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Basic Overviews?

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Hello Everyone!

This will be my first year of voting eligibility, as I'm now 18.

I've always been interested in politics, but to be honest, I know a lot more about American politics, than I do about my own country. I probably know a little more than the average 18 year old, but coming from a largely liberal area, I know little of the other parties.

I do want to make an informed vote when it comes time, and I was wondering if anyone can give me a bit of help. I was just wondering if anyone could provide an overview of the platforms of the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, and Green parties..and the pro's and cons of having each in office.

Thanks for your help.

I've tried visiting the parties websites, but I find them to be little help...unless I want to know how Paul Martin is evil, or how the certain party is Canada's saviour

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What areas are you interested in and what are you looking for in a party?

As for the Conservatives the priorities are:

A Conservative government will focus on five key priorities in Parliament.

We will pass the Federal Accountability Act,

cut the GST,

crack down on crime,

provide choice in child care,

and establish a Patients Wait Times Guarantee.

I will leave it to fans of the other to speak for themselves. When you respond to your areas of interest, I will do my best to represent the party policy accurately.

I know I did not provide any detail, I will wait for your interest.

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What areas are you interested in and what are you looking for in a party?

As for the Conservatives the priorities are:

A Conservative government will focus on five key priorities in Parliament.

We will pass the Federal Accountability Act,

cut the GST,

crack down on crime,

provide choice in child care,

and establish a Patients Wait Times Guarantee.   

I will leave it to fans of the other to speak for themselves. When you respond to your areas of interest, I will do my best to represent the party policy accurately.

I know I did not provide any detail, I will wait for your interest.

PLEASE VOTE CONSERVATIVE!!! Although since you live in a Liberal riding as I do you must also be frustrated.

The above post was very good but let me also add that I think that the Conservative Party will take very good care of the environment. As one of the few issues where I am not Conservative, the environment always makes me feel a bit guilty when I consider voting. The Conservatives will do wonders for the environment. Instead of signing Kyoto and doing nothing like the Liberals did, a Harper government will take steps to see that the environment is well protected.

A vote for the Conservatives is a vote to stand up for change and for Canada.

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Because neocons always stand up for the environment. Just ask the caribou in the arctic wildlife refuge.

The U.S. reduced greenhouse gas emissions over 20% more than the "tolerant, friendly, and left-leaning" nation Canada.

Martin and Chretien and Dion those neo-cons!!! :ph34r:

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Dubious unsourced stats, and an apparent lack of understand of the definition of neocon.

"U.S. better than Canada on greenhouse-gas emissions: Wilkins

Wilkins noted the United States has a better track record on cutting its greenhouse-gas emissions, as a percentage of its total, than Canada does.

Since Kyoto was signed, Canada's emissions have gone up 24 per cent over 1990 levels, while U.S. emissions have climbed 13.3 per cent from 1990 to 2003.

"I would respectfully submit to you that when it comes to a 'global conscience,' the United States is walking the walk," Wilkins said."

Source: http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/20...ins-051213.html

Almost 12%...my mistake.

And I know what a neocon is I was being facetious... :rolleyes:

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So based on that, you actually believe the republicans are standing up for the environment?

The EPA has more power in the States regardless of Bush's neocon policies. In Canada, the Liberals can just sign and do what they want and nothing happens.

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I believe that Bob Miles the Conservative environment critic is second to none. He has been working on environmental issues for over 20 years and has brought a thoughtfulness to the party I am proud of.


The Americans shot down the oil drilling in Alaska. Not to mention we as Canadians may have a point of view but that is their sovereign country. If we think we can enforce our views on them what does that mean in reverse.

We can offer diplomacy, but it would be juvenile to think we can dictate to Uncle Sam.

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I believe that Bob Miles the Conservative environment critic is second to none. He has been working on environmental issues for over 20 years and has brought a thoughtfulness to the party I am proud of.


The Americans shot down the oil drilling in Alaska. Not to mention we as Canadians may have a point of view but that is their sovereign country. If we think we can enforce our views on them what does that mean in reverse.

We can offer diplomacy, but it would be juvenile to think we can dictate to Uncle Sam.

Don't tell Liberal voters that. :rolleyes:

I mean only they control Canadian sovereignty and can protect the environment... :lol:

We need them... :rolleyes:

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Canada has higher greenhouse gas emissions because we have to heat our homes and businesses from this gawd-awful cold. That sucks up a lot of energy, even more than the air conditioners in Arizona.

That may be true. Then let's not pretend we can by signing Kyoto. And then let's not criticize the Americans for doing nothing while, at the local level, they are doing more than we are.

Liberal lies and hypocrisy, the list goes on...

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Canada has higher greenhouse gas emissions because we have to heat our homes and businesses from this gawd-awful cold. That sucks up a lot of energy, even more than the air conditioners in Arizona.

How does that explain ours going up when heating efficiency in houses is getting better? Up 24%.

So you argument is we have had colder winters? What about that global warming.

I guess Kyoto will be easy then. It warms up, we heat less, we meet the targets in 50 years. ;):unsure::o

What has signing on to Kyoto done? <_<

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Canada has higher greenhouse gas emissions because we have to heat our homes and businesses from this gawd-awful cold. That sucks up a lot of energy, even more than the air conditioners in Arizona.

How does that explain ours going up when heating efficiency in houses is getting better? Up 24%.

So you argument is we have had colder winters? What about that global warming.

I guess Kyoto will be easy then. It warms up, we heat less, we meet the targets in 50 years. ;):unsure::o

What has signing on to Kyoto done? <_<

Liberals will always find an excuse, less they need us. I lived with a drug addict and I am telling you, they can't LIVE without their fix. Like Canada's Liberal Party.

I hope they arrest Chretien at some point...

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Guest eureka

You will have learned nothing from the posts so far except that the Conservative supporters are an appallingly ignorant and unthinking lot.

They say nothing about their platform except to give their seduction points names. They do not know that it is made of rotting planks.

Every one of those so-called proposals is the height of idiocy. It is economic and national suicide. They even think the looming catastrophes of climate change are a joke.

They applaud the potential demise of Canada under this Conservative party. This, of course, is a measure of the thickness of their heads. No matter how often it is proved to them that Canada is already the most decentralized nation in the world, they still, in Zombie-like fashion, continue to mouth the slogan of decentralization.

They repeat the foolish talk of family values not understanding that their family values are rooted in the destruction of a family's connexion to society.

There is just too much that is wrong about this brand of radicalism that they call conservatism that you will have to read some of the other threads to discover it.

Suffice it to say, that anyone who has the interests of the country at heart: anyone who has the interests of individuals at heart: anyone who does not hear only that they will get a tax cut to help them fend for themselves in an increasingly brutalised society, should be voting anything but Conservative in this election.

Make your own mind up about the Liberals and NDP. There is the true division between Right and Left. The Conservatives are simply an ephemeral phenomenom like the Harris Conservatives were in Ontario.

They will do their damage if given the chance and it will take generations to restore civility to society - if there is a Canadian society left after they have dismantled the federal government.

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You will have learned nothing from the posts so far except that the Conservative supporters are an appallingly ignorant and unthinking lot.

They say nothing about their platform except to give their seduction points names. They do not know that it is made of rotting planks.

Every one of those so-called proposals is the height of idiocy. It is economic and national suicide. They even think the looming catastrophes of climate change are a joke.

They applaud the potential demise of Canada under this Conservative party. This, of course, is a measure of the thickness of their heads. No matter how often it is proved to them that Canada is already the most decentralized nation in the world, they still, in Zombie-like fashion, continue to mouth the slogan of decentralization.

They repeat the foolish talk of family values not understanding that their family values are rooted in the destruction of a family's connexion to society.

There is just too much that is wrong about this brand of radicalism that they call conservatism that you will have to read some of the other threads to discover it.

Suffice it to say, that anyone who has the interests of the country at heart: anyone who has the interests of individuals at heart: anyone who does not hear only that they will get a tax cut to help them fend for themselves in an increasingly brutalised society, should be voting anything but Conservative in this election.

Make your own mind up about the Liberals and NDP. There is the true division between Right and Left. The Conservatives are simply an ephemeral phenomenom like the Harris Conservatives were in Ontario.

They will do their damage if given the chance and it will take generations to restore civility to society - if there is a Canadian society left after they have dismantled the federal government.


Your arguments are very typical of the anti-Conservative crowd.

The Liberal Party has hurt Canadian federalism and we may never be able to save it. Western alienation is at an all-time high. Support for Quebec seperation is at an all-time high. The number of Canadians who care whether Quebec goes is at an all-time low.

The Liberals have abused their power. They have abused taxpayer money. I don't hate Paul Martin. I think he is genuinely a decent person. But I hate Chretien and his supporters and cronies. And they are still in the Liberal Party. The Liberal Party bought several seats in Quebec in 1997 with dirty money. They have refused to say where they put the money. But there is no doubt they won a majority because of it. This scandal is unprecendented in a democratic country. It is unscrupulous and sick.

The Liberal Party does not deserve to be elected not because of Martin, but because of the culture of superiority that is prevalent in the party. These people really believe they rule by devine right. The Liberals don't care about Canada. They don't care about the Armed Forces, about protecting Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic, about protecting Canada and making Canada a strong nation.

Pierre Trudeau reportedly said that "Canada will be a strong country when Canadians throughout Canada feel an attachment to their province or country" or something to that effect. But neither he nor successive Liberal prime ministers have done anything to really strengthen this country. Instead, they have relied on anti-Americanism and Canada's supposed "peacekeeping and multicultural" status espoused by the old Molson Canadian commercials to keep Canada together.

But when you lie it will catch up with you. And the Canada of today needs a lot of help. I may not agree with Stephen Harper on every issue. But I think Canada needs a fresh face and a new voice. Too long have we had to deal with Liberal lies and corruption. I believe there are a lot of very good and decent people in the Liberal Party of Canada. But there is a great hatred and evil involved in the party and taxpayer's money is used without regard.

It is time for a change...it is time for a Conservative government...

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Lets consider health care:

Harper: (French language debate) We don't care if it is publicly or privately delivered, as long as it is delivered.

Martin: (Pre debates) Refused to agree to NDP demands that new monies (over $40 Billion) to speed up delivery of health care be spent in the PUBLIC system. ... (hence the withdrawl of NDP support)

Layton: (from the beginning) Financially support PUBLIC health care. Public monies should only go to private delivery when it is the only possible method of delivery.

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Lets consider health care:

Harper: (French language debate)  We don't care if it is publicly or privately delivered, as long as it is delivered.

Martin: (Pre debates) Refused to agree to NDP demands that new monies (over $40 Billion) to speed up delivery of health care be spent in the PUBLIC system.  ... (hence the withdrawl of NDP support)

Layton: (from the beginning) Financially support PUBLIC health care.  Public monies should only go to private delivery when it is the only possible method of delivery.

Canada already has private healthcare and a full two-tier system. There is no realistic chance for an NDP government. Our best doctors are going to the States.

What are you proposing should be done err?

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Before you go and vote conservative, do some digging into Harpers past points of view. There are speeches out there that he has made that clearly show his feelings towards this country and the direction he would like to see it go in.

The changes you hear him promising now are way left of his true beliefs and are only being promised because he found out last time a platform closer to his true feelings just doesn't sell in Canada.

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Before you go and vote conservative, do some digging into Harpers past points of view. There are speeches out there that he has made that clearly show his feelings towards this country and the direction he would like to see it go in.

The changes you hear him promising now are way left of his true beliefs and are only being promised because he found out last time a platform closer to his true feelings just doesn't sell in Canada.

And what are you proposing Honest Politician? I am well aware of Harper's past. And I am also well aware of how he'll probably govern.

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Guest eureka

I can't think of anything more naive and simplistic than the croes of "time for a change;" and the "need for a fresh voice." It makes about as much sense as did the same attitudes that brought in Hitler and Mussolini.

It is time for a change only when change will bring improvement: not when the potential changer is dedicated to the destruction of the country. Have you aske dyourself why the bloc can work with the Consevatives on its national agenda?

Corruption has been the part of every governing party and there was no more corrupt administration than the last Conservative one. There is no corruption toed to this Liberal administration other than to a tiny element in the Qubec wing.

As I have pointed out to all before, it was Chretien who brought in the election expenses act to try to stop the practises that happened. It obviously was not tough enough but no Conservative ever wanted such restrictions.

Trudeau did say that Canada will be strong when all Canadians feel an attachment to their country." There can be little argument with that.

Why then support a Conservative party whose avowed intent is to weaken the attachment and to convert the nation into a loose arrangement of regional powers?

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I can't think of anything more naive and simplistic than the croes of "time for a change;" and the "need for a fresh voice." It makes about as much sense as did the same attitudes that brought in Hitler and Mussolini.

It is time for a change only when change will bring improvement: not when the potential changer is dedicated to the destruction of the country. Have you aske dyourself why the bloc can work with the Consevatives on its national agenda?

Corruption has been the part of every governing party and there was no more corrupt administration than the last Conservative one. There is no corruption toed to this Liberal administration other than to a tiny element in the Qubec wing.

As I have pointed out to all before, it was Chretien who brought in the election expenses act to try to stop the practises that happened. It obviously was not tough enough but no Conservative ever wanted such restrictions.

Trudeau did say that Canada will be strong when all Canadians feel an attachment to their country." There can be little argument with that.

Why then support a Conservative party whose avowed intent is to weaken the attachment and to convert the nation into a loose arrangement of regional powers?

How familiar are you with Quebec? This province sets its own immigration laws (forgetting for now all the other regional power the Quebec government has) and wants ITS OWN SEPARATE POSITION ON INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS.

Does any U.S. state have this power? Does ANY REGION OF ANY COUNTRY HAVE SEPARATE LAWS FROM THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT??? This has been done by the Liberals in Ottawa and, on power, is seemingly an endorsement of Quebec sovereignty.

When will enough become enough Eureka??? When will it be time for another party to govern this great nation???

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The Liberals have abused their power.  They have abused taxpayer money.  I don't hate Paul Martin.  I think he is genuinely a decent person.  But I hate Chretien and his supporters and cronies.
We have to give Cretien credit for keeping us out of Iraq... Because Stephen Harper, if in power would have supported bringing lots of Canadian boys home in body bags.
The Liberal Party bought several seats in Quebec in 1997 with dirty money.  They have refused to say where they put the money.  But there is no doubt they won a majority because of it.  This scandal is unprecendented in a democratic country.  It is unscrupulous and sick. 
Whereas Mulroney was smarter than that when they caught onto the Airbus scandal.... Sue the Canadian government for $50 Million to stop the investigation....
The Liberal Party does not deserve to be elected not because of Martin, but because of the culture of superiority that is prevalent in the party.  These people really believe they rule by devine right.  The Liberals don't care about Canada.
And Stephen Harper does... When his "strong convictions" about abortion can be completely dropped because it will prevent them from getting elected.... Say anything it takes to get elected seems to be the CPC way... and all you CPC candidates, "keep your mouths shut about the plans for those freakin homos..... and the welfare bums looking for free abortions"
But neither he nor successive Liberal prime ministers have done anything to really strengthen this country.  Instead, they have relied on anti-Americanism and Canada's supposed "peacekeeping and multicultural" status espoused by the old Molson Canadian commercials to keep Canada together. 
And Brian Mulroney pretty much sold Canada to the USA..... If you read up on NAFTA, taxes are only a tiny bit of what it's about.... It's primarily about stripping our right to defend ourselves from being raped by Uncle Sam and the Corporate world that the neocons promote....
Too long have we had to deal with Liberal lies and corruption.  I believe there are a lot of very good and decent people in the Liberal Party of Canada.  But there is a great hatred and evil involved in the party and taxpayer's money is used without regard.
Lets start accepting CPC lies.... and they have plenty of their share of hatred too.... homosexuals, unwed mothers, unemployed, the poor, etc...
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