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Hilarious Clinton And The Dumbocruds

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Howard Dean - a McGovern like figure - propounding national socialism and an awkward mix of socialist economics and societal demagoguery.

Hilarious Clinton, she of the Tolkienesque face, the Whitewater scam, the big profits made off inside commodity trading, and a book that makes a good paperweight, angling for the 2008 election.

The Dumbocruds seem confused - do they criticise Bush openly ? Is it the economy stupid ? Or did the buble burst under Bill 'get on your knees' Clinton and his mismanagement of asset prices ? Do they disagree or support the war against terror ? Tax cuts - do they loathe or love them ? Medicare - drug plans ? Support it or diss it ?

Could it be that Georgie has 'triangulated' the left with some nice political policy choice ?

Can Hilarious win her nomination in 2008 and if so, won't she get destroyed anyways ?

Tough times to be a supporter of the Trial Lawyer party.

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I like the name with which Michael Savage dubbed the Klinton woman: Hitlery Klinton.

I have diehard Democratic acquaintances in New York, who can't stand this pontificating midwesterner as their Senator.

They go on to say that she is so polarizing a figure that she could never win the presidency. Furthermore, when the US is ready to elect a woman president, it would be a conservative woman.

Unless the electoral college system is scrapped, Hitlery Klinton faces the challenge of winning the "red states". While feminists and liberals will put her over the top in liberal states like New york, New Jersey, Vermont, Massachusetts, DC, California, Washington & Oregon, the more conservative women voters of the red states would not consider her just because she's an outspoken woman.

But yes, it's a very bad time to be a Demoncrat in the US right now. It has truly become the party of the Hollywood avant-gardistes, and the slimy trial lawyers.

Unfortunately, in Canada, it's just as bad a time to be a conservative.

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Guest Black Dog

I was gonna reply at length but then I saw you were quoting Michael Savage (real surname: Weiner. I couldn't make that up if I tried). Why not follow that up with some choice tidbits from Mein Kampf?

Considering how the right-wing punditocracy (as personified by the likes of Anne Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and such) likes to accuse the left of resorting to ad hominems in lieu of resonable debate, it's refreshing to see the truth out: "conservatism" in it's current guise is a bankrupt ideology that espouses hypoicrisy, malevolant self-interest and personal vendettas above all else.

That said, the Democrats, by bowing to post 9-11 calls for "nonpartisanship" and trying to climb into bed with the same special interest lobbies that currently rule the Republican roost have turned themselves away from the people and into a pale shadow of the G.O.P.

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Guest Black Dog
Michael "Wiener" Savage is Jewish.

Your point being what? That Jewish people are somehow immune from harbouring or promoting hatred?

Here's the type of tolerance Mr. "Savage" is known for.

SAVAGE: Oh, you're one of the sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig. How's that? Why don't you see if you can sue me, you pig. You got nothing better than to put me down, you piece of garbage. You have got nothing to do today, go eat a sausage and choke on it. Get trichinosis.

OK, do we have another nice caller here who's busy because he didn't have a nice night in the bathhouse who's angry at me today? Get me another one, put another sodomite on. No more calls out of-- let's go to the next

scene. I don't care about these bums. They mean nothing to me. They're all sausages.

That's from the transcript of a recent episode of his TV show "Savage Nation" wherein he berated a prank caller.

Incidentally, that little gem led to his show's cancellation.

I for one can see a certain sick irony in a Jew spouting the kind of rhetoric that would be right at home in Nazi Germany.

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Well Hilarious leather face Criminalton gets a lot of press. She is the only star attraction that the Dumbocruds have outside of 'i am a genius but failed divinity school' Gore. Another nitwit. I dare say the Dumbo's better get some more money, some reasonable policies, and get organised or 2004 will be a walkover for the Reps.

I hope this happens so the poverty of liberalism is again exposed.

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Guest Black Dog
Well Hilarious leather face Criminalton gets a lot of press. She is the only star attraction that the Dumbocruds have outside of 'i am a genius but failed divinity school' Gore. Another nitwit. I dare say the Dumbo's better get some more money, some reasonable policies, and get organised or 2004 will be a walkover for the Reps.

I hope this happens so the poverty of liberalism is again exposed. 

Ad hominems, dogmatic assertations of idealogical supremacy, self-imposed blindness to hypocrisy and corruption=classic far-right "debating" tactics. Straight from the school yard and onto Fox News. :rolleyes:

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Ad nauseum defines your defense of the indefensible. The Dumbocruds and their trial lawyer friends [with Hollywood sluts right behind them], have the potential to destroy American values, commerce and the Constitution.

Why anyone would support a myopic party which has been wrong on every issue for the past 50 years, which is trying to socialise what does not need socialisation, which relies on slander [all republicans are stupid therefore i win the argument], which has 0 policy initiative, and which has no leadership is quite simply confounding.

The Dumbocruds offer nothing but boils, theory, tears and slander.

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Guest Guest
Ad nauseum defines your defense of the indefensible. The Dumbocruds and their trial lawyer friends [with Hollywood sluts right behind them], have the potential to destroy American values, commerce and the Constitution.

Why anyone would support a myopic party which has been wrong on every issue for the past 50 years, which is trying to socialise what does not need socialisation, which relies on slander [all republicans are stupid therefore i win the argument], which has 0 policy initiative, and which has no leadership is quite simply confounding.

The Dumbocruds offer nothing but boils, theory, tears and slander

While I am the last person who would defend the current Democrat party, it's abundantly clear from the above that the Republicans and their followers are completely intelectually and morally bankrupt. As agroup, they lack vision, integrity, leadership and conscience. The G.O.P is a party that has done more to destroy the Constitution, the social fabric and values of American society in the past three years alone than any other party, political group or foreign power in history.

The current administration and its unelected figurehead have:

Attacked and took over two countries.

Spent the surplus and bankrupted the treasury.

Shattered record for biggest annual deficit in history.

Set economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any 12 month period.

Set all-time record for biggest drop in the history of the stock market.

First president in decades to execute a federal prisoner.

First president in US history to enter office with a criminal record.

First year in office set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in US history.

After taking the entire month of August off for vacation, presided over the worst security failure in US history.

Set the record for most campaign fund-raising trips than any other president in US history.

In Bush's first two years in office over 2 million Americans lost their job.

Cut unemployment benefits for more out of work Americans than any president in US history.

Set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12 month period.

Appointed more convicted criminals to administration positions than any president in US history.

Set the record for the least amount of press conferences than any president since the advent of television.

Signed more laws and executive orders circumventing the Constitution than any president in US history.

Presided over the biggest energy crises in US history and refused to intervene when corruption was revealed.

Presided over the highest gasoline prices in US history and refused to use the national reserves as past presidents have.

Cut healthcare benefits for war veterans.

Had more states to simultaneously go bankrupt than any president in the history of the United States.

Presided over the biggest corporate stock market fraud of any market in any country in the history of the world.

Created the largest government department bureaucracy in the history of the United States.

Set the all-time record for biggest annual budget spending increases, more than any president in US history.

Faced with the reality of a corrupt party run by big business interests for big business interests at the expense of the common man, Republican supporters bury their heads in the sands of dogma, lashing out with tired, generalized accusations about their opponents. Republicans are also the party of hypocrisy, accusing the nebulous "left" of resorting to slander to win arguments, while simultaneousy perpetuating shameless personal attacks on prominent Democrats and their supporters.

In the end, top Republican figures, including the entire Bush cabinet, are as crooked a bunch as you could find in any third world dictatorship. They're screwing America over and you're too blinded by ideaology to see it. Talk about defending the indefensible. But then, your responses have already proven my point sin advance and demonstrated that reasoned, rational debate is beyond your capabilities.

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The only thing the Dumbocruds defend are Trial Lawyers and Hollywood Starlets.

Billy Clinton and his friends turned the White House into a permanent panty party.

Thankfully some adults are now back running the country.

The Democrats suffer an intellectual deficit - none of their socialising demagoguery makes sense. They are weak on foreign policy, the military and weak on economic prescriptions. They offer little but socialised health care concepts and more government intervention and of course politically correct rhetoric.

The Democrat disease can best be seen in California which is a thoroughly Democrat leaning state, now with a yawning $38 billion budget deficit, declining standards in schools and education, rising taxes and a sick energy sector.

Some of Cali's woes can be attributed to too much direct democracy. A lot of it is the direct result of Democrat party misgovernance and a poor lot of Democrat politicians capering around in Sacramento.

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Guest Black Dog
Billy Clinton and his friends turned the White House into a permanent panty party.

Thankfully some adults are now back running the country.

The Democrats suffer an intellectual deficit - none of their socialising demagoguery makes sense.

George W. Bush runs up the leargest deficit in U.S. history, oversees a huge economic slump and massive unemployement, blew the surplus and is generally mismanaging the States to death.

Bush lied to the American people and the world to justify an illegal invasion of Iraq. Bush promised he'd get Osama bin Laden "dead or alive": it's been three years and no bin Laden.

And yet some people still can't get their minds off of Bill Clinton's dick.

The trouble with so many on the right (as we've seen here) is that they are completely unwilling or unable to debate in a rational manner. In fact, the right wing mindset, as manifested by the G.O.P and its supporters, and despite its alleged emphasis on the individual, really about subverting personal opinions to a kind of groupthink, supressing dissent and singling out certain segments of the population for vilification. In the modern G.O.P and the current presiential administration we have the spiritual and ideological stepchild of fascism, a school of thought that exalts the powerful and encourages all to fall in line behind the party or the State and its various apparati ("you're either with us or aginst us."). This agenda is facilitated by unwitting dupes and willful idealogues, much as it was by the Brown Shirts in pre-war Germany and by Franco's Loyalists in Spain.

Which one are you?

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  • 3 weeks later...

the Dumbocruds really are good prime time comedy.

Graham one of the nobody leadership hopefuls wants to repeal ALL of Bush's tax cuts and increase spending by $800 Billion over ten years on social programs.

This stupidity is now being supported by 2 other candidates.

Dean wants to repeal all three of the Bush tax cuts, right down to the last penny for every taxpayer. In addition, as he told NBC's Tim Russert, he'd raise the income threshold on the payroll tax, another huge tax increase on anyone making more than $87,000 a year.

Kerry feeling lonely does not want to be outdone.

He'd preserve the Bush tax credits for children and marriage penalty relief. But he'd still repeal the rest of the Bush tax cuts, including the rate cuts on income, dividends and capital gains. (Apparently the Massachusetts Senator thinks no one in the middle class owns stock.)

All 3 Dumbocruds follow these silly ideas with bromides about 'Democratic values'.

They miss 3 essential 'values' of the Dumbo party:

1. Trial Lawyers are man's best friend.

2. Policy should be set by vacuous Hollywood Sluts like Sarandon or clowns like Sean Penn.

3. Lying and Slander is good especially when you don't understand facts.

I only hope Hilarious Tolkein Clinton runs against Bush. Would love to see how she looks as roadkill.

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  • 4 weeks later...
The current administration and its unelected figurehead have

Please present facts only. Unless you are the one circumventing the constitution by getting rid of the electorial college, Bush was rightfully elected. Recounts after the election have shown that florida's electorial votes were rewarded rightly. Please dispense with the B.S.

Attacked and took over two countries.

In response to attacks on our national security. I can give you specific examples.

First year in office set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in US history.

While on vacation, the only thing that changes about his job is his location. i.e. he still get all his briefings and such.

Look, I also have serious problems with Bush, but I can't stand it when some idiot gets up and starts spewing wrong stuff, or opinions disguised as facts. I could go on with quoting, but I won't.

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Bush was rightfully elected. Recounts after the election have shown that florida's electorial votes were rewarded rightly. Please dispense with the B.S.

Of course for one to accept the reult of the 2000 election, one would also have to accept teh pre-election purging of voter's rolls by Katherine Harris which resulted in more than 90,000 people (predominately African American) being stripped of their right to vote. Another 8,000 people were scrubbed from the rolls for having committed a misdemeanor. However, only convicted felons are suppossed to be scrubbed. Whoops. Then then there was the votes that were thrown away, the people who were blocked from voting, the partisan insiders working th eactual election, Jeb's promise to his brother that he would deliver Florida, the Supreme Court's unprecedented (and unfollowable) partisan decision... The election was a fraud from the word go. Read greg Palast's "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" for more.

In response to attacks on our national security. I can give you specific examples.

Iraq poised no threat to "national security". As for Afghanistan, why was there no action taken against Saudi Arabia, which has been revealed to be one of the chief financiers of the whole 9-11 operation, hmmmm? Wouldn't have nuthin' to do with the Bush connection to the Hous eof Saud, would it?

Look, I also have serious problems with Bush, but I can't stand it when some idiot gets up and starts spewing wrong stuff, or opinions disguised as facts. I could go on with quoting, but I won't.

Prove me wrong, sunshine. Prove me wrong. :P

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