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Thoughts on Dions win.

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Well it suprised all of us. Anyone who said it didn't is lying. No one expected Kennedy to move to Dion's side. It could have easily been vice versa with just a couple of percentage points in the second ballat adn Kennedy would be leader right now.

However, I have to say that I am proud of myself for being the 'most right'.

I said over and over that Dion should be the true winner becuase he has the old Liberal establishment behind him. His a typical Liberal leader: A Quebecer and an MP with experience. I didn't expect things would turn out like this though. I actually thought Ignatieff was going to get it because of Harper declaring Quebec as a nation.

But the establishment was too far against Ignatieff. Why? Beucase he has no experiece, and simply hasn't been in the country.

You know, I was at a Christmas party tonightn and no one knew or care that there was a convention. I was at Sears ealier today and it was packed with people shopping passing by the TV section with the convention on the plasma screen. Only myself and two other south asian immigrants were interested. the screen read 'Awaiting third ballat results'. No one cared.

The average Canadian was not about to elect anyone into power that hasn't been in the country for the last 20 years. Harper knows this and wanted Ignatieff to win. That's what I think this nation thing was really about.

Amazingly, despite 6 of 8 runners backing Rae, the old establishment was too strong and here we have the same run of the mill, quebec, liberal old timer that represents the old party - not new.

But that's NOT good news for Harper. Harper will never get the cities to vote for him due to immigratoin insecuties. Dion *will* get more seats than both candidates could have becaues he will pick up more Quebec seats. He will defenitely not pick up more Canada seats that Rae may have.

Also, since I have thia amazing habbit of being right most of the time or very close, I'm going to go on record saying the below:

The Liberal party is currupt. Things have not changed. Before the PC/Reform/Alliance/Conservatives had to go through a LOT of changes over 10 years before they straightened themselves out and got in power.

The Liberals will have to do the same. Canadians are happy with Harper at this time and are not about to vote in a quebec politician that represents the old red liberal of corruption and martin. This is why Rae and Ignatieff were invited to be leaders. But again, Liberals are still corrupt and this is why Dion is in power. If it was 1 member - 1 vote, this whole thing would have played out differently. Again - it's a non democratic corrupt party.

The 1 member, 1 vote system is the truly democratic way to elect leadership in their own party. Everyone knows that. But the Liberals just can't let go of their old insider way of doing things.

I hearby say the below, mark my words:

Dion will not serve as priminister ever. Dion is known to not be very 'liked' by his collegues and is not open to hearing anyone elses ideas. The problem is, Dion is also known to be a 'weak' leader. He doesn't have the natural 'je cest quoa' that a leader needs to have for a party. The 'anti establishment' portion of the party (Belinda, Rae and his supporters at the convention) will... I predict.. form a cou and try to take over the party and throw out Dion after he loses the next election. You will see a transformation of Liberal party just like the old Reform became the new Conservative Party of Canada.

At this point, there are more anti-estabilshment seat members of the Lib party than there are layalists. Dion as a leader doens't have what it takes to hold back party members forming a cou against him.

Only after this is succesful years from now, you will see the Liberal party transformed and back in power.

I have a hunch that Belinda and her people behind the scenese is going to take a major roll in this. Just a hunch.

What you saw tonight was the Liberal party not changing. It's still corrupt, still insider run, and still un democratic. Someone is leading the Party that is not a true leader for the country and someone who will certainly not win an election on climate change. Everyone knows that Rae or Ignatieff would have been better in the publics eye becuase they represent something new. But when you have a convention in Montreal, with Paul Martin and Jean Cretien, we all know it's the same party. It can't continue like this. You will see a major battle within the party in the coming years mark my words.

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As someone who likes Harper this worries me. He will inevitably draw at least some Quebec ridings. Question is, will his lack of English skills hurt him badly enough elsewhere to make that a wash?

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As someone who likes Harper this worries me. He will inevitably draw at least some Quebec ridings. Question is, will his lack of English skills hurt him badly enough elsewhere to make that a wash?

I agree. But it won't be that many.

Let's not make this complicated. We have a Quebecer with the old party backing him and who's going to make his campaign out of climate change which is proven not to win elections. There will be a faction of his own party that will want to take over his job when he loses.

He's not going to win in an election next time around.

Rae was someone that could have taken votes away from non city centers. How does 6 out of 8 runners back one person and that person comes in third?

Dion won't be priminister or wont win an election. Termoil in the lib party is abound in the next few years.

Hopefully Harper can win a majority this time around due to Dion's lackluster campaign ideas.

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I think Conservatives are sh@tting themselves!

I think so too. They thought they had Iggy in the bag :)

We all thought Iggy (or Rae) was in the bag. This Dion thing was just Liberal insider polticis as ususal. Canadians are happy with Harpers gov't and won't vote in a Quebecer who's main issue is climate change when we have our own citizens dying on waiting lists. It's a no brainer.

And the current party knows this.

Look for a lot of entertaining things to happen within that party in the next few years.

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If Harper wins a majority in the next election, it will destroy Canada. The US is just waiting to pick up the pieces of a country with a lot of resources.

Yup! Yup!

The devil will sell us out and the people will be cold and naked in the streets.

You are such a foolish person - or you have little faith in Canadians.

Be that as it may China, India and Europe are pretty big shareholders in this country. But that does not bother you - even though this has taken place during the past lib rule? Where were you then? Cuddling up to your local lib polly for a taste of some pork?

It is a fact that Canada is attractive and it is a fact that our laws as they stand allow significant foreign investment.

My favourite example was walking the tracks from Williams Lake to a small camp one afternoon a couple of years ago.

The steel was stamped = "Made In Japan"

They take our iron ore from the mines they control here in Canada - use the coal and the coke from the mines here in Canada - ship it all to Japan - transform it into high grade rail steel and ship it back to Canada - sell it to the railway outfits and still make a profit! Not bad for a bunch of short people.

I think they need to be commended for their business abilities.

Are Canadians able to do this? Nope.

Why? Who knows or cares anymore - Canadians are simply a bunch of social engineered incompetents - and you may be living proof of this.

You cannot point the finger at one political group and ignore the other - and in the final analysis, it is the Canadian PEOPLE who have allowed this to happen. Are you one of those folks? Probably.


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If Harper wins a majority in the next election, it will destroy Canada. The US is just waiting to pick up the pieces of a country with a lot of resources.

He's evil, you know. He worships Satan. SATAN!

Maybe you should take up prayer.

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If Harper wins a majority in the next election, it will destroy Canada. The US is just waiting to pick up the pieces of a country with a lot of resources.

Yup! Yup!

The devil will sell us out and the people will be cold and naked in the streets.


It is pretty hard to believe that people actually still buy into the chicken little fictional scaremongering.

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The Liberal party is currupt. Things have not changed. Before the PC/Reform/Alliance/Conservatives had to go through a LOT of changes over 10 years before they straightened themselves out and got in power.

What you saw tonight was the Liberal party not changing. It's still corrupt, still insider run, and still un democratic. Someone is leading the Party that is not a true leader for the country and someone who will certainly not win an election on climate change. Everyone knows that Rae or Ignatieff would have been better in the publics eye becuase they represent something new. But when you have a convention in Montreal, with Paul Martin and Jean Cretien, we all know it's the same party. It can't continue like this. You will see a major battle within the party in the coming years mark my words.

The Conservatives still have Mulroney and his cohorts working in the background. That is change?

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If Harper wins a majority in the next election, it will destroy Canada. The US is just waiting to pick up the pieces of a country with a lot of resources.

Trust me, the US has absolutely no interest in taking over any part of Canada. If we take Alberta, we wind up with the Atlantic Provinces as well. Poor trade indeed.

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If Harper wins a majority in the next election, it will destroy Canada. The US is just waiting to pick up the pieces of a country with a lot of resources.

He's evil, you know. He worships Satan. SATAN!

Maybe you should take up prayer.

Harper is busy eating your children,

  1. in his kitchen;
  2. that he killed with guns;
  3. at 24 Sussex Drive;
  4. in Ottawa;
  5. in Ontario;
  6. in Canada

Is this what you want?

Choose your Canada

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The Liberal party is currupt. Things have not changed. Before the PC/Reform/Alliance/Conservatives had to go through a LOT of changes over 10 years before they straightened themselves out and got in power.

What you saw tonight was the Liberal party not changing. It's still corrupt, still insider run, and still un democratic. Someone is leading the Party that is not a true leader for the country and someone who will certainly not win an election on climate change. Everyone knows that Rae or Ignatieff would have been better in the publics eye becuase they represent something new. But when you have a convention in Montreal, with Paul Martin and Jean Cretien, we all know it's the same party. It can't continue like this. You will see a major battle within the party in the coming years mark my words.

The Conservatives still have Mulroney as his cohorts working in the background. That is change?

Not the same. Below is proof that this election was fixed:


Facts are, he's wasted 4 billion of our dollars to increase green house emitions.

He was there through thte whole scandal.

He wants to tax alberta oil companies becuase of their emissions.

He's not likeable by his own party.

He wont win an election, and I predect there's going to be a cou and he'll be kicked out of the party.

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Well now that some Liberals have realised they have picked an absolutely incompetent unelectable leader, they are back at fearmongering to try to prevent that evil Harper majority.

Where are the guns in the streets margrace?

Where is the massive budget deficits?

Bah. Liberals are in general, full of crap. This leadership convention proved it. They had the chance to change, to make themselves a national party again (they are far more regional than the CPC). Instead they chose an old party, old face, knee deep in sponsorship baggage, francophone that is less understandable in English than Chretien.

Somethings never change.

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Harper is busy eating your children,
  1. in his kitchen;
  2. that he killed with guns;
  3. at 24 Sussex Drive;
  4. in Ottawa;
  5. in Ontario;
  6. in Canada

Is this what you want?

Try to refrain using script that is bold and in colour. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. If we all decide to do it, it will quickly become mine is bigger than yours.

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Not the same. Below is proof that this election was fixed:


Facts are, he's wasted 4 billion of our dollars to increase green house emitions.

He was there through thte whole scandal.

He wants to tax alberta oil companies becuase of their emissions.

He's not likeable by his own party.

He wont win an election, and I predect there's going to be a cou and he'll be kicked out of the party.

So the two men had a deal. That's leadership conventions.

Harper is not likeable by his own party. He still won. He wasn't particularly likeable and warm to the Canadian public. He still won.

As far as waste goes, I'd be hard pressed to think of the total waste the last Conservative government had when it came to deficit spending.

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Well now that some Liberals have realised they have picked an absolutely incompetent unelectable leader, they are back at fearmongering to try to prevent that evil Harper majority.

Actually, I haven't heard anything from official Liberal-dom as they are on flights headed home from the convention. It will probably be a few days before we see how things will play out.

Dion will have to set up an organization in the House of Commons. He will have to figure out his critics positions. He will have to talk about strategy. He will have to work on election readiness. He will have to ensure that he gets Hall-Findlay, Rae and and Kennedy somehow involved in key positions to get them elected. Lots of work and probably the majority has nothing to do with fearmongering.

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The fearmongering likely isn't going to come from Dion. I'm sure he thinks he can win, why else would he run?

The fearmongering is going to come from every single Liberal around him when they wake up today and go "oh my god, what have I done" in electing the least electable of even the eight candidates that appeared in Montreal this weekend.

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The fearmongering likely isn't going to come from Dion. I'm sure he thinks he can win, why else would he run?

The fearmongering is going to come from every single Liberal around him when they wake up today and go "oh my god, what have I done" in electing the least electable of even the eight candidates that appeared in Montreal this weekend.

I suppose we'll know in the next weeks. Perhaps this was a strategy on the part of some Liberals to ensure that the least electable Liberal was in place so that an English candidate was the logical choice for the next convention.

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I'm sure Mr. Kennedy didn't go to Dion for no reason jdobbin. It was only selfishness, not for the good of the party. Well, in the short-term. Kennedy is good for the party 4 or 5 years from now when they realise the mistake they made in Dion.

I actually think Kennedy and Dion like each other. They complement each other as well. Let's see how this plays out. Try to imagine, Kennedy in a key economic position.

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I'm sure Mr. Kennedy didn't go to Dion for no reason jdobbin. It was only selfishness, not for the good of the party. Well, in the short-term. Kennedy is good for the party 4 or 5 years from now when they realise the mistake they made in Dion.

I actually think Kennedy and Dion like each other. They complement each other as well. Let's see how this plays out. Try to imagine, Kennedy in a key economic position.

Social development and housing, human resources/skills, or intergovernmental affairs is more likely.

He has no economic experience.

Though maybe that's the idea, give the boy a shot in an financial critic position to get some experience?

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