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Terminator As Governor/saviour ?

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Airhead Sheryl Crowe sums up the Hollyweird leftist set well with the stunningly intellectual song "all I wana do , is have some fun" .... Pure glorification of the reigning culture of hedonism.

Then she comes out at some awards show or other and calls on everyone to go join a peace group....

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Well typical left wing genius. Such clever nuanced lyrics, appeal to the under achieving set one supposes.

A big prob in Cali is like Ned said, the legislative branch will still be populated by a lot of Dumbocruds if Arnie wins. Reform will be tough but not impossible.

As a side note I like the way the ballot is structured 1. Do you want to recall Davis and if yes 2. Pick a replacement.

I have read upteen articles whining about the recall process. If Davis was doing his job it would not matter - over 50 % would pick a no recall on #1. The Fact that more than 50 % will pick the recall points to the significant problems that Davis is not addressing.

Plus Cali is about as left wing as you can find in the US, along with Oregon, NY and Mass. More than 65 % are natural Dumbocrud voters, this should give Moonbean Davis and his friends a sporting shot.

Even though Arnie trails in some polls i think by the election date he will be in good shape. People are holding off to see his platform.

With Art Laffer now in the group Arnie is talking economic sense. He has got to lose Buffet and showcase Laffer and Schulz.

Then he has a good shot.

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According to the polls I've seen, McClintock seems to have benefitted most from Simon's withdrawal. Arnie has credibility problems with really conservative Republicans.

At this point it woul seem that Cal Dumbocruds are ready to plunge the state permanently over the cliff into the abyss, as Bustamante leads with 35% to Arnie's 22%, with McClintock coming in at 13%. Ueberroth is at 7.

Personally i think that McClintock and Ueberroth are both better candidates than Arnie, and have much more to offer, but at the end of the day, even a poor Republican is a better choice than any Dumbocrud with a pulse. At the end of the day, all Republicans will have to rally around one of them, or Bustramante gets in, and business gets out.

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That is for sure Neal. Best Rep strategy is to give Davis more air time for his air head ideas.

Even California Dumbocruds doubt the governor can pump up party voters with his charge that the recall attempt is part of a national Republican bid "to steal elections" -- as with Clinton impeachment, Bush's 2000 Florida win and U.S. House remaps in Texas and Colorado. They say it's too complicated and he's too unpopular.

Clinton had a hand in the strategy. Big surprise. Why won't this fat pig farmer just go away ?

"I haven't heard one person yet who thought the governor helped himself" by his televised address, a top party politico says; other Sacramento Democrats watching Davis in a bar laughed, he adds.

Republican Leadership Council, full of Bush donors, plans anti-Davis TV ads before Oct. 7.

Bye Bye Gray. Let's hope Cheech boy does not get elected in place of Arnie's Army.

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No Republican holds any State wide office in Cali - none! This is evidence of the pathetic condition of the Cali Republican Party. Hard right, conservative, extreme right, all of these are used to describe the fossils controlling the party mechanism in Cali. And because they are the extreme, they do not draw the independent or cross-over voter. They would rather be "pure" than elected. They have been financing the Party there for years and believe because of this, they own it.

Arnold is delaying his campaign push, evidently upon the advice of his experts - but it is consistent with his methodology. The great danger is that people will have made a decision before he gets his act in gear. Overestimation of the intelligence of the electorate is quite as dangerous as underestimation.

Unless, of course, he expects his campaign to bring in the multitudes of non-voters. Half the electorate doesn't vote and if he can motivate even ten percent of them to the polls, he wins and sets new grounds for politics in America.

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Unless, of course, he expects his campaign to bring in the multitudes of non-voters. Half the electorate doesn't vote and if he can motivate even ten percent of them to the polls, he wins and sets new grounds for politics in America.

That's how Jesse Ventura did it.

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Well for the sake of the US economy pray that Arnie, or even Mickey Mouse wins over the Dumbocruds. What do the Dumbo's want to do ? -- Tax of course !! and Increase budget spend. What prolific genius !!

off the Wire:


Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante is proposing as part of his campaign to squeeze an additional $8 billion a year in what he calls "tough love" levies out of taxpayers to repair his and Governor Gray Davis's record budget deficit.

Before they let Mr. Bustamante and the Los Angeles Times raid their wallets even further, however, Californians may want to consult a recent study of state tax climates by the Washington, D.C.-based Tax Foundation. The study found that California boasts the second most onerous tax system for business among the 50 states, second only to that great role model of Mississippi. With the exception of property taxes, which voters limited through Proposition 13, just about every tax Sacramento levies ranks among the highest or most burdensome in America.

At $3,670 per capita, California's state and local tax burden is sixth-highest in the nation. That's far higher than neighboring Nevada ($2,742), Arizona ($2,677) and Oregon ($2,682 and no sales tax). Among Western states, Texas, Utah and New Mexico are even better bargains.


Got to love the Dumbo's - nary a brain in sight !!

But yes it is all about love - like in Canada - pay more, accumulate more debt, have nationalised day care even !! all because you dear citizen, we really love you !! [tears, sobs, CBC camera panning the kitchen where old people hold hands and cry thanking Uncle Ernie for his love].

Let's hope Arnie or even Mickey Mouse wins in Cali.

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Arnold better start to say something intelligent soon. He is sounding more like a Dumbocrud by the day. I hope his rhetoric does not reflect his real policy. He is sounding scarily like a blue tied Dumbo.

Bustamante has told Californians to brace themselves for "tough love." By that he means he will solve their problems by making taxation of the rich even heavier -- in 2000, almost 38% of California income taxation was paid by one-third of 1% of taxpayers. And by piling more taxes on those businesses that have not yet fled the state. And, oh yes, there will be cheaper gasoline prices when Gov. Bustamante, displaying insouciant disregard for the U.S. Constitution -- it makes the regulation of interstate commerce a federal prerogative -- imposes state regulation on the petroleum industry.

Ken Khachigian, a veteran Republican strategist, warns that Ahknowld should brace himself for what has become the Democrats' trademark tactic - smear and slander, especially since good ol Arnie admitted to orgies, drug taking and womanising during his period as a steroid popping bodybuilder.

Bush received such a hit in the final weekend of the 2000 campaign -- the revelation of his drunk driving arrest 24 years earlier. That probably contributed to an unusual development: Late-deciding voters, who usually break against the incumbent party, broke for Vice President Gore in 2000.

Get with it Arnie, ditch the Democratic platform and get some real policies.

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Actually, I have had my doubts about Arnold ever since he gave his first interview as a candidate on NBC (I think it was the Today Show).

I guess I have two main concerns about his candidacy:

1) His actual qualifications. From the outset he has been discounting the need for experience, since experienced politicians are the ones who have created the mess in California in the firs place. However, you still need qualifications to be a governor of a state - one of the world's largest economies nonetheless. Quite frankly, I have yet to hear him spell out those qualifications. I know he has been in business for himself. And he's a big-shot movie star and movie maker. But what makes him think he can make decisions that will affect the livelihood of millions of Californians?

2) His ability to perform as a politician. So far, he has talked in generalities and has given very scripted answers to very scripted questions. But can he think on his feet? Does he have some grasp of policy? Can he attack Bust-A-Move with any kind of deftness and slight-of-hand? At some point he will need to get from behind the veneer he has erected for himself thus far and prove to everyone he actually has what it takes to do the job.

He has to prove to people that he is not in over his head.

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I would agree - Cheek 'Bust a move' won't win, Arnie will, but Arnie as a businessman must state his case more clearly.

1. Lose Buffet, okay so he's rich, smart, and from Omaha [good christ], but that does not mean that tax and spend economics are smart.

2. Lose the Liberal mushy wushy. Be tough on key moral issues, stop pandering to soppy Libs who cry over the poor and trees.

3. Support business. Cut taxes, premiums, insurance and red tape. Get busy.

4. Cut spending and gov't employees. Target wasteful programs and fire 30 % of gov't 'workers'. Would be a good start and a good message.

In general, start acting like a real reformer.

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These poor sods in California basically being offered two poor choices, and calling Bustamoveamente a choice, is to use the term loosely.

Nevertheless Arnie had better start talking ideas fast, or he'll just re-inforce my view that he's just another liberal empty suit .

Unless he starts talking business, and moral issues, from a conservative view, if I lived in California, I'd have abig problem voting for him. I'd probbaly gofor McClintock.

And one reason Buffet gave for supporting Hitlery Clinton in her NY Senatorial bid was was that he liked her views on abortion. Just the kind of idiot they need advising Arnie.

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I agree, Buffett is a very smart guy at picking stocks and understanding the value of firms and what to buy. His strategy is pretty simple - buy and hold long term, high growth, or high dividend paying, or well capitalised market leading stocks. Buffett famously rejects technology stocks btw, which is hard to believe in today's age.

He is smart in many ways, but he is not an economist, not a person who understands free market concepts and not someone who can reduce budget size.

Arnie is using him one hopes as a sop to the left liberal media circus. He has Laffer and Schultz - both of whom are true Conservatives and Laffer in particular is a prominent supply side economist who in 1976 when Proposition 13 limited taxation levels was the only person who predicted rising revenues. The Left liberals cried that the state would go bankrupt.

Prop 13 increased investment, revenues and helped paved the way for 20 years of solid economic growth.

Tax, Spend, regulate and of course Slander - the Liberal program in summary.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bush is fighting a war not impeachment.

Yes spending must be reduced i fully agree.

Now with the moderate Reps and Dumbocruds assent to massive non essential, non military cuts ?

Tax cuts and growth will close the deficit gap by early 2005 as well.

Good try - do yourself a favor - don't discuss economics.

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Well Bush will win 40 states. This is why Hitlery won't run. Don't feel me please, i am not into gay contact.

As for Cali - the sooner Moonbeam Davis and his corrupt incompetents leave the better.

I prefer adults running large economies in place of left liberal clowns.

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Another good reason to end the reign of the DumboCruds in Mexi-fornia.

HitleryCare is alive and well in the Sunshine State.

There is a new "play or pay" measure which forces any business with more than 50 employers to buy health insurance for workers or pay a fee (read: a new tax) to the state. Already a debate is raging about whether this is legal, given that the federal Employment Retirement Income and Security Act says states don't have the power to regulate employer health plans.

If Davis does as expected and signs the health-care bill into law, he will add yet another stone to a pile of economic disincentives that is slowing growth and job-creation.

Well done Davis and the Dumbocruds.


A study by the Los Angeles Area Economic Development Corporation prices the mandates at $7.2 billion annually, with employers paying $5.7 billion, or 80%, and employees paying $1.5 billion. Business owners already labor under costly workers' compensation laws more or less written by the state's plaintiffs' lawyers, which is why the workers' comp "reforms" that passed the legislature last week do nothing to stem the litigation tide. These costs add up and have consequences.

It's also worth noting that when mandated health care has been put to the voters in the form of a ballot initiative, it has been thoroughly defeated. In 1992, Proposition 166, an employer mandate on health coverage, lost 68% to 32%. In 1994, Proposition 186, a single-payer measure, went down 73% to 27%. The far-left California legislature is trying to sneak it into law now that it knows Governor Davis is desperate to please any special interest willing to help save him from recall.

In this case, that special interest is Big Labor. It's no secret that the AFL-CIO's John Sweeney has made passage of this bill a very high priority. It's also no secret that California's labor unions -- everyone from AFSCME to the Service Workers -- represent the last bastion of solid support for a Governor whose approval rating is around 30%. Hence, the law exempts companies with union contracts and puts nonunion firms like Wal-Mart at a competitive disadvantage.

So once this is passed and HitleryCare is official in Mexi-Fornia you can count on the Dumbocruds taking this issue to the National level.

Hitlery lives on - the Gollum of politics and her dumb ideas, are still alive in the Dumbocrud party.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Another good reason to end the reign of the DumboCruds in Mexi-fornia.

Yet another reason, or should I say reasons are listed as follows:

-California government increased spending in the last 4½ years by nearly 40 percent, well above the 21 percent combined increase in state population growth and inflation.

-Gov. Gray Davis, who entered office in 1998 with a $10 billion surplus, just signed a budget designed to reduce a nearly $40 billion deficit, a deficit larger than the combined deficits of the other 49 states.

-As a quid pro quo for campaign contributions from state employees, California employees such as fire fighters and police officers can now retire as early as age 50, with 90 percent of their salary.

-The governor signed a bill to require employers to grant paid family and medical leave.

-Most California businesses saw their workers' compensation premiums double and even triple, while increasing payouts, despite the fact that the number of claims filed actually decreased.

-The state imposes up to 9.3 percent state income tax, among the country's highest.

-California's sales tax is 7.25 percent — the nation's highest — with some counties adding on even more.

-Despite the governor's declared freeze in hiring, he added 44,000 people to the state payroll.

-For the first time since 1940, California lost residents to other states. Over the last several years, many businesses left California for business-friendly states like Utah and Nevada, resulting in a loss, since 2001, of nearly 300,000 jobs in manufacturing alone.

-11 percent of California taxpayers — those earning more than $100,000 per year — pay 80 percent of the state's income tax, while the top 5 percent pay nearly 70 percent of income taxes, and just 330,000 high-income taxpayers — the top 2 percent — shoulder about 50 percent of the state's income taxes.

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Amen brother. In other words DON'T move to Mexifornia - unless your name is Juan Rodriguez and you demand extra-legal rights and money and you feel entitled to blame stupid white men for the world's misery.

Then by all means RUN to Mexi-fornia and join the mindlessness of Lie-beralism.

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We should RECALL Bush's position as well. His budget deficit is 12 x's greater than Davis' and that doesn't even include the war and rebuilding fees.

The sad thing about this recall is that these candidates are complaining about the job lost rate in California and forget that Bush's economic policies are a nation-wide trend in jobs lost.

One way the Repubs are trying to blame Davis for all of it and fail to look at their own party.

I'm not denying that Davis is a bad govn. cause it sounds like he is but, just remember, Bush is AT LEAST 12x's WORSE!!!

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What are blabbering about ?

A process called Impeachment removes the President - see your hero Clinton for details.

As for the rest of your rabble, here are a few facts.

According to household surveys non farm payrolls are up 1.2 million.

Productivity is up 3.3 %.

Profits up 5 %.

GDP growth at 3.5 %.

Dividend tax cuts have stimulated investment and the stock market.

The deficit will be covered with increased revenues.

What they need to do is to hammer spending - reduce all these idiotic liberal programs that cater to various interests and stop the Hitlery Drug plan spend.

California has none of the above listed positives. Not a One.

So what is your point other than to point out that you don't have one.

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On to more intelligent points. Here is a synopsis of Arnie's ideas at this time [WSJ Sept 30th]

-Indian casino's pay higher tax

-Would not allow any more general tax increases

-Constitutional cap on spending

-Independent audit and review of wasteful programs and then implement spending cuts

-No driver's licenses for illegals

-Supports Cali laws on greenhouse gas emissions

All sensible, albeit hardly revolutionary.

Middle of the road I would say. Especially the last point - considering Global Warming is unscientific i fail to see how this idea helps Cali.

But in any event, he is a far better choice than the Dumbocruds.

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You as a Bush supporter should not worry about Indian Casinos. Your president is lowering emission into our air and has a horrible environmental record in the name of special interests. His main special interest are the Cheney-involved companies to give 2 billion dollars to begin reconstruction of Iraqi oil fields etc while we, the tax payer are charged billions of dollars, troops' blood, and tons of alibis in the name of 9-11 and play like there are NO special interest.............

You are truly the pot calling the kettle black!

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The US is giving a grant - should i define what that means - of $21 billion to Iraq.

Only the Dumbocruds don't understand why.

Let us explain; this grant allows Iraq to rebuild its infrastructure and allows the US to go to France and Russia and armtwist them to forget the debts owed by Iraq.

Suddenly Iraq is debt free and can use the Oil to rebuild its economy. A stronger Iraq is central to the war on terror.

Or is that too logical for you ??

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