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Conservative Govt.

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Very interesting.

Given that Pearson never won a majority it would appear that he was never able to convince the Canadian public of his leadership abilities. Who exactly did he inspire outside the narrow minority of Canadians who supported him election after election.

If you really feel that it is a sense of vision that counts then it is definitely too early to judge Harper.

I have become more and more a Harper supporter because of the way he ran this campaign. That is why I am willing to trust his instincts on this Emerson fiasco.

Actually if you asked me to dig up a politician from ages past that exhibited a natural leadership ability I would have pointed you to Lester B Pearson.

One's leadership abilities aren't judged soley by one's ability to act like a PM in office. Leaders exude a sense of vision, and inspire those around them to surpass themselves and the status quo. Stephen Harper does neither. As I said earlier, he is a decent politician but not a 'leader'.

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Very interesting.

Given that Pearson never won a majority it would appear that he was never able to convince the Canadian public of his leadership abilities. Who exactly did he inspire outside the narrow minority of Canadians who supported him election after election.

If you really feel that it is a sense of vision that counts then it is definitely too early to judge Harper.

I have become more and more a Harper supporter because of the way he ran this campaign. That is why I am willing to trust his instincts on this Emerson fiasco.

I chose Pearson because even though he never won a majority, I believe that he was able to see past the shallow politics of the House of Commons and look at the big picture, globally. That bit of political maneuvering in the UN was fairly adept. To my mind, being a leader means not only becoming someone that the country can rally behind, but also being selfless in pursuit of things greater than one's self. Had Pearson not pursued international peace so vigorously, it might have been that he won a majority. However I think that this is secondary to the drive and vision that Pearson displayed and I laud him for that.

I'm willing to concede that I may have judged Harper too early, but first impressions can sometimes be a good indicator of things to come.

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There is a big difference between grammatical mistakes and flat out lying. You are guilty of both.

There is no reason to do my own research when your *evidence* proved what you said was wrong. :lol:

Boy, good for you Greg is tied up with more important business or you would definitely be gone.

I did not lie. To say I lied denotes intent. I made a mistake and I admitted it. You call me a liar in your pompous manner only to deflect from the real issue which is the Alberta Govt., which is the Flagship for Conservative Govt., has serious problems. But you wouldn't admit that.

You only focus on the narrowest of points in which you find fault, and ingnore the larger picture.

Perhaps people rag on you the most, because you come across as a self-centred know-it-all jerk who uses inuendo and threats to try and belittle other posters and control what goes on in this forum. Just because you tell some one to piss-off in a fancy manner doesn't change what you are doing.

I am calling you a liar now. Where is your proof I am not who I say I am, or was at this site under a different name. You have none. But that doesn't stop you from spewing out more useless garbage. Must be nice to have an "in" with the mod so you don't get deleted yourself.

Greg can delete me if he chooses, it is his site. This forum is so whack and people like you only ruin it for others. I only came back to laugh at the Conservatives and their immoral useless minority govt. anyway.

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Why thank you. It ain't often I get accused of usin' fancy talk. :lol:

Perhaps people rag on you the most, because you come across as a self-centred know-it-all jerk who uses inuendo and threats to try and belittle other posters and control what goes on in this forum. Just because you tell some one to piss-off in a fancy manner doesn't change what you are doing.

I think you just provided my proof. :lol:

I am calling you a liar now. Where is your proof I am not who I say I am, or was at this site under a different name. You have none. But that doesn't stop you from spewing out more useless garbage. Must be nice to have an "in" with the mod so you don't get deleted yourself.

Greg can delete me if he chooses, it is his site. This forum is so whack and people like you only ruin it for others. I only came back to laugh at the Conservatives and their immoral useless minority govt. anyway.

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I guess I must be daft if you say so.

Exactly what are you getting so irate about? Does it really drive you to such rage that your childish little antics are so easily discredited? Are there larger issues at play you need to tell us about? You don't work for Canada Post do you? Please don't interperet my honest quesstion as a *lie* about your employment... :lol:

Are you daft?

I came back after not posting since before the election. But no you couldn't sit and think about that for two seconds you just jump down my throat. You sir, have no proof to back up your claims, and I label YOU a LIAR until you do.

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You haven't discreditted squat.

You are nothing but an internet bully. You jump down peoples throats for the smallest reasons. Usually for something that has nothing to do with the point of the post. You insult them and their intelligence, and when it comes back to you, you act all innocent like you aren't intentionally browbeating every poster on this site who disagrees with you.

People like you ruin forums.

Just look at your previous post. Nothing is said about you being wrong, which you are, or appologizing for what you said about me. All you do is hurl insults.

I am not irate but I am sick of the games you perpetuate and the way in which you perpetuate them.

I am calling you out for what you are; a bully.

Just a spineless little bully who gets his jollies from disecting other peoples posts and insulting them until they go away.

Well let 'er rip tough guy. Do your worst. You still have no proof to back up your claim that I used to post here under a different name, and until you do, you are a liar.

This is the same BS you handed me so enjoy.

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<_< I don't know about you, but it seriously pisses me off to know my taxes are going to buy crack and ciggarettes for the single welfare mothers abundant in my little crap hole town. That's right I said Crack and Ciggarettes, f*@# "Beer and Popcorn!". Don't tell me the crackhead single mothers don't exist, because I used to know atleast a dozen. Almost half this town is messed up on either Crack or Hillbilly Heroin. I hear of people who sell their prescriptions of Hillbilly Heroin so they can afford to buy Crack, because that is their drug of choice. Now they get an extra $100 a month if they've been dumb enough to bring a child into their own personal hell within the last 6 years. WTF Man?!? Instead of rewarding people by handing out money to those who have kids, try handing out some birth control. Give me and my wife some money because we are not burdening over crowded education, and healthcare systems with our spawn. My taxes have helped to provide school for all my neighbours 5 brats, meanwhile I carry a student loan like an anchor around my neck. He stands to get $300 a month of our money, my money, your money, because he's too F'n dumb to wrap his pecker. If only I were that stupid. :angry: :End Rant

Congrats! You know of a crackhead single mother! Now, while I'm sure there are single PARENTS (not just mothers) who decide to use drugs, and spend their money irresponsibly, it doesn't mean that ALL parents choose to spend their money that way. There are GOOD parents who fall into a lower tax bracket that appreciate this extra money every month to ACTUALLY put towards daycare.

I don't understand why it is that you feel the need to complain about this extra daycare money. It's for daycare. I may not be a GENIUS, but I feel that it's safe to assume that if a child is in daycare, the parent is either working, or in school furthering their education so that they can become self sufficient, and no longer a *burden* to society! Please explain to me why this is a bad thing because I fail to see how it could be.

ALSO ... I'm not sure if it works this way in every province, but a friend of mine previously collected assistance in Ontario until she completed her high school education. After this time, she could no longer collect assistance, and now has to support her two children, while in college, via a part time job and a student loan. You speak about an anchor of your own, but while this woman is struggling to feed two children with a part time job and a student loan, furthering her education so that she does not need your hard earned tax money PERMANENTLY, her own anchor is weighing quite heavily.

I'm not saying it's YOUR fault that she has children, or anybody else's for that matter. What I AM saying is that I'm PROUD to be a citizen of a country that cares enough about it's people and it's children, not to see them in the streets. I'm also proud to be a citizen of a country that cares enough about it's taxpayers to see to it that single parents and low income families in general have the ability to stabalize themselves financially so that you, the taxpayer, no longer have to *pay their way* I'm just a little curious as to why you're not so proud.

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You are nothing but an internet bully. You jump down peoples throats for the smallest reasons. Usually for something that has nothing to do with the point of the post.

The difference of a city of a million people being in code red for several hours and several minutes is the difference between a very rare preventable death or dozens of preventable deaths in one day. You overstated your case with that one.

People like you ruin forums.

A bit of a drama queen aren't you.

I am not irate but I am sick of the games you perpetuate and the way in which you perpetuate them.

I don't think you are using perpetuate correctly... :lol:

I am calling you out for what you are; a bully.

Are you newbie too? Or just taking your talking points from him?

Just a spineless little bully who gets his jollies from disecting other peoples posts and insulting them until they go away.

If that were my true intent it clearly isn't working in this case.

Well let 'er rip tough guy. Do your worst. You still have no proof to back up your claim that I used to post here under a different name, and until you do, you are a liar. This is the same BS you handed me so enjoy.

In spite of your insistence to the contrary I don't have an *in* with Greg. Thus I don't have access to IP logs, etc, to prove anybody has been here under different names.

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You haven't discreditted squat.

You are nothing but an internet bully. You jump down peoples throats for the smallest reasons. Usually for something that has nothing to do with the point of the post. You insult them and their intelligence, and when it comes back to you, you act all innocent like you aren't intentionally browbeating every poster on this site who disagrees with you.

People like you ruin forums.

Just look at your previous post. Nothing is said about you being wrong, which you are, or appologizing for what you said about me. All you do is hurl insults.

I am not irate but I am sick of the games you perpetuate and the way in which you perpetuate them.

I am calling you out for what you are; a bully.

Just a spineless little bully who gets his jollies from disecting other peoples posts and insulting them until they go away.

Well let 'er rip tough guy. Do your worst. You still have no proof to back up your claim that I used to post here under a different name, and until you do, you are a liar.

This is the same BS you handed me so enjoy.

See welcome to the modern world. I've grown up being used to e-ego's and e-fights. The simple fact is, neither one of you can do jack shit, because it's an online forum. All it is , is a platform for people to spout there own ideas and partisan rhetoric. I do, Shoop does it, You do it, we all do it.

So trust me, just stopping taking stuff personally and learn to rofl and give back the e-smack to others.

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Thanks. My entire view is that internet forums are for debate. Of course you are going to run into people who disagree with you. If you are looking for confirmation of your world view go to Rabble or FreeDominion, based on which way you swing. :lol:

I like this forum because it represents a spectrum of views.

I never take anything personally on forums, in spite of the view that I do. You gotta remember anonymity brings a lot out in people...

See welcome to the modern world. I've grown up being used to e-ego's and e-fights. The simple fact is, neither one of you can do jack shit, because it's an online forum. All it is , is a platform for people to spout there own ideas and partisan rhetoric. I do, Shoop does it, You do it, we all do it.

So trust me, just stopping taking stuff personally and learn to rofl and give back the e-smack to others.

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"You gotta remember anonymity brings a lot out in people..."

My friends who read my posts on this forum have often told me that...

E-smack is okay as long as it doesn't get vulgar. We musts remember we're all human and all our views are important.

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Seriously, only social retards express really strong views from either side of the spectrum unless they are surrounded by close friends they are comfortable talking about these things with.

Man, I went to this language gathering last week. Buddy comes, can't speak the language in question at all, and spends his entire time on this anti-Alberta/anti-anglophone rant. Behaviour like that should be kept online and anonymous.


esmack can be a lot of fun. Never take things too seriously I figure.

"You gotta remember anonymity brings a lot out in people..."

My friends who read my posts on this forum have often told me that...

E-smack is okay as long as it doesn't get vulgar. We musts remember we're all human and all our views are important.

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Seriously, only social retards express really strong views from either side of the spectrum unless they are surrounded by close friends they are comfortable talking about these things with.

Man, I went to this language gathering last week. Buddy comes, can't speak the language in question at all, and spends his entire time on this anti-Alberta/anti-anglophone rant. Behaviour like that should be kept online and anonymous.


esmack can be a lot of fun. Never take things too seriously I figure.

"You gotta remember anonymity brings a lot out in people..."

My friends who read my posts on this forum have often told me that...

E-smack is okay as long as it doesn't get vulgar. We musts remember we're all human and all our views are important.

How does one go to a "language gathering?" :unsure:

But what you're saying is true. The only time in reality I ever got into trouble for talking politics is when a friend of mine invited me to a party back home in Montreal (seems so far away when you're on vacation... :( ) and his friend was like way left of the NDP and talked about how the free-market was stupid and the armed forces should be disbanded and we shouldn't have prisons.

Needless to say after a few cocktails I was asked to leave the party (my friend and I worked things out later...thankfully) but that's why I don't even drink when posting... ;)

A little respectful e-smak is OK...

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Well my third language (or second depending on how you look at things) is pretty rare. i.e. rare enough that because I just moved to a new city I found a group online that meets ocassionally in person to speak in the language, so as not to let the skills atrophy yada yada. I would have basically no chance to practice otherwise.

How does one go to a "language gathering?" :unsure:

I only rarely talk politics with people who don't work in the field. I find it rarely is in my best interest to do so. Sometimes I will, but it is just annoying sometimes. This board gives me the chance to vent on pompous (usually silver-spoon) socialists who don't appreciate the hard work their relatives put forth to put them in the financial position to sit and tut tut a party that really stands up for working Canadians.

P.S. I definitely think there are a few posters who drink (or smoke) before/while posting...

But what you're saying is true. The only time in reality I ever got into trouble for talking politics is when a friend of mine invited me to a party back home in Montreal (seems so far away when you're on vacation... :( ) and his friend was like way left of the NDP and talked about how the free-market was stupid and the armed forces should be disbanded and we shouldn't have prisons.

Needless to say after a few cocktails I was asked to leave the party (my friend and I worked things out later...thankfully) but that's why I don't even drink when posting... ;)

A little respectful e-smak is OK...

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But what you're saying is true. The only time in reality I ever got into trouble for talking politics is when a friend of mine invited me to a party back home in Montreal (seems so far away when you're on vacation... :( ) and his friend was like way left of the NDP and talked about how the free-market was stupid and the armed forces should be disbanded and we shouldn't have prisons.

Needless to say after a few cocktails I was asked to leave the party (my friend and I worked things out later...thankfully) but that's why I don't even drink when posting... ;)

A little respectful e-smak is OK...

Most of the time posting I've had a few drinks, hence my poor grammar and spelling. :lol:

Those people that are that far left of the NDP should just pack up and move to Cuba and see how its like there. Silver-spoon socialists are the problem with our current 'culture of entitlement' society. And this concept stretches way beyond the Liberal party and its supporters.

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But what you're saying is true. The only time in reality I ever got into trouble for talking politics is when a friend of mine invited me to a party back home in Montreal (seems so far away when you're on vacation... :( ) and his friend was like way left of the NDP and talked about how the free-market was stupid and the armed forces should be disbanded and we shouldn't have prisons.

Needless to say after a few cocktails I was asked to leave the party (my friend and I worked things out later...thankfully) but that's why I don't even drink when posting... ;)

A little respectful e-smak is OK...

Most of the time posting I've had a few drinks, hence my poor grammar and spelling. :lol:

Those people that are that far left of the NDP should just pack up and move to Cuba and see how its like there. Silver-spoon socialists are the problem with our current 'culture of entitlement' society. And this concept stretches way beyond the Liberal party and its supporters.


I never said I never had a few drinks, just not VERY many... ;)

Silver spoon socialists are the worse kind...they're just elitist and are the first to abandon socialism...they also probably never worked the night shift at a dep in their life.

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I speak a few languages...not all fluently but maybe I speak yours?

I would argue we have some alcoholics on this board. It isn't necessarily a bad thing...in fact, I think it helps them get to their point a bit earlier... :lol:

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I speak a few languages...not all fluently but maybe I speak yours?

... tabun.

It also makes then pretty easy targets for exposing their errors. Then again, they come back much later and accuse people of *bullying* them for doing so.

I would argue we have some alcoholics on this board. It isn't necessarily a bad thing...in fact, I think it helps them get to their point a bit earlier... :lol:
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First 1/2 day in office - Two political ethics promises broken.

All I can say is Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha



These idiots are lucky Canadians are sick of elections, otherwise they wouldn't last to the spring sitting of Parliament.

Where has all the morality gone?

Where is the Ethics bill that was supposed to the first thing the govt. took care of? Oh right, it has to wait to go through until after the current govt. was done doing the exact same crap they tore down the previous govt. for.

I love it. Consevative MP's are pissed at the party and it's leader. They haven't even had a single day in the House Of Commons yet. Hopefully 23 or more will choose to sit as independants or join another party. Harper can't even keep 124 people happy, how the hell is he supposed to unite a country?

Still, after everything Harper and his party said during the Election campaign, his first week as Prime Minister has been the best joke politics since someone stole Joe Clark's chin.

People in the Conservative party called Belinda a whore for what she did. And that was with atleast some moral objection to her party's stance on some issues. So what do we call Emerson? A Gold Digging Man-Whore?

I seem to distinctly remember Harper saying he wouldn't appopint any senators. That he felt they should be elected, and he would bring in legislation to make sure senators have to be elected to sit in the senate. So WTF is he doing appointing a senator who never even ran for election, let alone actually got elected.

I know conservatives don't want to hear this but, We told you so! We told you so!

We told you so! We told you so! We told you so!

Enjoy your 6 month's as PM Stevie, you idiot. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha



Many CPC supporters were disappointed with Harper taking Emerson and Fortier, but until the rules are changed, Harper would be a fool not to take advantage.

He threw an olive branch to Vancouver and Montreal (both unrepresented) and opened up the door for other "blue Grits" to cross the floor--and I believe more will cross, those liberals disgusted with the corruption and social liberalism of the Liberal Party. Another thing is that no one has doubted Emerson's qualifications. If he can (likely) solve the softwood lumber dispute, that will be a big coup for Harper.

I don't think Harper is a dummy. He ran a near flawless 8 week campaign and almost won in 2004 with a party that was a mere 4 months old. THINK LONG-TERM, people. Win a majority and then we can move this country away from the left (even far left in some instances), and make it a centre-right country. At times one must choose pragmatism over ideology. I believe that Harper understands that a Reform/Canadian Alliance party will not gain a majority in Canada. A nice mixture of Reformers/CA and PC/Blue Grits has an excellent chance of gaining a majority next time. That is what hurts the NDP. They put ideology first and that is why they will never win the Prime Ministership. Even I was surprised that Harper chose so many Easterners for his cabinet; I thoght it there would be more Albertans.

Your attempt to equate Belinda Stronach crossing the floor to save the Liberal Party from losing a non-confidence vote--with Emerson--is unfair. You're comparing apples and oranges.

Yes, many conservatives were upset with Harper's move, but that is the difference between lefties and righties. Rightwingers are generally individualists and do NOT march lockstep (remember the uproar from the right when Bush nominated his own personal lawyer for the SUpreme Court--Harriet Miers) like leftists. We do argue amongst ourselves sometimes, but I believe that is A Good Thingâ„¢.

And there isn't going to be an election for AT LEAST a couple of years. The Libs need to find a new leader, they're a regional party (completely shut out of the wealthiest province in Canada) and they are $30+ million in debt (CPC is $10 million in the black).

That being said, I find your choice of a handle to be funny. "Honest Politican"? Is there such a thing? :huh:

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Your attempt to equate Belinda Stronach crossing the floor to save the Liberal Party from losing a non-confidence vote--with Emerson--is unfair. You're comparing apples and oranges.

My sentiments exactly.

Yes, many conservatives were upset with Harper's move, but that is the difference between lefties and righties. Rightwingers are generally individualists and do NOT march lockstep (remember the uproar from the right when Bush nominated his own personal lawyer for the SUpreme Court--Harriet Miers) like leftists. We do argue amongst ourselves sometimes, but I believe that is A Good Thingâ„¢.

I'm glad you used the word "generally." I don't always follow the Liberal line, and I will criticize especially when I see an injustice. I didn't like Martin's "apology" re the sponsorship scandal and I said so on this forum.

And there isn't going to be an election for AT LEAST a couple of years. The Libs need to find a new leader, they're a regional party (completely shut out of the wealthiest province in Canada) and they are $30+ million in debt (CPC is $10 million in the black).

I also agree with you. The libs desperately need to work on their leadership.

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Your attempt to equate Belinda Stronach crossing the floor to save the Liberal Party from losing a non-confidence vote--with Emerson--is unfair. You're comparing apples and oranges.

My sentiments exactly.

Yes, many conservatives were upset with Harper's move, but that is the difference between lefties and righties. Rightwingers are generally individualists and do NOT march lockstep (remember the uproar from the right when Bush nominated his own personal lawyer for the SUpreme Court--Harriet Miers) like leftists. We do argue amongst ourselves sometimes, but I believe that is A Good Thingâ„¢.

I'm glad you used the word "generally." I don't always follow the Liberal line, and I will criticize especially when I see an injustice. I didn't like Martin's "apology" re the sponsorship scandal and I said so on this forum.

And there isn't going to be an election for AT LEAST a couple of years. The Libs need to find a new leader, they're a regional party (completely shut out of the wealthiest province in Canada) and they are $30+ million in debt (CPC is $10 million in the black).

I also agree with you. The libs desperately need to work on their leadership.

Martin's funny as hell.

Bush may talk like a guy with no more than a 6th grade education, but I still watching Martin and his shaking bulldog jowels. Whenever he gets going on a rant and starts shaking his head, like he did during the one toward Duceppe in the first debate his jowels shake like a bulldog.

Watch him. He looks like a cartoon character.

Update on Bush. Remember 9/11 when Bush didn't get to finish reading Curious George to the Kindergarten class? Seems he'll get to see the ending now as, at his request, they've made the book a movie. LOL!

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I speak a few languages...not all fluently but maybe I speak yours?

... tabun.

It also makes then pretty easy targets for exposing their errors. Then again, they come back much later and accuse people of *bullying* them for doing so.

I would argue we have some alcoholics on this board. It isn't necessarily a bad thing...in fact, I think it helps them get to their point a bit earlier... :lol:


As for Tabun, I have heard of it but I don't know anyone who speaks it...sorry (good luck though).

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