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Has Canada gone nuts?


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Glancing through a few articles I have come to the conclusion Canada is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

- An Ottawa university professor claiming the Clarity Act is not strong enough to stop Quebc separation and the feds have been 'asleep at the switch.'

Maybe it should be the other way around and Canadians are asleep at the switch and should have thrown Quebec out of confederation years ago.

- Ralph Kline pictured smiling with his arm around Beverly Jacobs at yesterday's first minister conference in Kelowna B.C.

I mean has this man come out of hiding so soon after insulting the official leader of the opposition Conservative Stephen Harper with dire statements concerning the upcoming federal election.

- Natives just won $5-billion dollar support package for everthing from schools, housing, to what -boosting accountability??

I always thought Natives wanted to hunt and fish and are not interested in man's modern ways. You know Natives are always welcome to move to the big cities if they choose instead of moving big cities out to the middle of the bush at tremendous cost. This is simply paving the way for TAX PAYER supported independent socities -who's next -Quebec?-Immigrant groups???

- Controversial Governor General Michael Jean who has been from the start dragging around her six year old adapted daughter -everywhere, even at her official swearing in ceremony---professional conduct -you tell me.

- Paul Martin leader of the corrupt Liberals demanding an apology from Conservative Stephen Harper's accusations Thursday when in fact it should be the Liberals apologizing and insisting Harper is right and correct with his accusations.

- But on a good note --Brian Mulroney won a successful Crown appeal and was shown that that allegations against Mulroney in the 'Airbus scandal' have no legal legs at all--it's all over for all you diehards who thought Mulroney was a guilty man in all of this.

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- But on a good note --Brian Mulroney won a successful Crown appeal and was shown that that allegations against Mulroney in the 'Airbus scandal' have no legal legs at all--it's all over for all you diehards who thought Mulroney was a guilty man in all of this.

Yep, Brian is looking good. I watched part of the CBC airing of Peter Newman's tapes. They made a big deal about all the expletives and how it would show the 'raw' Brian. I actually came away having new respect for him. I hope he wins his lawsuit against Peter.

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I am pleased to see that the GG's daughter is adapted (sic). Now if only you could adapt youself to an unbiased view of political happenings!

You're a fine example to follow.

"Any man under 30 who is not a liberal has no heart, and any man over 30 who is not a conservative has no brains."

— Winston Churchill

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You wrote- " I am pleased to see that the GG's daughter is adapted (sic). Now if you can only adapt youself to an unbiased view of political happenings.

I to am certain the GG's adopted daughter has adapted well to what I am sure the child must consider 'her adult lifestyle' that surely is cheating her out of what every one else expects at that age, a child's lifestyle.

We all age quickly enough especially without fast tracking a child into the ugly world of politics which could also be seen as exploitation of the child in an effort to buy public favouritism and support to cover her separatist allegations.

This post is to highlight the unsubstantiated, unpatriotic political situations that continually supported and are encouraged to unfold in this country and could very well appear to be biased to You as it appears you must be Liberal and cannot understand any Canadian wanting a sense of order, patriotic leanings and responsible democratic government.

It should be noted that in fact your post are NOT error free but most intelligent individuals simply adjust there brains to read the word the way it is suppose to be spelled and simply carry on without making it an issue.

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Glancing through a few articles I have come to the conclusion Canada is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

- An Ottawa university professor claiming the Clarity Act is not strong enough to stop Quebc separation and the feds have been 'asleep at the switch.'

Maybe it should be the other way around and Canadians are asleep at the switch and should have thrown Quebec out of confederation years ago.

You can always count on someone coming out of the woodwork and saying "Throw out Quebec".

Please tell us what makes you more Canadian than someone who lives in Quebec.

- Ralph Kline pictured smiling with his arm around Beverly Jacobs at yesterday's first minister conference in Kelowna B.C.

I mean has this man come out of hiding so soon after insulting the official leader of the opposition Conservative Stephen Harper with dire statements concerning the upcoming federal election.

*sigh* There's a whole thread dedicated to this, and most people who have posted in it seem to think that Klein was on the money with his statement.

Even KIMMY, a die-hard Conservative agreed with him, as did other Conservative members on this board.

Even if it turns out that he was wrong, he still spoke from the heart and said what he believes is the truth.

If more politicians did this, maybe politics would be a less dirty game.

- Natives just won $5-billion dollar support package for everthing from schools, housing, to what -boosting accountability??

I always thought Natives wanted to hunt and fish and are not interested in man's modern ways. You know Natives are always welcome to move to the big cities if they choose instead of moving big cities out to the middle of the bush at tremendous cost. This is simply paving the way for TAX PAYER supported independent socities -who's next -Quebec?-Immigrant groups???

I'll leave this issue because I am in partial agreement, and partial disagreement.

If I were to post all my thoughts on this, there would be no end to this thread

But your biases are clearly showing in the way you couch your words here.

- Controversial Governor General Michael Jean who has been from the start dragging around her six year old adapted daughter -everywhere, even at her official swearing in ceremony---professional conduct -you tell me.

Agreed, but for different reasons. Why isn't the kid in school???

- Paul Martin leader of the corrupt Liberals demanding an apology from Conservative Stephen Harper's accusations Thursday when in fact it should be the Liberals apologizing and insisting Harper is right and correct with his accusations.

Well, let's look at this statement, but not until after we look at the next one......

- But on a good note --Brian Mulroney won a successful Crown appeal and was shown that that allegations against Mulroney in the 'Airbus scandal' have no legal legs at all--it's all over for all you diehards who thought Mulroney was a guilty man in all of this.

So on the one hand, you're saying that everyone who thought Mulroney was guilty in the Airbus issue ought to now be eating crow.

Yet, on the other hand, you're saying that it's okay to say the entire Liberal party is corrupt because of the actions of a few of the party members, DESPITE the findings of Gomery.

Do we think this is a tad hypocritical???

Yes we do.

I need another coffee

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- Paul Martin leader of the corrupt Liberals demanding an apology from Conservative Stephen Harper's accusations Thursday when in fact it should be the Liberals apologizing and insisting Harper is right and correct with his accusations.

Yes so just and right, that the guy wouldn't breath a word of it away from the house floor knowing that a judge would take all of 2 minutes to determine that Harper is guilty of slander.

- But on a good note --Brian Mulroney won a successful Crown appeal and was shown that that allegations against Mulroney in the 'Airbus scandal' have no legal legs at all--it's all over for all you diehards who thought Mulroney was a guilty man in all of this.

So now nobody who isn't prosecuted successfully is guilty? I guess that means that Chretien was clean as a whistle? The standard between likely and legal is a pretty wide one. Not that you would care to make the distinction obviously.

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Dear Leafless,

But on a good note --Brian Mulroney won a successful Crown appeal and was shown that that allegations against Mulroney in the 'Airbus scandal' have no legal legs at all--it's all over for all you diehards who thought Mulroney was a guilty man in all of this.
Yes, Mulroney was as innocent as OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson. Note that Mulroney left Canada to go to the US to become a director on a huge multi-national corporation that was subsequently fined hundreds of millions for price-fixing.

Would the Special Olympics Committee disqualify kids born with flippers from the swimming events?

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Pocket Rocket

You wrote- " Please tell us what makes you more Canadian then someone who lives in Quebec."

Every one in Canada who is a Canadian citizen is a Canadian.

I am not any more Canadian than anyone else.

But when it comes down to federalistic loyalities and patronage to Canada as a country as in comparison to someone who patronizes their province as a country, then yes I certaintly can view myself as as a more patriotic federal loyalist and one who believes in national political parties concerning national federalistic goals for the preservation of Canada as a country.

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You wrote- " So now nobody who isn't prosecuted successfully is guilty."

When it comes to politics sometimes I suppose you can say that in an unproven form.

In Mulroney's case a court judge cleared him of any allegations after an RCMP investigation proved nothing.

This is unlike Jean Chretien who is not being investigated by the RCMP but by a Commission which lacks legal teeth to really anything meaningful.

I am no way patting Mr. Mulroney on the back but am simply glad to see this 'Airbus affair' come to an end after years of unsubstantiated 'hen pecking' which is fairly minor compared to ADSCAM anyways concerning the level of corruption and amount of dollars involved.

This reply could also address thelonius concerns.

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Dear Leafless,

I am no way patting Mr. Mulroney on the back but am simply glad to see this 'Airbus affair' come to an end after years of unsubstantiated 'hen pecking' which is fairly minor compared to ADSCAM anyways concerning the level of corruption and amount of dollars involved.

This reply could also address thelonius concerns.

Indeed, the most serious concern now should be: 'how do we keep it from happening again' (or at least 'over and over')?

Would the Special Olympics Committee disqualify kids born with flippers from the swimming events?

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Indeed my posts are not error free, Leafless, if you are talking of typos. Otherwise, they are models of perfection.

I am curious, though, how that links with "you must be Liberal and the rest of your thoughts that one must be anti-democratic for that reason.

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In Mulroney's case a court judge cleared him of any allegations after an RCMP investigation proved nothing.

This is unlike Jean Chretien who is not being investigated by the RCMP but by a Commission which lacks legal teeth to really anything meaningful.

I am no way patting Mr. Mulroney on the back but am simply glad to see this 'Airbus affair' come to an end after years of unsubstantiated 'hen pecking' which is fairly minor compared to ADSCAM anyways concerning the level of corruption and amount of dollars involved.

The judge did no such thing, he stated quite clearly that it was not proven that he was guilty nothing more and no it was not minor compared to adscam, in fact it was far worse. Mulroney who was from the day he became a politician backed by many extremely powerful lobbies in the US (least we forget flying in German citizens to vote for him on corporate dime thanks to a loophole in the law), the man was and is a worm. I don't know if he was any better or worse then Chretien as a man, I do know however that the Mulroney was far worse for the country.

Indeed, the most serious concern now should be: 'how do we keep it from happening again' (or at least 'over and over')?

I agree, which is why I wanted Gomery's final report a month before the election so the parties could at least make campaign promises around it.

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You wrote- " The judge did no such thing, he stated quite clearly that it was not proven that he was guilty."

Previously Mr. Mulroney launched a $50-million defamation suit against the Canadian government concerning a smear campaign led by Jean Chretien and the Liberals.

An out of court settlement saw the government publicly apoligize to Mr. Mulroney and pay his $2-million dollar legal fees. Later the RCMP cleared Mr. Mulroney.

In this case Ontario Court Justice Paul Belanger found there was not even evidence to take Eurocopter to trial.

This whole case surrounds contract fraud and the judge said "The criminal law does not exist to redress bad bargains or sharp conduct falling short of fraud."

There was no illegal behavior --This makes Mr. Mulroney NOT GUILTY.

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You wrote- " I am curious, though, how that links with " You must be Liberal" and the rest of your thoughts that one must be anti-democratic for that reason."

Oh, you must mean un-democratic.

Anyone I know does not support Paul Martin's appointment concerning the GG and felt the process ignored the provinces in the way of more suitable candidates for the role of GG.

I did not say you were un-democratic but 'appeared' simply more in line with Liberal ideologies than myself.

If in fact you do desire a more democratic Canada-good for you and so do I.

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Pocket Rocket

You wrote- " Please tell us what makes you more Canadian then someone who lives in Quebec."

Every one in Canada who is a Canadian citizen is a Canadian.

I am not any more Canadian than anyone else.

But when it comes down to federalistic loyalities and patronage to Canada as a country as in comparison to someone who patronizes their province as a country, then yes I certaintly can view myself as as a more patriotic federal loyalist and one who believes in national political parties concerning national federalistic goals for the preservation of Canada as a country.

Which is a feeling I had about you.

Good response.

But with such feelings about the preservation of Canada, don't you think it makes it pointless to say things like "Hey Quebec, get the hell out"????

That's what I was getting at.

I need another coffee

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You wrote- " But with such feeling about the preservation of, don't you think it's pointless to say things like " Hey Quebec get the hell out."

That's your quote "Hey Quebec get the hell out" not mine.

Yes, I do have strong feelings concerning the preservation of Canada but not the preservation of what it seems is Canada's national political sport 'Constitionial Roulette.'

No, the barrell has been spun to many times thus retarding the the advancement of a more prosperous buisness related Canada and leaves the country mesmerized with continual constitionial problems originating from the same source.

This is unfair to Canada as a whole and I for one would like to see this question answered via a national referendum concerning retaining Quebec in confederation.

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Last time I checked it was only Quebec who continues to threaten separation, and it is only Quebec who continues to send representatives to our National Capital who's only goal seems to be the break-up of Canada. I just wish they would quit whining and just leave, and on their way out they can make sure they take the likes on Martin, Chretien, Mulroney, Cotler with them.

I noticed that these separatist's don't refuse to accept jobs from this terrible federal government, nor does their separatist MP's refuse to accept dirty Canadian money in the form of salaries and the Gold-plated pension and benefits packages.

If they have such distain for Canada then maybe they should just restart the revolution. Sorry, they already tried didn't they way back when the good old FLQ was active. Well maybe they should reactivate, and try again. I mean if they really have the courage and guts for it, or did the last time make them crawl back into their holes, like the cowards they really are. Real brave, to have people kill unarmed people, but when the troops went in they folded like a cheap deck of cards, and some fled to Cuba.

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You wrote- "and some fled to Cuba"

This is partly correct and there was a reason for this.

Five FLQ terrorist were flown to Cuba as part of a deal for the life of British diplomat James Cross.

They eventually (I think) ended up in France and then returned to Canada some if not all actually acquiring high paying federal public servic positons.

This belongs in RIPLEY'S

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