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Tony Blair now in the Hotseat over Loan Scandal

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There is new evidence linking Tony Blair personally to the £14 million "loans for peerages" scandal, making his unpopular government since Iraq, even less popular.

Telegraph Article Here

Recent polls show that 73 per cent of voters, in the light of the scandal, no longer have faith in his ability to govern. At least 1/3 of Americans still have faith in Bush.

Again, this was not a good time for Stephen Harper to be marching along in the Bush parade, because they are dropping like flies.

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Guest Warwick Green
There is new evidence linking Tony Blair personally to the £14 million "loans for peerages" scandal, making his unpopular government since Iraq, even less popular.

Telegraph Article Here

Recent polls show that 73 per cent of voters, in the light of the scandal, no longer have faith in his ability to govern. At least 1/3 of Americans still have faith in Bush.

Again, this was not a good time for Stephen Harper to be marching along in the Bush parade, because they are dropping like flies.

I think the public see a distinction between Afghanistan and Iraq and I don't think our involvement there can be called "marching along in the Bush parade". As for B&B they are both old meat and their lack of popularity goes beyond what looks more and more like an ill-advised invasion.

As for me, let's see how Steve does when he meets the HofC starting next week and tries to steer his program through to legislation.

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There is new evidence linking Tony Blair personally to the £14 million "loans for peerages" scandal, making his unpopular government since Iraq, even less popular.

Telegraph Article Here

Recent polls show that 73 per cent of voters, in the light of the scandal, no longer have faith in his ability to govern. At least 1/3 of Americans still have faith in Bush.

Again, this was not a good time for Stephen Harper to be marching along in the Bush parade, because they are dropping like flies.

I think the public see a distinction between Afghanistan and Iraq and I don't think our involvement there can be called "marching along in the Bush parade". As for B&B they are both old meat and their lack of popularity goes beyond what looks more and more like an ill-advised invasion.

As for me, let's see how Steve does when he meets the HofC starting next week and tries to steer his program through to legislation.

Yes, there is a distinction between Afghanistan and Iraq, but when Mr. Harper's speech to the troops was revealed as just rehashed Bush rhetoric, he showed who he had been listening to. Also, for most of us strongly opposed to the War in Iraq, we remember how adamant Stephen Harper and his Reform/Alliance Party were that we should be there.

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Just out of curiosity nocrap, is there anything you like about Harper?

You really only seem to dwell on negatives.

Help us out into thinking that maybe you are a worthy contributor here.

Even with all of the Conservatives here, many will agree that Paul Martin DID in fact have good attributes.

I thought he was pretty funny on the Rick Mercer Report!

When Martin was elected, I was almost optimistic, because he was a breath of fresh air to Cretien!

Alot of Martin's downfalls were because of Cretien's screwups and given a clean slate, I don't think he was a horrible PM, just got lead astray by past Liberal downfalls & poor advisers!

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Just out of curiosity nocrap, is there anything you like about Harper?

You really only seem to dwell on negatives.

Help us out into thinking that maybe you are a worthy contributor here.

Even with all of the Conservatives here, many will agree that Paul Martin DID in fact have good attributes.

I thought he was pretty funny on the Rick Mercer Report!

When Martin was elected, I was almost optimistic, because he was a breath of fresh air to Cretien!

Alot of Martin's downfalls were because of Cretien's screwups and given a clean slate, I don't think he was a horrible PM, just got lead astray by past Liberal downfalls & poor advisers!

I'm not sure if Harper has any saving graces for me and I did feel sorry for Paul Martin. He took the fall for the sponsorship scandal, but the fact that the CPC just kept harping on it last election, could be one reason why they dropped in the polls and were only able to secure a minority.

I realize that there are Conservative posters here, and when I bring up the issue of private healthcare, they immediately come to the PM's defense - not in the fact that he intends to uphold the Canada Health Act - but being loyal supporters, know that he is on their side of the issue; which is the move to private. However, he can't be on both sides.

What I've seen with Mr. Harper so far, is that while he preaches ethics and accountability, his track record is anything but beyond reproach. Canadians wanted and deserved better.

If this is a political forum, than all views should be welcome. If it is strictly a Stephen Harper fan club, then you're right. I have nothing to contribute.

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Just out of curiosity nocrap, is there anything you like about Harper?

You really only seem to dwell on negatives.

Help us out into thinking that maybe you are a worthy contributor here.

Even with all of the Conservatives here, many will agree that Paul Martin DID in fact have good attributes.

I thought he was pretty funny on the Rick Mercer Report!

When Martin was elected, I was almost optimistic, because he was a breath of fresh air to Cretien!

Alot of Martin's downfalls were because of Cretien's screwups and given a clean slate, I don't think he was a horrible PM, just got lead astray by past Liberal downfalls & poor advisers!

I'm not sure if Harper has any saving graces for me and I did feel sorry for Paul Martin. He took the fall for the sponsorship scandal, but the fact that the CPC just kept harping on it last election, could be one reason why they dropped in the polls and were only able to secure a minority.

I realize that there are Conservative posters here, and when I bring up the issue of private healthcare, they immediately come to the PM's defense - not in the fact that he intends to uphold the Canada Health Act - but being loyal supporters, know that he is on their side of the issue; which is the move to private. However, he can't be on both sides.

What I've seen with Mr. Harper so far, is that while he preaches ethics and accountability, his track record is anything but beyond reproach. Canadians wanted and deserved better.

If this is a political forum, than all views should be welcome. If it is strictly a Stephen Harper fan club, then you're right. I have nothing to contribute.

You didn't really answer my question. Is there anything you like about Stephen Harper?

No this is not a Stephen Harper fan club, but we do try to weed out the useless and I am just trying to determine if you fit that category!

Do you hate Stephen Harper? Is every post by you going to be, Stephen Harper and his ducks in a row trying to tear Canada apart, bringing in back street abortions, terrorizing the gay community, putting the nasty Bible back into schools, ruining healthcare, childcare and everything else???

You really seem to be one track minded.

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Canadians wanted and deserved better [than Stephen Harper]

What the...? Canada elected Harper.

You said something similar the other day; just because Bush got a majority of the popular vote, it didn't mean that he was a legitimate president. Your justification for this claim was that the entire voting-age public did not cast a ballot. Get real! It's a legitimate election (you are not forced to vote) and Harper won, as did Bush who captured the majority vote in the nation.

Harper has been doing a fine job. I'm feeling proud to be Canadian again.

Bloated unionized public-sector national daycare program: Gone.

Kyoto Accord: Gone.

Things are looking good. :)

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Just out of curiosity nocrap, is there anything you like about Harper?

You really only seem to dwell on negatives.

Help us out into thinking that maybe you are a worthy contributor here.

Even with all of the Conservatives here, many will agree that Paul Martin DID in fact have good attributes.

I thought he was pretty funny on the Rick Mercer Report!

When Martin was elected, I was almost optimistic, because he was a breath of fresh air to Cretien!

Alot of Martin's downfalls were because of Cretien's screwups and given a clean slate, I don't think he was a horrible PM, just got lead astray by past Liberal downfalls & poor advisers!

I'm not sure if Harper has any saving graces for me and I did feel sorry for Paul Martin. He took the fall for the sponsorship scandal, but the fact that the CPC just kept harping on it last election, could be one reason why they dropped in the polls and were only able to secure a minority.

I realize that there are Conservative posters here, and when I bring up the issue of private healthcare, they immediately come to the PM's defense - not in the fact that he intends to uphold the Canada Health Act - but being loyal supporters, know that he is on their side of the issue; which is the move to private. However, he can't be on both sides.

What I've seen with Mr. Harper so far, is that while he preaches ethics and accountability, his track record is anything but beyond reproach. Canadians wanted and deserved better.

If this is a political forum, than all views should be welcome. If it is strictly a Stephen Harper fan club, then you're right. I have nothing to contribute.

You didn't really answer my question. Is there anything you like about Stephen Harper?

No this is not a Stephen Harper fan club, but we do try to weed out the useless and I am just trying to determine if you fit that category!

Do you hate Stephen Harper? Is every post by you going to be, Stephen Harper and his ducks in a row trying to tear Canada apart, bringing in back street abortions, terrorizing the gay community, putting the nasty Bible back into schools, ruining healthcare, childcare and everything else???

You really seem to be one track minded.

Actually she said she wasn't sure if he had any saving graces, which is an answer for you.

Your post is one big abusive rant. Does critisism of Harper make you emotional?

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Just out of curiosity nocrap, is there anything you like about Harper?

You really only seem to dwell on negatives.

Help us out into thinking that maybe you are a worthy contributor here.

Even with all of the Conservatives here, many will agree that Paul Martin DID in fact have good attributes.

I thought he was pretty funny on the Rick Mercer Report!

When Martin was elected, I was almost optimistic, because he was a breath of fresh air to Cretien!

Alot of Martin's downfalls were because of Cretien's screwups and given a clean slate, I don't think he was a horrible PM, just got lead astray by past Liberal downfalls & poor advisers!

I'm not sure if Harper has any saving graces for me and I did feel sorry for Paul Martin. He took the fall for the sponsorship scandal, but the fact that the CPC just kept harping on it last election, could be one reason why they dropped in the polls and were only able to secure a minority.

I realize that there are Conservative posters here, and when I bring up the issue of private healthcare, they immediately come to the PM's defense - not in the fact that he intends to uphold the Canada Health Act - but being loyal supporters, know that he is on their side of the issue; which is the move to private. However, he can't be on both sides.

What I've seen with Mr. Harper so far, is that while he preaches ethics and accountability, his track record is anything but beyond reproach. Canadians wanted and deserved better.

If this is a political forum, than all views should be welcome. If it is strictly a Stephen Harper fan club, then you're right. I have nothing to contribute.

You didn't really answer my question. Is there anything you like about Stephen Harper?

No this is not a Stephen Harper fan club, but we do try to weed out the useless and I am just trying to determine if you fit that category!

Do you hate Stephen Harper? Is every post by you going to be, Stephen Harper and his ducks in a row trying to tear Canada apart, bringing in back street abortions, terrorizing the gay community, putting the nasty Bible back into schools, ruining healthcare, childcare and everything else???

You really seem to be one track minded.

Actually she said she wasn't sure if he had any saving graces, which is an answer for you.

Your post is one big abusive rant. Does critisism of Harper make you emotional?

Abusive rant?

I think not.

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"...Help us out into thinking that maybe you are a worthy contributor here.

Even with all of the Conservatives here, many will agree that Paul Martin DID in fact have good attributes.

I thought he was pretty funny on the Rick Mercer Report!

When Martin was elected, I was almost optimistic, because he was a breath of fresh air to Cretien!

Alot of Martin's downfalls were because of Cretien's screwups and given a clean slate, I don't think he was a horrible PM, just got lead astray by past Liberal downfalls & poor advisers!

Worth contributor? By whose standards and criteria? So if some of us don't happen to like Harper, we're now deemed unworthy contributers? And it seems to me there was a LOT of Martin bashing on this forum awhile ago.

But I guess you cons think that's okay. Harper lost credibility for me with what he has said and when he stole Emerson. It might not have been illegal, but it showed his hypocrisy and true colours.


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Just out of curiosity nocrap, is there anything you like about Harper?

You really only seem to dwell on negatives.

Help us out into thinking that maybe you are a worthy contributor here.

Even with all of the Conservatives here, many will agree that Paul Martin DID in fact have good attributes.

I thought he was pretty funny on the Rick Mercer Report!

When Martin was elected, I was almost optimistic, because he was a breath of fresh air to Cretien!

Alot of Martin's downfalls were because of Cretien's screwups and given a clean slate, I don't think he was a horrible PM, just got lead astray by past Liberal downfalls & poor advisers!

I'm not sure if Harper has any saving graces for me and I did feel sorry for Paul Martin. He took the fall for the sponsorship scandal, but the fact that the CPC just kept harping on it last election, could be one reason why they dropped in the polls and were only able to secure a minority.

I realize that there are Conservative posters here, and when I bring up the issue of private healthcare, they immediately come to the PM's defense - not in the fact that he intends to uphold the Canada Health Act - but being loyal supporters, know that he is on their side of the issue; which is the move to private. However, he can't be on both sides.

What I've seen with Mr. Harper so far, is that while he preaches ethics and accountability, his track record is anything but beyond reproach. Canadians wanted and deserved better.

If this is a political forum, than all views should be welcome. If it is strictly a Stephen Harper fan club, then you're right. I have nothing to contribute.

You didn't really answer my question. Is there anything you like about Stephen Harper?

No this is not a Stephen Harper fan club, but we do try to weed out the useless and I am just trying to determine if you fit that category!

Do you hate Stephen Harper? Is every post by you going to be, Stephen Harper and his ducks in a row trying to tear Canada apart, bringing in back street abortions, terrorizing the gay community, putting the nasty Bible back into schools, ruining healthcare, childcare and everything else???

You really seem to be one track minded.

Actually she said she wasn't sure if he had any saving graces, which is an answer for you.

Your post is one big abusive rant. Does critisism of Harper make you emotional?

It was half answered, I was stretching it a bit.

The reason I commented on her posting was, she only seems to be content on bashing Harper in EVERY POST, I was wondering if she had more to offer or if she could contribute legitimate reasons to HAte Harper.

It is NOT an abusive rant. I suspect she is a former poster who was removed once before, just trying to weed that out.

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