover but a pro-troops rally that drew 15,000 in New York City didn’t get a mention. NBC and CBS, as well as the three cable networks, did short pieces on the event.

(CyberAlert, April 11)

Jennings Repeats Himself

ABC anchor Peter Jennings used an al-Jazeera report about an American bombing that killed 18 civilians on two successive nights.

(CyberAlert, April 5)

Jennings and Stahl Raise Vietnam Quagmire

Jennings claimed “one Marine” told an ABC reporter that Iraq “sometimes feels like Vietnam.” Over on CBS, Lesley Stahl asked former Navy Secretary James Webb if he was getting a feeling of “déjà vu.”

(CyberAlert, March 27)

Celebrating Iraqis A Ruse?

Iraqis tore down Saddam Hussein's picture and celebrated when coalition forces came through the town of Safwan but ABC News was skeptical. Peter Jennings suggested the actions were done "for the cameras." Correspondent John Donvan went there unescorted and said he "didn't see anything like that."

(CyberAlert, March 23)

Jennings: U.S. Will Be Welcomed, But We Kept Saddam in Power

Jennings interviewed an anti-American former assistant UN Secretary General and made a pro-American point. Sort of. Iraqis will welcome Americans, Jennings said, because they want “to get out from under the yoke of Saddam Hussein, in part because the U.S. supported him staying in power for a long time and kept sanctions.”

(CyberAlert, March 21)

OK ABC time to fire Jennings the clown - or maybe Fox can buy him and put him on the Simpsons.

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Notice how the little libs on this site never respond to their own 'idols' idiotic words. Too busy watching Canadian Idol one supposes or dreaming up new 'minority rights' cases to drag before the judiciary.

The media howling about Iraq has quieted down quite a bit too. Quagmire ! Vietnam ! The Iraqi's love their children too ! Pull Out !!

Where are you now Libs ??

400 men unfortunately have lost their lives in Iraq, by the time the mindless midgets and terrorists are eliminated probably 700 men and women will die.

Not bad for a war and an important step in securing the West. In fact I would say it is AMAZING and without parallel in history.

I guess if the Libs want us to pull out of Iraq we should pull out of Chicago [600 murders in '03], New York [about 500+] and Washington [300 in '03]. Those 3 cities equal about 1500 killed.

Quagmire ! Vietnam !! Pull out, Chicago is too tough ! They love their children too ! Human Rights violations !!

I wonder if the Libs can spell Moron correctly [hint only 1 R ladies].

Chicago - The city finished 2003 with 599 homicides, police said Thursday. That was down from 648 a year earlier and the first time since 1967 that the total dipped below 600.

Still, the nation's third-largest city outpaced all others for the second time in three years. New York, with about three times the population, ended the year with 596 homicides. Los Angeles, which had the most murders in 2002 at 658, wound up 2003 with an estimated total just under 500.

Chicago's new police superintendent, Philip J. Cline, joined colleagues elsewhere in blaming homicides largely on a volatile mix of gangs, guns and drugs.

But officials pointed to a new system established in June, partly inspired by New York's computerized crime analysis unit, that contributed to an 18 percent drop in Chicago murders in the second half of 2003 compared with a year earlier.

In New York, the unofficial murder tally of 596 compared with 584 in 2002. That was a 2 percent jump but still made 2003 the city's second straight year below 600 — dramatically less than the 2,245 homicides recorded in 1990

Even in the US murder rates are declining and fast.

In Canada they are rising - socialist empathy might be the reason ?

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