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Liberals Hidden Agenda

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Are you suggesting that Canadians think it's appropriate to spell separate incorrectly?

They mis-spell labor, harbor, defence, neighbor and a host of other words.

What you are referring to are those words that Americans consistently spell incorrectly. Canadians typically use the English spelling. This is considered bizarre to most Americans. Imagine...using the English spelling for English words. It's a quaint Canadian custom which I'm sure will disappear with time.

But "seperate" is neither an English, American nor Canadian word. It's incorrect in all versions. Even Americans have not yet decided that the incorrect spelling of "separate" is now the correct spelling.

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Actually, proper written English in Canada uses both English and American spellings. I forget if I have the book myself or if I got it from the library once, but of course we spells OU words the English way, but words that end with one or two Ls are about half English and half American, which is made even stranger because some words that have two Ls in English have one in American, and some that have two in American have one in English. We spell words like " globalization " the American way. Real English uses an S instead of a Z.

So, the conclusion is that we spell English more correctly that Americans, but we could still use some help.

Perhaps what we really need is a spelling reform, like the one they had in German many years ago. However, in the digital age, that may now be nearly impossible, with so many people using the old spellings continuously online.

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Actually, proper written English in Canada uses both English and American spellings. I forget if I have the book myself or if I got it from the library once, but of course we spells OU words the English way, but words that end with one or two Ls are about half English and half American, which is made even stranger because some words that have two Ls in English have one in American, and some that have two in American have one in English. We spell words like " globalization " the American way. Real English uses an S instead of a Z.

So, the conclusion is that we spell English more correctly that Americans, but we could still use some help.

You're absolutely right. I had forgotten that Canadians have adopted the American spelling for many words. For example, in Great Britain estrogen is spelled oestrogen.

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Become like Holland.

Holland is one of my favourite countries....Aside from the dutch mountains, the netherlands is in my top 5 nopn english speaking nations to relocate to.

A lot of people are leaving Holland these days, it is having problems as many other European countgries are. (another topic I suppose)


For years Holland was celebrated as a symbol of racial tolerance. But two high-profile murders have changed all that, reports Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

Escaping the stress of clogged roads, street violence and loss of faith in Holland's once celebrated way of life, the Dutch middle classes are leaving the country in droves for the first time in living memory.

The new wave of educated migrants are quietly voting with their feet against a multicultural experiment long touted as a model for the world, but increasingly a warning of how good intentions can go wrong.

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What you are referring to are those words that Americans consistently spell incorrectly. Canadians typically use the English spelling. This is considered bizarre to most Americans. Imagine...using the English spelling for English words. It's a quaint Canadian custom which I'm sure will disappear with time.

Our country has one language (even that non-official). Yours has two. Which one is more authoritative on the proper use of the common language, the country that's a Tower of Babel or the one that uses English for all purposes?

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Neither. The only true authority on the proper use of the English language is the institution charged with upholding it in the United Kingdom. English - England. Not exactly a great leap of logic, is it?

Not a bad point. I would still maintain that we have more English-speakers than England does, particular if you subtract out speakers of Welsh, Gaelic and Scottish.

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Numbers don't really matter. English = England is the aplha and omega.

On a side note, the native languages of the British Isles aren't doing too well. The number of Gaelic speakers for instance is only measured in the tens or hundreds of thousands, out of millions of people.

Out of the six major Celtic languages/dialects, Irish Gaelic, Scots Gaelic and Manx on one side, Breton, Briton and Cornish on the other, Manx and Cornish are already extinct languages.

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jbg, who are you and where did you come from? You seem to bring up the USA in your posts under Canadian Politics-not where they belong.

As far as I can tell reading your posts you haven't once posed a non-Conservative opinion; you denigrate Trudeau in particular (not that he shouldn't come under criticism) and most things liberal in general yet you call yourself a liberal? Canada is but a blip on the US radar so I cannot understand your interest unless it is just to put down this country in any way you can. And attending a CPC convention? Why? I mean, really, a CPC convention? A Canadian political convention that IS NOT liberal, in fact is far right wing? What's it to you? Strange, strange, strange.

You can't find harbOUr in your own country or what?

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And attending a CPC convention? Why? I mean, really, a CPC convention? A Canadian political convention that IS NOT liberal, in fact is far right wing?

The Conservative Party of Canada is *far right wing*? Only in the wet dreams of Liberals and Dippers. The more you try and sell that falsehood the more centrist Canadians see through you and vote Conservative. Remember *scary* *scary* *scary* didn't work in January. Maybe time to try a new tune?

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I mean, really, a CPC convention? A Canadian political convention that IS NOT liberal, in fact is far right wing? What's it to you? Strange, strange, strange.

Far right wing, compared to what, Kucinich!!! Most democrat's would probably be more inline with Conservative policies up here in Canada than Liberal policies, since the Liberal's are fairly left wing. Remember America is far more conservative than Canada is, and Harper would be considered a Liberal down in that country.

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I mean, really, a CPC convention? A Canadian political convention that IS NOT liberal, in fact is far right wing? What's it to you? Strange, strange, strange.

Far right wing, compared to what, Kucinich!!! Most democrat's would probably be more inline with Conservative policies up here in Canada than Liberal policies, since the Liberal's are fairly left wing. Remember America is far more conservative than Canada is, and Harper would be considered a Liberal down in that country.

Have we ever had a party or government more right wing than Harpers? I think not. Not in my lifetime anyways. Funny how you guys jump on little incidentals of a post whilst ignoring the overall message.

And is your name jgb?

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Have we ever had a party or government more right wing than Harpers? I think not. Not in my lifetime anyways. Funny how you guys jump on little incidentals of a post whilst ignoring the overall message.

And is your name jgb?

Brian Mulroney 1984 to 1993.

Slashed the bureaucracy.

Privatized 23 Crown corporations.

Eliminated the Manufacturers' Sales Tax in favour of the GST.

Brought in the Free Trade Agreement and NAFTA.

All are far more conservative than anything Harper has done or proposed to do...

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Steven Harper, 2006 to early 2007

Socially regressive.

Specific examples of socially regressive acts as PM? I know you *believe* he is socially regressive, but that's because you have listened to the lefties out there. After keeping an election promise and losing the vote on SSM he has said the issue is finished and he won't try and address it again.

Open federalism.

That's right wing?

Hard line crime, some unreasonable,

Do tell which part is unreasonable.

yet doesn't support gun control.
You still need a Firearms Acquisition Certificate to get a gun. Eliminating the wasteful and mismanaged long gun registry does not mean he doesn't support gun control.
God Bless Canada.

As of the 2001 Census over 70% of Canadians identified themselves as Christians. Is Canada reecognizing the religion of the vast majority of Canadians really "right wing".

Global warming you say?

Well at least you aren't 100% wrong. But we'll have to wait and see what Jim Prentice can come up with as Minister of the Environment.

There's more but it's suppertime.

Try and come back with some actual facts.

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jbg, who are you and where did you come from? You seem to bring up the USA in your posts under Canadian Politics-not where they belong.

Quick bio:

  1. I am a liberal Democrat;
  2. I am a Jewish bankruptcy lawyer from the NYC area;
  3. Born NYC 1957;
  4. Moved to suburbs 40 Trudeau Units away 1964;
  5. Visited Quintes Isle and 1000 Islands summer 1972;
  6. Spent weekend in Toronto April 1973;
  7. Visited Montreal right after 1976 election;
  8. Visited Montreal to clean up from disastrous 1977 Adirondak hike;
  9. Attended university in upstate New York 1975-9;
  10. Visited Quebec City June 1979 with close friend taking French immersion, who hailed from my home town;
  11. Attended law school in Massachusetts 1979-82;
  12. Admitted to NYS bar 1983;
  13. Moved back to NYC from suburbs 1986;
  14. Visited Quebec City with girlfriend September 1986;
  15. Married in 1991;
  16. Moved to suburbs 44 Trudeau Units from NYC 1992;
  17. Visited Banff and Calgary December 1992;
  18. Had children in 1996 and 1997;
  19. Visited Toronto June 1997;
  20. Attended CPC convention in 2005;
  21. Joined MapleLeafWeb (link) May 2006; and
  22. read your bigoted post December 21, 2006, which showed the height of darkness along with winter solstice.

As far as I can tell reading your posts you haven't once posed a non-Conservative opinion; you denigrate Trudeau in particular (not that he shouldn't come under criticism) and most things liberal in general yet you call yourself a liberal? Canada is but a blip on the US radar so I cannot understand your interest unless it is just to put down this country in any way you can. And attending a CPC convention? Why? I mean, really, a CPC convention? A Canadian political convention that IS NOT liberal, in fact is far right wing? What's it to you? Strange, strange, strange.

Just yesterday, made non-conservative post:

I read the McCullough biography, cover to cover. If you read the parts of the article you referenced under that quote, there is a discussion of Roosvelt being the "practical anti-Semite", whose actions were severely prejudicial to Jews. Truman was the opposite. His words cut harshly, but his actions (from partnering in business with the Jewish Harry Jacobson to overruling the State Department and recognizing Israel) demonstrated the maxim "actions speak louder than words".

With African-Americans as well, he made countless bigoted statements. However, he desegregated both the Army and federally funded housing. Truman was a gutsy man who did much to bring out the best in American inclusiveness.

He also reminds me why I'm still a Democrat. A truly beautiful man.

And FYI, my interest in the CPC is related to my strong view that major Anglopshere countries, particularly in North America, should be multiparty democracies, not Trudeau/Chretien benevolent (barely) dictatorships.

You can't find harbOUr in your own country or what?

My considered view is that you have cited an example of a mis-spelling. And you have no sense of HUMOR.

I mean, really, a CPC convention? A Canadian political convention that IS NOT liberal, in fact is far right wing? What's it to you? Strange, strange, strange.

Far right wing, compared to what, Kucinich!!! Most democrat's would probably be more inline with Conservative policies up here in Canada than Liberal policies, since the Liberal's are fairly left wing. Remember America is far more conservative than Canada is, and Harper would be considered a Liberal down in that country.

Have we ever had a party or government more right wing than Harpers? I think not. Not in my lifetime anyways. Funny how you guys jump on little incidentals of a post whilst ignoring the overall message.

And is your name jgb?

First, I am "JBG", not "JGB". Second, 'Canadian Blue' and I very rarely agree on anything. Have you had your reading ability in English tested?

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And FYI, my interest in the CPC is related to my strong view that major Anglopshere countries, particularly in North America, should be multiparty democracies, not Trudeau/Chretien benevolent (barely) dictatorships.

I completely agree.

Thanks. There are some people who hide behind narrow-minded anti-Americanism rather than exercise their brains.

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Funny JGB, my finding an American (or Brit or Spanish or Danish or any other nationality for that matter) at a domestic Canadian political convention would only be considered anti-American by someone who is grasping at straws.

As for the who are you, where did you come from, it was purely rhetorical. Don't care, don't care, don't care. But it is strange and as you co-opt Canadian political forums for discussion of ANOTHER COUNTRY (more anti-Americanism?) it is appropriate to comment on it. I'm sure you could find the correct place if you try.

By the way, I have a great sense of humOUr. That's a spelling mistake by whose standards? When in Rome............

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There was no personal insult there.

The poster you are *standing up for* has been suspended.

I wasn't standing up for a poster there. I was pointing out that the content of the post was not personally insulting.

Your self-appointed role as defender of the belligerent left is quite sad really.

Your insistence on trying to pick fights with me is bothersome.

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Your insistence on trying to pick fights with me is bothersome.

You called me *obnoxious* and said I had a *yellow streak* on post 30 of this thread.

After admittedly badgering me for a day you sent me this PM on November 5th at 3:30 PM.

Rickiboy, I'm getting the impression you don't care for having someone ready at the drop of a hat to make brief annoying comments on your every post.

Well wise up. That's exactly the kind of crap you've been doing.

Learn the Golden Rule.

Who is trying to start the fight?

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